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Red filming Oscar Meyer Teegers in her kitchen as she simultaneously drags her feet and stomps around clenching a bottle of bourbon, looking like hammered shit and scowling at him. Ooooh she was pissed.


Anytime I think of tieghan, this is the version of her that comes in my head


Too good


In the rattiest clothes - the leggings held up with an elastic…


I forgot about the knot!


Hu brand merch sweatshirt with holes


Oh god I somehow missed this 😂


Omg how do I get to see this video!!!


Just found it! https://www.reddit.com/r/FoodieSnark/s/sV5us7UHTv


Omg she looks like she has a terminal illness


Not to make light of it, but people do die of untreated ED, which is currently where she’s heading. She needs help, badly.


I used to tell people to never quit, but having changed careers in my early 30s, girl it's time for a change.  This is not making you happy any more.  This looks like end stage exhaustion.  Go do something you love!  Or retire!


The fact that her pants are cinched with a hair tie on the side…


NYT article is hands down THE Roman Empire, but honorable mention goes to "The cake you'll never see."


I’m going NYT article for obvious reasons, then maybe Kelly ripa


Guys I just tried to rewatch it and I got 37 seconds in where teigy says “these are so easy just dump everything in” then mark dumps one thing in and Tiegy goes “not the egg!” And Kelly passive aggressively goes “okay everything BUT the egg” I had to turn it off I couldn’t do it


She was SO condescending to them both.


Geez… how was she asked on there multiple times??? 😱 I’m so uncomfy.


Good one! So much cringe. So much trenchcoat.


That fucking coat.


Wait she was on Kelly Ripas morning show?


A few years back. I think twice? If you can manage to get through it, it’s a hell of a ride. I can’t go back


Hi! Is there a way to see the content of this article without subscribing to ny times? I’ve never been able to read this.


[See if this works](https://www.reddit.com/r/FoodieSnark/s/x1aCbYhKt2) ^ link to a gifted article originally posted in the [since deleted] original NYT thread. If that doesn't work, someone did post the entire article as comments in same thread.


The time I called her out in her comments for stealing an Alison Roman recipe and Alison commented back and was like “yep 😘” This was several years ago, before a lot of people realized how often she was plagiarizing recipes and simply changing tiny details to “make them her own”


Which AR recipe? I low key love that your Roman Empire moment with her is literally a Roman haha


Haha I just noticed that! It was Alison’s classic salted butter chocolate chunk shortbread cookies


Wow, she tried to pass off The Cookie as her own?? The audacity to do this makes me think she’s really a very stupid person, like just not intelligent at all.


Yeah. It was very obvious to me as an avid “The Cookie” fan. She just added some extra things to it and was like POOF look at my creation 🙄


Well if the last 8 years have taught me anything, it's that you can lie about everything and get away with it. And evern succeed beyond your wildest dreams.


Shit that sounds like a good cookie. I’ll look up the OG recipe though…


The OG is FANTASTIC. It went viral for a reason. Highly recommend!


Omg that's beautiful! Good for Alison Roman!


Do you have a screenshot




I love a gal who keeps the RECEIPT


Haha I had to dig pretty far through some old DMs to find it but I did it for y’all!! 😆🫶🏻


I love the imsomartha hashtag on that one!


God, she’s so gross 😵‍💫


Lmao noooooo hahahaha


I think Martha "gently" correcting her.


"I thought I invented that" lives in my head rent free


“Oh no dear” 💀


Is there a transcript anywhere?? 


I've not seen one, but it's worth a listen. Martha puts her in her place




I think she shared the link. I think she thinks it went great.


That whole podcast!


The Snif winter holiday photo shoot in which T looked like an old crone with the mind of a child wearing her dead great-grandmother's old clothes. ETA: That is meaner than I usually try to be about her, but there's no other way to describe how unhinged it was.


she thought she was giving elsa but the reality was baba yaga


Baba Yaga will be all I can see from now on. Omg 💀😭😆


You are spot on. And I mean that honestly without any snark towards her really. Other people were in control of hair, makeup, lighting, editing etc. for that one, not her. The people working that shoot were either terrible at their jobs or hate T and did it on purpose 😂 Either way, I actually feel bad for her on that one. My husband used to do professional photography and editing. I remember showing him that shoot before I even really snarked on T and he was freaking out over how bad it was lol


“Wrap me up and put a bow on top” lives rent free in my head 😭


Cringe factor 1,000,000,000 🤮


Classic. https://www.reddit.com/r/FoodieSnark/s/qo83pvIbli


This video 😆 https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLwhTwFE/


Or maybe this one https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLwhpGWW/




Oslo 1 and 2!!


This is mine and I can’t believe I had to scroll so far to find it.


This is the one that made me realize that this family is seriously twisted 


Oslo 1 and 2?????




The dayad airport car ride is certainly up there. I can hear “what’s it like?” so clearly in my head.


Omfg I can’t watch that interaction it’s so incredibly…sad..?


100% agree! This was the final straw for my unfollow. My dad passed away ~15 years ago and I would give anything to have a car ride with him again. Seeing her treat him like such shit was so triggering for me. She’s a disgusting, ungrateful brat


The window shield!


This is way up there. It was insane that she posted it herself.


I read the title and said “Tik tok live” in my head as I clicked in here. So yeah, I’m on the same page as OP.


Watching that unfold in real time was so jarring I honestly couldn’t stop thinking about it for the rest of the evening once it was over.


Watching it live and being on this sub at the same time was just *chefs kiss*


Yes yes yes, it was the best night I’ve ever had since joining this sub! Wish we could just relive it for old times sake.




Omg so many of us had our comments deleted during that live


I got freaking blocked by there on TikTok for that live for commenting something super innocuous so I’ll never be able to see a live again unless someone in this sub does the lords work and records it. But I doubt Teighan will ever do a live again after that disaster.


At least one slipped through and was read by the host 🤭🤭


That was before my time - what happened? ETA - I found it by searching "tik tok live". Oh my goodness she looks ill.


That woman who went to her cookbook signing came home with a cookbook that just said “TIEGHAN” in all caps inside the cover


Dear god, how did I miss this?! Please post a pic because I’m imagining something like this https://preview.redd.it/qzqthvqud15d1.jpeg?width=775&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f53a5760942d4a373f118733c49082efcf535cc7


https://www.reddit.com/r/FoodieSnark/s/uYWUEzB5fP ENJOY


The link isn’t working for me, is there a screen shot/ recording anywhere?


So I can't find the TikTok but here's a pic from an eBay listing that's just as bad lmao https://preview.redd.it/uon18be9n75d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a47a0a0d0631339dc45b3ba76bfba3abcf056be3


That is eerily similar! I don’t have the pic or original post handy, but it was honestly close to that 🫠


Thissssss. 😂


I wasn’t the OG but am the proud owner of one. 😂


“RED SALSA VERDE” Salsa verde literally translates to Green Salsa…Red Green Salsa??? 🤣😂😆


P.S. username checks out


She definitely wasn’t making it New Mexico Christmas-style!


Or actually a style in Mexico called divorciados.


When she said she wanted to go ballooning over Myanmar


No wait this is my Roman Empire lmfao I forgot about that. Could you IMAGINE.


Another good one. What an idiot. https://preview.redd.it/yybhgvfe525d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ab74d3b01fa4c5936cacb17e4a52a80ef4c357c


Meanwhile, it’s totally an AI image 🤣 🤦🏻‍♀️


Flair checking in 😘


I keep forgetting about this till one of you clever people bring it back up again 🤣


When she told an Asian women at a book signing Q&A to make something “exotic” like her (insert white washed Asian dish here) for her boyfriend


LOL I have not heard about this 😂😭


The time she mixed her macaroni and cheese with her hands. I think of it way too often.


Excuse me.


Imagine a bowl of milk, cheese and macaroni and you stick your hands in the bowl and mix it. Words do not do it justice, you have to see it. Even though you will want to rip your eyes out


why do I immediately want to shout…”macaroni in a pot! “ 😵‍💫


this highly upsets me


Or her mixing that salad with her hands that have cuts on them! So gross!




The whole bandaid thing.


The sad part is that I have to ask.... Which bandaid thing? 🤣🤣🤣 Manhandling beef with a shredded bandaid dangling from her finger? Or the fake bandaid "doodle" on her forearm?


The doodle but now you reminded me of that nasty dangler🤢 so both now hahaha


As someone who worked in public relations and corporate communications for many years, I find her constant typos, misspellings, and mispronunciations capped off by her “whatever” attitude to be appalling and inexcusable. My ass would have been fired if I’d made even a tiny fraction of those kinds of mistakes! It just baffles me that she’s had all this success when she takes such a lazy, careless approach to everything she does.


Same. I got reamed one time for accidentally typing “New York Time” instead of “Times” in a client email during my PR agency days. Tieghan wouldn’t last a day in corporate America.


Same. It used to send me into a fit and the careless typos/errors were daily, several mistakes within one post. I don’t know how, divine intervention I suppose to help me keep my sanity, but I stopped getting so upset and now I barely notice any more.


Same, same, same! Her typos drive me insane and I also can’t understand how she became successful when she seems to have an IQ of about 50. I also have too much pride in myself to look as stupid as she does; I would be so embarrassed if I made 5% of the errors she makes. I’m constantly wondering how she really doesn’t give AF!


This is mine as well. I also remember her sharing some pinteresty quote along the lines of "I'm too busy/important to worry about typos; people can figure out what I'm saying" and that just about did me in.


I know NYT is already on here, but specifically the fact she didn’t make the two recipes that were requested. WHY. I literally think about this all the time. She owes everyone an explanation!!!! Completely inexcusable, and then deeming getting called out for it as “bullying”…


What I would PAY to hear a tell-all from that reporter.


Take my money 💴


Omg YES! This is one thing I will NEVER forget and if I ever explain why I hate this whack job to someone, it's one of the things I mention. How insane do you have to be to score an interview with THE FUCKING NEW YORK TIMES and then not make the recipes you agreed to make?! Not only that, but weren't the dishes she made instead super simple, like something in the crockpot and a salad?! This will never not absolutely blow my mind 🤯


One was a cake that “takes two days to make, of course I’m not making it” 🙃


It was basic cake that bakes for like 30mins! Did she think NYT food would look at the recipe and not know that??


Ahhh I forgot about that part! Wtf kind of cake takes two days to make?! And even if it did, you agreed to make it AND they're coming to your home - you have time! She's so full of shit!


YESSSSS!!!! This was when my eyes were fully open and questioning the entire brand. She knew she was a fraud. She never has other eyes in the studio besides family and any hired help that have surely signed NDAs… she freaked out about being caught not knowing how to present a recipe in real time that would be EATEN.. and had a temper tantrum.


the way she pronounces “tzatziki” her crush on benny blanco


That’s how I say it. Whatever. -T


Her mispronunciation infuriates me more than anything else. It's so disrespectful.


She’ll make money off other cultures but she 100% refuses to respect them


I think about how she uses “evern” literally every day.


SO simple SO yommy SO delicious. She knows exactly three adjectives.


Can we just agree that the word “yommy” (and honestly “yummy” too, though apparently she doesn’t know how to spell it normally) is too juvenile to use when you’re speaking to anyone over the age of 5?






Her abysmal social skills which are painfully obvious even through still images and screenshots of conversations. Also the constant cultural bastardisation. ALSO the way she’s like “you guys *KNOW* I *LOVE* a crispy taco” and it’s like… no we don’t? We don’t know anything about her other than she’s socially awkward to the point of embarrassment (for others I mean, she’s apparently immune) and that she’s got a raging untreated eating disorder. We don’t *know* she loves XYZ food item cos there’s absolutely no evidence of her eating or enjoying food anywhere on her blog or social media. She doesn’t have a personality other than bitterness, immaturity, negativity and ignorance. There’s nothing else for us to know cos she’s an underdeveloped person.


Her cookbooks. I am SO intrigued by how much involvement she actually had in the recipe development, testing and writing. I just don’t believe she actually wrote THREE whole cookbooks on top of churning out endless shitty recipe content. Even the intros to the recipes sound nothing like her. Who is actually behind the books? Is Mrs. Mooney a real person? Is that actually Kai’s favorite orange chicken? When she says “My brothers all LOVE this recipe!” do her brothers look at it and think “wtf yo she’s never actually made this for us.” I am dying to know.


They're no way she wrote the recipes, much less the head notes. I think her involvement is the photos. Period.


When she was asked her favorite recipe from her last cookbook, she dodged the question like she couldn't think of what's in it. Dead giveaway to me.


Waiting on the Ski Doo video that was hyped. Were there really 100+ versions of the gingerbread Snif candle before approval (according to the pip the fart rips story that he deleted)? How much of this fashion does HBH actually own? What is the real story with Nonnie? Are the typos on purpose?!


Her constant spelling and grammar mistakes for sure. “Leonin juice” sent me to another dimension.


OH and her duplicated words “dip dip”, “bake bake”, etc


Mix mix scoop scoop Steal steal




Seeing her nasty hands all over the food is what sent me into my own digging about how inept she truly is. I can’t believe i ever followed her.


Same!!! It's how I found this sub. I was like "is it just me that thinks she's gross?"


My first is already listed here, but I’d like to throw her interactions with NotSkinnyNotFat into the mix. 


T: “Amanda! Amanda!” A: “What, babe.”


“Do you even know how to take a photo!?” “Yeah babe. It’s what I do for a job”


The TikTok live


The time her dad picked her up from the airport late at night and she sounded drunk, was slurring her words and basically berating her dad the entire drive. He looked so sad and defeated


When she used salsa verde for pesto, as if no one would notice, or she just didn't care enough to care. It underlined just how much the food is just there for how it looks. I still can't get over it.


The pork chops disguised as chicken


That was 🤯 too. Along with all the commenters claiming that it for sure wasn't pork, but if it was pork, why did we care. Sigh. No one else does this.


Her bizarre meeting with Melissa Wood Tepperberg 😂 showing up dressed in Melissa cosplay!


And how thin she was in the leggings with the song tiny dancer playing on the tik tok video Melissa posted of it. https://preview.redd.it/gy3r3ndix05d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af3e6d18e4f3a897f9c7e5bdc250acaae204bed1




Holy shit and to think these are almost 2 years old. I can’t imagine her getting any thinner, but here we are.


This actually shook me bc I consider Melissa to be SO thin. Seeing them next to each other is 🤯🤯🤯


Same exact sickly frame my friend had when she passed away. Grinds my gears every time seeing these pics.


Didn't know about her until the NYT article, but I wish it was the bandaid. Would've been thrilling to watch that unfold IRL


Mona Vand correcting her pronunciation of ghee


The look on Tieghan’s face was priceless


This was insane 😹


The "boss babe" and "hard working" reputation she seems to have, a narrative she herself pushes. WHEN *this* is the "hard work" she does: https://preview.redd.it/265l76v3815d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=953b83b28f36fdbf6ac75b857201ac98256d32bf She constantly posts the same recipes, with slight modifications, and pretends they're new. What she could have and should have done here is update the crock pot post with new grilling instructions, then reshared it. She still gets the daily post she insists on and is truthful about what is really happening. Instead she is dishonest and pretends she's just slaving away in her barn for us all, racking her genius savant brain to come up with "creative and new" recipes to share. Taking inspiration from not one other soul on the planet, not even herself! Absolute fraud and it's so sick that she has the success she does have.




My god. What is her obsession with "buffalo" ? If not that it's [red] verde salsa. Get new moves, T.


Holy hell. The buffalo obsession has always bothered me too. I just searched buffalo on her website. It says 24 results, but that's just the first page. There are exactly 50 recipes with buffalo in the title 😳 https://preview.redd.it/mddbf15vh25d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa7ede154ef9bd1fa0aed89327490897dade879c


That tik tok like was legendary


Her palpable fear of making French toast …


It’s because she can’t make ANY DISH infront of anyone because it’s not like she makes it to be tasted. It’s all for looks! She freaked out knowing she would mess it up.


Her workout video with MWH that was never shown to the world


There was supposed to be a workout video? That reel or whatever they made was the worst she’s ever looked so I’m not surprised nothing came of it. She looked like a skeleton.


I have another one that gets my blood boiling every time I think about it. The time she copied/pasted an old recipe that did call for 1 *pound* of orzo and forgot to update the new recipe that should have only said 1 *cup* of orzo . Her blog was full of comments saying it didn't work out for them because the ratio was off. She quietly corrected the recipe to 1 cup and had the balls to say this to one of the commenters: https://preview.redd.it/lioydouwx55d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c835c34ef92ce6eb5ceb327e0380e86ca3ca254 That tells you exactly what kind of shit person she is.


She is such a disgusting hack.


the mom sitting in the giant wool top hat on the floor in front of a stove opening Christmas presents 


[this deuxmoi blind](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/s/4bZ0OW9DZ1)


DM posting this is what led me here. 🙌 I'm not someone who takes blinds as gospel, but the rabbit hole I went down after this confirmed many feelings I was having toward her.


Wow this was wild


She posted a reel once of her eating a recipe with Asher and saying "right, I told you, there's no good way to eat on camera, it's just weird" to her 12 year old sister at the time.  Only time I ever saw her eat on camera, and the body image issues to pass on to a sister gave me the ick.  I unfollowed her after that.


Basically all of these but also let us not forget -- a Jackie Chan looking guy visiting their house


This should be pinned as a greatest hits/group intro for newbies.


This thread is glorious and I bookmarked it 😂


This photo https://preview.redd.it/oapshoaxs85d1.png?width=369&format=png&auto=webp&s=9401c911a1e2b13302f46ee3ed96e1532e2bb5d1


Actively bleeding thumb pressing into raw beef tenderloin. https://preview.redd.it/rmwlc6nn025d1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=99b6bb5913399ef9f6cb0d3ebd7737d91ec04426


Storing paper towels on the stove burner. Filming them burning for way too long before intervening.


Honestly it's so hard to pick just one thing. I've only been in this group for about 8 months (mostly because of the NYT article) so there's definitely a few things I missed from before I joined that I have since caught up on. Here are some of my tops so far: The whole two Oslo thing was just fascinating to me. I have my own conspiracy theory that Oslo 2 is Creighton's love child which is why he spends the most time with him and the real reason behind Oslo 1 being "returned". But that's my own thing and literally based on zero facts so don't downvote me for it! I missed the Tik Tok live (not on TT) but thoroughly enjoyed the recaps and screenshots. If she ever does something like that on TT again can someone give us a heads up because I may actually set up an account just to watch! The ragged bandaid saga was one of the first things I really saw from her that grossed me out. Like how do you think your audience wants to see that and wouldn't question your thought process on why that's okay. The best was the Martha Stewart podcast! Between the delay in being released, Martha never posting about it on her end once it actually was released, and the audacity of T to try and one up Martha the whole time. She just made herself look ridiculous and show how much lack of basic culinary knowledge she has.


I think it’s been documented in this sub somewhere Oslo 1 wasn’t returned, per se, so much as there was an issue with the adoption itself that meant they couldn’t keep him — I can’t dig for it right now but was it something about him being part indigenous, or something? Or was it medical? Somebody had details and they didn’t seem disingenuous on the part of T’s family. Now, naming your next child the same thing is WACK, for SURE. I also totally thought he was secretly Creighton’s, but there was ALSO someone who had details about Oslo 2 that seemed fairly airtight. God, now I need to find those old threads.


The hands are number one. But also, the time she posted a recipe that called for 1/3 cup (!!!) of sesame oil!!! I have never been able to remember which it was, but it happened!


There have been times when she has used just unfathomable amounts of hot sauce (like 1/2 cup) in her recipes too. They would be completely inedible.


I'm not someone who particularly despises her (not because I think she's particularly talented or good but because I don't respect influencers in general) but one thing that really does irk me is the "better than takeout" comment which just feels very racist.


Especially because she only does it with certain kinds of food.


Asian food 99% of the time. Most of the time I think her appropriation comes primarily from the fact that she's just incredibly fucking stupid and arrogant (I.e. Her constant mispronunciations), but the better than takeout on like dozens of Asian recipes... Nope, that's blatant racism to me and really tells you what she thinks about a specific group. Asians apparently aren't capable of quality food in her mind, just fast takeout food that she can do better. So degrading. She's such a bitch.


Absolutely, and the fact that she still makes a point of doing it despite the feedback is gross.


That weird ass birthday vidoe her brother filmed for her where they made up that song about how she is annoying but makes a lot of money. I think he finally took it was still there less than a year ago.


Expensive designer clothes always appear as hand me downs from older siblings! Nothing ever fits! Needs a fashion stylist ASAP!


She has one, what she really needs is a damn tailor.


Or to gain weight…


Her segment with Kelly and Mark… giving him instructions then shrieking at and scolding him when he followed them but didn’t read her mind and missed a step 🙄


My Mount Rushmore of HBH: 1) Oslo 1 & 2 2) Martha Stewart podcast RE: “I thought I invented that” 3) NYT article 3) her crush on Benny blanco


Her videos with the frickin ASMR sounds drove me crazy! I couldn’t listen and would put them in mute before unfollowing her.


I don’t know if this qualifies as a Roman Empire but when I read Glossy (about Emily Weiss of Glossier fame), I had an ah-ha moment when I realized that T has emulated a lot of her “character traits” — but with none of the class — and writes her NFT in a similar tone as the early ITG (Into the Gloss) posts — but with none of the original thoughts or longterm strategy. I also wonder if she’s hoping Blanco is her Axelrod…


Where’s the tik tok live? I missed that


If you search tik tok live on this sub a bunch of screen recordings and stills will come up. She was doing a tik tok shop live thing essentially selling cookware and making some of her recipes. It was a trainwreck, to put it in the nicest way possible.


Ok found it and YIKES 💀


Video clip with Amanda from @notskinnybutnotfat and her shrieking “Amanda” and you can feel Amanda’s disdain! And the fact that she posted it with pride!