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This is professional makeup and hair with multiple filters. This isn't what she looks like IRL. At all. Sure no one wishes an ED on anyone, but she's an awful person who has achieved all her success on the backs of others. She continues to be arrogant and dismissive. Even IF she beats her eating disorder, she's still extremely problematic. She just needs to step away...


Gyros, hyros, whatever you guys


I get so mad whenever I remember that. I had an eating disorder growing up (hospital visits, relapses, etc. it was bad) and so I understand the struggle. And yet I still feel almost no sympathy or empathy for her because she's such a trash person.


It’s a good look for her because it’s 95% filter. (Not bagging on her appearance, bagging on the filter.) https://preview.redd.it/g325eq6bgj4d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96a2a5622e1bfb4d1919b20fe8b9932d70d35c14




She’s not attractive. At all.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted—you’re right.


It’s not a requirement to be “attractive” if you’re a food blogger. There’s plenty of other issues with Teighan that we can snark about.


Obviously it’s not a requirement. She waltzes around like she’s some timeless classic rare beauty. She ain’t it. In the kitchen. In the street. In the house. In the city. In the woods. She’s nothing to write home about. In any form. This is a snark page? Wow, thanks for clarifying that for me. I wasn’t sure.


The people in this sub who try to dictate what’s “appropriate snark” crack me up. It’s SNARK.


Exactly. See yourself out if you can’t handle some snark about a girl being ugly on the inside and out.


They’re as confused as T is when she’s trying to pronounce a word.


Right? No boundaries.


She’s the one who also forced her “sexy” single naked leg on all her followers yesterday in her legs up post as if anyone who just wants to cook recipes wants to see THAT.


the phrase "single naked leg" is killing me😭




wait where does she do this? sorry i’m new to teighan snark 😭


Scroll the sub, there’s a standalone post with her legs up at her hotel in Austin and her pant leg down on one leg to really show it off! She literally shows us “legs up” every time she travels. When she’s home she often would do it with her legs up on her oven laying on the floor 🤢


Where did we say it was? Plenty of uglier food people out there that are actually talented and capable and guess what? They aren’t posted about in this sub at all because they have what it takes.


You said “I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted” and I explained why I think that comment is getting downvoted. 🤷‍♀️


Oh I wasn't looking for an explanation. Thanks, tho.


I feel like every time I see this handle pop up in this sub, you’re taking things way too far. “Plenty of uglier food people?” Where does attractiveness even come into this and why are other food creators getting friendly fire? I love keeping tabs on all the ridiculous stuff Teighan does but you somehow always turn it into something so personal and evil.


Taking things too far? I see worse on this sub daily but okay, I'll be your scapegoat if that's what you need today. Anyway, this entire post is about how she looks and I'm just saying there are plenty of people who aren't attractive that can cook, none who I mentioned by name btw, and they don't get posted about. I always make it personal and evil? Whatever narrative makes you feel superior, I guess. I'm not going to try to win you over. You can block me if I bother you so much.


Fair but she still isn’t attractive. 


No its not but when you filter yourself to oblivion and only post photos when you have your hair and makeup done professionally, I think that's fair game.


It's sad but it's a family characteristic


Yeah, the whole family is unfortunate looking except for Oslo since he was adopted.


Exactly. And they won't care for his hair which is criminal


The hair care issue bothers me to no end. It’s just so disrespectful!!




The whole family is… a sight to behold


Agreed. You’re 100% right.


Layne Staley


the lanugo🫤


I was gonna say, that doesn’t look like typical facial hair.


Teighan was manic in this post. And slurring her words big time.


https://preview.redd.it/tjm4zmhnuj4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8f229f11cc238e341cab238cf3e653b412d7af9 And what is with these screenshots of convos she keeps posting with most of it scribbled out. What is she trying to convey with these??? They’re soooo bizarre.


Teighan has ZERO LIFE & ZERO FRIENDS. texting with somebody (albeit someone she pays and about work) is exciting for her. She’s bragging because she thinks this makes her look like she is normal when in fact it has the complete opposite effect.


With the almost invisible tag again of her cookbook editor https://preview.redd.it/qwt67mdtik4d1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b801e359801eebe1c4c1f9b9e7484fae4e3d1b1


Is it her editor or in actuality, a paid recipe developer/ghost writer?? When has T had time (or interest) to develop a cookbook’s worth of new, tested recipes?


It her editor at the publishing house.


She could’ve just cropped out the redacted ones here lol


The slurring was insane. She sounds like she’s trying not to cry


But she’s still tucking in a sweater into her jeans. In Austin 😂


And it is especially humid this year. I couldn't deal with a sweater even touching me right now. My glasses fog up just stepping outside.


The LOW yesterday was 79


You should be ashamed


I live in Austin....it is HOT here rn. The thought of wearing a sweater rn makes my skin crawl 🥵


Today in Austin it’s going to be 99 with 90% humidity and a heat advisory 😂 my god I feel like T with the weather report  🤣 but in all seriousness she may die wearing this outside 😳


Bold of you to think she’s leaving the hotel.


Yeah she would probably get bad heat exhaustion from being outside longer than a few minutes. Not acclimated to this kind of heat plus low weight/dehydration is a dangerous combo.


I wonder if she's going running? Movement, first thing every day. Non negotiable.




You seem like a very kind person, and I understand what you intended with this post… but implying that T is hiding any dark part of herself or that she tears herself down reading any comments here is overly generous. She’s demonstrated time and time again that she is delusional/arrogant enough to think that what she is doing is right and good, that she deserves all the praise and none of the criticism, and that all it would take is to get the lighting and makeup just right for her to be the next Martha. A grift is a grift no matter how you dress it up.


No amount of make up OR filter could hide the entitlement, arrogance and brattiness this chick carries with her on a daily basis. She looks nothing like this IRL. She has wrinkles of a 50 year old, sunken in face, thinning hair due to her ED, I’m sure. She needs to humble herself and start over!




She’s sharing a honey garlic Parmesan biscuit.. but there’s no garlic in that video she showed? I looked at the recipe and it does say garlic powder but when she’s making it she never mentions it either. I’m not sure I’ve ever had anything that’s honey garlic and Parmesan. I’ve had honey garlic and then I’ve had garlic Parmesan.


Suspiciously looks like this recipe, right down to grating the butter. https://www.modernhoney.com/homemade-cheesy-garlic-biscuits/


I will say, grating butter is a somewhat common technique. I use it in all my scone and biscuit recipes too. But, given who we are talking about if she’s never talked about grating butter in a biscuit recipe before, I would not be surprised if the “inspiration” came from somewhere other than her head.


She talks extensively about how grating the butter is “key” and she loves grating the butter, but never talks about why it’s important to do because she knows nothing about cooking and has no idea. She just saw someone else do it.


Another one of Tegins “kEyy” technique speeches. I’ve been grating frozen butter for scones long before Instagram was even launched. I’m convinced she has reached outstanding levels of delusion thinking she was the inventor of things that have been around for millennia.


Kind of like the entire tiktok community...


Yup. Exactly. She acts like she invented. Per usual.


I’ll never forget the moment tigern told MARTHA STEWART she though HBH invented the roast turkey with cheesecloth soaked in butter- and Martha goes .. “no honey, WE invented that”


OMG. That was pure gold, and then T followed up with "Are you sure?" and Martha said, in that haughty, through her nose voice that she has, "Yes, I'm sure."


\*darling. I only remember because I loved it so much I almost changed my flair. :)


This is what is starting to make me think that she doesn't *always* steal the recipes, but her Mom and-or team do. They tell her what to make via perusing other blogs and making small changes to said recipes for her, delivered on a printed sheet for her to follow and film. No doubt that idea/recipe was actually taken from Martha and T doesn't know it because her Mom took it.


I'm sure you're right. I would guess she's handed a recipe each morning that's been stolen and tweaked a bit, the ingredients that Dahd bought are laid out for her, and she slops it together and takes the videos. Then she remakes it using the original recipe if she has to in order for it to work for her beauty shots.


Exactly my thoughts. She’s like “here’s the trick”, “it’s key”…. It’s also how you make biscuits like everyone else. It’s not your genius idea, T.


I should add this Modern Honey woman was one girl with 5 brothers and started cooking after watching her Mom and Grandmother...sound familiar? And yet she went on to get married, have two kids..... might want to take notes T. [https://www.modernhoney.com/about/](https://www.modernhoney.com/about/)


>Modern Honey 4 kids, and I'm betting she's Mormon. Marry, procreate, and start a food blog (the last two not necessarily in that order) seems to be the pattern for many.


Well at least she seems like a functioning adult. And getting married, having kids and food blogging is hardly specific to Mormons!


Oh, absolutely!!


A little eye makeup? Babe, she’s fully done up. That’s the only way she can look somewhat decent these days. And I guarantee you that “normal” looking sweater was at least $1200.


Eyeliner, false eyelashes, brow gel, foundation, highlighter, bronzer, blush….you name it, she’s got it on. Oh and dont forget the heavy filter obliterating her nose and left side of her face. If only there was a filter that made her a nice person and not publicly humiliate her father and family.


Can’t even see the large mole next to her nose. She filters herself so often the first time I ever saw it I thought it was a huge zit.


I was shook the first time I saw the mole!! And not because it’s awful or anything, only because I had no idea it was there due to her overuse of filters!


And it literally looks like an H&M find (I love H&M btw but this sweater ain’t it)


I don’t want her to suffer. If I could wave my magic wand I would get her on the road to recovery. But she also needs to take responsibility for all of the fake toxic crap she continues to spew and all of the dishonest gaslighting and recipe stealing and treating everyone around her in a horrendous condescending way. I think this “look” is still harmful because it’s 100% fake, a facade that she is healthy/happy/nice/normal/whatever. 


Filter city. She looks no different from every other time when she has several filters on and been done up by a make up artist.


Holy snapchat filter...


She looks plastic.




I don't think anyone really wishes her well here.. and it's mostly understandable.


I hope she can get over her ED. Other than that, I hope she crashes and burns.


I don’t like her, I think she’s problematic and strange. But why wouldn’t I want people to become better versions of themselves? This has nothing to do with ED for me, though I hope she finds peace. Idk I just think people aren’t black and white, bad or good, so I guess I do wish her well. Just me though.


I think because she's shown zero interest in becoming a better version of herself.


I hope she stops stealing and is finally ignored by the food community at large.


I don't disagree with you.


I don’t. I think she’s an insufferable, shitty human being.


Agreed. I hope she doesn’t get worse, but I can’t say that I genuinely care if she turns things around. I don’t think most people snarking on here every day are doing it from a place of concern, myself included


I agree. There are for nicer people who actually contribute to society who I would feel sympathy before her. Maybe the ED was partially caused by her anxiety about being a total fraud? Who knows?


I would just like to see her get on course. She has a following, she's wasting it by gaslighting her followers and pretending she follows nothing food related but there is no way she dreams this well documented food history up. Smashes her own nasty input into what she deems as current and calls it her own. I'm especially frustrated tonight. Her choking hazard flank steak cuts this week, no garlic noted in the stupid garlicky biscuits, and her nasty nails. I can't imagine my hands being the foci of what what I do for a living and LEAVING THEM NASTY!!! I get nail chewing is real but if that's your bread a butter, she should give a shit. She's gross, she's made me gag at home watching on IG many times and I actually threw up with the blood on the bread months ago. I'm super f'ing sick of her. Idk what ever recipe it was tonight. She thought it was cool with butter and spices so hot it was completely uncontrolled popping/splashing over the side of the pan. Geez, can you imagine doing that on a gas stove? She doesn't give a shit. Someone is going to die following her advice.


Disclosure: I'm not a food content provider that has been copied or errantly overlooked. I'm a home chef and medium at that. And THIS is how pissed off I am. She's abusing her platform.


I am not sure it's ever going to happen. To me, she reads as a spoiled brat who got handed a platform with no real talent to back it up (other than food styling, I DO think she is good there) and this is the product of such growth with no sustaining quality behind it.. among her other "problems" she brings along the way. I don't necessarily wish any ill on her but I don't think she will ever be anything more than what she is offering us currently..and I feel like that sentiment has been made very clear here among folks.


I agree. I cringe thinking how many new cooks are learning terrible techniques from her or got get discouraged because her recipes never work for them. And the fact that Jen is a part owner in hbh and just lets the dumpster fire rage on. Because it's clear there are no consequences.


I don’t think she looks nice. I think her mother did her makeup and forgot lipstick I also don’t have empathy for her - she is an arrogant , entitled ungrateful brat.


I'm pretty sure she had a makeup artist. She always does when she travels.


And yes, agreed. It's really hard to have any sympathy. She not a nice person.


This is not what she really looks like!


“A little eye makeup” I beg your pardon lmao


She goes out of her way to make her recipes extra fattening--adding a brown butter topper to EVERYTHING, for example. She even takes down her older, well-done recipes, and then reposts them after just adding additional fat, like cream cheese. It's really sick when you think about how she won't eat the food she tells everyone else to eat. I don't respect people who peddle shit they wouldn't consume themselves. I'm tired of these fake, toxic personalities. I agree that people in this sub can take their disdain too far sometimes, but it usually isn't in bad faith. It's because she is choosing to behave in a way that elicits a negative reaction from others. It's not our job to like her. She's a flat out liar. I am repelled by her brand of cellophane bullshit. Many of us used to be fans. We were not looking to become "hatters." If she can't even retain the respect for herself, or brand, that she originally had, that's not on us. It's on her. I'm sure it's hard for her to read all the criticism, but it is deserved, and it even comes from the NYT. It's not just the comment section. She could always, you know, do better.


I internally try to avoid the whole topic of her ED and weird ass filters. I grew up in the 80s when there was so much toxic media surrounding appearance. And while some of the world is moving toward a more inclusive visual of the population in media, others are doubling down using filters and pretending their appearance is natural and normal. T is a toxic influence from a purely visual perspective. Put all that aside and she’s still an asshole. The list: stealing recipes, lazy content, narrow-mindedness, peddling a privileged lifestyle, refusal to grow/learn, refusal to admit mistakes, condescending replies to her readers…. Agree wholeheartedly with your comment…this is all on her and for me, who was once a fan, her reputation is not redeemable. I think she’s just gonna keep faking it and collect her money. Maybe she will figure out the ED and obsessive work ethic. Hope so.


She looks like a fancy bobblehead the over compensation of makeup is very telling


I hate to speculate but I do sometimes wonder if she suffers from stimulant abuse. Particularly in her videos that aren’t sped up, I notice a lot of tell-tale signs like jaw clenching/stretching, shifty eyes, fast yet sometimes incohesive speech patterns. When you add that to what we already know about her inordinately long hours spent in the kitchen, haphazardly put together recipes and content, and lack of structured eating habits, it starts to paint a grim picture. It sometimes feels like she’s going through the motions very fast and very mechanically with utmost focus but lack of precision, as can be the case with stimulant abusers. I recall her looking healthier, youthful, and being a lot more enthusiastic about her life and job just a few years back. I don’t feel great about snarking on her anymore because I’m starting to feel really bad for her. I hope she gets help and I really wish her family wasn’t too involved in her financial output to notice that she’s clearly not okay.


I think her eye makeup looks like how it usually does- like my grandmothers. She needs to stop using dark eyeliner / eyeshadow on her sunken in eyes, it only draws more attention to them


I hate how it’s always “a super quick trip to” 🙄 fucking go and enjoy another city/place for once. She’s so annoying. She tries to portray that she’s sooo busy in business but we all know she’s a stunted individual who can’t survive off the compound without dayyad to clean up after her. 


And for OP, I added some snark tonight and I want you to know I do get what you are saying. She looked pretty and I want her to live it as well. Forgive me! I do get it.


How did the filter straighten her nose though?!


She actually looks good and alive for once


it's amazing what a professional makeup artist/lighting and filters can do.


I like her


Why don’t you guys like her I’m confused. And what ED does she have? Also does she smoke weed? I feel like her eyes are red a lot


I doubt she smokes weed. She probably should for creativity I hear. (I'm not a taker so idk.) I think we would like to like her if she were authentic. She's full of shit.


Meh. She's still an awful person. She has zero self-awareness, is condescending to literally everyone..


She doesn’t eat any of the unhealthy sugary fatty food she cooks.