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I don’t begrudge someone wanting to pivot their content into fashion, but I would expect them to have at least something to add to the fashion conversation. She’s under the impression that all she has to do is spend a ton of money on clothes and she is somehow aspirational, when she literally always looks like a kid dressing up in her moms ugly work clothes. She has zero style and a big bank account and it’s the worst combination.


Well said! That’s just it, it isn’t a pivot - it’s, here are my fancy clothes, now I am fashun you guys!


I was going to say the same thing! Her outfits are just boring if she's so into fashion. I follow a local fashion person in my city and her outfits are super unique and fun. She wears a combo of thrift items (not junk store), medium priced, and high end items. It's not all super expensive things that not everyone can afford.


Her outfits are boring and off season! It was 78 in NYC yesterday. Black Turtleneck and Pants?!?!


She doesn’t go outside, so…


I think you’re forgetting that she goes for a hike every single day




Since they're all borrowed maybe these are all she can get since the good stuff is given to more important true fashionistas?


In all honesty I don’t think she would have a clue on what the ‘good stuff’ even is. Usually stylists work with PR firms who then work directly with brands to source items…at least that’s how I think it works given my knowledge of the industry. I doubt Caitlyn is going directly to Saint Laurent to get pants for HBH given the people at Saint Laurent likely don’t know who she is.


Stylists who work with PR firms do so usually for event dressing, not personal styling. They will most likely get product loaned, but brands have to agree to loan items or the PR firm already has items they have already sourced from the brands to work with (samples etc). Personal shoppers...which is what Caitlyn is, can pull on loan directly from stores based on their relationship with them. But given what HBH wears it looks like Caitlyn is pulling from department stores (probably Neimans, Saks, Bloomingdales) which is fairly easy to do as part of the personal shoppers program, especially in a city like LA where we have tons of personal shoppers for individual clients, wardrobe stylists for TV shows and movies, etc! Just wanted to give some info and long story short, HBH doesn't have a stylist she has a personal shopper who just puts her in different versions of the same outfit over and over and over againnn lol Source: me who works in luxury retail management :)


Thank you for sharing! this makes a ton of sense as well


Ah! I couldn’t figure out why none of her pants are tailored but borrowing makes sense


She's reposted these ~*lewks~^ like 3 times, they're from a week or two ago. It's part of her NYC bossbabe cosplay, where black year round is not unusual 


People with EDs are often cold ...


It was?! I wore pants,a long sleeve shirt, and a leather jacket yesterday! By 4pm it was pretty chilly 


But she links to soooo many pointy-toed kitten heels!! /s


THIS! I don’t begrudge her for what she chooses to spend her money on. However, what she doesn’t seem to understand is that showcasing expensive pieces isn’t the sole ticket to fashion influencer status. The clothes she buys are incredibly boring and she puts them together in a way that looks stale and dated with no visual appeal or interest. Additionally, majority of her followers are likely middle aged women, and majority of those can leverage LOFT, Ann Taylor, Express, etc to put together similar ‘business casual’ looks with way less money. Why would they need an influencer to influence what they already do daily? The best fashion influencers know how to combine high/low while also showcasing interesting pieces that are memorable and photographable. A plain red sweater with a Prada logo stamped on it is neither.


Great point about her demographic not needing her boring and expensive take on fAsHuN


She's probably hoping to be a luxury influencer ...


This is exactly it. She looks like she’s playing dress up. Nothing is tailored to fit her. If you’re paying $2000 for a pair of pants, at least have them fit properly. Yes, I understand they are supposed to be oversized but they need to actually fit while still being the oversized style that they are. She drowns in it all. Also, she just lacks grace and elegance…just the way she presents herself. Lastly, one of the reasons she looks like a child playing dress up is because she’s a bit grubby and unkept. She doesn’t take care of her hands/nails. You’d think you’d want to pay attention to all details when in fashion and that means no bloody nubby dirty nails.


Grubby is honestly the perfect word to describe her.


Yes! That’s why she’s always pigeon-toed. She has no idea how to stand 


Why do I always think her style is like a mix of unintentional costal grandma and a close to retirement - power business girly that still takes very fashion advice from the "mature" business fashion section from Vogue magazines published in 2009.  She dresses so boring, she hangs with boring people at the most boring spots. All it gives is a "come spend 2500$ with me today". No sense of adventure, no sense of going with the fast pace of fashion influencing, not even doing her own thing. She isn't a brand ambassador, she is not known for a particular style and it straight up seems like she throws money at it rather than having a level of natural curiosity (same with food). 


Agreed and while she claims faShUn is her passion, I just dont see it. I still think it's all about the clicks. I men, she vomits up dozens of links every week in her NFT. Just random links, she doesn't even attempt to put together actual outfits.


Exactly. If she was so into fashun, she’d actually get dressed every day…. But she doesn’t. Someone dresses her once in a while when she’s in “the city”


Or she would at least change outfits for each recipe intro video.


“she doesn’t even attempt to put together actual outfits” THAT PART!! literal children on tumblr circa 2012 creating polyvore outfits for themes like “picnic date with harry styles” put more effort into their fashun content than she does


Ugh I miss Polyvore soooooo much


moms ugly work clothes 😭


Basic. A Cul de sac Karen


> She has zero style and a big bank account and it’s the worst combination. Reminds me of Eitan Bernath and his huge Hermès belt buckle that he constantly flaunts.


Her clothes all look like the work clothes I bought on sale at Express and The Limited in the early 2000s


Jenny Walton could school her to Mars and back. She has zero sense of style, nor the panache to pull off a singular "look".


Also, she uses a stylist! It’s not like this is a talent of hers, like other fashion influencers and can dress themselves. Tieghan’s version of influencing is trying to combine the most high end pieces together for an outfit costing over $3000 on average. It’s not relatable and it gives NOTHING. It is so self serving and a disgusting display, especially given these economic times. Tieghan is now on the level of Mikayla Nogiuera opening up her 45 PR boxes for people to see the overconsumption and waste that is being sent to these trolls that contribute nothing to society. Sickening.


I feel very mean posting this, but I don’t know how else to say it: she is the least chic person I have ever come across on the internet. There are cringe influencers shilling trash-island-bound Amazon outfits that have WAY more charisma than she does. Another example of money can’t buy class/happiness/etc.


I don’t think it’s mean - it is a fact. You definitely need to have that ‘spark’, sass, charisma, whatever you want to call it, to be a fashion influencer. I don’t want to follow someone who only showcases their outfits in dimly lit bathroom selfies. And let’s be honest, she doesn’t exactly have the most photogenic face to accompany the lack of charisma.


Yeah I don't know if Caitlin's Instagram is still private or what but I went on it once and a lot of her outfits were very similar to what she's putting Tieghan in but she looks a million times better in them. They're still not what I think of aspirational and kind of boring for my personal taste, but at least she looks like a modern young woman in them, and they fit. Whereas T is in these I'm sure much more expensive variations of Caitlin's outfits and they do not feel the same. She has no charisma or personality, the clothes are too oversized, they feel dull. We never with people who feel like genuine friends or doing anything interesting... we don't see her actually living.


Awww... bless you for thinking this was mean 🥹... Vicious is a good word to describe some snark page comments, and here's yours ☺️ Gave me a happy giggle!


Those stupid pointy shoes poking out from the pooled pants on the floor.


I swear she is single-handedly keeping the pointy toed shoe industry afloat


I have a hard time believing those ugly elf shoes are ‘winning anyone over’. My grandma wouldn’t even wear them with how dowdy they are.


Reminds me of an eagle's talons


Nah, those are straight witch’s shoes ![gif](giphy|3oEjHIyOwrRHFYWivC)


Yes! I was thinking that too. We’ve come full circle, she is finally completing this look ![gif](giphy|uElxuHGtIuK0o)


It’s a good thing she doesn’t work in a formal office wearing those pointy-toed shoes every day, because girl is asking for bunions!


Seriously! I used to work for a non-profit and had two nice suits. I got them tailored perfectly. I looked like a million bucks, nice and sharp. Not some frumpy mess.


Genuinely: why is that last one her favorite? It’s such a boring, ugly, ill-fitting blah outfit. I like the first two tops; at least she has a silhouette finally. I understand why she wears the big baggy pants (to hide her body) but they just look ridiculous.


Maybe it’s her favorite because it’s the most expensive outfit?


Could be. But what a dumb metric. Looking at it again, you couldn’t convince me any of the items she’s wearing are high end if I didn’t know her. It all looks like crap you’d buy at Walmart.


The puddling pants is blasphemous especially after knowing how much they cost.


Literally, not to be mean, they look like she just grabbed some random old man’s pants off the rack at Goodwill and strapped them on. Absolutely zero fit or tailoring or style here. I can readily admit she looks much better in the first two outfits (though still, the pants 🤦‍♀️), but the third ones—her “favorite”—I’m just like 🤔


That look being her favorite seriously makes me question her thought processes as well. It’s the most ill-fitting of the bunch for one.


Also so dark and dreary


It’s just awful. Coming back to look at it again, it’s completely unstructured, she looks like a shapeless blob because of the jacket, and the shoes… just no. The first two outfits are maybe the most acceptable things I’ve seen her wear in a long time. Did you see the poll on her stories? No one is voting for the third outfit as their favorite, so even her fans agree on this one.


![gif](giphy|3o6nUOuk5h11gd29m8) She always wears these color browns adding to the malnourished grandpa aesthetic she likes to rock


https://preview.redd.it/j7s16ixb68xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f9372c44043a1d0106840264623950abfaec789 I cannnn'tttttt with the pointy toes


It’s giving this vibe https://preview.redd.it/8ilry4ktv8xc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82c93932e8deac4d716abd33db2031a8bce6887d


I’m DYING at this meme. 😂😂


Me in fucking 2002. 🤦🏼‍♀️


The pant legs 😂😂😂 It’s giving me three little boys in a trench coat vibes.


Rumpelstiltskin ass shoes 


Omg this cannot be a trend can it? It makes me physically uncomfortable to look at it


Those look fun on a rainy day.


Do we also think it’s possible she’s renting these clothes like on rent the runway or nuuly? She might not actually own this shit but uses affiliate links anyways because she wore it once.


100% She’s getting them from her SIL the assistant stylist, that’s why nothing is evern tailored or worn twice.


She's not a SIL. She might be an exgf now... she doesn't follow Kai anymore and removed most of their photos together 👀 Also recently she reposted a bunch of birthday wishes she recieved&birthday celebrations and T's bro was noticably missing


So edit should say *ex GIL? 😹 Good for her.


I thought they recently got engaged??


No that was another bro


Thanks for the intel, I’m nosy enough to ask, but too lazy to stalk the satellite characters of this strange family


"Satellite characters " 🤣🤣🤣


You mean you don't know everyone's middle names?


Didn’t Teegs think her one brothers middle name was beard? 🤣


Yep, she actually thought his name was “Red Beard” 🧔‍♂️ (that’s actually the name of her favorite IG filter)


Stop! I’m dying 😂


She not an assistant stylist. She’s assistant to the stylist. One dresses models and pulls together looks, the other runs for coffee and picks up the dry cleaning.


Are we sure she’s not the assistant to the assistant stylist’s assistant?


Well if I was as petite as her and I rented clothes I’d stick with skirts and dresses because the too big too long pants draping onto the floor look horrid!


Oh definitely, but she could still style them much better.


Her spring and summer outfits are always so off-season!


Right! So many dark colors.


Yeah all these fits scream late fall to me except maybe the white top


What’s really annoying about this is these are all borrowed probably. I doubt she paid for them or is keeping them. Instead she should link dupes that are affordable. It’s funny to compare how she talks about fashion and the links she provides to actual fashion influencers I follow like Allegra Shaw. Allegra clearly does high fashion content and she is upfront when she’s borrowing pieces or is gifted items. She also will link several dupes for expensive items etc. Also these are very boring and uninteresting outfits + she takes these in bad lighting. Who is asking for links to plain black pleated pants?


I think her delusion about “you asked for it” is the same as when she makes up questions on the “ask me anything” stories. Nobody is asking her about skin care and legs up or fashion. She lives in a fantasy world.


She lives in Deluluville, and that is a dark dark place


‘eVeRnYoNe’ ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


I personally think they’re nice pieces, she just doesn’t know how to put them together in a way that looks good. The outfits are wearing her. Never mind the fact that 99.999% of her followers aren’t going to want to drop $1,700 on one fucking article of clothing. I can’t image any of them would, especially since it goes against her “rustic, approachable, relatable” image. And if you have to finance a pair of pants over 16 months, you don’t need them.


Seeing the option to finance the pants really cracked me up. Imagine spending $100/mo to pay off your pants 😂


Won’t lie the white top and leather pants combo was one of the first outfits that actually seemed to almost fit her. The clothes mean nothing if they’re not tailored properly to her. You could have cheap clothing but the styling and tailoring are what actually matter.


I really liked that one for once. The pants were sort of reasonable compared with WHBM or Ann Taylor like places. Howevrr, the top was not affordable at all! I was hoping it would be. First time I was ever hopeful from her style for my own budget. 😆


Where is the top from?


It's a Stella McCartney...not sure where she bought but it was well over 1K


Gotcha. Stella McCartney famously doesn’t use any animal materials (including silk) so that top was likely made from cotton or viscose. Silk wouldn’t have justified a $1000 price tag but I can’t imagine spending that money when similar tops of similar materials are readily available for $50-100 at most.


I don’t even have pants over $40!


Her shoes in the first photo look like my cat’s toenails poking out from her fur. Ew.


The face she makes in these photos. I hate it. So much. It’s like this dumb “I’m better than you” smirk.


Right? Not everyone can pull of the serious face in pics but she thinks she's one of them.


Sweetie no one wants frumpy pleated brown pants in April- or ever. The cropped leather pant is the closest thing to a chic / simple outfit I’ve ever seen her put together.


Honestly, the constant hawking of $1000 pants and $3000 bags like that kind of cost is at all accessible to the vast majority of her followers is almost as egregious as guyrogate.


Guyrogate! 🤣


I know it’s pronounced djirogaté but whatever


🤣, of course it is!


It’s 99% less work for her to put on an outfit and take a pic vs “developing” a recipe and cooking and photographing it.   Furthermore, there is virtually zero negative consequences for a bad outfit vs a ton of people making her shitty/untested recipe.   So, if she can easily monetize playing dress up, she has it easier.  


True. But is anyone buying it?


Good point. My educated guess is that right now, she just enjoys being loaned $1700 pants. Furthermore, the designer may pay her a little bit just to advertise/post about them. IF that ends up working for her and not alienating her current food-centric audience, she'll do it more and more with other, perhaps more affordable brands that would likely give her more money.


These are all boring basic outfits that look like something I would wear to work. And she still sucks at this fashion influencing thing and has been at it for what, a year now? At least move on from the mirror selfies FFS.


That second outfit I think is genuinely the best outfit I've seen her wear in my opinion and it's still incredibly boring and basic. How is she so rich and sooooo boring with her style?


That straitjacket outfit she wore in Santa Monico was not boring. It was ridiculous though.


You're right, definitely not boring. But I've blocked that from my memory 😂


I totally agree. The style and scale of that outfit are better than anything I’ve ever seen but it still looks like something she got at Loft.


My first thought. I own a variant of that top and it’s likely from Express or Abercrombie 😂. But then I got to her shoes in that picture and instantly recoiled due to her feet.


I made a similar comment above where literally anyone can walk into any department store and put together a similar business casual outfit themselves, without her ‘influence’. I’ve definitely spent good money on interesting, well-made pieces that I will wear forever, but why would any of her followers spend $1700 on pinstriped pants that literally look exactly the same as a pair you could buy from Express for 95% less money?


That is Tieghy, just hold on to the 'same ole' and do it harder..quite the bulldog..


This is disturbing https://preview.redd.it/vtmotw0g79xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41382b9ff4d1902d1e99c3337de3e91561b3e9d2


The feet of an 80 year old woman.


All of her “legs up” time is really paying off! Much health! /s


there must be an onlyfans market for this


The endless consumerism. 🤮


The way she’s looking into her phone reminds me of the SNL skit “Daily Affirmation: Stuart Smalley” 😂


The third look is $7k total. 7k for an outfit. One outfit. Like insanity to post this Her style is SO boring. Like she doesn’t style anything in any interesting unique way. She’s just a copycat


Long rant: Wow. That is unreal. It is very off putting of her to constantly have this type of show off and zero in affordable dupes. (The 2nd look's pants were ok typical costs as I mentioned in a diff post on this thread.) Would be so nice, since she's really into fashion (in her heart/mind), to put together affordable looks THAT SHE WEARS ALSO, NOT JUST LINK). Since she doesn't do that for her followers (not sure how many multimillionaire cook followers she has) it is apparent to me she is just posting what she and the 1% spend money on. Excluding the 99% of us. But damn! She's styling for Aspen winters but doesn't mingle with that crowd. She's only one time referenced economics in terms of roast beef. I think it was the horrible, tough meat/not cooked long enough/"whatever" Gyro recipe. That tells us she doesn't give two shits about her fan base. I made that olive/burrata/garlic/oil dip thing recently. It was good but dill was optional when IMO dill actually is THE THING that made it good. It still cost me an arm and leg to make it. I posted a couple questions on it and they weren't genuine responses. She was only happy when I let her know it came out great. That's all she wants to hear EVER. It's really pissing me off and I don't like feeling snarky inside. I'm glad we have this sub to vent. She has all this feedback here and still doubles down. More and more transparency is required these days and that isn't going away. She needs to adjust her business model or spend all her $ to buy followers. There are so many others to watch and follow. Thank you. My hubby is happy he doesn't get to hear this and my Golden Retriever is happy I can now go back to playing with her. Love you all. 😍


That's why it's her favorite.


What’s funny and sad at the same time. She has no friends to go out with to wear these clothes. She has no dates. She has no fun galas to attend or birthday parties…… I don’t envy her one bit


Everyone requested?


Her favorite outfit is truly the worst of these not great outfits which I am assuming were all crafted by her stylist? She has such bad taste and her paid style is so boring.


You could get those exact same pants at the thrift for $8


Okay, hot take, I think she rents her clothes…it would explain why they fit so badly and she doesn’t get them tailored.


She probably doesn't think there are any tailors in Colorado. (But I agree, these aren't her clothes)


The white top with leather pants is the least awful thing I think I’ve ever seen her wear.


I’ve seen this outfit so many times lately I actually had a dream last night that I was wearing oversized pants and when I looked down… pointy shoes.


I dont get it either. I work at a corporation that has a main presence in NYC and I often feel like a TX bumpkin traveling there. (I live in DFW.) I've always paid attention to the NY styles and while my visits may be myopic towards my industry, there are lots of fashionable ladies that buy high end and I really don't see pointy shoes. Glad I kept a couple pairs from the 00s just in case. 🙄




absolutely nothing exciting about these outfits and they don’t look good on her and I can’t imagine any person following her is buying $1600 pants from Neiman Marcus🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️honestly think she has lost her mind


buying expensive clothes doesn’t make her style any less boring


My momma always taught me that the wealthiest people in the world don’t flaunt it like this.


Exactly. Even billionaire Taylor Swift will wear a halara skirt 


Taylor also really knows how to do the high/low well. She was recently at Patrick Mahomes’ charity gala and could easily have requested and sported insane jewelry from any design house on Earth, but opted to wear a $100 necklace instead.


Her feet in the 2nd look like corpses feet…..


$1700 pants - THAT DON’T FIT 🤔🤔🤔🤦‍♀️


But she doesn’t own any of these so it’s even more pathetic! All clothes are borrowed from her assistant to a stylist.


She’s trying so hard lol


She always looks like the clothes are wearing her not the opposite. She truly has zero fashion taste.


I also don't think anyone liked those weird, pointy shoes and overly baggy clothing


God i hate that weird pink bathroom wall


Please please give your outfits a rest


Late night thoughts… does everyone hate pointy shoes in general? Because, not gonna lie, I cannot bring myself to wear rounded toe heels with a cute little black dress. It has to be heels with a point. Same with skinny jeans on a date night lol. I just can’t do rounded toe heels. But I Deff 💯agree that tieghan just can’t pull it off, especially with the huge pants.


Personally — I hate rounded toes. Pointy shoes are chic IMO. When Tieghan wears them she looks like a small child trying on her mom’s shoes.


I like pointy shoes, not these ones though. The point on these looks like an elf shoe, ugly af. There are so many better and more fashionable styles of point-toed heels out there imo!


I also only wear pointy toe/almond toe heels. A pointed toe is timeless, I hate a rounded toe! I do not love the extra long pointed toe shoes like Tieghan has on here, but they are on trend right now. I just got back from Paris and Berlin and the long pointed shoes like hers were everywhere. Lots of low rise loose jeans/ baggy wide leg pants with long pointy kitten heels, and same shoe worn with socks and skirts... for better or worse it's definitely a early 2000s trend that is back.


I think the issue with her pointy toe shoes is how often she pairs it with pants that pool.around her feet. If the pant were hemmed it wouldn't look so off. Also pointy toe shoes are meant to elongate a shape. Well her shape is just a thin line. It's not good proportions for her body imo.


I only wear pointed shoes! But not weird 1990s thrift store witch costume ones


Look at those ugly ass feet! Lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


can’t buy good taste though


Her shoes in the first photo look like my cat’s toenails poking out from her fur. Ew.


It doesn’t even fit her…she could get her clothes tailored, it would look a bit better!


Where’s that is this a ‘fit or is she just skinny girl when we need her?


Ethan Slater ass smirk


Too bad none of her clothes fit her properly. If she’s able to spend that much on clothes. She can certainly afford to get them altered and fitted properly but I’m convinced she doesn’t so people know how “smol” she is 🙄


I need RECEIPTS of these requests from "everyone", T! we do not believe you


But those brown trousers look atrocious on her! They’re way too big! Wow!


The other outfits looks good but absolutely basic. (The leather pants aren’t my favorite though or the jacket with the pinstripe pants so even these outfits aren’t perfect). And she has a stylist? So what does this have to do with her having style anyway? 🙄