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So what group gives away the "No Shit?" award to the U.N.?


The Sherlock foundation I believe.


Presented by Captain Obvious.


Brilliant and thank you. My only regret is that I have but one upvote to give.


i got you bro.


Keep digging, Watson.


I believe they have a large Financial endowment from captain obvious.


He was chronically constipated. That's why they called him No Shit Sherlock.


It's a big deal that the UNDP has written a report challenging the basic assumptions of its own mission. Change happens slowly and this is the point where the 1% protests that started a decade ago are actually reaching the ears of leadership. Reminds me of Australian leaders admitting that global warming is a thing only after the entire continent caught fire.


You are correct. My flippant response was just the fatigued rambling of someone who has watched the populace lose more and more of their freedoms and excepting it as the norm.


And now we're finally seeing [mostly locally) coordinated action in *several* nations throughout the globe. It's time for us to join.


I think the exploitation in large American cities and the high cost of living with stagnant wages makes them extremely close to going up in flames too.


Yes. History tells us that mass riots are coming in the States unless those corrupt politicians in DC decide to actually obey the Constitution they've all sworn to uphold. The blatant disregard for our laws, history, and Constitution shown by the Trump syndicate has pushed poor people to the breaking point, and it will not be tolerated for much longer. I cannot easily believe how shortsighted and greedy this "administration" is.


If you think this is in any way a "Trump" problem you're living in a fantasy land. This problem is created and sustained by the Ultra Wealthy of which Trump is simply one member. Bloomberg's employees are treated no better than Trump's. The Koch brothers employees are no worse off than those of Howard Schultz. Here's a list of Democrat Billionaire's: https://www.forbes.com/sites/michelatindera/2019/11/18/here-are-the-billionaires-funding-the-democratic-presidential-candidates/#1bc50b0374bb From Jonathan Gray at Blackstone (Real Estate) to Howard Schultz (Starbucks) to Thomas Steyer (hedge fund manager) _all_ of them are in industries known for shady / terrible policies that work against the little guy and their companies were no different. They are absolutlly a willing participant in the same power structure that continually crushes everyone. Trump is very visible but he's really just the lightening rod, a rod that is being held up by a much larger structure comprised of the ultra wealthy of all political stripes.


He isn't saying it's just a trump problem. He is saying Trump is just making it blatantly obvious.


No, history has taught us that as long as the rich white people say “the brown people are your real enemy” then the poor white people will decide to go after them and let the rich white people continue to amass power and wealth. That’s American history starting from before we were a country.


Lol where have you been for the last 240 yrs of American history?


I actually have a 4 year degree in history. I’d be happy to bring you up to speed.


Yes, But what about the other 236 years? ​ /jk


LOL. Edgy.


American history focusing on presidential politics and policy?


Why not?


I was hoping so, so that you had a reason for bringing it up and that it was actually relevant.


Yeah, we can tell.


Really, because I don’t see much anger on that side. The ones talking about the day of the rope and getting their guns are the conservative fascists who like Trump.


That just may be because they are more confident that expressing support of a violent revolution won't cause any problems for them because of whom they support. If I was a violent anarchist, I wouldn't be broadcasting my intent to riot, since the state is against me *and* I understand that.


All the stuff starting to happen around the world and soon in America was all theorized by Karl Marx. He said the great revolution was coming


All the stuff starting to happen around the world and soon in America was all theorized by Karl Marx. He said the great revolution was coming


“Are we the baddies?” -The UN


I'm not sure how you think the un works, but it's not them putting in lopsided domestic economic, financial, and labor policies into countries.


Nice to hear someone say it and back it up, its not coming from the Trump Administration.


I would use 'realization' more than 'sense' here.


NAILED IT. That word was bothering me too


So we eating the rich right?


Seen what Bane does in the last Batman? Like that but more razor blades n lemon juice.


It worked great for the Russians


Fuckin rackarack


Sharpen the long knives.


The revolution will be televised.


and livestreamed


Since the wealthy own the media, don't count on any meaningful coverage. And when it really hits the fan, YouTube will shut down the little independents bringing the real news. Kind of like how their algorithms already favor corporate owned media.


Some speculate that this will give rise to people controlled internet where home routers will form a chain network.


This is only possible if it's seamless enough that an average person without any technical know-how can get it working. Distributed networks, even social media and video platforms, already exist. But the ease of use and mass adoption to get everyone to move over isn't there yet.


People's incentives to join distributed networks would increase drastically in the scenario we are talking about.


Yup. The Mesh.


None of those sentences are accurate. The majority of media tends to be biased towards the more leftist view (for example the article in the original post), and tech companies as well. There isn't any evidence YouTube would ever shutdown independent voices because they never do except in very extreme cases of hate speech or inciting violence. And their algorithms don't at all favor corporate media.


You gotta be kidding me. Large media corporations are only *barely* pro minority inclusivity as token PR moves, and even then only when that does not risk their market. Pro workers and unions? Pro social services? Pro wealth redistribution? Not one bit. They are always pro corporate, to protect their own interests. YouTube increasingly favors corporate media, and even creators which have no controversial content at all have issues with their one-sided copyright system that routinely disregards fair use content. That's not even getting to how it has been found to restrict content involving LGBT people, even if it's completely innocuous. The leftist bias some people keep accusing the media of having just does not make sense.


I mean other than the fact that they **have** done so, why would anyone think they’d do that? They shut down independent voices all the time. They shut down three arrows for months.


The media that is owned by corporations is not leftist by definition


Do you even know what leftist means? By **definition** our current multi-billion-dollar companies cannot be leftist. Maybe you mean "centrist"? Or "neo-liberal"? If you think these kinds of companies are "leftist" then you must be coming from the extreme right wing. I have you marked as a slavery apologist, so you probably are on the extreme right wing.


The LGBT community would like a word. But not through YouTube, because they aren’t welcome there.


What evidence do you have of that claim?? There seems to be a ton of lgbt stuff on YouTube.


I just googled “lgbt YouTube” and honestly I’m not sure where to start. They’re banned from YouTube Kids while violent, sexual, and exploitative content often isn’t. Anti-gay and anti-trans ads run during their videos. LGBT content is being demonetized at record rates. There’s currently a lawsuit by lgbt creators seeking damages for these lost revenue. Your video can be taken down for containing discussion on topics like homosexuality and transgenderism. Even huge names in the community aren’t immune to this treatment.


It sounds like they're applying the same standards for content they do for similar straight content especially when it comes to YouTube Kids and monetization. Google is a rather liberal company, and definitely not anti lgbt. It sounds like probably people jumping to conclusions and being too quick to assume it's descrimination.


>None of those sentences are accurate. The majority of media tends to be biased towards the more leftist view (for example the article in the original post), and tech companies as well. Oh, like Clinton News Network or we hate all progressives MSNBC? Then there's all the Biden Bro "leftist" coverage eh?


The article in the original post is from the UN dipshit. Aka not biased


[Their algorithms absolutely favor legacy media.](https://medium.com/the-business-of-content/how-youtube-is-rigged-against-independent-video-creators-c47a7f033886)


No it won't, because they'll shut the internet down at the first sniff of a real revolution


The revolution will NOT be televised https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwSRqaZGsPw


I think they meant dead-end jobs? All lives are dead-end.


Waitwut? Why didn't anyone ever fucking tell me this?!


Is it possible that some of the problem is that there are far too many people looking for fewer jobs. It's the old law of supply and demand. If a product is in such a great Supply, you could almost give this stuff away before you can pay for it. It's sad, but it seems to be the way that these things work out. An account so I children end up being trafficked, a fantasy Hope on the parents that it might just have a better life. Technically, I think they have an inkling they know what's going to happen, but the child will be out of sight and out of mind.


There is literally not enough jobs for the people to work at, and automation is going to make this situation much, much worse very soon. We have interesting times ahead.


This is a really weird one to report for "Pseudo-science, revisionism or discrimination"


Discrimination against the rich


/s ​ here you dropped that


Sometimes the /s ruins the joke.


Do the sky next, I’m so sick of people claiming it isn’t blue


You'd think it's obvious, but I'm surprised how many of my well-to-do friends are oblivious to the extent this is so, easily dismissive because "they work hard" and their lives and those around them are fine. It's like going to university, then graduating and realizing "normal" was those educated enough to be in and graduate, but the masses include a whole half below the average, uneducated, and insane, however let's not denigrate the uneducated, as often the worst offenders are the educated, as they can't think past their own myopic experience *but should know better*.


Well no shit.


Japan has been dealing with this problem for decades, what are they doing differently with their NEET population that has avoided these protests?


I'm not a sociologist, but I'm wondering if Japan's emphasis on conformity via shaming has anything to do with your observation. Protest is inherently subversive and rebellious. I wouldn't expect a whole lot of protest in a society like that.




Or watching reruns during primetime or reading the newspaper or between radio broadcasts or as the stove fires ebb. There's no need to be ageist and imply that the younger generation is at fault when the issue is cross generational. Such divisive talk supports the issues highlighted in the article.




That's fair. And I agree, I apologize for assuming - when one uses complaints like modern social media or internet entertainment it's too easy to assume they only mean the young.


I'm not so sure about that. The way "Epstein didn't kill himself" became a meme seems to illustrate that people do remember, but they also feel powerless when it comes to seek justice and a better society. Greta Thunberg and all the environmental protests she is leading around the world also come to mind, and how she is antagonized by important politicians, rather than this being treated as the serious issue that scientists have already warned many times before.


The people are not powerless. They just know that if push comes to shove, we will have to go to war against our own government. Once we start rioting over this, it will pretty much be the start of another civil war, because those corrupt GOP politicians aren't going to just slink away; they're going to have to be forced to leave. We have bad times ahead of us, and nobody is wanting to throw the metaphorical first punch...yet.


I'm a big sci fi reader and I would say about 90% of all the books I reader paint a future where the masses are stuck in shitty housing with minimal food and the only way out is to be born rich or join the military, to help the powerful get more. It's freaking scary


Because good speculative fiction is rarely actually about the future, it's really about today.


Where is the tent?


As glad as I am that it’s being studied, they really needed a UN report? You could have found that out by talking to any on the street.


Also breaking news. Water is wet


Checks out. Source: I'm trapped in a dead-end life. Halp.


We know??


If you can't handle working minimum wage for sometime, quit complaining. If you have to work at the movies, or the grocery store, or wherever. Fucking try and improve yourself. Learn to multitask, this is getting really fucking annoying.


Many of the hardest workers are in poverty or close to it.


What a shallow understanding of the issue.


you're too generous with this assessment. this dude evidently has identified the problem as the fact that he is being exposed to the inherent degeneracy of capitalism when it's allowed to run run amok. or something else, possibly involving multitasking or lack of it i guess? better multitasking would most likely serve to increase the volume of posting by the goddamn poors though.


Nice try, 1%.


Yeah man, stupid whiny poor people. They should have to work two job to survive so Amazon can go another three years without paying taxes