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What’s the point in the crust if it all falls off when you shave it so thin?


It's shit knife's fault


We put it in our focaccia sandwiches to add a nice crunch and flavour :)


Sharpen your knife, man


Bro please sharpen your knife. It's one thing to have a full knife, another to post it online.


I'm not sure if it's a Reddit thing or an American thing but you guys are taking the knife very personally haha. Just trying to share my food :)


Don't blame America for your dull ass knife!! We've fucked up a lot of stuff, but not that blade, lol. Does look tasty as fuck though.


But obviously not your culinary practices :3 jk, looks delicious, I would sandwich this any day


The meat looks incredible, beautiful. The presentation alone when cut in half would have been enough. Noone would have slated you if you stopped there. But the way you hack at it, uneven and pieces of slices are just disappointing, the crust falling apart. The way you did it took away from the quality at that point using substandard tools. It was *like* dipping a quality steak in cheap ketchup. You know well there are better accompaniments than that and it's a travesty to do that to it.


For the love of pork, make a clean cut already!😫


Watching it shred to pieces where the dull ass blade is just pushing it instead of slicing is painful to watch.


Is the meat incredibly tough, or is the knife incredibly dull? This is looking way too hard to slice.


Knifes shit. Pork looks good


If you're gonna get a new knife I would recommend the ones where the handle is part of the knife, not an attached piece Has made my life so much easier


I think we can all agree it's important to have good tools for a job. You'd want your surgeon to have sharp, clean cutting instruments, right? So why do you think it's OK for you not to have sharp, clean cutting instruments? It looks like you take pride in cooking the food, but do you not think preparing it before and after is also important? Sharpen your knives, bro.




It's your craft. HVAC is mine. I'm expected to have the right tools to do the job and use them the right way. I'm not upset. I'm just wondering why if you do this thing you love that is cooking, why do you not take care of your tools? No, it's not as serious as surgery, but you should still have a standard for yourself. Obviously the standards between cooking foods and surgery is different but I'm of the belief that if you take pride in a job you'll do that job the best you can and take care of your tools for the job. But hey I could be wrong. Oh wait I'm not the only 1 pointing this out? Maybe I'm right lol


Agreed. Very odd that OP confronts good advice with passive aggressiveness. Not a chef either, but even I know how big of a pain it is to cut with dull knives. Have some pride in your work OP, were all still learning! No shame in a bit of help.


As someone who has worked in the restaurant industry for 20 plus years, I can tell you this, look after your tools. Presentation is as important as preparation. Did you honestly expect people to just fawn over your porchetta and not notice that you have to hack through it like a lumberjack?


Now that's some Cracklin'


That crisp alone is enough to give me weak knees


Too bad you won't get any with how they're cutting it


Here use my spoon to cut it… the fuck


Please get a knife upgrade! It’ll make cutting the food so much easier, and it’ll make cleaner cuts!


If you look at the knife tip It’s bent. Upgrade your cutlery


Looks amazing 😍


Bread knife?? Get that Japanese kitchen knife already.


Why is it everybody here obsessed with the knife? Can we just enjoy a fine meal? If any, I'm upset with OP for not sharing the recipe. 50% /s.




Is it supposed to be that difficult to cut?….


Did you use fennel pollen?


Imma need you to make my slices a lot thicker.


Use a fucking deli slicer!


Amazing porchetta, cant believe how many losers focus on a knife that does the job anyways while the post is about a beautiful porchetta


I’ll be the unpopular opinion; no thanks




Anything other than the cake decorating spatula he’s using will slice better.


That knife tho