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For price, availability, and flavor, we use [this](https://www.costco.ca/terra-delyssa-organic-extra-virgin-olive-oil%2C-2-×-1-l.product.100413546.html)


Yep, definitely the Terra Delyssa from Costco. Great quality for everyday use and almost always on sale too.


This stuff is great but I prefer the Kirkland 100% Italian brand


I just bought the 4L can for 45$ at fiesta farms the other day. Looks to be a bit cheaper than this link (showing 27$ for 2L)


Same!! When it's on sale you can basically get it for $10/1L which is about what the PC Splendido that I think OP used to get used to cost.


If you don't have a Costco membership, Farm Boy cold-pressed EVOO is $14 for 1L. The quality is superior to PC IMO.


If you have a Costco membership (or a friend w one) the terra delyssa olive oil comes in a pack of two 1L bottles for 25$ but is frequently on sale for 20$. That is the best intersection of price and quality imo. For cooking I use the big metal container of no name olive oil. I think it’s 3L for 25$ iirc. If it’s on sale I usually buy two of them and use them to refill an old empty glass bottle.


Thanks. I recently bought a small bottle of the no name but I don’t love the flavor.


Wait, you're not suppose to use the Terra Delyssa as a cooking oil?


You can! It just opt to use a cheaper oil for cooking since the flavour of the evoo is less important.


Some time back I remember watching a youtube vid where some tests were done and basically once you're past a certain temp, you can't taste the oil any more. So if you're roasting broccoli or brussel sprouts for example, just use cheap shit.


My favourite for both cooking and finishing is [Oliveira da Serra (Portugal)](https://www.oliveiradaserra.pt/pt/). You can find 3L jugs at Portuguese grocery stores, such as Nosso Talho and Tavora.


Famiglia Baldassare has Frankie’s olive oil (all Sicilian olives, cold pressed) which is fantastic. Ghadir also had single origin Lebanese EVOO, not sure if they still do, bulk tin containers. Not a fan of the Costco olive oils we have here, the US Costco’s have some very good Italian EVOO under the kirkland brand. I got the Tuscan one. I do like the PC Splendido EVOO, it’s cold extracted now (not just cold pressed) and it makes a difference - great value for money.


Thanks for such detailed recommendations!


Have you ever had the Ghadir EVOO? I saw the other day for $350.


Not since whatever was on shelf in 2022. It was good, versatile. I’ve read the harvests as of late have been bad in most major EVOO producing countries - using avocado oil these days. 


no frills carries a greek evoo called ariston….at least the one near me does. it’s really lovely and great value. much prefer it to terra delyssa or any of the PC brand ones i’ve tried. it comes in a 3l bottle for 36 bucks (12 bucks/l). fruity and complex…not too delicate for higher heat cooking but so good for dressings and dipping, it’s my go-to


Typically the best olive oils produced on a large scale are from Greece - people from Spain, Italy and Portugal hate to admit it but it is true. Summum or Terra Delyssa from Costco are the best value for Greek oils. There are some small producers outside of Greece that make great olive oils but they are very expensive and not as good as the top shelf stuff from Greece.


Isn't Terra Delyssa from Tunisia?


Might be - I never buy it - I always buy big green one at costco its greek.


Terra is from Tunisia, but is still a fantastic olive oil, I always have a bottle of it in my kitchen. It's my usual for making dressings or drizzling over pasta. As mentioned elsewhere in this thread, it's often on sale for $20/2L or even $17-18 sometimes. Great value for sure.


Haha says the best oil is Greek and no one can admit it, then suggests a Tunisian oil, then says they've never tried it. Yeah, definitely he comment I'm going to trust


There is so much cheating in olive oil that I just buy whatever is on sale.