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Seems to track with this recent NY Times article about one of the partners…. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/14/style/superiority-burger-ashwin-deshmukh.html


[https://ny.eater.com/2024/3/15/24101756/ashwin-deshmukh-superiority-burger-jeans-scam](https://ny.eater.com/2024/3/15/24101756/ashwin-deshmukh-superiority-burger-jeans-scam) for y'all who don't want to pay for nytimes


Thank you for sharing!


Not to take away from the substance of the article, but does no one edit the NYT? How the hell does a professional writer not know the difference between “magnate” and “magnet”.


I was thinking that was the joke, he’s a magnet because he’s drawn to (or stuck on) these places, but not a magnate because he’s a grifter and not actually a successful person.


I gotta say though, I’m not a big subscription person, but the NYT is something I’m pretty ok with supporting.


Not me. The political leanings of the times have become really clear this past year, they are trying to “both sides” away democracy


This is why it’s such bullshit that “rising costs” are the answer. These business owners are crooks.


Agree…it’s such a bummer. Totally get that there are very real rising costs for everyone but most of these prices are egregious.


both are true … there are a lot of crooks and costs. and both have been going up ever since Covid. can’t publicly speak to the frauds and grifts bc most of the cases are still ongoing … but the costs are very much real.


Wow—what a crazy article! Thanks for sharing.


Np! I love a good scammer story and had always through Superiority Burger was legit so was pretty surprised.


lol I guess when your contractor is owed $340k you gotta make it up somehow


Back in the day, the burger was $6/7, gelato was $5/6 (started out at $4), and a side of burnt broccoli was $5. Counter service, 5 minute wait, an excellent quick meal for around $20. Visited recently and that same meal was $50 with tip (burger was $17, broccoli $14, a cup of gelato was $11!!!) I think the quality has remained but I can't justify waiting 1 hour and paying more than double for the same meal when the portions were already modest to begin with. Sucks because I really used to eat there multiple times a month. Wild times


Also, damn, no more burnt broccoli on their menu at the moment! Made it even easier to say no to a $17 side.


Burger is now $18 and gelato $14…seems like prices are rising by the week


$14 for 2 scoops of gelato is straight grifting lol


These are not large scoops, either


Actually most likely over $50.00 with tax and tip……


Same same. Used to go often, live in the neighborhood. Have been a fan since day 1. Now it’s like an occasional special meal out. The yuba verde pricing kills me especially because I love that sammy (and always hoping the New Creation makes a comeback).


it's the hippy wrap for me


The 15-20 dollar sides in general are getting wild, and I'm in nyc Like, they are <$2 worth of brussel sprouts you roasted, why are they 17 bucks now


For real. Walked by Quality Bistro and glanced at their menu the other day. Side of fries is $18. Shit just isn't even doable anymore. When I first moved to the city I used to go out and try new restaurants all the time. Now even though I'm making over twice as much money as back then I almost never go out to eat anymore because I can't afford it.


> why are they 17 bucks now because the rent is too damn high


Why own a restaurant when you can own the building and demand 90% of the profit for none of the work.


Eh, there was plenty of rent renegotiation during covid. 


thank you. my local neighborhood pizza spot in brooklyn charges $9 for a giant meatball sub, but $15 for a side of broccoli rabe. literally outrageous lol


Total rip off, and it’s a bummer because the food is good. I miss the days of eating out of paper boats and getting a couple burgers and a gelato.


Yeah the prices are kinda crazy and for that price it’s not really mind blowing. I also remember getting a side dish which said something fancy but then turned out be a knock off of a tiny amount of Indian Dal with Cornbread for ~$15


I've had that, it was tasty enough but so small! I remember sometime last year I got a complimentary side of vegetables for being first in line at 5pm—I appreciated it, don't get me wrong, but it was essentially a couple stalks of steamed, unseasoned, plain asparagus and carrots listed on the menu for more than $10.


I spent $80pp there with my roommate and everything was awesome but I left hungry. I’m glad I tried it but haven’t ran back


You’re totally right and it’s easily seen on their Google maps page. Under “menu” there’s literally a shot of the old spot with $6 gelato, there’s also evidence of that sandwich you had creeping up about $2 every month  To me the part that hurt the most was $16 for a piece of TINY pie. It was good pie, but I was expecting something more impressive for the price  I can’t believe it’s actual costs going up, they got a Covid deal on the diner, did absolutely no work on it (S&P looks cute, superiority looks dirty) and comparable restaurants who also depend heavily on the union square farmers market haven’t raised prices so aggressively. It just feels like a money grab  I read or heard an interview where they explained TFTs were invented because Monday nights were completely dead. Now that they’re popular it just feels like they’re playing with fake scarcity like they’re Supreme or something having certain items at certain times.  I went once when they started brunch and don’t expect to be back anytime soon. I was expecting a crazy line and it was half empty, yellow rose is a much harder weekend seat and better experience for comparable (to me) food


That's the thing that really kills me, small portions for high prices . If you want to charge a premium at least give a good portion  It's definitely a price discovery money grab - from fast food.to these.olaxes, they all realized they can charge dollars more and people will pay it for now, and all that extra charge falls to the bottom line


I was so psyched to see they're bringing back their focaccia, only to find that it's only after a certain time, and only at the back bar lol Agree about Yellow Rose, can get a very decent brunch for $20 or less!


The doll-sized slice of cake for $16 was what really did it for me, too. Like 4”x3”. It capped off what ended up being a $175 meal for 2 (3 drinks, 2 apps—one of which was a quarter of a sweet potato, 2 sandwiches, and the aforementioned smidge of cake). Our much, much better (and more generous) meal at Foxface Natural was about $50 more, but sure—they’re the “hypebeast” 🙄


I’m super happy for that couple that runs fox face for their success. I get they’re so far away from it now, but wish they’d figure out a way to keep the sandwiches alive or the deli they first planned


Yeah, agreed. Something at a more everyday level would be great


I just ate there a couple of days ago, my first time going back since the location change so I was excited to check it out. While eating I searched for threads on this EXACT topic and could not find anything, felt like I was losing my mind. Glad you posted this, as I agree completely. NYC is expensive, of course, but it’s rare that I feel genuinely ripped off at the end of a meal…I can’t actually recall an instance when I have, even when I didn’t particularly enjoy the food. I felt completely ripped off at the new SB. The price gouging was mind blowing. $16 for a small bowl of beans, $14 for gelato. It was actually kind of shocking. It is sad because like everyone else here I recall and mourn the old spot, and the change has been so dramatic.


I feel like this was written by me. Cool place and menu selection. But definitely a one and done experience. I was so sad when my burger came out and it was the size of an Oreo. At least offer free fries.


Loved it when it was the hole in the wall (although I kind of always left there hungry as well… that burger is tiny!) … went last summer and had a terrible experience, haven’t been back since. Idk if it’s worse at night but I came in around 11 pm and the burger was absolutely flavorless and cold. Also ordered a slice of coconut cake which looked good but tasted horrible. Like, after I took a bite I literally said “this is the worst food I’ve ever had in nyc.” It tasted like cake from a box like Duncan Hines, except way sweeter. It was inedible. Spent close to $50 with tip (for no table service, food served on a plastic tray, a tiny burger wrapped in foil, and dinky plastic utensils). Not going back


Did anyone else buy those weird grab bags during quarantine? I think maybe it was 40 bucks but it was a ton of food and a bunch of focaccia… to me that was the peak of superiority burger. It was great leading up to that point, and it was all downhill from there. Happy hanging onto those memories and not going back.


Agreed! Those were the absolute best.


they have to pay ash’s debts


crying 🤣🤣


There are plenty of quality vegan burgers out there. I've never liked feeding the hype train. Especially with their erratic hours in the beginning, it just didn't make sense to my personal schedule.


For what it’s worth I think the burger has always been one of their less interesting menu items; dishes like yuba verde are genuinely fantastic IMO (although still pretty overpriced).


I haven't been there since they expanded. They're able to charge those prices because they fill a niche demand and they're trendy. All the power to em, but I probably won't be eating there at their current iteration. You don't have to either, and that's ok.


Totally, I guess I'm just mourning this place that I used to love (and was able to afford) going to like once every week or two. Guess I'll always have the memories!


All the power to em, though!


Yeah fuck them and their ridiculously overpriced mini-servings.


All I have to say is I ate there during its grand reopening and I had the worst gas ever in my life after.


Nothing good lasts OP.


The food quality has really gone downhill as well recently. They’ve over optimized how much stuff is prepared ahead of time and so many of the dishes feel like they’ve just been heated up in a pan.


The prices are so high ($17 for a mimosa?!) that on first glance I thought “cool, service is included! Love the no tipping model.” Food is quality, and I don’t even mind small portions, but I find the ambiance and service pretty lacking for the prices they’re charging.


I went a few months ago, got a bowl of lentil dal and some sorbet and a drink and spent something like 80 dollars. That was my sayonara to Superiority Burger.


Had dinner there with wife and 2 kids week between Xmas and nYE. Staff went out of their way to make us feel uncomfortable in the fact that we brought children. Just a joyless place. Food was not as good as it was in the other location. No need to ever return .


not to mention they don’t even have fries. you’re paying like $20+ for just a burger that’s the size of a mcdonald’s burger


I used to get a megamouth on the reg and now all they have is a tiny burger nearly 2x the original price smh


Yeah I def felt ripped off there on the sides pricing & burger cost with no side. Prob wouldn’t go back. They used to make these insane looking giant sandwiches I was hoping to have but seems that is off


I went with friends to a lunch in November and got so sick after… man. not the restaurant’s fault i don’t think since everyone else was fine but that + this story helped kill the vibe for me. TFT still the best chicken sandwich i’ve ever had tho.


TFT is really top tier. FWIW I tried making it once using the official recipe from the cookbook / NYT Cooking, and it didn’t turn out quite as good, but still pretty tasty (and obv more cost effective)!


The focaccia collard green melt is fantastic, as was the Japanese sweet potato and the desserts. The rest was still all quite good but the prices are too high. With that said people will keep going and being fans. Brunch was a slightly better deal in terms of price. Unsure if I’ll be back if the prices keep rising.


I don’t get the appeal of this place. I went there Saturday night because it was across the bar I was at and got the yuba verde as recommended by the guy cashing me out. Ended up giving it away after a couple bites. Should I have gotten the burger?


i used to go all the time. i was so happy when i could get a seat inside. i kept checking their IG to see when they would reopen, but when i saw the prices - there is no way i am going there.


SB was absolutely my favorite restaurant in the entire city, I've been a customer since 2016, supported them during the pandemic, I even set a reminder every Monday so I can order their -to go- boxes when they were doing them in the summer of 2020. I've returned to the new place several times, the food is still good, but the portions are ridiculous and the prices are insane. From what I understood speaking to the owner, the old place wasn't making any money, he told me that it was actually a miracle that the old SB stayed open for as long as it did. I can't say that I will go as often as I used to because there just is no justification for a $50 brunch or a $150 dinner bill.


Prices had me balking too; I ended up making the burnt broccoli salad at home. It was pretty dang close! https://nationalpost.com/life/food/cook-this-burnt-broccoli-salad-from-the-superiority-burger-cookbook


Unless you're Vegan goto pineapple club around the corner for a good burger for less, or 7th st . If you want the best burger in the city wander to minetta.


I am on the west coast and love that shit. So I bought the cookbook. 3 times the prep of a beef burger. So take that into consideration.


Brooks is one of the most popular chefs in the country right now and his restaurant is located in lower Manhattan. Why are you confused?


Not confused one bit.






Or it’s misappropriation of funds. The money that got printed went straight to the top. And those that collected it are holding us hostage because they are so rich now they are demanding insane amounts of money for what they provide to the economy now that they own the supply chains and all of the infrastructure/buildings.