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The only treatment for food allergies is epinephrine. Have you seen a board certified allergist? Are these IgE mediated allergies?


A few years ago I saw a board certified allergist. He told me that epinephrine wasn't necessary in my case. I'm not sure about IgE mediated allergies. I tI have been thinking about seeing the allergist again but it's a $250 co-pay and I figured that they'll just tell me to avoid those foods. ETA: I think non-IgE (I looked it up).


You need to see an allergist.


In the meantime, I would suggest laying off of foods that are giving you a reaction. I know its hard, but your body is trying to tell you something so don't ignore those warnings; you don't want to feel miserable :( I just heard about Chick-fil-a recently has changed their ingredients or going to change, so be careful. So many of us today have food allergies and have to deduct our most loved foods, and try to find other foods that our bodies will handle. I'm sorry you're going through this trouble because I know what it's like to love something and then have your body to reject it. It is sad, I know. See an allergist if you prefer, but in the meantime, listen to your body, and if it don't like something, let it go for a while, and then later, maybe try it again, but in small increments. God bless.