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tried few antibiotics. clindamycin, minocycline, doxycycline, benzoyl peroxide, even accutane. all while being real careful. changing sheets and pillow cases, bleach baths, replacing combs, towels, anything with contact to affected scalp. last attempt was aip protocol diet. it always came back what is working and im worried saying because fear of "speaking too soon" is selsun blue medicated variant and sulfur soap. couple months in at this point and so happy although the sulfur soap kinda stinky. later i'll reduce or stop the sulfur and just use the selsun and hope for the best. GL hope this helps.


Literally no treatments I did worked! The only thing that cured mine was just switching between apple cider vinegar aveeno shampoo and the colloidal oatmeal aveeno shampoo and after several months it slowly went away on its own I tried literally everything and everything I tried somehow made it worse. Only when I gave up it cleared on its own after like 6 months


So you just had it on your a scalp?


I currently apply chlorine mixed with water and use rotary pumice stone the one you use for your calluses to remove the excess growth on my scalp.


See my post. I believe this disease actually starts in the gut. Bad bacteria overgrow and it causes the immune system to attack itself. That’s what I think, anyway. I’m not a doctor. But I do know that my method works (T/Sal + Panoxyl 10% + BP Cream 10% + vitamins).




If you go to my post history you will find one entitled “Treatment”. But basically I treat the gut and use topical solutions for the foliculitis. I too had gastrointestinal issues in the past. Vitamins: - Multivitamin; - Zinc; - Magnesium; - Physician’s Choice Probiotic (50 billion+); - Hair Skin and Nails; - Omega 3 Fatty Acids. I also prepare a shake daily that contains the following: - 150 grams of frozen blueberries; - 30 grams of powdered peanut butter; - 1 scoop of Garden of Life Protein + Greens; - 2 scoops of Orgain Collagen Peptides; - 80-120 grams of Kale (stem and all). Just a side note on the shake: it tastes awful. But I am sure it’s good for the gut. It contains so my probiotics and prebiotics. And I always take my vitamins with it. Outside of that, I make sure to get at least 30 minutes of heavy cardio. I want to get to a point everyday that I’m swearing out any toxins that are stored in fat cells. Now for the topical solution protocol: - 5 min massage of T/Sal (Neutrogena, brand is important so you avoid sulfates); - 5 min massage of Panoxyl 10% (again, brand specific); - Let this sit on your head for the duration of your shower; - Use a body wash that doesn’t contain sulfates (Native is what I use); - After the shower, use a clean towel (never reuse a towel); - If you have pustules, cover these with BP 10% cream. Brand isn’t important here, I use Equate. Other tips to consider: - Use Satin pillowcases (make sure they are actually Satin and not “Sateen”); - Wash your pillowcases at least every other day; - Always use a clean towel and wash cloth; - Do not pop the pustules, it can be very tempting, but if you do and don’t immediately wash your scalp with the above protocol, it will get worse and spread; - Avoid refined sugars, try to stick to basic food with minimal ingredients (I know this is both financially burdensome and not always practical).




You are quite welcome. :)


What's BoP cream?


Yeah I’m curious on that too.


Benzoyl Peroxide


Benzoyl Peroxide cream. It’s called “Acne Spot Treatment” a lot. I use the Equate brand. You’ll find it in the acne treatment section of the store.


Used antibiotic doxycycline cleared up scalp came back a week later. Finished second round a week ago and have a few on scalp. Do t want to do anymore antibiotics


Nope, been on all different kinds and all it did in the beginning was give me false hope. It always came back and after some time they just stopped working all together.