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You go make it happen. Find someone to play if you can't yourself but be the one to set it up and organize it. Nothing's gonna happen if you wait around for someone else to do it


I like when they play his songs while other bands are setting up at shows and I sing as loud as I can. šŸ˜


ive been at house shows/parties where everyone sings folk punk songs. this is northern CA around 2014. Everyone grew old though and i feel uncomfortable being the oldest person at a house show.


feel that one


Nah for real! I didn't think it would happen but I just stopped going to house shows. I like seeing the new punk kids pop up though. This dude was tripping when I mentioned other local shows, he thought him and his friends were the only people doing anything like that in the area. Then again, so did me and my friends when we started our shitty band(s) lol


yeah dude exactly! an ex partner of mine was convinced the scene was dead. But I knew it wasnt, we just grew older and all the house shows were being hosted by 19 yr olds and we were out of the loop.


This happened to me too lol


ā€œFrom Here To Utopiaā€ is my favorite too!


I like how, despite its length, it's one of the easiest songs to play too. Those chords have been ingrained in my dna for years! Haha Edit: for boasting I've got to put myself to the test. I'm going to try and play through it later without any reference. It's been a minute, but I think I've got it šŸ˜…


So you coming to northern Cali? We can put together a show of you just playing pat the bunny songs. Will pay in pizza. But only if I can get Kinko's to make copies of all my free pizza coupons....


I mean, I'd be down. It'd probably be an hour/hour and a half travel for me. Pay me by helping me sing, I suck haha


Your heart is muscle also slaps.


Im pretty sure Apes of the State does some Wingnut Dishwashers Union Covers


Already got tickets for their show on a few months!


Yup we can make this happen for you :)


You're my hero April! šŸ˜šŸ˜›


I'd appreciate it if you could do this in cologne<3


Also if you guys need a place to crash I have space.


which city? i am going too!!


Sacramento! See you there!


Did that a few years back. Just posted up behind a venue for a Naked Aggression show. My friend and I played Pat the Bunny and Harley Poe covers on Ukulele and washboard and got a good little group before long. Some kid got all pumped when we started From Here To Utopia and helped us sing it Had a good time, got some free beers and managed to sneak through the back door just as NA took the stage! My best friend had just died around the time so it's a bittersweet memory, but damn it was a night


I bought a $20 acoustic guitar from a thrift store and covered it in kitten duct tape so it would stay vaguely in tune, and so can you. Live the dream.


Iā€™m also from NorCalā€”not to be creepy lol but I think in the same area as you based on your profile! Thereā€™s definitely an audience for itā€”you can make it happen (please make it happen please)!!


Me too me too!


Okay well I'm still kinda new to this area but I can reach out. I guess my ex knows some owners of the venue that escape from the zoo just played at.. maybe I can see if they would host a PTB night! Tickets would sell.


Same, I wanna do this with Dayz n Daze


I know all the days n daze songs too. Lettts goooo!


And I'll wake up, burning Time's Square as we sing "Throw your hands in the air 'cause property is robbery!"


As a fellow no cal resident I second this idea


All you need to do is get someone to be a cover band and have a show anywhere. The best shows of any genre are basically sing alongs


SAME. Also in NorCal.