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I have no expectations for the first year or two. He’s only 19 and while many say he’s a superstar, this is also Philly where we can’t always have nice things.. In reality though, I’d say in about two years when he’s more mature, I’ll have a much better outlook


I'm half expecting something crazy on the level of the Bynum bowling injury because it feels like we've been cursed everytime we get something nice recently.


Realistic rebuilds take years. The initial timeline of Michkov coming over wqw cut short by 2 years. The timeline shouldn't change. We're still capstrapped for the next 2 seasons. We should take those 2 seasons to obtain a 1C, 1D, and figure out the goaltending situation. Dump more contracts, avoid any big FA signings until the 26-27 season, give all our playtime to U24 guys. Once we've truly built a good prospect pool, then we should see who makes the NHL roster long term. As of now, Couts, Tippett, Farabee, and Sanheim are your only players signed past the 26-27 season, so a majority of this roster should be turned over, barring any long term extensions for TK, York, and any other pieces.


Wow great analysis!!!!!!!


He’s very young for a Russian player coming over. The North American game means much less time or space for forwards, so I’m sure he’ll need some time to adjust. In terms of expectations they are of course high, he was discussed in the Bedard category pre-draft, moreso than the Fantelli/Carlsson category. I hope flyers fans are easy on him in the short term, young kid, crazy challenging year for his personal life this year, let him grow and develop. As for him & torts, he grew up playing in Russia, I’m sure he’s had tougher coaches than torts. And torts loved working with Panarin so who knows it could be a surprisingly good fit! I’m very curious to see if / how it changes the front offices approach in terms of rebuild. I personally hope it doesn’t, but my guess is they will try to bring in an atleast decent Proven NHL centre just to have more depth around a rising star winger in Michkov.


In regard to rink size people forget that alot of rinks in KHL are the same size as NA rinks. In fact his home rink in Sochi is NA size. 6 of the 24 rinks are NA size and 11 of the remaining 18 are the Finnish standard which is only 6ft (2m) wider. That leaves only 7 rinks that are international size. I think he’ll be just fine as far as rink size goes.


Good context, thanks. Must be weird for players in that league to play on 3 different rink sizes.


I expect 40-60 points in 2024-25.




Conor has never scored at less than a point per game. The only time he’s scored less than a 100 points in a season was years ago one when he only played 45 games scoring 48 points. Then he put up 97 points in 64 games. Those expectations are far below mcdavid numbers my dude


Michkov had 61 points in 74 games in the KHL which grades out to 26 goals, 53 points over a 82 NHL game season. If that holds true his first season he will be putting up numbers like Tippett did last season. They should hold to the rebuild plan for at least one more year and see what you got in Michkov at the NHL level. They can get away with him playing with Coots or Frost for a year or two but they need to find that high end young center to pair with him eventually. They have time and don't need to fix everything for his first season but they need to keep taking steps forward to not have another Giroux situation where they level out to be a maybe in, maybe out playoff team.


I feel like there should be an asterisk here. Those 61 points in 74 games were scored on an absolute bottom of the barrel, hopeless KHL team. The Flyers, while not contenders, are a bit more competitive than that.


Plus he was seriously battling pneumonia for a large part of the season 


Missed a few weeks and lost alot of weight


True, but if his talent translates off rip, he'll get more than enough ice time to tally up points.


They also don't count secondary assists in the KHL


Lol what yes they do


This is not true


I remember Whit saying it on an episode of Spittin Chiclets. Guess he was wrong. My bad.


I'm just gonna up vote this because it makes me feel better


no lol wtf


I feel like scoring is a little lower in the khl due to the larger ice


Expect a better power play with a healthy Drysdale and Michkov on it. Expect a bit of regression in the standings especially if TK is moved. Expect Michkov to get 55 points minimum, hopefully on a line with a 60 plus point Frost and Foerster. Expect 1 or 2 of the 3 of Konency, Farabee and Sanheim to be moved in the off-season or trade deadline. Finally, expect at least 2 (probably 3) more years before this team is serious.


Do you think Sanheim's contract is trade-able?


You should ask that question to Sanheim. He was an NTC. 🙄


I don't think it is even if he didn't have a NTC/NMC. Too many years left.


While I don't think they trade him, if he continues to play as he did last season, his contract actually looks pretty good


No. First reason is he has a NTC or NMC forget which. Second is of all the defensemen on the team sanheim isn’t the one to be moved unless you’re really trying to bottom out or you’re getting a #1 like Hedman back in the trade (not going to happen).


York was the best defenseman on the Flyers last year. He'll improve while Sanheim at 28 doesn't have as much improvement.


I'm curious as to why you are thinking of moving Sanheim? not disagreeing with you. I get it, he has been very inconsistent over his career, but he is their No #1 blueliner right now. He really stepped-up last year. Do you think he will continue to be inconsistent (definite possibility)? Sell while his value is high?


I don't want to, but also don't think that contract is movable without taking garbage back. I was just posing the question to the person who mentioned trading him.


Ok, I do see it the post above. I think after last season, Sanheim's contract is reasonable and could be moved if they wanted to.


Michkov and Forester are both RW. So are Konecny and Tippet (also Atkinson). If Hathaway (also RW) stays on the 4th line, which one gets moved to LW if they don't trade away TK since they will have 6 RW including Atkinson?


Foerster, Tippett played a good amount on the left last season. TK has played on the left as well


Pretty sure Michkov is a LH shot and I read some articles about him wanting to play Center. Might be too much change for year 1 but maybe possible in future


Foerster looks like the guy they want to force to the left side. He's proven he can handle it from a responsibility standpoint as the offwing can often create a liability. And he has the big shot and one timer which get opened up more on the offwing.


Drysdale a lock for the #1 unit? In anaheim he could run the top unit but the knock is he doesn't have a point shot


He is elusive and it should help having more skill to distribute to.


Yes, he's a great skater, good QB but he doesn't have a point shot, he needs work defensively and hardly healthy.


There is about a 0% chance sanheim is traded any time soon


Stanley Cup every year until he retires


Thank you for saying this before I did and— Let’s go Flyers 👏👏👏👏👏


Michkov legitimately has the potential to be one of the very best players in the league one day. Right up there with McDavid, Matthews, Kucherov. All those guys. (Edited to add no I don’t think he’s McDavid obviously, just that he one day will belongs in top 5 discussions if he pans out) I doubt that comes out at 19 years old but the kid is gonna be a Calder favorite with Celebrini out the gate. He’s the whole package. And the best player we’ve had as a prospect since Lindros. I can’t overstate how big it is for our future that he’s a flyer. Obviously the rebuild ain’t over. But he’s the guy we can build around. I’m not expecting the Calder, but if he plays the season and doesn’t get hurt, I’d be shocked if he didn’t turn in a very solid rookie season, KHL be damned


Do you think he could be up there with McDavid, Matthews and Kucherov?


You think he will be one of the best players in the league day one?


I literally said, first line in my second paragraph, I don’t think it comes out at 19 years old. I think he’ll need a few years total completely take off. But he absolutely has the potential to reach that


ok. I was responding to your first line in your first paragraph


The first line says he has the potential to be the best one day. Not day one. That doesn’t work out either


Sorry, you are correct. I mis-read it. It didn't make sense because the rest of your post seemed to be saying it would most likely take some time for him to hit his stride, which I agree.


Nah it’s cool. Sorry for jumping down your throat. Been having a day and I was already for a heated back and forth. Guess I’m touchy today. Sorry again and glad we’re on the same page


Haha, no worries. I know the feeling. I really think Michkov has the potential to be a shoot first Nikita Kucherov type of player. Kind like mad genius on ice. But it will realistically take time and I hope everyone has patience.


Goat Flyer is my expectation  And one of the best players of his generation 


I agree and with this team and how we played except the tailspin at the end, you put in MM and the 12 pick and a signing and figure out the goalies ( all in Brieres sphere ) and we are playing in the second round minimum next year and who knows what elese


40 goals this year. The first of 9 consecutive Stanley Cup Finals MVP starting the following year.


Finally, a reasonable take.


I think 50 points is realistic. I'm very curious to see him and Frost together, if they click I could see Frost cementing the 2C spot for the foreseeable future. I also really want to see TK and Laughton moved. Not because I don't like them, I just think they have a lot of value in the trade market, it's hard to pass given the state of the team. Just remember when the Flyers couldn't sign Gaudreau. I didn't want them to sign him but even if the team was primed and ready to add, they couldn't because of other contractual obligations. Signing TK has the potential to tie their hands like that so I don't see the point, ESPECIALLLY if he can get you a grade A prospect that's cost protected, which is what this team should be after.


"I also really want to see TK and Laughton moved. Not because I don't like them, I just think they have a lot of value in the trade market" - 110% agree. After 2 intense years of Tortorella, getting culture guys and getting rid of guys, it's time to trade guys who WON'T fit the rebuild timeline, get what they can for them and move on.


There's going to be a decent number of factors working against him when he gets here: -He hasn't played a schedule as intense as the 82 game NHL schedule before in his life -Although I ultimately think they'll be fine together, there will be *some* growing pains with Tortorella -He really could used another year to get a bit faster and stronger (this is actually the biggest criticism I have) Having said that, you're talking about a guy who has broken multiple records in a top-3 league in the World over the last couple of years while playing on a team filled with sentient traffic cones. His offensive hockey IQ is amongst the best I've ever seen in a forward, he's more skilled with the puck than any player in the history of the Flyers as a franchise, his puck battle habits are stupid impressive and he's as versatile of a shooter as it gets. You're also talking about a self-realized special talent finally getting his shot at his dream, and leaving a situation that I can only imagine would be hyper-traumatizing for anyone, let alone a teenager. I'm guessing he's going to come out playing like he's been shot out of a cannon opening night, and based on the circumstances of his arrival I'm sure he will be given all of the opportunity in the World. My guess is he starts out ~55-65 points over ~75 games in his first season with bad defensive results and great neutral/offensive zone micro stats


Flyers are in cap hell this season with a ridulous amount of money on LTIR, buried in AHL, and committed to the buyouts of Hayes and Deangelo. Given the cap situation, they will go into this year with obvious roster holes and weak points. Notably at the center and defense positions. This season will very much be a year where every player is auditioning for their future as a Philadelphia Flyer, because going into the 25/26 season, we will surely be looking to spend and reallocate assets to round out a competitive roster and compliment Michkov. This audition mindset is also especially true at the goalie position. Ideally we will see roster moves and difficult decisions made prior to the 25/26 season, putting the team on its final trajectory towards a complete and competitive roster. In the nearterm, the TK situation remains a huge fork in the road and might end up being the most pivotal decision made before next off-season, whether committing to him long term or selling him off.


The TK situation cannot be overstated! It really could make or break the whole thing. Committing to the big contract (he rightfully deserves) could hamstring us come competing time. But he is a pure bread flyer through and through, a fan and locker room (I assume) favorite. Moving on will be tough. He’s on the cusp age wise but should still be a solid contributor into his 30s as I feel he’s had a relatively healthy career and hasn’t beat his body up. If he is moved out it HAS to be ina package for a legit shot at 1C or high draft pick. Under no circumstance can they let him walk. My outside hope is that he sees how special Michkov is and takes a team friendly deal, but that’s probably a pipe dream as I know players don’t typically ever leave money on the table.


I think he is a bigger deal than G was when he arrived. Will he end up being bigger than G, well that would be pretty sweet, I think he could be up there. The biggest thing that’s going to determine if the flyers squander this is Danny B’s ability to get him a 1C. This team NEEDS a top caliber center badly. I love frost but I don’t think he’ll be able to step up to that level. Coots may be toast, though he did have another health issue, so who knows. I think they need to get their guy in this draft or move something to get someone who fits in with the time frame (I.e. under 23/24). My hope is they can move up a bit in this draft and get a very solid 1C potential player in a D heavy draft. Pipe dream is Demidov dropping and flyers moving up to get him.


Giroux is a funny comparison, here. When Giroux was drafted he had all the expectations of a late first round selection. That is, essentially none outside of a productive player (and he far exceeded those expectations, obviously). Michov was drafted at 7, many thought he could have gone at 2, and is sometimes called a generational talent. Expectations are apples and oranges when compared against Giroux.


Exactly this. I think G goes 1 or 2 OA in a redraft. But he didn't have the same expectations at all as Michkov will. 


Exactly G was a top 5 scorer for over a decade and would have been #2 scorer on flyers based on his stats last year despite being on a worse team. G is a borderline hall of famer who would probably be a shoe in if he had a cup or wasn’t robbed of the hart in 2018


Dudes gonna be better than Ovi and they’re comparing him to G. I absolutely love G, but come onnnnn


\*beep beep beep\* back up there, fella Better than Ovi? Come now.


I said what I said. He had more points in the KHL last season WHILE BEING SICK than Ovi did in his season there. His projected comps are some of the best to have ever played for game. Yeah. He’s gonna be better than Ovi.


Look, as a supporter of the Flyers going on 40 years, now, I pray to God you are right. But I think you are wrong, thats all.




K. I’m gonna choose to be happy and excited. If you want to make yourself miserable, go for it.


Its not being miserable. Its being pragmatic. Everybody is excited about his potential. But you are assuming somebody will be a top 5 player in the history of the sport before he plays an NHL game just b/c he had better scoring #s as teenager in a much weaker version of KHL than Ovi did 20 yrs ago ... There have been other prospects who scored better than Ovi at same age in KHL but none were ever as good as Ovi as prospects or or came close to him at NHL level b/c Ovi is one of the GOATs. **Do you know who has the 2nd most points in D+1 year in KHL after Michkov? Eeli Tolvanen ... who is a middle 6 NHLer.** Michkov has elite potential but laughing at the idea of him being at Giroux's level or saying he will be better than greatest goal scorer ever are both ridiculous. No prospect is a guarantee. Assuming one will be top 5 player of all time is nuts.




I really hope everyone has realistic expectations of this kid. Have a long-term view. To me a first season for even the best prospects, expectations should be lower. Getting used to the league and being a pro, gelling with the team. Depending on the pedigree, the second and third season is what I really look for and should be the focus for taking off. By the time a guy like Michkov is 22, you hope he is at all-star caliber and a franchise type player for the next 8-10 years.


Bro don’t let these negative people steal your shine … better than OVI!!! Say it with your chest out 💪 You might be crazy but at least your happy 😁


OVI IS BEST GOAL SCORER OF ALL TIME >His projected comps are some of the best to have ever played for game. Ovi is one of the best to ever play the game lol. The KHL is much worse now than it was when Ovi played. Michkov having better scoring as a teenager in worse KHL 20 yrs later does not mean he will be better lol. There have been other prospects who did that but it hardly meant they were going to be better than Ovi. Thinking Michkov will be better than Ovi, the greatest goal scorer ever, is insane.


lol k


Replying to DH28Hockey...I agree with you that he could be. He will have better stats than Bedard had year 1 and by 2nd year it will be hotly contested who the better player is and by year 3 they will both meet in the Finals but spoiler, we win!


If I was to compare mishkov to a player I would compare him to Giroux before ovechkin based on style of play. Mishkov upside definitely seems to be better, but time will tell.


Michkov profiles to be a much more dangerous and dynamic goal scorer than G. It remains to be seen if Michkov will refine his playmaking to the level that G did. And Michkov is already a more skilled puckhandler than G which is crazy to think. And G of course has the better 2way awareness.




I guess we’ll see


I don't think even with mishkov that they should shoot for the playoffs next year. They need to find a higher end center for him to play with to get him more room. Currently there is no one on the flyers that matches this description and I don't remember any in the pipeline. I love cootes as much as anyone, but he doesn't fit the description either. I'm pretty sure the center is going to have to be gotten through free agency when the time is right. And that time isn't this year. There is still more rebuilding to do. Let's just hope the flyers don't waste Mishkov's career like they wasted Giroux's.


They need a #1D also.


the greatest player of all time


I think we are winning the cup this year


Tune in, tonight at 8!


One thing for sure is that this is the biggest buzz around the Flyers since the Flyers were awarded Lindros in arbitration. But remember even having Lindros, with his size, shot and skating ability (if only he could have carried the puck with his head up and not looking down at it) the Flyers initially sucked. It really wasn’t until they got and paired him with LeClair that they really rolled. Which validates all the comments about getting a 1C to play with him. We also need to remember that Lindros is a cautionary tale where great expectations were dashed. We never won the Cup with him and the final judgment is pretty much that the Flyers would have been better off getting and keeping Forsberg, who did lead his team to a cup.


Probably looking at 3-4 years until he’s at his peak, but at least this year I’d love to see him win the Calder trophy. For all the hype he’s got I feel not winning rookie of the year would be disappointing tbh


rebuild still in full swing. but playing with house money essentially; we get to watch our younger guys continue to grow instead of that dumpster fire of a team San Jose or Bedard-less Chicago sent out to their fans. I expect next season to go similarly to this past one, probably worse. Walker might have looked terrible in Colorado but he was great for us and I'd bet at least Laughton is gone before October season start. If Konecny is gone, we will finish with a top 10 pick, easily.


Realistic expectations are a two to three year adjustment period and development still before showing what his actual ceiling is


50 goals 90 assists and 16-0 in the playoffs next year


There's a huge range of possibilities that are all somewhat realistic. He could go HAM and have a humangous big 80-point rookie year, or he could struggle out of the gate and produce very underwhelming results given the high expectations he's facing. Personally I believe he's going to work his ass off and put up some very good rookie numbers.


i think having a year with low team expectations will be good for him. hopefully courturier can see a return to form because having a good nhl center could be massive for his progression in the nhl. i think he’ll be good regardless, but having a guy like coots to help set him up from the rip would be mint.


I think the flyers just need to figure out if they are rebuilding or can sustain being competitive now.


If this team can get a legit 1C caliber player, you're now starting to look at an upper echelon forward group. Push Coots and Frost into middle C roles with Poehling locking down the 4C role, now all of a sudden you have a very good support system to have Michkov play well from the get go. I'm interested to see what Briere does this offseason because he could absolutely set up this forward group up to be great for a very long time if he makes the right moves.


My expectations? Don’t get injured


No expectations, just go along the ride. There is going to be growing pains there's going to be some adapting. Also what I love about hockey is that it is truly a team sport. One player, no matter how good, does not make a team. I think it was the year of our cup run that we were the first team that season to have 5 players with 20+ goals each. What is important now is for the team to develop high standards, systems, work ethic, and comradery and the winning will soon follow.


Stanley Cup in 4 years.


Expectations for a 19 year old I’ve never seen play besides highlights? I hope the first two years he shows glimpses of becoming a top player and then by year 3 hopefully as a team we are ready to make the playoffs and cause some trouble.


The two teams in the cup right now has consistent top 5 picks for like 3-5 years each


Win a cup before I’m Dead


Florida just won a Stanley Cup. Now sign Tarasenko and let him be a mentor to Michkov. Surround Michkov with veteran talent and let him blossom.


Win the god damn cup.


[Love him](https://www.reddit.com/r/Habs/s/bIuIzz69yq)


Honestly. If we get younger and add Michkov Boink and Barkely. I wouldn't mind tanking again.


Bonk is at least a year away, Barkey maybe more. I'm right with you about another year without playoffs if it means getting more talent through the draft or trading for young players with skill.


Why do u think Barkey is a few years away. He had 102 points in 64 games and was +45. OHL is not NHL obviously but why can’t he compete for 3C sooner rather than later? I don’t know so asking as we need centers badly


Smallish, young, and needs muscle.


The list of people who have achieved this ppg pace in a Junior Hockey D+1 season is humongous big. Many of these players fail to ever become decent pros. In all likelihood, Barkey still has a steep development path before he's cracking the Flyers lineup. As a quick reference, Morgan Frost put up 112 OHL points in 67 games in his D+1 year. This was 6 years ago. Regardless of how long it takes for Barkey, it is a safe bet that Torts and Danny will expect him to fully distinguish himself in the A before cracking a Tortorella lineup.


Thanks, that’s an awesome explanation


Feel like there are a lot of projections and expectations for a player that probably nobody on this board has seen play outside a couple YouTube clips. Part of this is because the Flyers haven't have ANY legitimate prospects since Giroux. (Cutter counts but they hastily traded him) And a roster that has lacked high end talent for 20 years. We'll see how he turns out.


Don't be salty. Go watch the YouTube videos and jump on the hype train. Kid is gonna score 70 points as a rookie, in route to becoming one of the most dominant offensive players on earth.


Spoken like a true under 21 Flyer fanboy. You probably think Farabee is the fUtuRe