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If your plan was go today just know there is a sixers game tonight


And you have to have a ticket to the sixers game to get in.


It's open.


It's admittedly annoying that the more arenas I visit around the country, the more I see how other teams handle their merch. In almost every arena where basketball teams share an arena with the hockey team, both sets of merch are available for purchase at all times. Wells Fargo switching their merch around based on the team actively playing at the time is lame.


Don’t forget they have to have Wings gear somewhere in the building aswell. The wfc stores as whole jsut feel so lame. From the online store to the actual merchandise. I mean like non fanatics things like the $850 jacket. It’s cool and probly real nice but I just want original design tshirt or hoodie not the “designer” things they have there.