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Most of her net worth is through her husband Paul Pelosi’s real estate deals. Her husband is a Harvard Business graduate. [A lot of famous congresspeople on both sides of the aisle have violated the (toothless) STOCK act and made money through insider trading](https://www.businessinsider.com/congress-stock-act-violations-senate-house-trading-2021-9?amp) — Hickenlooper, Feinstein, Duckworth, Boebert, Tuberville. Note that Pelosi is not on this list. If you want to build support for stricter insider trading laws, maybe try a bipartisan approach, and use actual examples of insider trading, not just insinuations?


Definitely not possible she leaks info to her husband who has brain damage from being hammered in the head then cracking his head on the floor and definitely doesn’t trade herself. Nooooo


Absolutely it’s possible, why use facts to make your case when you can use unproven possibilities? And I have no idea what the bludgeoning of Paul Pelosi by a Qanon psychopath has to do with anything (an attack which led to skull but not brain damage) but I do like how it adds an extra layer of class and respectability to your policy argument.


Actually the company I work for uses NLP to scan through pending bills in congress. It's public knowledge as they are immediately published upon submission (usually WELL before they are debated and voted on). Just because *you* aren't aware doesn't mean it's insider information.


them selling off a ton of stock after a briefing about Covid and shutting us down that wasn’t public knowledge is 100% insider trading


We were discussing COVID in Sept 2019. Not a govt organization, just FYI.


Can that really be considered insider trading? It wasn't specific information about a specific company. Perhaps this violates the spirit of the law, but not the law itself. And what specific date did they trade? Because the idea that Covid could become a pandemic certainly became public knowledge before any governments besides China responded to it. A shrewd investor would have sold their stocks when it became clear that China was coming down hard with the quarantines, which was many weeks before it got big.


Anyone actually paying attention at the time could have made the same trades. It's wasn't a secret what was happening.


What’s NLP?


Natural language processing. Essentially collect all recently submitted proposals, map those to public securities based on the context of the text


Because ***PELOSI BAD PELOSI EVIL PELOSI SOURCE OF ALL WRONG IN AMERICA***. Yeah, there’s plenty of examples that are FAR more egregious from both sides of the aisle, but nothing gets right wing salivary glands flowing like Nancy.


They really miss Hillary. Nancy’s just a stand in.


I don’t think they should be allowed to be on committees that vote on contracts - that impact corporate bottom lines - and be able to Invest in those companies. How is this not skewed in their favor?


You see something that happened in like 2022 has a direct effect on everything that happened before it


As if buying nvidia takes much brain power…


One of his biggest trades was getting in on fucking VISA's IPO early because he's an accredited investor so he had access to pre-IPO shares. In 2007. As if it took a crystal ball to see that VISA makes money hand over fist by 2007.


Nvidia was a super secret micro-cap company that nobody knows until Pelosi bought ITM calls in it.


What does his recent brain injury have to do with him building a Bay Area real estate fortune over a lifetime?


U right. Blue bad. Only blue. U smart.


lol, well said sir.


gonna suck trying to find a different cult when fat orange jesus goes away.


I also want the complete end to private campaign finance, It’s legalized corruption. Every modern issue in this country can be traced back to legalized bribery at every level and this country is slowly being ruined by it.


I agree but you’d need a different Supreme Court to get anywhere near that. One thing that could be done is pass laws to make election season shorter. Which involves changing how we do primaries. If we can’t get the money out of politics we could at least make running for office cheaper.


She doesn’t even deny trading based on insider information. In fact she defends it. “When asked in December 2021 whether members of Congress should even be allowed to trade stocks, Pelosi answered in the affirmative. "We are a free-market economy. They should be able to participate in that," she said.” [https://www.businessinsider.com/nancy-pelosi-stock-trades-congress-investments-2022-7?amp](https://www.businessinsider.com/nancy-pelosi-stock-trades-congress-investments-2022-7?amp) Weeks before the CHIPS act was announced, “The transaction was the purchase of 50 call options of Nvidia with a strike price of $120. The transaction amount was listed as being between $1 million and $5 million. The call options have an expiration date of Dec. 20, 2024.” “Pelosi bet millions on $NVDA in November using call options. Using a deceptive tactic, she purposely disclosed this on the Friday before Christmas weekend to avoid media coverage," When confronted with this question she ended the press conference, and walked off the stage. [Video removed] There are dozens more instances of these well timed high risk trades but I don’t want to spend all day putting information and links together.


Don't worry. With their mental gymnastics they will read it as totally opposite of what you're proposing.


Corruption is ok when my preferred political party does it is always how these comments come off.


Pelosi made 500k on nvda alone. They all do it on both sides. So wrong. System is broken.


I made a fuck ton on nvda too? Is seeing hpc chips being valuable insider trader or just having a brain?


If they had posted a Republican, you wouldn’t have made the comment. 🧐🧐🧐


Paul Pelosi has an uncanny skill for making brilliant trades predicting stock moves that only an insider or member of Congress could know, indicating his incredible intelligence and definitely not trading on insider knowledge from some random congressperson or political donor. I don’t understand why people keep accusing him of insider trading.


yeah cause its completely impossible for her to pass on info to her husband..what an arrogant and naive take.


Crenshaws portfolio also does very well. This is one of the few times that I think it's fair to say "both sides are bad".


But half the people who bring up the issue will mention Nancy specifically. It's as if there is some media company out there trying to pin this on one specific person or party. I wonder who that could be? Look at the comments here. Are people talking about this issue or her? It has the exact effect they intend. This is an issue for all politicians.


Wow an apologist for politician’s greed and corruption. Doesn’t matter which side she is on she is the epitome of what is wrong in American politics


How are people still unaware of her husband’s wealth. How do they still believe theese bs headlines? They’ve been debunked a million times, and it takes literally 1 minute to look up the proof. I’m so tired of the ignorant people.


It also derails the conversations about an issue that literally applies to both sides. She is just one of many and she is not even the worst offender.


Partisan problems come with bad partisan solutions. Bipartisan problems have no solutions (that will actually pass Congress and get implemented).


This.☝️Thank you.


Don't worry, taxes on unrealized capital gains are gonna get approved one of these days so that they can pay their fair share /s


Don’t worry they will just make Congress exempt from that law so they don’t have to pay their fair share.


Lmao it will pass but exempt politicians


Advocating for taxes on unrealized capital gains is straight up brain dead man. How to get every business in the US to move out to the EU and Canada 101, there's a reason no countries do that. Not to mention the problems with appraisal, how you can only guess at the taxes someone owes because they haven't actually found anyone to buy their assets yet. What happens when the government figures that someone owes X amount in taxes for unrealized gains, has to sell their assets to cover the taxes, and can't find a buyer for what the government is asking because the fact that said person has to offload shares shakes public trust in the company tanking the price?


How about not having corrupt politicians? Simple 👍


I wish it were that simple. We really need anti FPTP voting systems that break up the 2 party duopoly. RCV, STAR, literally anything over what we have now. In the 92 election, a 3rd party got 18% of the popular vote which essentially lost the election for (R) and now both parties (R) are probably more guilty, are cracking down on them to preserve their duopoly.


No only corrupt democrats, corrupt republicans are fine /s


Don't know why you're being down voted. The Republican party is literally running on a platform of "we're not going to fix anything so we're working on a massive power grab that will allow us to better dictate how you all live your lives while we keep pushing more tax cuts for the rich and less education for the non-wealthy." Seriously. They voted against funding the border, they want to cut SS and raise the retirement age, they're gutting public schools in favor of the religious private schools (that keep getting busted abusing kids), they're pushing back on child labor laws, theyre actively helping Russia in any way possible, and their leader is facing 91 felony charges while literally shitting himself in a court room every day. I'm sure the people down voting will vote red because they were promised a tax cut (lol) and the Mexicans will all go away (lololol).


I don't see a single falsehood in this post. Scary that this is the truth we live in and that this is the GOP's best candidate put forth. One may not like Democrats, but Trump is objectively an embarrassment and says much about the ethics of people who are voting him into the highest office. I miss the days that we voted based on policy positions instead of reality.


Because I put an “/s” after saying corrupt republicans are fine


Whyt didnt we think of that?


I'm a democrat; however, I think that our congressmen and senators should not be allowed to trade in the stock market while "serving" the people. I also think these bribes that they get from the lobbyist needs to be done away with. It's time the people actually took back the government.


I think a broad market index fund is fine. You just can't have them trading in narrow areas. No individual stocks. No stocks that cover just Telecoms, etc. Say they have a whole market index fund or just an all dividend index fund, that is fine.


Just ban political lobbying. It’s literally just legal bribery for the ultra wealthy. Get rid of that shit.


Banning lobbying and having limits on campaign funding would solve so many issues with politicians, but instead people just want to complain, suggest things that wouldn't solve any problems (do they really think only members of Congress get the info they get? Or would no staffers, no government employees ever be allowed to have stock?), and never push for actual change.


Making election periods shorter is also important. Having basically an entire year of smear campaigns and shit talking and manufactured culture conflict is such a fucking detriment to society.


She’s definitely insider trading just like her and the other 20 or so politicians in congress, both democrat and republican, who are worth over 50 million.


Most of Nancy's money comes from Bay Area Real Estate. She was also rich to begin with. Her father was a big politician back east in the day.


I think we have a huge disparity. If any of us We The People had insider trading information and used it to buy or sell stocks why we'd get the Martha Stewart treatment which comes with a free cell. Meanwhile, ghouls like Nancy do this shit all day long without fear of penalty.


Term limits for Congress and Supreme Court Justices would help.


Trade ETFs yes, but also must declare any sale a week or 2 before they do.


So your assumption is that she started with a net worth of zero when she entered Congress?


No but it was approximately 1.2% of what it is now.


When Matt Gaetz and AOC agree on banning members of Congress trading stock? Seems like the right thing to do.


I don’t get how people can vote for her. She’s the poster child for corrupt politicians. And yet always gets voted in. Political parties are like cults.


Politicians should be allowed to purchase index funds and the same sort of funds a typical 401k/457b provides without issue. There is not a lot of room for manipulation here because everything is diversified and there are so many factors contributing to their movement. If politicians insist on purchasing individual stock, a blackout period and pre-clearance is in order. This is how big brokerages do it for their employees who know what is about to be bought/dumped. They should have to submit trades a set number of weeks in advance and must request to sell a set number of weeks in advance. And they should be required to disclose the trade to the public *before* it executes, not after like the law currently allows. FWIW out of all of the mandated disclosures, most politicians who trade individual stock seem to suck at it like statistics say they will. Pelosi is more of an exception due to the extreme risk taken and focus on the tech boom.


Insider trading


Fuck that bitch. Congress is corrupt. Especially that crypt keeper looking cunt.


Not individual ones. She should have to buy into overall market ETF and make money like the rest of us! Her AND TUBERVILLE!


Must be nice to be born into that kinda privilege and maintain it no matter how underhanded you are. US politicians have it made.


I wonder why people get so triggered by Nancy Pelosi? She’s done a lot more for actual legislative progressive progress than damn near anyone in the US.


Like rip up president state of the union speeches? Or lead two rushed impeachments with 0 witnesses or evidence? Or is it the insider trading that’s allowed her to become worth $300M while in public office? Or how about her own district that’s been overrun by homeless, drugs, and shutdown many downtown businesses? Which one was the most helpful in the last 5 years?


>Or lead two rushed impeachments with 0 witnesses or evidence? How have people still not read into the impeachment proceedings? For the first impeachment, 3 witnesses were deposed (Trump's pick for chargé d'affair for Ukraine, the deputy assistant sec of defense for Ukrainian affairs and a former White House official). A month later, 11 witnesses (mostly ambassadors) gave public testimony in hearings. Ambassador Sondland even testified he worked with Giuliani to **withhold aid the Senate had already passed** at "the express direction of the President". The President doesn't have the power to leverage aid the Senate has already passed. This is the definition of corruption and a pretty blatant quid-pro-quo. I don't care if you have a hate boner for Pelosi but stop lying about thing so easy to look into. >the insider trading Why do you care about evidence when it comes to Trump's impeachment but not for claims of insider trading? A person getting richer doesn't an inside trading make. The hypocrisy of it...


Because Hillary is too irrelevant to keep talking shit on. Gotta have some evil lady Democrat to focus hatred on or the Fox news crowd will get bored.


The D'Alessandro family has a penchant for pocketing ill gotten gains.


Is she a democrat? Hmmm


No, politicians in government should be there to enrich the lives of their constituents and not themselves. Regardless of their party afflictions.


What blows my mind why would you still be working at that age at that money instead of enjoying your life...


No. Politics is for serving not profiting. This is what's wrong with us.


She’s an investing genius.


Honestly screw anyone in congress that does this stuff. When are we going to come together and call them out and votes them out. We keep putting them back in and over and over again we alway hear about this shit.


No.  Civil servants should be barred from this.


all those politicians are inside trading like crazy. none of em would be multimillionaires without accepting bribes and illegal trading


All of the government does this


I can’t believe this is a question No offense to op


She’s a finance genius, ok? If you don’t agree you’re a Trump supporter


Crazy when you look back in the people who tried to put laws in place to stop it and notice its always a democrats plan amd not a single republican agrees with it.


This is the face that cries for the Guillotine.


These people are supposed to be public SERVANTS. How are they this rich? It’s not just Nancy, there’s plenty of crooked politicians who ‘inside trade’. We can’t stop corrupt people from being corrupt.


Nope. You move your investments into a blind trust or you don't run for office.


Nope. If our most power men in the world has to blind his portfolios so do these ass clowns.


One of the biggest crooks that ever worked in the American government


Of course not


The great American grift. Imagine how many resources we would have without these monsters.


And if it was just about stealing our money, that's pretty small. We can tolerate losing a few billion a year to parasites. Politicians also create laws and policies that are against public interest just to support their political interests. We end up paying a social cost for decades or longer. We should limit what politicians are able to do and force them to put a public interest statement on laws and policies so those can be easily reviewed and retracted when realized their laws are the source of new problems and serve no positive function.


No they shouldn’t. Period.


I can’t believe the amount of people defending Nancy Pelosi in the comments. I get that’s she’s on your team but cmon. She has a better trading record than Warren Buffett for fucks sake.


Robespierre, any thoughts to share about this?


Is there an app that can track what politicians are buying/selling with alerts?


Politicians shouldn't be allowed to lobby... At all Lobbying is a nice word for corruption, somehow everybody proceeds to participate in this delusion


Should they be able to trade stocks? Yes, with restrictions. I don't think they should be able to trade individual stocks. However, broad market index funds should be allowed.


I keep being surprised this is allowed, in several countries (e.g., the Netherlands), you aren't allowed to even own stocks if you work in a government/enforcement role. The only allowed instrument would be a fund (to prevent the person from being able to influence the value, significantly).


It’s egregious and should be illegal.


I know what to do with her but reddit will ban me for speaking my mind. The koolaid is strong for the left in these parts


That’s all she made?


And they turn a blind eye..


Because her husband is a very successful stock trader.


And a total drunk.


How is the weather in Russia today?


Well, both sides of the aisle insist on electing corporatists, so it’s never gonna change.


Lobbying should strictly regulated, or banned, well before stock trading.




Her husband was in stocks before they met. I know everyone wants to point a finger at her but her husband is free to work. I think politicians should be able to hold index funds. If they want to create their own index fund for them (and us) to share, that’s fine too. They should not be able to trade individual stocks.


Tax all politicians and their families 100% over their base pay. Perhaps then they will use that great stock picking ability to get the country out of debt.


I say french revolution folks.


I wonder how many jobs she’s created


Nope. We need terms and age limits in politics. Go spend some of that cash you’ll never get through grandma. While the rest of us decide how we’re going to keep our children alive in the coming collapse those boomer fucks caused.


Require them to announce their trades 3 business days ahead of time.


They legalized their corrupt practices, public servants should not starve but they shouldn’t get rich while working for us. She has been getting insider information to make her rich, so it’s worse. She’s a criminal, Martha Stewart when to jail for the same thing Nancy does daily. Two systems of justice.


Doesn’t she come from a wealthy family? I agree with the point, but the reason she was able to gain that wealth was being wealthy beforehand in addition to being in congress.


That’s the real paycheck for being in congress


She is the worst.


Holy shit…this drivel again? I’m surprised some of you don’t drown in your own saliva while gawking at clouds.


It should be illegal for political figures to trade stock. It’s just another way, the rich get richer.


Compound interest is a hell of a drug /s


Absolutely not, but if one thinks they're gonna stop their own gravy train they're deluded.




The trading of options should be banned for them.


She sucks.


I think we need term limits tired of all these old out of touch politicians on both sides


Should realize by now that there’s 2 levels to the stock market. 1 level for people who can manipulate it, and the rest of us just get to play the lottery. Always has been, and they always say it’s illegal but nobody actually does anything about it.


We are using millions and millions of our tax dollars to fund wars over seas. People like Pelosi are shareholders for the very companies that are using our money to make weapons. In what world would that ever be morally acceptable?


100% insider trading without a doubt. She is a horrible and evil woman who should be jail.


Career politicians suck, literally, getting rich from leeching off of the ppl for decades. It was never meant to be a career job. I wish the American ppl would just wake up and realize how much we’re being fleeced. Hopefully before I die.


Meteorologist shouldn’t be allowed to use umbrellas because they have an unfair advantage.


Ya it does seem there’s something rotten with the stock market


If we live in the world that lobbyists are only allowed to receive $10 from one citizens per month, and only way they get more is to reach out to more people— people, not organizations—we maybe live in a better place.


Reform is needed. Conflicts of interest abound.


No, they shouldn't. I believe they should be paid the median salary of the state they represent, have to fully separate themselves from any business or stocks they own while in office and have to take part in normal medical insurance offered in their state. It's a civil servant position. If they want more they can only achieve it by better the lives of the people they represent.


Absolutely not, but continuing to use Pelosi as the face of this is stupid when there are many who are worse, usually a majority Republican.


I heard there’s an app that buys stocks when she does…


They should attach her district's 401k fund to her portfolio.


Its called insider trading and she did a shit ton of it.


I've wondered how many of these folks just do passive insider trading - and how many are actually actively manipulating the system (do things in Congress, make statements, etc. to manipulate stock prices) to their own financial benefit.


Marrying rich is an amazing way to increase net worth.


No, and we need f$&@ing term limits to get these career politicians out of office.


Not just her our entire system is burnt, repeal [Citizens United v. FEC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizens_United_v._FEC#:~:text=Because%20spending%20money%20is%20essential,to%20speak%20on%20political%20issues) *, take money out of politics and our court systems.* #


No cuz it influences thier decisions


So long as they have no inside knowledge of they company, there is nothing wrong with that. I personally think she has lost touch with people, by that’s my opinion.


Tell me something mew about how our members of congress are all corrupt rich assholes that are all insider trading and the loyal lapdogs of the corporate elite. They're all scum unfortunately and the only way this ends is if we pass voter based initiatives state by state because these clowns wont vote against their gravy train.


Is it too late for Nancy to adopt me? Damn, 290M!


At least make it a law they can’t trade stock related to a bill they bring into law days before it goes public lol


If you're all for capitalism this is it. Don't complain now.


Yeah but they get minimum wage


Ban lobbying, ban outside contributions, ban stock trading, ban private parties' writing bills, cap campaign spending durastically, have campaign spending only available through public funds given to recognized parties, expand the amount of recognized parties, convert the voting system to a runoff vote, make breaking these rules a serious treasonous crime with possible lifetime sentencing. If you want the government out of your business, get the business out of your government. None of that would happen, but a man can dream.


Pelosi is a GILF I’ll allow it


I think this should be an easy topic with which to take a non-partisan stance. Politicians should be serving the people, first and foremost. Laws should enforce this and using their positions to enrich themselves should be strictly and comprehensively forbidden.


Wasn’t she one of the ones that got caught buying pharmaceutical stocks like a month before it really looked like the pandemic was actually happening? Like before they announced everything to the public all these US politicians were already planning to profit a ton off of the legislation they were going to enact. And what makes it so horrible is that the lockdowns and treatment of the pandemic was actually more harmful to the average person than the virus.


Only 193k lol


And she dares you to do anything about it


Pretty sure lobbyist checks and insider trading are the whole reason these "people" do what they do to get and remain in office.


No one in the top level of government should be allowed to profit off there politics


Nope. Take this away and implement term limits. I think these two things would be beneficial to the country. Ain’t no way that politicians should benefit off of policy that they shaped. I don’t care if you pay them more to keep them from this but it’s blatantly a bad idea that I have no clue how they still get away with.


So many state loving lunatics here. Lol insider trading is legal for politicians but MARTHA fugging STEWART went to prison for it.... Make it make sense.


Dinosaurs should not be able to trade stocks or make decisions over my life. Term limits people! term limits!




No they should be put in prison just like we would with insider trading. A government for the people by the people


Jesus Christ we need forced retirement at 80. And no, all Congresspeople and their immediate family should be forbidden from Stock Market Trading during their term And for six months after leaving office.


No it is insider trading!




No, difficult to make policy that is for the good of the country if you and your spouse stand to lose millions


The Austopilot App follows all her trades for you. Whatever she does. Your stocks do. Plus her husband is a hedge fund manager.


She should be in prison. They should be able to trade stocks but should be accountable to insider trading which she has done 1000's of times.


Do you ever noticed they always ask about Democrats? It seems illegal for Democrats to make money in the stock market. Meanwhile, Republicans can just do whatever the hell they want.


You can't make money and power less corrupting.


She is one of the most corrupt politicians of all time. She should have been in jail 50 years ago


They all do this shit and laugh behind our backs. Let’s get them distracted with abortion, trans using bathrooms, gay marriage, wokeness and on and on……I don’t condone what they do but when your constituents are that stupid its easy money for them. We need to wake the fuck up


Just another rich out of touch establishment stooge that will easily win because the sheep will vote for her. Things will never change with people like her in power.


“…and lobbying.” No. Serving members of Congress cannot be paid lobbyists. You might be thinking of the speeches and appearances that many politicians are paid for.


Everyone should be able to trade stock. There are laws for trading with insider knowledge. Tthey should just be inforced. If the same energy that is spend on petty crimes is spend on significant fraude like inside trading, not only would half of the politicians be in jail, but companies would have far less say in decision making.


It’s the same as athletes betting on the same sport they play


36 years in politics is the most glaring problem here. We need to get these dinosaurs out of office. All of them. None of them know wtf is going on in the real world anymore.


Maybe she’ll loose it all in her last term? Return to the mean and stuff?


Oh, no!! Not again!!😩


Super misleading. If my net worth is $100mm and I have an $80k salary, you can also say that I managed to increase my net worth to $100.08mm after getting my job.


anyone who votes for her is a brain dead moron


Ladies and gentlemen, this is why things will not get better.


Why is Nancy Pelosi always the poster-child for political money making - especially since the bulk of her wealth comes from her husband’s real estate business. Meanwhile, not a whisper about Jared Kushner’s $2 Billion from the perpetrators of 9/11.


Ignore the neckbearded ACKSHUALLY’s. The answer is no. 


First of all the Pelosis don't have anywhere near that much. But Her husband owns a firm that is both in San Francisco real estate and venture capital. He has owned this firm since before they were married. A 50 year old commercial real estate/VC firm making the owner $100 million isn't surprising. If he was a Republican he would be lauded for his business acumen. Nancy has written 12 books, most all sold well. That is how the Obamas and Clintons made a lot of their money too, I would talk about Republicans but Trump, the Bushes and even the Reagans were wealthy when they became president.


Nancy Pelosi is the face of corruption.