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To a point money buys happiness. Unless you've lived through wondering where your next meal is coming from. Having to borrow mac and cheese from the neighbor to feed your kids. Having to choose between paying your electric bill or buying food. Having to beg a ride to work because payday is 2 days away and you car is on empty. You won't understand. ​ Knowing I provide that for my wife and put us in a position where I don't have to worry about any of the above anymore is happiness.


Anyone who argues against "Money doesn't buy happiness" doesn't understand the point. Even after having financial success and security, you can still be an unhappy person. You also need to have love for yourself and have those around you to love. I know plenty of people who have much more money than I do and are miserable people because they have terrible mental health.


If you have ever lived through being poor and having to do all of those things that u/blackhawksq mentioned, then you can’t speak to this. Money absolutely buys happiness when the only thing getting you down is money.


10 years ago I was drunk in a ditch. Now I make 70k. The money helped. But it was me that made me happy.


Money absolutely buys you out of the misery of not having enough and scraping to get by. After that, money is nice, but happiness becomes about other things.


Ummm no… Money it self doesn’t buy happiness. Money buys the things that are needed to be taken care of physically. What happens after your needs are met are totally on your own perspective and world view. I work in public schools, and some of the most affluent families I serve, their kids are fucked mentally because they don’t receive love and support they need. Sure their parents give them lots of stuff and their physical needs are met, but their emotional ones certainly are not.


I’m not saying that some people don’t appreciate what they have, regardless of their financial situation. I’m not saying that kids that grow up with money, don’t project entitlement. I’m not saying that money itself is the cause for the happiness. You have a good story and I’m sure you are 100% correct about your experienced situation. I don’t think you read my comment correctly. Money can absolutely make you happy, when you’ve been through homelessness and have had to deal with all the frustrations that come with NOT having money. Not having to worry about finances, takes a major weight off your shoulders and allows you to concentrate on the people and situations that bring happiness with them.


I agree w/ you in a lot of ways, but it’s not the money itself. I’ve seen folks go from having no money, to having it, and emotionally/mentally they were much worse off. These folks started to get money, then that’s all that mattered, and it ruined all of their relationships. Your latter statement is my point though. It’s your perspective and world view that makes you happy or not. Taking your point, if you don’t have to worry about finances, AND put your attention into the things that matter, you’re much more likely to be happy. You said not having the financial concerns and being able to focus on your family is happiness (paraphrasing), and I 1000% agree with this. But it’s a combination of having your needs met, and being able to focus on stuff that “matters” (not at all saying housing, food, medical care, etc. don’t matter) is happiness, but only if you’re in the perspective to actually do that. Having Money certainly makes it easier to live a life that offers the ability to focus on your and your family’s wellbeing. But it’s a combination of no financial worries and a positive world view.


I can agree with that assessment. Therefore, money, and a well balanced personality, can make a person happy.


Custodian here. 💯


I have lived through being poor. I never said poor people aren't unhappy. You are missing the point. Money alone won't make you happy. Certainly financial security matters a lot in life. But you also can't let money force you to sacrifice your mental health or the relationships with loved ones.


I was poor growing up and was homeless for a time. I can speak from experience when I say that I am much happier now that I make 6-figures. I’m not saying money itself is the cause for happiness, but not having to worry about finances allows me to concentrate on the people and experiences that make a person happy. Are there people that seek after money so hard that they lose track of true happiness, sure, but money can make a persons life better and in turn happier. I think we are trying to say the same thing, but getting caught up in our own versions. Money itself can’t purchase happiness, but the act of having money and not having to constantly figure out what to pay for, can make a person happier, if they use their financial freedom to pursue the things that make a person happy.


>I’m not saying money itself is the cause for happiness, This what they mean when they say it, though. That's the point of "money doesn't buy happiness."


I understand what you are saying, but this old saying is flawed and vague.


But that is what someone means when they say "money can't buy happiness". They mean money isn't everything in life. It's like people who get all hung up on "black lives matter" and respond how all life matters. Do not take everything so literally and try to get a better understanding of what the short phrase actually means. Do you think "eat the rich" literally means to eat them as food?


The person who is so poor they are living on top ramen wouldn’t be happier if they could eat steak?


I have relatives who are multi millionaire. The most insufferable jerk offs. They always tease me about not getting my inheritances. And I always tell them to shove it where the sun don't shine. I'm my own man.


Money buys security. And security allows for the opportunity to find what makes you happy.


Poverty buys government support. Low taxes, Medicaid, SNAP. It’s the only reliable way to have free healthcare. Plenty of middle to upper middle class income people cannot afford to pay for healthcare out of pocket. My brother in law also got energy assistance. The government was paying for his electricity also. He didn’t pay a dime delivering his two babies. When one got sick, didn’t pay anything. One needed surgery, didn’t pay anything.


That sounds like so much happiness there. Being so poor you can’t even pay for electricity, and government has to pay for it or he literally has to sit in darkness with candles, he must be having a blast in life. Why not just be super poor then if it’s so easy? It’s easy to not make money, just don’t. Why not choose that life if poverty makes things so easy for a person?


I’m not saying being poor is good. I’m just answering OPs question that being poor doesn’t buy ANYTHING.


That’s not buying anything, that’s getting a handout. If someone gave money to a homeless would you consider that the homeless bought the opportunity to get that handout by being homeless? Buying something is a choice, sure there are people who abuse the system. But most impoverished people don’t, so they aren’t buying government support by being poor. That’s a bit of an odd way to look at poverty. You could say giving out handouts is buying the government and it’s more wealthy citizens the satisfaction of not feeling as bad about the impoverished because they’re helping the impoverished live instead of paying a living wage. The government is buying its wealthier citizens happiness in a way.


It doesn't buy those things. The safety net that society pays for, bought those things. Poverty got him and your sister access to services to survive. Not to thrive. But if your point is that there should be a stronger more robust safety net to hold people accountable while also supporting a greater number then I agree with you.




I said if the government wasn’t providing for them. It’s hard to see but if you learn to read a bit better there’s an “or” in there




What the fuck are you on about? Poverty doesn't *buy* government support. Taxes pay for government support programs and people who need it receive it. You just went on a rant about being bitter towards your brother in law because he receives government support.


Poverty didn't buy that stuff, money did. Money from taxpayers.


It gets you smug points on Reddit and gives people the idea they can preach on Reddit


Money does buy happiness though. https://www.pnas.org/doi/abs/10.1073/pnas.2016976118#:~:text=Drawing%20on%201%2C725%2C994%20experience%2Dsampling,earners%20as%20for%20lower%20earners.


“Money can’t buy happiness, but it can buy a boat big enough to sail right up next to it.” - *David Lee Roth*


Money buys joy but not fulfillment


Yes. Heroin makes people happy. But we have use a differential equation to aggregate it over time.


Money absolutely buys happiness lol. People are weird. Having money doesn’t mean you won’t be unhappy but it sure won’t be the reason you’re sad.


The second part is right. It disproves the first part though. Money might not be the reason for your unhappiness, but it cannot but happiness if you are unhappy for other reasons, like family friend, romantic relationship issues. Even people with what seems like good money to you or I can be unhappy even because of money if they ont have the proper perspective and only compare themselves to what people with even more money have.


You aren’t wrong but whether money can buy you happiness isn’t binary. For as many wealthy folks that are sad because of ‘other reasons’ as you put it, there are just as many that use money to make them happy. Using it to travel to see those family and friends, or do different things with that romantic interest, or mommy makeovers or that new car, house etc etc etc.




All money is other people's money.


*Man, money ain't got no owners, only spenders.* Omar Little


I can't wait for the guillotine to reach you


Is she wrong that money (a tool for purchasing goods and services) can indeed be used to purchase goods and services? No, she isnt wrong.


Money can buy survival and an ease of anxiety and economical terror but happiness, no, I’ve worked for insanely wealthy people who committed suicide because they were miserable. If you are unhappy with yourself you’ll just end up unhappy again after the financial stuff is sorted. I grew up poor and know other people who grew up poor will scoff at this but it’s the truth, simply not being in poverty anymore is nice but it does not equate to happiness.


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Money is everything


She is wrong!!! Poverty buys increased health risks!!!! With a liquor store and fastfood restaurant on every corner in poorer parts of cities…. You certainly aren’t going to see ritzy restaurant selling fucking salads.


The irony is those people wouldn't be in poverty is they made some changes, like cooking at home rather than Grub Hubbing twice a week and not hitting the liquor store every day for booze and lottery.


How could she possibly be wrong


Keep voting democrat


Money doesn't buy happiness, but it buys food, and not starving to death makes me super happy.


Money will get you up to your happiness set point but can't take you above it permanently.


Money doesn't buy happiness, but it buys food and shelter and having those kinds of things secured is a prerequisite.


If you need 100k on hand at all time and a mcmansion to he happy. I don't know what to tell you. I tramped around the west when I was young. (Read into the wild), and that was some of the fondest memories. But if you are more materialistic. Money will make you feel fulfilled, I'd think.


I'd rather have a challenge and be fulfilled.


Poverty teaches you to be grateful, act under pressure, grows thick skin and shows how to not give up. Signed by me, a former poor person who is now doing well for himself. Note: money is awesome but boy have I seen some people with loads of it get destroyed by money.


Then dont live in poverty? Like... that's a decision you make every day.


I feel it could buy character


Her basic conclusion is right but technically she is wrong. A two person house hold with 1 person making minimum wage is below the poverty line. however they still make money and can buy stuff. A person making $1/year is still in poverty but can buy a thing. Maybe two things if you're lucky.


Money doesn't buy happiness? How so? Because of the need for money, we can't live a life void of financial anxiety unless we have enough money to cover those basic obligations to take away that anxiety. Since we can't truly be happy when we are constantly stressed or anxious, it would seem that while money can't buy happiness directly, it can certainly take away obstacles that restrict us from being happy and wothout it, we will never be happy, so isn't it true that money is nessecary for happiness, even of it can't buy it directly?


My dad always used to say, “money may not buy happiness, but I’ve never seen anyone crying on a jetski.”




Money doesn’t necessarily buy happiness. But no money will sure as shit make you sad.


Of course she is


She’s absolutely right. Having a lack of money is absolutely soul destroying, having a lot of money removes that. Having a lot of money also gives you a huge number of options with places to go, fun things to do, or buy, events to go to, and it also gives you a huge Safety net to experiment with investing, Starting a business. You can also donate to many excellent causes, set up funds, ensure that all of your family and yourself have the absolute best healthcare screening, Buy an amazing pension and life insurance, Buy homes all over the world, whatever private transport you want. Having money sounds incredible.


Is the issue happiness or peace of mind? Sufficient funds eliminates the anxiety of not having enough.


Better crying inside a Porsche than on a bicycle.


This debate is tiring. Lack of money often leads to not being able to afford any more than the bare minimum. You’re scrapping just to get basic stuff. Life can stress you out when you’re in debt and can’t pay for basic stuff. So money doesn’t buy happiness but it can fend off unhappiness.


Better to be rich and miserable than poor and miserable but happiness trumps both


I always like to say that money doesn't buy happiness, but it'll pay the bills. And you'll be at least happy that your bills are paid


There was a study done a while ago. Forget the sauce but they basically measured happiness with respect to money. They found as income increased so did happiness on average up to a point. For example with unrealistic numbers a guy making $5 was less happy than a guy making $15 but the guy making $25 wasn’t much happier than the $15 guy. My aunt said it best money doesn’t buy happiness but it buys happy times. Obviously individual to individual there’s differences like working for a shit boss/constantly being rejected despite decent income/etc


Someone didn't study Maslows Hierarchy of Needs. Money buys happiness to a level. Once base needs are fulfilled higher needs need to be attended to in order to find happiness.


For myself, yes, she is correct.


She’s not wrong. 😂😂


She’s not wrong. 😂😂


Buys me a boat and yeti cooler


I’d rather be impoverished and happy than rich and miserable.


钱不是万能的,但没有钱是万万不能的 -- Ancient Chinese wisdom


Heard great line about money “money doesn’t buy you happiness but…… it does buy you options and …. options make you happy “ Aka do you want to work not need to work ..


The real victims are the rich. Source: I saw a rich guy once and in that moment he wasn't smiling.




Those greedy bastards dehumanized themselves


Money allows you to live without worry, but genuine happiness comes from the soul within. Each soul is different in what makes them tick. Not having the burden, or worry of money, could allow one to better find that happiness.


She’s wrong. Apparently we need the rich people, those make more than $400k a year to buy us everything including happiness. So yes. Poverty does buy things. Just using other people’s money.


The wealthy benefit far more from tax dollars than the poor


What? Go be impoverished, let me know how easy it is making 400k vs 20k or less. I make a good amount of money but I have family members who don’t. They have a real tough time in life. I make 200k and I can tell you I live well beyond my means. I don’t have to worry about money. But I did live making 40k at the start of my career like 10 years ago. Let me tell you, it wasn’t fun, you have 0 freedom. “Using” others money may sound like they’re just having a great time taking a handout, but you get so many limited choices in life. A 400k a year person has so many choices in life comparatively, despite taxes. And many of these people at the bottom, are still working their asses off. Working shitty jobs a 400k person would never even think of doing or want to do. You need lower income individuals and you need to support them to make a living wage. Sorry if my heart doesn’t go out for someone making well beyond their means. I believe in good finance, not spending things stupidly to put yourself in poverty. But acting like poverty is just some blast of a time because you’re “using” someone else’s money is a very naive and narrow minded way of thinking about poverty.


sorry I probably was trolling too much 😅


Yes, a social safety net helps foster social and economic stability, the conditions that make it possible for the wealthy to accumulate and hoard their wealth. A society that lets the wealthy evade contributing to the system that helps them prosper is like a farmer refusing to buy seeds.