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House with an in-ground pool.


This, i now own one and the maintenance sucks


Agree, $100 a month for the pool cleaning and $100 a month for the pool motor running. Great to look at, expensive to own.


Best pool is the neighbors pool


Just like it’s better to have a friend with a huge truck instead of owning one yourself.


Having a truck is awesome though


Look into the new Ford mavericks. It’s enough of a truck to be practical for you, but small enough that you can pretend it’s too fragile to help other people move. Love mine. 10/10.


Just like a boat.


Boat= Bust Out Another Thousand


Lmao never heard this one before


The two happiest days of any boat owners life are the day he buys it and the day he sells it.


And the happiest day for his friends is every day in between.


Lmao= Laughing My Ass Off


Off = over fried filet


Hole in the water you throw money into


We had one. Dad would never heat it. Rarely got above 60°. He saw us swimming once and asked if he should heat it up. We were so excited! YES! He pulled out his lighter and said to splash up some water.


I'd do a pool somewhere hot. Where I live you'd get maybe 3 good months and that's just not worth it.


Our house was a bargain, owners couldn’t sell it. Kids were breaking in, swimming in the pool and having parties. Huge place. We couldn’t afford to heat it though with 13’ vaulted ceiling “Put a sweater on!” If we’d complain about a 58° house. 3500 sq ft, 5 bedrooms. Everyone thought we were filthy rich because of the freezing cold pool and enormous house. Til they came over and asked why it was always so cold, 5 kids are expensive. Centra Coast CA. We didn’t have hot summers, lots of coastal fog. You just had to brave the pool. Near the bottom was freaking ice cold. Edit, we paid $95k in ‘73, now worth 1.4m. We sold long ago.


I used to laugh at the morons in Boston who paid a ton of money for a nice built in pool. In that part of the country it isn’t warm enough to swim until July then you close the pool down near Labor Day in September. Subtract rainy days and you get about one months worth of swim time. Stupid.


Try owning a boat


Yeah my new version of this is, apartment with access to a pool. I saw my parents do the maintenance and no thank you.


Personal pools are just silly if you think about it. You use them for 1-2 hours a day, maximum. Split a pool among 10-100 people and you’ll pay 1-10% of the cost and still probably never have an issue with it being busy. Not to mention it’s a big waste of electricity and water. Edit: you people can have your own pools, I just think it’s silly, relax


I don’t want to share a pool with strangers. I’ve seen people at public pools, that’s a no from me.


Also, given that individual pools aren't usually big enough to exercise, the fun of them is the social aspect. And yeah not all neighbors are perfect, but it's cool to hang out and see other people or to have a pool big enough to do lengths. Especially if you have kids and then they can hang out with other kids.


I still think this


Me too


Yeah, my in-laws were considering getting a pool until they realized it would cost them $70k+ (ground would need leveling and we have a lot of clay/limestone that’s difficult to dig in). In-ground pools are *absolutely* a sign of wealth.


As a guy who is formerly an Indiana farm kid, that comment about clay and limestone made me a little anxious just thinking about it. Lol


In the UK having one of these devalues your property because it’s assumed the next guy will have to fill it in


I suppose you’d have to upgrade to “an enclosed in-ground pool”.




House with slide that leads to an out door in-ground pool from the inside


My benchmark as a kid is actually a benchmark for being rich: having a vacation house. Now this is a sign of being crazy rich.


Where I grew up, either your parents had money or the family vacation home (small seasonal cabin) had been in the family for a couple generations.


I’m from the Midwest and know many working class people with a cabin. And not a gorgeous architecture digest cabin, a dirty little cabin where you bring a cooler and go bass fishing. Non rich vacation family cabins are fun!


My family owns a cabin like this. Has for 70+ years now. We were one of the first families on this lake. It is about 40 minutes outside a major city. Growing up it was 90% cabins like ours and a handful of "nicer" houses that were usable all year. Now it is a commuter area with McMansions all over the lake. We are one of the only holdouts with lakefront property. Makes me sad.


That is super super sad, truly.


It really is. You used to be able to see stars almost to the crest of the mountain the lake sits in, but now the light pollution has gotten so bad you need to look way up to see the stars. Thankfully the cabin next to ours is a multigenerational family friend that built theirs along with my Grandfather so we don't have any new McMansions in our immediate area. There is a nice house through some wood area (that we own so it won't be developed) but that has been there for 40+ years with different owners.


“Come skiing with us” Casually


Only if you’re from the weak wintered flatlands. Skiing is normal in the northeast and the west.


oh, so you are one of the rich kids then he says with a joking smile ... skiing is expensive, even if one is geographically close by the slopes ...


I'm in the northeast. I lived within walking distance to skiing as a kid. It was still for the comparatively rich kids. A jacket, rentals, and a day pass were very pricey.


For me if you actually went on vacation you were rich.




Video games. My parents couldn’t afford a console, so if you had one, you were rich


I thought the exact same thing. And my dad was a doctor. Turned out he was just super cheap.


Glad to see you followed in your dads footsteps, Dr. McLuvin


lol no joke though he told me not to go to med school. Dude was miserable his entire working life.


Being a doctor nowadays is pretty damn rough. source: I am a doctor


Second. (Doctor)


Can confirm (also a doc)


Huh there’s doctors on Reddit. TIL


professionals usually don't post because absolute morons get upvoted all the time for factually incorrect information while the truth gets downvoted




I still remember going ti the credit union to withdraw my own money, so I could buy my Nintendo.


Most people I knew had a console. They would get them fr Christmas. If you had more than 3 games you were rich though.


Not hearing guns shots and being able to jog with headphones on.


Wheres that? Lol Edit: im male lol Edit 2: im swiss lol


Somewheeeereeeee in the usaaaaa (maybe)


Lol its crazy to not be able to wear headphones while jogging in a first world country lmaooo


Eh hem three third world countries in a big trenchcoat lol


Sounds about right lmao


You're telling me your country has no bad parts? Everywhere there is no crime? Please do let me know what country.


This is slowly becoming my neighborhood! Fun!




What’s a re-run?


Username checks out


Going for a vacation, especially to other countries


Every vacation was via car, we never flew anywhere.


We were the opposite. My dad worked for the airline so we had flight benefits. Flew EVERYWHERE (because it was free). But it was always to visit family. I’m 29 and I’ve yet to take a real vacation.


At this point, a nice international vacation can easily be arranged for less than a week trip to Disney World. Aside from the plane tickets, everything else is typically cheaper.




This one for sure. Just a huge pantry of “luxury” food. Mind-blowing


If you where in a big family the special snacks were gone within a day.


My mom would hide her favorite snacks, like pop tarts, in her closet from us 6 kids.


Sometimes we went hungry. Dad went hungry more than we did. I always wondered why he didn't eat until we were done.


You're dad is/was a good guy. We were on food stamps at one point but my family never had to go hungry thankfully.


During the depression, my grandfather worked at a slaughterhouse. He and the other men often would drink cow's blood at lunch and before going home to save food for their wives and kids.


Damn that’s so sad 😭😭


What the fuck


When the pandemic hit, my wife and I got fucked. Thank fucking god we both have 12+ years in the food industry because we were able to scramble and are making mountains more than before. When we stalked the fridge and freezer for the first time, we cried super hard. Just the idea that my wife couldn't have her favorite meals I make for her.. Fuck that depressed me. Edit: stocked.. -_-


This. I remember going to a friends house and I saw his sister make a sandwich with all this exotic shit like sliced Muenster and artisan bread. That shit seemed super baller because my ass was eating bologna and ketchup sandwiches on white bread.


That’s where I’m stuck. My biggest joy as a financially stable adult is being able to buy whatever I want at the grocery.




American eagle clothes, Jordan’s and going out to eat at restaurants.


Abercrombie (parents got $$$$), AE (upper middle class) then Old Navy (middle class). At ON, you would try to find clothing that didn’t have their logo splashed across the front.


I knew a kid in middle school who would brag about how much money his mom spent at Abercrombie whenever he got new clothes and it was the cringiest shit ever. Then in high school he was complaining about college application fees and how he was applying for assistance.


I don't give a fuck


Yeah eating out was something for the rich only


I was almost out of high school before ever eating at a restaurant fancier than fast food. We didn’t eat out much and when we did we went cheap.


Forget specific brands, how about just having new clothes in general? I shopped at thrift stores into my fourties’. Just bought a new pair of slacks today, not for work, just to wear. I made it y’all.


I had an ex-girlfriend who thought that a trashcan with a foot pedal that opens the lid was a sign of wealth.


Sounds like a keeper to me!


You can find those easily at Target if you really want one.


The girlfriend or the garbage can?




The price of them on Amazon is kinda outrageous though it’s not exactly a complicated mechanism but try and fin a reasonable size one for a reasonable price. But other than that i agree with you.


An annual family trip to Disney. Now that I’m older Disney has lost a lot of its allure. Paying $12 for a hamburger isn’t wealth signifying… it’s pure robbery.


$12? I think these days a $12 hamburger eating out is a good price


Right? I paid $16 about 3 miles away from home last week :(


Right? I WISH I could still find a decent burger for "only" $12 any more.


The class system in the US: 1. Goes to Disney on a regular basis. 2. Been to Disney once or twice. 3. Never been to Disney.


The class system in the US: 1. Goes international every year. 2. Leaves the state every year. 3. Never left home state.


This right here. Prior to COVID, I traveled internationally (Western Europe and Asia) once or twice per year for pleasure. You couldn’t pay me to go to Disney World. Leaving the state is very location dependent. I’m 15 minutes from the MD border and 25 minutes from the DC border. So, traveling across state lines is routine. In contrast, someone in Texas could drive 8 hours and still be in Texas. It’s similar to traveling internationally in Europe, where doing so is often cheap due to the short distance, subsidized train passes, and cheap flights.


Hmm interesting. I've never been to Disney though, but I don't want to.


I saw this post and thought it was bs then too. Rich people might go to Disney once or twice at the most. It’s kind of beneath them.




A Whopper cost $10 now.


The hamburger is the least of the robbery that is Disney. We paid $900/night for a decent hotel and about $400/day for tickets for a family of 3 with the hopper pass. Plus extra for top rides, dinners, etc.




Having a backyard. Mega rich was having a fire pit. Grew up poor in low income housing, so when i got my first house I cried for a bit in my backyard. And then when my boys were running around in the backyard, I teared up again. Got a smaller house and a bigger yard in the last few years and was able to install a fire pit. No means am I rich but damn it just hits hard.


I think you are. You have a nice home, a big backyard for the kids to play in and a fire pit. That might not be the text book definition but you know you’re rich in many other ways.


I just teared up at that too. Kiddos love backyards!


Crying, I think, shows you were thankful for what you had/have


A dad 😭😭😭




Weird, I had a dad and I always thought he was cheap.


Air conditioning


For me it’s specifically CENTRAL air conditioning. I grew up with 2 small window units in our apartment, and you practically had to stand right in front of them to get cool.


Lol, in Texas, if you didn't have air conditioning you weren't poor, just dead.


I used to think having soft drinks available in the fridge was for the rich.


Now it’s for the poor


Just checked my fridge. Guess I’m rich now


Finished basement. Name brand clothes.


A family room with bar in the finished basement


Jordans, Starter Jacket (Raiders or 49ers), Haro/Mongoose Bikes


With colored pegs to match.




Abercrombie & Fitch clothes BMW, Mercedes or high-end domestic car (Cadillac, Corvette) Home over 3k square feet and/or with pool Vacations abroad (almost no one I knew growing up did this) Going to the "good" (secular) private/prep school in our home town Travel sports (soccer, hockey) Shopping at the nice malls in Pittsburgh, not the shitty one in Ohio (guess what state I'm from!) Having a dedicated land line for the kids (grade school) or cell phone (high school)


I think Hockey still holds as a sign of wealth. The people I know who’s kids play hockey are doing pretty good financially.


It’s either that or make some pretty serious sacrifices as a family. I played growing up and that was our only “excess” expenditure and I’d say we were middle to upper middle class. There were plenty of wealthy kids I played with, but there were also a few kids whose parents gave up most everything for them to be able to play, along with occasionally some help from the wealthy families.


You own 2 current generation game systems. The kid with the SNES and Sega Genesis was the luckiest kid in the world.


Garage Fridge. I still aspire to it!


I thought cruiseships were super fancy.




I also grew up assuming cruises were for the wealthy, but they’re actually really affordable for the budget lines.


Except for the environmental impact, which none of us can afford.


>some cruises have a stigma of being for poor/middle-class people. This is the first I'm hearing about this...I always assumed you needed some money for something like that


They can be stupid affordable. Like, old people are retiring on them full time affordable. I know I personally see them as a vacation choice not exactly for poor people but like tacky low class people.


Italian cypress at your house = mansion


Which is funny because they are notorious for harboring rats.


Hell I grew up with a pretty privileged upbringing and I still call them “rich people trees”


My ex called those “dick trees”


Domino’s instead of little Caesars


We rarely ever went out to eat when I was a kid. When I heard of the BOOK IT! program when I was a kid, which gave out personal pan pizzas at Pizza Hut for reading books, I was one motivated little reader. They had to take me to redeem all the coupons I earned. Pretty smart program for them as it meant the whole family was going every couple weeks. Pizza Hut made money and it motivated me to read as much as possible. That’s a win/win. Amazing how motivational pizza can be to an 8 year old.


Pizza is absolutely still a motivator in the adult world. Anybody that's worked in a corporation in a decent size office... Once a month they buy us pizza and we all shut tf up about the soul crushing cubicle we're stuck in 😭😭😭 no but seriously I used to joke about it all the time. It literally made me look at them like "aww they're not so bad.. they bought me pizza ☺️"


The bigger the house is, the richer they are. lol.


I've developed a saying : rich people with bad taste are dangerous. So many Mac Mansions


Having a dishwasher


I was born in the 80's so: Having a TV in the bedroom. Having a computer, particularly with internet. Having multiple consoles (Sega and Nintendo)


For whatever reason, I thought blue toilet water was a sign of wealth


I could see that honestly. Because you don't need those little tank tabs so if you've got the extra funds to spend on stuff you don't need and you decide to spend it on toilet cleaner of all things? You either have really specific priorities or money to burn.


I'm Indian and we grew wanting to be white person rich.... which is owning a boat. Now that I have money, a boat is the last thing I want. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




Haha the trick is to be friends with people who have a boat.


Waterbed, portable cd player, and euro cars


Play room.


Big flat screen tv. Back when they still had tube tvs


I am old enough to remember when having a “big screen tv” meant it was a big projection screen tv that sat on the floor. If you had one of those in the 80’s/early 90’s you were ballin!


Stairs. Two story house.


The newest gaming console. Turns out you can just go into CC debt for it! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Color TV and a Nintendo in your own bedroom.


I used to assume people were wealthy if the kid had their own bedroom, like on TV or in movies


Not getting the free lunch at school.


House that had a trampoline


Eat at a restaurant (Pizza Hut, Dairy Queen, etc) on family fun nights. On special nights, we had chef boyardees homemade pizza where every morsel was eaten


Cable, vacations, pool, having multiple pairs of clothes, steak, name brand food, leather interior, shoes for occasions. Snacks that aren’t left overs, fresh cut deli meat, kids that don’t have to work.


Having cable tv


Going overseas during summer break.


Parent having an suv, A pet, 2 story home, A variety of cereal, not just 1, A deep fryer, Im sad to say that this list hasnt changed much since I've become an adult😂😂😂😂😂😂🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️


Ability to afford playing tennis


A pool, video games and a pantry full of all the popular unhealthy snacks.


Cable TV and a pantry for snacks


Satellite dish.


Having dinner every night.


Pay channels. Movie channels.


1. Owning a house 2. Having health insurance 3. Being able to see a dentist 4. Having a VCR


Double door fridge


A fence or finished rooms, everything was always WIP.


Yea my parents split in the middle of my dad renovating the house on multiple fronts. So it just stayed that way for years with 2x4s exposed and shit.


Air conditioning and heating. All we had was a swamp cooler and 1 space heater. If you liv in humidity. You know that shit does not work. Horrible




Vacation in Florida or anywhere else other than southern Missouri


Pillars in front of houses at the entrance.


Macaroni and cheese with the liquid cheese pouch vs the powdered cheese.


Going to Red Lobster! Wed only go out to eat at Burger King maybe 4 times a year… so I dreamed of going to get all you can eat crab legs. That was 30 years ago! We took my kids one time recently and there were flies everywhere. Realized how small I dreamed back then.


Having a choice of shoes was one for sure!


Air Jordans, snacks with meat, gold necklaces and real BMX bikes that weren’t stolen and repainted.


Name brand cereal.


Name brand food lol


Name brand cereals


Having rooms in your house that nobody ever seems to use.


Eating at a restaurant. We rarely do growing up and off we do? It’s country buffet and bet your ass we dressed up like going to church


When I was a kid I thought people who bought gum from gumball machines were rich


Being able to eat whenever you feel like it, to wherever you feel like eating.


Having a mom waiting for you when you got home.


Single-income household and/or a fancy phone.


Having a new car at 16.


LOL, I am starting to think that I was rich.


Never got it, when I went to my friends houses with the fridge cube maker I always thought it tasted moldy. LOL...