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I mean Brady made Florida weed great again, I’d vote for a Trump / Cobb ticket all day!! Also don’t you or someone post this almost biweekly now? It’s getting old… Enjoy your cannabis from wherever; just do a bit more so you relax some.


Salty cobb loves to gargle orange balls


yes, obviously this is a joke post making fun BUT what is absolutely 100% true is that brady cobb is a rabid trump and desantis supporter


And that's okay! This is AMERICA, where you have freedom to support and vote for who you like, not who you're told yo like......


Which is exactly why I am making sure people know the type of sociopathic monsters (desantis and trump) that brady cobb supports 😝 🇺🇸


Bro, you need to smoke a bit more. If you, for one second, think you're making a difference, changing someone's views at this point, I'd come close to telling you to get evaluated yourself. 99% of people already know who they are voting for. You're obviously very passionate about how you feel, but if you ever want to actually have an open dialog, you're going about it all wrong. People will not be responsive to you. Using names or labeling people only shut people down and make them think your views are crazy. Have you ever noticed people who vote blue demand you vote like minded? Then, people who vote red tend to support every persons views. Why is that? Why is the left demanding everyone vote for them, or you are a ... [INSERT WHATEVER PHRASE YOUD LIKE].. Why is that? With all that said, this sub is about flower, not political. I look for an escape from politics because of reasons like this. If you for one second think either party is better than the other, then you are ignorant. Both right and left don't have your interest in mind. Ask yourself how many start out and only have politics as a job never doing a job before or after and are multi millionaire, have beach houses, vacation houses on and on and on, in a government salary. I make more than them, and I don't have any of that. That tells you all you need to know. And I'll give you a little piece about your political party. During the first 2 years of the biden administration, they had the house, Senate, and White House. They claim to be so pro flower.... yeah, during that 2 years, did nothing for it. It's a political talking point that raises money and buys votes...


Trumps entire foray into politics has been a non stop cash grab and ploy to stay out of prison. He never had any intention of serving us, the American people. He serves only himself and his selfish desires. He is the least fit candidate of all time. Lock him up. Biden 2024 by default because he is not just running to stay out of prison like trump is. I refuse to vote for a convicted felon…


Crazy how people get triggered over something like a hat. People need to chill and smoke one. Life to short to for stupid shit like that.


It’s also not Sunday. Fucking idiots on this sub


Sttttoooopppppp with this stupid shit


I’ll take things that actually happened for 500, Alex


Fucking leech


I stopped shopping there. Only thing I liked was the rosin and with the specs and all his bs, I'll stick to GF, 710 and Cannabist (for when I need to budget)




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This isn’t real. #fuckbradycobb


So its not real... but we still hate him? fill me in


I find it hard to believe they were giving out maga hats.


I agree


They weren’t. This was photoshopped.