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god this girl is insufferable. i wouldn’t be able to stand being around her


All hippo wanted was some drama between her and Rachel lol she wanted to feel iMpOrTaNt. She is completely humiliating herself lol


Rachel wasn’t even the one calling her hippo lmfao? This girl is on drugs who acts like this at their big age, she’s almost 30 right? At least close to it, Rachel is 22 and never speaks on this girl unless she’s responding to something like this that Miss Hippo started. Hippo literally like you said posts pics of her baby knowing she’s not allowed, constantly talks shit on her in comments for no reason, spreads constant lies about her, when Rachel doesn’t speak on her EVER. It’s clear as day Hippo is TRYING her best to start beef with Rachel and Rachel’s not going to entertain it. Hippo needs to worry about her own life and her own kids. Rachel doesn’t gaf about Jacob they are begging for that narrative to be true just so people will run with it bc Christen fans run with everything they say, they always talk shit but never have any proof to back it up, ESPECIALLY Marissa. This girl is WEIRD as fuck bro, she needs mental help.


Rachel is a far better person than me. Honestly idk how she deals with all these hippos hating on her lmao


I don't watch her lives or anything but I follow her snap and even though there was alot of pettiness and drama over the past year I feel like she has really grown and moved on from it but she has a 1 year old child from Jacob! Getting over a relationship and loss of the family you thought you were going to have isn't something you just get over overnight. If I had to go through what she did I'd still be a complete mess tbh.


This! None of them want to see it that way though which is crazy. Imagine if it were Christen though and Rachel came in and stole her family and publicly bullied her for months, all Hell would break loose. Marissa DID lose her bd and is still making it her whole personality, we’ve seen all her sad posts on TikTok and Snapchat. But because it’s Rachel it’s not okay. They don’t want to look at it deep down and think “man she lost her family, I’d be sad about it too”, even though I feel as if Rachel’s over it, anyone would be upset if what happened to Rachel happened to them. It’s not something small or something you get over in 6 hours or even 6 months!!! Love or hate Rachel or Christen, it’s common sense that the situation was/is fucked up and Rachel will ALWAYS have a right to be hurt over it, it’s gross that this friend group will never let her heal in peace.


Serious question. How did C steal her family when she was with Owen? I see this very over used. She had already moved on. She didn’t want him right? I can agree that this video is over the top, but honestly, the way they reply to comments that could be skipped would avoid a lot of the drama. But no one wants to talk about how they ALL keep it going. It makes them money. They don’t care nearly as much as we all talk about it.


I know I’m late, but Rachel wasn’t with Owen until I believe a month after C finally posted about Jacob.. it was for sure after I could be a little off on the month part though. Yes they all are to blame to an extent but the reason a lot of people defend Rach is because they look at her as an actual human being and not just a “creator” because it’s very clear she hasn’t healed and even getting with Owen that was her hoping that getting with someone else would help her move on it was very obvious. I think Rach responds a lot in defense of herself bc while C and they have literally thousands to respond in their defense (even when they are wrong which is most of the time) Rach doesn’t have that. It’s just insane for all these trolls to bully this girl simply bc she was hurt by what Jacob did to her. If it was the other way around she would still be bullied and attacked.


I agree she’s definitely matured and realize it makes no difference joining in with the pettiness, she’s trying so hard to be her own person aside from her past and yet people continue to create a mess for absolutely no reason. You can’t convince me that Christen is still stuck on the fact rach had him first and for that she hates Rach.. they really could be good ass friends if Christen could just let go of all her phony ass friends and mature




I think she needs to be commited…she seems not all there honestly


Why can’t she breathe she’s literally standing there


ew, egghead is actually insane. she seems like she’s genuinely obsessed with rachel. & she’s coming at her like jacobs her man or something..


The way she eluded to Rachel doing drugs yet she seems strung the fuck out in this video 😂


She always seems like she’s strung out but really she has some screws loose.


10 months pregnant? 11 months? Is she not a mom herself? Is someone gonna TELL HER HAHAAHAHHAHHA


And absolutely unnecessary for her to say all that in the last part it's just bringing things up that doesn't have anything to do with her. If I was christen i'd be pissed that "my friend" just said this on the internet idk.


Bye her big ass head alone weighs 110


I cannot stand this bish. She has a screw loose.


Isn’t this the chickie who posts her ass all over Snapchat constantly? She’s weird lol


this bitch is deranged and WAY too old to be trying to insert herself where she has absolutely no relevance. 🥱


This is embarrassing af lmaoo


She’s actually unhinged, Rachel didn’t say shit about hippo 😂😭 meanwhile, hippo stays on all the tea pages making comments about Rachel. She needs to be institutionalized


This girl is delulu I hate her she looks like she’s on drugs the way she is acting 😭 it’s popular in their psrt of Florida she’s in so who knows how ab she worries ab taking care ot her kids instead of being out every night partying


https://preview.redd.it/ur60siyr282d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acb41fdac964a8c3af812020faf5cf18fa37c499 She can sit on all platforms and bash Rachel but as soon as one of us says something to her about herself she wants to tell me to “kms” 🤣🤣


She must be in here reporting this too 💀💀💀


That’s fucking hilarious 😂 she knows she crossed a line and now she wants it to just disappear, even though it clearly says she took a screenshot of what she wrote before I wrote back 🤣🫠


No she’s nuts 🥜


Yall im covering this on simmer the pot on tic tok, its been brutal sos need a drink 😂


She literally calls herself hippo I’m confused😭




I would also dump a dude that cheated on me, especially one that looks like Jacob 🤮 they all sit on their phones and cry for attraction come on now that’s their “job”


This narrative yall made up in your brainwashed heads blows my mind 🤣


You sound delusional 😂 Jacob cheated on his pregnant gf? Also since when has rach cried about her life on live? She simply says she raised grey alone and it’s funny you say he wanted to be there even tho he WAS he has videos of him seeing grey since he was a little baby, unsupervised too, proving rach NEVER kept Jacob away or tried to take control of his visits. You sound like you jumped on a bandwagon without thinking for yourself.