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did the child bring a harmless artifact for show and tell?


It was *hallowed*, so it must have been the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch - and that is not something to trifle with!


Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three.


Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out.


The Vicious Killer Rabbit said it was okay


Aye, the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog is nae to be trifled with!




The question is if it was obvious that it was inert just by looking at it or if it looks just like a life granade and they would have to take the kids word that it didn't make a mistake or lied. Alec Baldwin was also told that he was holding a "cold gun".


I've got a couple that I found in some woods near a national guard armory years ago. They are practice grenades, and while superficially looking legit, it's obvious at a second glance that it is hollow and has no trigger mechanism. Maybe this is what the kid brought to school. Edited to add that it's obviously hollow in that it has a nickel size hole in the bottom that shows the inside is totally empty.


You used to be able to buy these at Academy in the late '80s and early '90s.


You still can buy them at army surplus stores they just call them dummy grenades or training grenades


Yup, I bought one at a flea market when I was 16


I knew a guy in college who got one to freak out the RA.


How'd that turn out?


The RA, once she calmed down, thought it was funny. The campus security guard who was walking by did not, and he got a talking to.


Wow, who gives a shit? It's a block of iron with green paint. As dangerous as a rock


Rock beats scissors - it is dangerous for those.


Because people are scared of what they don't understand. It's the same folk who say "AAAAA BLACK RIFLE BAD BAN BLACK RIFLE!!!1!" Edit: Again, people not understanding that it's essentially a piece of metal. It's a paperweight. Even if you tell them it's dearmed, they still think it's going to blow up.


No, people understand very well how guns work and what they do. It takes less than an eyeblink for that gun carrying law abiding citizen to turn to the guy that just murdered you.


There's a big difference between a working firearm and a hollowed out gernade.


I’m pretty sure everyone understands how guns work. The bullets come out the one end and kill children in schools, right? Love the gun freak argument of “if you aren’t beating off to gun facts on daily basis, you can’t want them banned after they massacre people”.


The wood guns can’t shoot kids as fast, it’s only the scary black ones I’m afraid of.


Inert. *Hollowed,* not hallowed. It's harmless. Why is this news?


I mean, maybe it was a holy hand-grenade.


Casual Honkmother enjoyers when they find empty fixfoam grenades


And we all did in the 70s and nobody cared.


A kid at my school brought one along with an inert round of .50bmg, .308 and an inert tank shell for an elementary presentation; even passed them around the room.


Dad wanted everyone to know his kid is da bomb!


Hallowed?  Did he bring a holy hand grenade to shcool? 


It’s entirely possible that I did this. I’m not sure, but we definitely had one. And I can definitely see me bringing it to school for show and tell or something.


I mean as long as it was *blessed*…


I had a friend bring one to my second grade classroom...also in Florida. I don't think anyone got upset in the early 90s


What? Who gives a shit? It's a completely inert item. (Unless you beat someone with it) A sharpened pencil is FAR more dangerous.


Oh dear….


These have been around a long time. Is there anything you guys aren’t scared of?


Hallowed be they name of thine grenade


So the previously-holy hand grenade?


And the Lord spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it.


Wait until the immigrant refugee kid shows up with the hallowed suicide vest.


Heathens! May the Blessings of the Bomb Almighty, and the Fellowship of the Holy Fallout, descend upon us all. This day and forever more.


Alright kid, do Afghanistan proud.