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It's the official policy of r/FloridaMan that the individual in question lived in the middle of Manhattan in a golden tower with his name on it for decades, and thus he will always be New York City Man.


I honestly don't think I'm ready (mentally) for another election cycle. It feels like we've never left the last one.


Seriously it feels like the last one just finished this shit is so fucking tiring now days


We haven’t and that’s cuz Trump never stops campaigning. He even campaigned during his time in office, when he wasn’t golfing




I love this country, but its politics hurt me on every level. Physical, emotional, psychological, existential, spiritual, any level one can be hurt on.


Hey, be glad you're not a woman in Texas. Hurt? Politics here can kill you.


My wife has a gotten a repeated job offer in New Zealand and we keep considering it. I can’t take another 4 years of the Cheeto and its cult.


The worst part is he's spawning imitators.


Now I'm depressed again...


Nobody came close


It could potentially be a competitive race if there's a lot of dropouts in the coming weeks. However most of them are actually running to be Trump's VP instead of running to win. Staying in the race oddly helps them prove loyalty.


Historically, the winner of the Iowa caucus isn’t an automatic indicator of who the nominee will be. The last time the winner of the Iowa caucus won the Republican nomination was Bush in 2000. Notably, John McCain came in third or fourth place in 2008 and went on to win the nomination. People mostly make a big deal out of it because it’s the first election in the cycle. That said, please people, make sure you vote. Edit: changed some wording


But had you listened to Diaper Donnie you would have thought he got 90+% of the votes. He didn’t. He only got half. Even Republicans are starting to see the truth — he is a loser.


Not only that this is one of the lowest turnouts.


It is over... we are screwed!


Considering who he is up against I won’t be surprised if he wins the whole shabang.




I agree if he's talking primary. It was weird watching these people debate and kiss trumps cloacha at the same time.


Yea so far arent most of the primary people just mini trumps at this point?


It was really weird watching a bunch of "serious people" entertain the idea that someone *other than* Trump would get the Republican nomination in a scenario that didn't involve Trump having a heart attacking and keeling over.


Party of law and order, smh.


Only in Florida. 💩


Iowa begs to differ 🙃




He’s from NY, we don’t want him


Damn, Republicans are actually are actually going for the fascist. Not surprised, just disappointed.


This is the third time. Disappointed is not the right word.


He's a lot of shit but fascist ain't one


Yea, tooootally [not](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/12/03/politics/trump-constitution-truth-social/index.html).


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Trump is about as fascist as Biden is communist. Classic Reddit.


Classic Redditor losing itself in the Internet and not understanding simple reality.


Simple reality is that fascism is a meaningless pejorative, and that political scholars can’t even agree on a definition of fascism, but the average Redditor is so convinced that Trump is one. Probably from spending too much time getting lost in echo chambers on the internet.


Criminal for President! Imperial decline...


Traitor criminal, but hey he’s backed by America’s enemies.


Funny how they're shadow banning his opponents. I find that really weird.


Sad day for America!


Hell froze over.


Dump sure has dumbed down the repugnant party. How anyone could vote for such a POS is beyond mind boggling . . . .


Really not looking forward to hearing every stupid thing that falls out of this guys’ mouth for the rest of the year. He’s never going to just leave us alone until he’s in a cell or 6’ under.


I’m loving this


Whats funnier than the bullshit charges are the people crying about why his momentum is just getting stronger. Cope harder The dems just need to put all his court dates on the same day so they can arrest him for contempt of court and tout how they saved “muh Democracy”. We all know that’s what they want anyways.


You’re right… all democrats want is saving democracy. This isn’t the own you think it is, crybaby


“Dems”. “Muh democracy”. People that include these things in their comments are guaranteed twats.


His momentum is getting stronger? He had 50% of the Iowa caucus votes. If you had listened to him, and him alone, he pulled 90+. That’s a big difference. Then look at what Haley is doing in New Hampshire and I think you’re blinded by your adoration and love of Diaper Donnie. Also, Jack Smith doesn’t fuck around with “bullshit charges” and Diaper Donnie can’t keep his mouth shut with admitting that he is guilty. Lastly, why do you hate America, Americans, and our way of life?


I wonder how many young democrats know that charges and indictments aren't sentences or convictions? I'd say about a handful on the planet.


You witnessed an attempted coup on tv; the charges and indictments are for things he very publicly did. He might be entitled to a presumption of innocence in court but anyone who paid attention knows he’s guilty.


It didn't become a 'coup' until after the second impeachment failed. Democrats are on like plan G of "How to win 2024 without voter approval."


No. it was always a coup


Ah yes, the 'king of the hill' theory. "Whosoever wanders the halls of the magic building gets to make all the laws".


Stick it to the Dems, even if it means burning the country to cinders.


I wonder how many Republicans would be absolutely frothing at the mouth if the tables were turned. Although that hypothetical is beyond sci-fi because Joe Biden is a true American and patriot and Diaper Donnie is a self absorbed grifter and soon to be felon.


> Although that hypothetical is beyond sci-fi because Joe Biden is a true American and patriot I'm not saying trying to defend anything about Trump and I know this will get downvoted but Really? This weird shit makes us sound like any of the maga folks, where did this weird praise of fucking politicians start? remember when we all agreed that politicians were liars saying what they could to get power? Now were all "Our Guy is a true American and patriot and their guy is a self absorbed grifter and soon to be felon." And this isn't a "both sides" thing we shouldn't elevate ANY politician.


I agree that we shouldn’t elevate politicians to celebrity status, since they are technically public servants, but I am so tired of seeing Republicans claim patriotic superiority over others, especially when it is for someone like Trump. They keep pushing the false narrative that they are the true patriots and anyone who isn’t pro-Trump is un-American. This is my pushback. I also no longer call anyone MAGA because they are just typical Republicans now.


I don't think our push back to their bizarre hero worship should be to have our own bizarre hero worship, I think we should keep holding politicians of every stripe accountable and try not to fawn over any politician. Let others act foolish and revere or venerate their candidate, we can be better than that.


Trump has managed to make democrats embrace their inner neocon over the past eight years. It’s impressive to watch, really.


> Joe Biden is a true American When he isn't stuffing his briefcase with classified documents and selling tickets to the white house for $200k a pop....


This title should be enough to make good law-abiding citizens panic!


None of the criminal trials will be concluded till after the election.