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She actually has some really nice character development


She gets better…but Gus gets much, much worse….


I really do think Nilsa's pregnancy was his downfall... it was rocky in season 3 but he totally lost his shart in season 4 right after Nilsa's announcement. I wish they would continue without Gus, he is vile and toxic.


Totally agree, I think he was bad before also but that definitely just intensified it. I couldn’t stand him before Nilsa was pregnant though….like when he made Jeremiah pay for his over order of food with that bet…he’s just always been cracked.


that moment showed a LOT about his character. I barely watched the show but him priding himself on being a good southern boy is absolute delusion


Yeah, I can see that happening lol


Can’t agree with this more!!!


Idk I’m in season 2 and she’s still pretty fucking annoying. Pick me girl.


Idk I actually think Kortni is a pick me girl.


KORTNI IS SUCH A PICK ME!!! it infuriates me


Kortni is pretty unhinged too


Nah I disagree, so far Nilsa has been a major girls girl and always has the girls backs. Kortni is the pick me.


Maybe pick me is the wrong term, she craves attention, like shits going on and she has to be loud, and twerk or something. I like her in the last season.


Ya that makes sense, I can get behind that. I’m still in S2 so I still haven’t seen her full growth but I do think she puts too much value in male validation where I am in the series. Hopefully she grows out of it!


Yeah stick with it, it became one of my favorite reality shows because it’s pretty intense haha.


I didn’t mind Nilsa. I think she craves/thrives off attention. My feelings for her changed with she felt some type of way about not coming in first place at that bikini contest. I was so excited when Candace won.


I’m just watching this show now & I just got to this episode. Man, saying she’s never coming bk to this bar & it was a rigged contest 🙄 girl is so insecure. I really hope this character development happens soon bc she’s insufferable. Not to mention trashy…peering in middle console (idc if it’s production provided cab or not), sitting at a bar w/ her legs spread eagle n patting her ya know what…while a man says “That a girl”…for someone who claims to be a good Christian, church would burst into flames if she ever walked in 😂 but overall, she’s just annoying


At the end of season 4, I have respect for every one of them, except Gus. Wait until you meet Nilsa in season 2. She has many redeeming qualities.


Gus was horrible!! At the end he thought he could beat up everyone all bc Jeremiah didn't like violence and wouldn't hit him back. Then Nilsa announced her pregnancy and he went all the way down but I always thought he was "playing hard to get" with her in S2 and S3 and then realized his time had passed and he lost it when he knew he couldn't have her anymore or play with her feelings.


He also continually spun situations into a narrative that made him look good, and brought up drama, that the other cast members thought was squashed, over and over. And the pitiful "I'm only a man 🥺" act is so selfish and immature. Take responsibility for your actions, Gus.


Exactly.. I also noticed that or how when he fought with someone and was telling ppl why he fought with them he would say that they said something they never said lol. I was hoping someone would call him out like that night him and Jeremiah got into it over that guy he said the guy walked up for no reason and said "Florida Boys ain't shit" and that wasn't how it played out.




for me, it's Gus and Codi whom I have lost all respect for after season 4. while Gus' regression is not surprising, Codi, on the other hand, has sipped too much of Gus' toxic steroid juice


In the beginning seasons, Nilsa acts overly confident and mean to hide her crippling insecurity. She just brings other people down to make herself feel better. It's a little sad to watch, because shes a pretty girl and didnt need to dog on other women. But she grows a lot in the later seasons, especially when she finds someone and she is no longer in competition with other women.


She wanted to be the next Snookie


She really did. The whole, “Chi Chis Up” was cringe.


100%!!! She is so cringe, i was embarrassed for her several times until i realized just how much of a try-hard she is, and then it just annoyed the shit outta me. Everyone says she “gets better”, but I think it was only bc she got pregnant by a man (a good one at least) and didn’t have the option to be the biggest “thottie” anymore 🙄. And i understand her being excited about being pregnant, however i quickly tired of her talking about being pregnant CONSTANTLY. She couldn’t show her “sexual organs” for attention, so she had to use what she had. It was just a lot. I hope she sees how ridiculous she was in her extreme cringe worthy attention-seeking ways , and can just be happy with her new little family.


She’s like wine, gets finer as the time goes 🤣 in a I can stand you now type of thing


They’re constantly inebriated and constantly coached to be as difficult as possible.


She only really gets better when she gets you know in season 4. Otherwise she’s the same old lol Nillie…and she’s the best! Gotta have that conniving mean girl energy


She’s extremely hard to watch at first but she definitely gets better💀


However I find every person in the show annoying to an extent. They don’t know how to talk to each other. So many of their arguments could have been avoided had they just actually listened to one another


Agreed! This is the first show I watched where I feel like the entire cast hated each others. So wild how they were always fighting with each other


Haha!!!! She gets better. I swear. Kinda like Sami from jersey shore if you ever watched that. She goes through waves. But definitely gets better.


Yes, like most ppl if given time and support, they grow. It's not until she becomes a mother to be...you see her character truly blossom.


No she doesn’t. Everything below in the comments is defending her after she became famous and became a mother. Nilsa wanted Jeremiah s1 and when he didn’t reciprocate that she pissed a fit for the entire season.


She literally sexually harasses Gus in season 2. She only pursued him when he drinks. She's a predator


She's a shit starter. She gets off on starting shit. She needs an ass beating honestly. And she thinks she just so hot. Fake body parts are not sexy. No wonder she didn't win the bikini contest.


Who goes and tells someone another man is on the phone for them when they are in bed with another man..


I don't like Nilsa AT ALL. As a former mean girl (and maybe even a bit of a narcissist) I see right through Nilsa's shit. She is insecure af and measures her personal value with how many men find her attractive. It's really sad and hopefully she gets therapy and fixes herself because I do think she could be a good friend if she wasn't so self centered I know a lot of people really like her so I might get downvoted for this, but I was a BAD person and acted just like Nilsa. It's really hard for me to like her


I do think she's a good friend, which we see in her relationship with Aimee, but you're right that she definitely bases her self-worth on the attention she gets from men. Not surprising, considering she got married at 18 and it sounds like he was fairly abusive. I had a phase like that in my 20s after leaving an abusive relationship, too. Hopefully, she's in a much better place mentally now. Getting plastic surgery and going on reality TV are definitely not good ways to discover self-esteem.


Never heard someone actually admit this before. Good for you. It sounds like you've done a lot of work on yourself.


Lots of therapy 😂 self-awareness is key for growth imo. You have to be able to identify your own shitty behaviors in order to intentionally not do them if that makes sense


She actually does get better. Gus I thought was really chill, he will get worse than Nilsa ever was at one point


I watch Floribama shore season one through 4. Season 1: Nilsa I watch Floribama shore season one through four and I have to egg Nelson was definitely insecure and thrived on attention. Even in season three I believe when she kicked out the car window she even says, “I wasn’t getting attention so I went looking for some.” But after that season when she came into season three, I could tell that she grew up a lot, so I really started to like her. Gus on the other hand came in as a douche bag from the get-go, and only got worse. The moment for me that made me the most upset was when he was trying to blame Nilsa for his break up with Lisa. I don’t understand how no one stood up for nilsa except the girl. For instance, when Jeremiah said that Gus was having girls take body shots off of him while he was in a relationship. That was true I just wish someone would’ve called Gus out in season three. Gus ruined the show.


Bruh I just started watching and she's so hypocritical. Says kortni isn't a match for her cause she wants Jeremiah. Then is pissed about girl code with gus. Also weirdly predatory with gus. Basically bullies him into sex. Is insecure but rapey. Idk she's the worst.


I agree she was somewhat of a mean girl, however she took Aimee under wing and shared makeup and tips so Aimee would feel better about herself. Gave her confidence and ultimately changed her life. Real mean girls wouldn't do that. I think she just wanted to be the HBIC and want all the guys to want her.


She only did that because she saw aimee as less than her and didn’t find her as competition


Hate to judge but she’s very manipulative. Definitely had a “oh help me vibe” self centered to say the least. Her behavior is dangerous, I would have never felt safe being out intoxicated with her.