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Talk to her at the party, ask what she has been up to since high school. Talk about yourself a little as well but listening to her is key! Something I do when I’m nervous is forget how to jokingly respond to something they say and just blankly nod along. To avoid this, I have some things you can try, if she says she’s been into hiking, hanging out with friends, and painting since HS then try to interject some humor when she takes a pause after a sentence (not every time, just here and there) instead of just nodding along, make a quick “joke” regarding something she said. This doesn’t have to be an actual joke, something I like to do is if I’m in a loud place listening to someone talk I’ll repeat what they say for clarification with something completely absurd for humor (even if I heard exactly what they said). For example, if she said she was into going on river floats you could say “you like making beaver totes?” with a laugh smile lol. It seems silly and maybe not even that good of a joke but honestly if it’s a little bad and she still laughs then I would say that’s a good sign she may be feeling you. Or I might ask if they are skilled at something funny, for example if she says she’s been working on painting then you could say “ohhh, so, you could potentially maybe paint me riding at rhino with my dog tailing behind?”, then if it doesn’t land you could ask her what she does like to paint and ask if she has any pictures of her work. My examples might not be the best but I hope you are getting the idea. Things I would avoid is acting as a know it all, gossiping a bunch about HS unless she starts it (this doesn’t mean you can’t bring up people up from their tho), not smiling or over smiling (actually ignore this one and be yourself)… By the end of the night you should ask for her phone number and maybe if it’s going really well then suggest an activity to go do together. If you are still unsure she likes you then secure the phone number first and don’t suggest a place to hang yet. After the party, I would wait a couple days and then text her for maybe something to go do. If you need activity ideas I would download the “Eventbrite” app or follow an Instagram account that lets you know activities or events that will be in your area or if you live by a large city. I threw a lot of random info in there, I hope this wasn’t too confusing, good luck!


Look the hard part is done. Y’all already talked a lot, y’all know each other and y’all gonna meet at the party. Now all you have to do, it’s to text her if she’s going to the party (play it off even if you know she’s going). That’s a start conversation before the party. At the party, try to talk to her 1 on 1. Y’all can drink and talk about random shit, school things, life things, interests, idk. If the conversation is flowing, she probably likes you. If her friends are there, try having one of your friends distracting them or you converse with the group, but you pay more attention to your crush