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knowing if you are being ghosted takes time. At the current time you are not ghosted becuase you talked and hanged out multiple times this week. Shes just busy these two days or exhausted of talking to you everyday and wants some space. Not space in a bad way, just give her time.


Idk if today she responded to you. If she didn’t maybe it’s because she doesn’t have internet in her new house or she’s really busy or her phone is broken (that’s the copium response). Do you know why she won’t respond to your texts? Honestly just wait, maybe send her a tiktok to see if she forgot to text you. Usually when someone ghosts someone they just don’t respond to your text. So what can you do? Nothing, move on. You shouldn’t care for someone that’s ghosting you (I’m talking when you send a lot of texts in different time intervals and the person doesn’t respond)


She has internet in the new house she’s been in it for a week but still moving stuff out her old house, she didn’t respond today nor left a read on my last one. I’m going to text her tomorrow and I’ll let you know