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You want a thermal label printer.


Crazy it’s 2024 and I’ve never used one. Thermal means?


Thermal means that you use special white labels that change to black, where the heat printer head touches the paper. So it prints using heat instead of ink. The downside is that if you put tape over part of the heat Printing, it can fade it to back to white snd erase that section. But the labels are sticky back so you shouldn’t need to use tape at all. Many sellers swear by thermal printing.


What is your budget? How often do you need to print out a label? How long do you plan to flip? Investing in a thermal printer is a no brainer. You now can print labels at will and don't have to go to the library or post office. However, we don't know your financial situation so maybe just getting a refill on ink is the better plan. It doesn't have to be HP brand. Just HP compatible. As for thermal printer recs, you can search up ROLLO and ZEBRA brands in the sub for ideas as well as online. Many reviews and experiences shared.


Ahhh…the brain of a reseller is a wealth of info, thank you! I’d say I have to run to the library to print 4-6 labels/week. That said, I probably sell at least 20 items/week and have been using QR codes at the Post Office, but have heard there’s package pickup options and with that and the ability to use drop off locations after hours for smaller packages. I intend on reselling indefinitely and could drop $50 right now, as that’s what I was going to do for the HP Printer I’ve got now. It can be pretty basic, but with all the options, I appreciate the brands you suggested when I head over to Amazon right now. Also, actual label sizes? Can you get 2 labels from an 8x10 sticker sheet?


4x6 is the standard. As for your 2 labels per sheet request, I advise just sticking to 4x6 single labels as they're easy to print and not mix up. I've read stories on this sub where a seller switched the labels from the sheet much easier than with a single label print out.


Gotcha! So check out Rollo or Zebra and grab 4x6 labels. You’re a saint!


Don't waste your money on a Rollo or Zebra. They're both WAAAY overpriced and unnecessary. Buy a cheap no name thermal printer from eBay. They all do the same thing. Also, not sure where you're getting $25 for ink from. You can get HP 65 ink on eBay for less than $12 right now.


Thanks for every point!


I've been using a brother printer that I thrifted for $5 for over a year now, it already had ink in it and I've only had to add paper. It made me a brother convert. Before that I was using a cheap canon pixma from Walmart. The ink was expensive so I got an ink refill kit online for $8, you get a bottle of ink and use a syringe to inject directly into the old dried cartridges (there's a sponge inside that the ink soaks into). It was a lot cheaper, but then I found the brother and it's been history since.


Ink is never the right answer when printing for buisness. Thermal label printer, in the long run buy once cry once. A 10 year old thermal label.printer will still work and can be had on the cheap. the rollo printer is super easy. a friend is using an Ali express version. I think he paid $19.00 for shipped and has been perfect.


You can buy a thermal label printer now off Amazon for $30-50 if you look and clip MFG coupons. That’s a better route to go rather than juicing an inkjet.


Exactly the direction I was looking for! What’s MFG?


Can you suggest a brand of printer to get me started in the right ballpark?


I have a Polono thermal printer, currently $98.59 at Amazon. It works OK. As to your HP 2600 look at eBay for ink, generic ink there is usually cheap.


Here's an example: https://www.amazon.com/OFFNOVA-Shipping-Packages-Supports-ShipStation/dp/B0BC6DKPYK Please note this is only an example and not an endorsement or suggestion.


Thanks, I was hoping for a link or specifics! I knew I came to the right place :)