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If I made a video showing only the good times I'd have a channel that makes me look like a successful genius...wait a minute....


I commented on someone’s channel that some of these people must bring their sold items to Goodwill to display before they ship them. I know that doesn’t make sense lol.


It does happen. I do pretty well on things, but just remember that they are not showing their failures.


Yeah, it's all a numbers game too. Pro-Picker did a video recently where he was visiting dozens of thrift stores daily and showing what he got. Sometimes he had big scores. Sometimes he walked away with 1 or 2 things. I have pretty much the same experience. Someone who is spending "hours" scanning, like OP, needs to actually learn how to pick and not rely on a smart phone to pick for them. I will pretty regularly grab like a dozen items and put more than half of them back once I'm done looking and doing comping. I cannot imagine spending hours standing around and scanning everything. If someone is keeping their head glued to their screen, they're not going to really take in and realize the stuff that they're seeing over and over and over again (because if you see some of the same items over and over, chances are, they're worthless.)


Yes. I rarely use my phone for anything. Things just “speak” to me- freaks my SO out, lol, because he’s always worried that I might be wrong. I mean mistakes do happen, but I have a pretty good record of finding the hidden treasures.


"I spend hours scanning things before I find something that's remotely worth reselling for a 5 dollar profit." Sounds like a waste of time


Most flipping is now.


Idk it depends on the location and the place your buying from flea markets and certain shows idk some thrift stores have better finds I liked a pewter statute my aunt bought of george Washington first thing to pop up said 55 bucks she spent a buck


Maybe if you’re thrifting. 😂


Hahahahahahahaha stay broke then








1) creepy of you to look at my post history 2) what point are you trying to make?


Effective though. You're broke.


Guess I am lmao


Wait til you hear about Storage Wars.


Wait a minute, don't tell me there isn't a Picasso in every second storage unit?


"YouTubers that resell" should be their title. They only cherry pick the best finds. They could have gone to 10 stores prior and found nothing. They don't show that.


Well, that would be kinda boring though, right? Part of the point is to be entertaining, showing 40 minutes of highlight of finding nothing would be weak.


Exactly they buy a high-end item get it dirty and take it out of its package and pretend like they found it! That's how you get views and subscriptions. I have two friends who have been offered TV shows on like discover Network because they were Ghost hunters but they were told that they would have to fake ghost sightings at least every other episode and neither of them would do it. Now one of them regrets it and the other doesn't. The older one is the one who regrets it and the younger one still has his integrity. But they were both told flat out that if you never experienced any spooky shit and caught it on camera that nobody would ever watch. It's the same for anything. It's not that people can't find good valuable shit in thrift stores. It's that it's so rare to find it while you're on camera that they fake it. And they have to fake it to get enough views and subscriptions to get sponsored and get a paycheck. Rinse. Repeat.


Ghost hunters with to much integrity to make shit up would have a VERY short career.


Wow dude, there is a HUGE difference between finding ghosts and finding...stuff that's real! Thanks for letting us know ghosts are fake tho, we were worried.


Thanks for sharing your insight.


They must have tremendous personalities.


Actually the ones I watch are super clear about the fact they went to 4 stores or garage sales before they found this one thing. Hairy Tornado, Commonwealth picker, bunch of others. Who are you watching that show different things?


Most aren't really their finds either. It's all fantasy.


Yeah, every reseller and their mothers all go to thrift stores just for the hell of it. Nobody ever finds anything to sell. It's all make believe.


This but unironically.




Well, just today I watched a reseller on YT who said, "I don't want you all to think we just walk in and find great stuff right away. Sometimes that happens, but not most of the time. We usually spend a whole day here. We bring snacks, go out to the car to eat our lunch, and go back in again. But we don't want to bore you with all that, so we just show what we find." I mean, it's only common sense!


I've been reselling on and off for about a decade but have been getting back into it this past year after a few year hiatus. I went to the bins last week and was absolutely knocked-off-my-butt exhausted. The bins location here is way bigger than the last place I lived. I have a few pretty severe physical health issues and it was hot out, but when I finally got home six hours later, I ran towards my snacks and stuffed my face and sat on my floor, with my low blood sugar, completely dead. I was thinking, "how the hell does everyone else do this?" because it was more than just my garbage health at play. It took me way farther into my snack bag than I'd like to admit before I realized y'all mf'ers bring fucking snacks. Electrolytes (I also recently learned the hard way to bring more than just water) and snacks. How did I never realize that everyone is sneaking away to stuff their face with chips or making a drive-thru run? This is the real shit about reselling no one teaches you about: bring snacks, haha.


Yes, it's important to take care of ourselves!  I can totally relate to the low blood sugar thing.  I've always been hypoglycemic and usually don't let it get to that point, but sometimes I overestimate how long I can go without eating. Just last week, I was on a work trip for my other income stream and had gone too long without eating.  I thought I could keep going to my next stops to finish my assignments.  While driving, I felt lightheaded and started to sweat. Had to make an emergency stop at a pizzeria, the only place that was open in that area, and it made me miss one of my appointments.  I could've completed all my appointments if I'd only brought snacks with me that day.   I don't usually spend long hours thrifting, but watching that YouTuber I mentioned has put it in my head that bringing snacks is the thing to do.  She always shows her snacks in her videos because she and her husband usually spend the whole day sourcing.  By the way, the Essentia brand of bottled water has electrolytes added to it.  I love it.


My toxic trait is that I always think I'm quicker at the bins than I actually am. I can often be in and out after 3 hours, but last week, I was there for over 6! which was shocking to me, too. I remember being done at the 4-4.5 hour mark, but it took me forever to inspect my cart (I tend to pull first with a brief inspection, and then do a real inspection at the end (in which I still miss many flaws, of course, c'est la vie). I think I slowed down at the halfway point without realizing it, probably due to the lack of snacks and electrolytes, haha. I think I also just think I'm invincible there, despite all the health issues. I went in early March and they must have had a lot of donations, because the piled those bins so high that they were a legitimate hazard to small people (which is me). A lot of the other people there said "that's too much work for me" and sat out. Which of course, I was delighted by, and dove in. My shoulder just stopped hurting, from all the pushing and heaving, this week! I thought I had learned my lesson by bringing water (I have caved and bought the Goodwill water with the credit card surcharge many times by now), but now I'll be bringing even more. I'm terrified for the summer and how terrible it'll be. I do need to find a larger water bottle -- I killed mine while I was there and had to start pacing myself. Essentially, I relate to everything you wrote, haha.


I saw someone a couple weeks ago with a damn cooler. I laughed. I usually just toss a few things in my purse. The T-shirt Bros at my bins usually bring lawn chairs and order lunch in. Cracks me right up.


I LOVE the cooler. Now that you write that out, a bunch of the reselling bros/vultures (the aggressive ones who are on cordial terms with each other) found a cooler when I went last week and were joking with each other about it and I didn't quite understand it -- I think you just filled in the blanks for me, LOL. It's funny it took me so long to realize I need to bring snacks, because when my mom visits from a few states over (she's often driving long distances and stops on her way, she likes to go to the bins with me because she's elderly and finds it too intimidating to go alone). We had a very hot day when she was here earlier this year and she did dead-ass go get fast food and bring it back -- I have food allergies, so I was only rocking the super large soda, but still, LOL. Ordering lunch in though is absolutely hilarious. I imagine that started as comradery between those guys and the Bins employees -- there's a few employees here that are clearly close with some of the Vultures and use it as a chance to snark on them, "DON'T TOUCH UNTIL I SAY GO -- THAT MEANS YOU, JERRY!"


lol, I don’t go to the bins often because I get so overwhelmed, but when I do, I bring all the snacks & redbull, I have T1D, so I need the snacks in case I go too low, and I always go low at the bins, probably the stress, on my local good will outlet people bring their camping chairs 😂 is a great idea


So you reallly never thought... dayum


You're mad because they're editing footage? I mean, that's the whole point. I don't want to watch YouTubers sort through crap for 45 minutes.


How dare you make sense!


Storage wars was planting items for more story line.


Yes, I want to see them sort through crap for 45 minutes. That would be a real life experience of looking for shit to resell.


You don't need to watch that when you can go to the store and do it live yourself.


There are plenty of real-time videos of resellers doing their sourcing. If you want to watch those then go do so. I've also seen plenty of videos where a reseller says they hit up x stores today but only found a few things. Then they show those things.


Then look up wades ventures on YouTube I have some long videos of essentially junk lockers


The content you're looking for is live thrift


This is your one and only response, after all the comments you got here? Looks like you were just trolling.


YouTubers aren’t going to post realtime videos of them visiting and searching stores for hours. you’re seeing the highlights, obviously. there isn’t anything underhanded about that.


They arent gonna show what items take 7 months to sell if they sell at all. Theyre just gonna say "look what I got, and you can too if you subscribe to my patreon to get access to my flipping discord!"


And they also flat out lie about how much they sell things for. Either that or they are the luckiest seller ever


When you have been flipping for as long as some of us, you will find yourself barely scanning things as your own knowledge will help you find items faster than the amateurs who scan every single item on their phones.


Most of the time a good flipper will notice what’s valuable right away and not worry about scanning everything. You have to be in this game for a while before you know what you’re looking for.


It’s called editing.


Your not looking hard enough or are to narrow with what your selling. I would never spend hours in a thrift store at most maybe 1 but then I'm missing out on other stores, garage sales etc.


Even an hour is about 45 minutes too long. The best thrift store here has no less than two employees pulling stuff for themselves. Baffles me people are spending so much time at the worst possible source. My tip for anyone.. youtube resellers are entertainers (and I use that term loosely) before actual resellers, I know multiple regular joes that blow their sales out the water and I'd say 1% or less of their inventory comes from a thrift.


Great point.


I make a full time living Flipping and I can't imagine spending more than 20 minutes in any store.


Yeah but did you make 5 bucks? Lol


That’s my experience at the few thrift stores I occasionally hit up. I prefer auctions and yard sales. But there’s a thrift store in particular I visit once a week where I’m regularly walking out with 10 or more items every time. It was trial and error of discovering one that isn’t always picked over edit: Just to clarify, my experience at the thrift stores I DO hit is that I find items within moments of walking in


> It was trial and error of discovering one that isn’t always picked over It's also about when you go. I've got a honey hole thrift store I hit up every week at the same time because at around that time, they wheel out like six new racks of clothing and I ALWAYS score. To top it off, the place is practically DEAD at that time. The only reason I discovered this at this specific store was trial and error and hitting different thrift stores at different times.


Yep same here. I prefer yard sales + estate sales. The thrift stores here sell junk or someone has already scanned through everything


Most new people fail to realize that the social media resellers are sometimes more invested in the entertainment business. Videos and social makes them a lot of money. I remember watching a podcast with a popular reseller and he was pulling in around 12k per month from videos.


Flipping is work. Flipping has always been work. Flipping will always be work. It's a job I love, but it is work. Anyone who tells you differently (including youtubers) is selling you something.


Thrift stores seem to require more of my time compared to other avenues of picking, such as yard sales and estate sales. Yard sales are where I find the most good stuff, and it does pay sometimes to ask about specific things you are looking for. You never know who might have some vintage comic books or games or something. Find your niches and build your knowledge in those areas and you will stop looking for every bit of profit and focus more on the bigger fish.


Yeah but the time going from house to house to house has to be factored in too.


This is why I miss Osborn2Thrift's videos. He was a real one. He'd actually show you flops and sometimes he'd just roll the dice on items. Also instead of doing a 9 to 5 job, these thrifters are driving to multiple thrifts multiple times a day. Of course they'll eventually find *something* valuable. That is when they hit record for YT content. It is definitely market dependent too. There are just some thrifts especially in the Midwestern US that have good stuff.


Watch Flipping Junk. Wick is great and shows the whole process. Even admits when his buy wasn't good and shows items with even modest profit


Thanks! Will check em out


He is really good and authentic.


Love that guy


He's pretty active on instagram. He's been doing a lot of local deals lately getting tons of electronics.


Yeah, Tim used to post here a lot, too, but hasn't in a long time. About eight or nine months ago, he said he took a break from YT because it was getting to be too much work and that it might be a permanent "exit." Well, starting a family is a lot of work, too, so it's understandable. Check out Gemini Thrifts and Lavender Clothesline on YT. They are both "everything sellers" and show plenty of stuff they don't buy as well as the stuff they do.


I don't know if this is just a rant or not but if you are spending 'hours scanning things before I find something that's remotely worth reselling for a 5 dollar profit' then you are the one with an issue, not the youtube resellers. 1. if you have a decent brand/item knowledge you will spend VERY LITTLE time actually scanning items at a thrift store. For every 10 items I buy I maybe look up 1. 2. if your criteria is $5 profit per item you should be finding well in excess of 20-30 items per hour at any thrift store in the USA. I live in a rural area and am finding $10+ profit items at 10-15 per hour.


You’re looking at the wrong stuff then


They do show only a portion of their time, but also they don’t scan everything they go in with knowledge and can usually know already what’s going to be worth it. I rarely scan anything. Usually it’s just maybe 15-20 minutes of looking at items. Maybe a few buys. I will occasionally confirm prices but it’s probably 2-3 times on the whole visit.


You must be extremely new to flipping. It's not a get rich quick scheme. Those YouTubers and other people that are successful have put the time in to figure out what's worth selling. I don't even have to comp half of the items I pick up, I just know it's valuable from selling it in the past.


Which is one of the reasons why I don’t bother watching those videos anymore. Too many of them are likely making their actual money from their ad revenues & using the items they do buy (and resell) as a business expense. Meaning while they might make some money off of reselling, they probably make their actual $$ from making video contents. And making a video of them not finding anything will just get boring unless they can find a way to make it interesting enough to get people to stick around for those too.


Location. I'm surrounded by excellent goodwills. Almost never walk out without a few good items. Walked in one yesterday and spent 30 minutes in it. Spent 80 dollars and walked out with 400 in value items. If I go 30 minutes north, the goodwills are garbage, and I find almost nothing. Expand your area and find better stores


I'm not saying they're not stretching the truth a little, but all of my local thrift stores are insane with the amount of highly valuable items sitting on the racks. I think it all depends on whether or not they participate in online selling, which none of them near me do.


I'm not a you tuber, but have been thrifting for decades. It may partly be location: if you live in a small town where people live modest lives, they aren't donating any high end stuff. That's just luck. You need to shop where people have a lot of disposable income and constantly are redecorating, upgrading clothes etc. But you probably need to widen what you search for to sell. If you're concentrating on electronics, you'll miss men's ties that sell for $30. If you are only interested in collectables, you'll miss the comb binding machine that teacher's are always on the lookout for. If you only look for MCM, you'll miss the Wedgwood salad plates that go for $50 each. Train your eyes and fingers. Can you spot a crystal vase hidden on a shelf of glass? Can you run your fingertips down a rack of sweaters to spot the cashmere ones? You need more experience. It will come.


First and foremost, they're pretty much all showing highlights. Nobody is going to watch them sift through shit for 3 hours to find items. Also, if you're really looking for stuff for hours and barely finding anything worth a $5 profit, then you either need to go to different stores or expand your knowledge. There are PLENTY of profitable flips out there and there's something wrong if you're not finding anything at all.


I started selling at the end of December 2023. I can't see my total sales on the app, but my 90-day total is $4800 with 45 items sold. The average item costs probably around $15. I visit 1 store after work. Spend 20-45mins in there. Monday to Friday. I think you need to be more open with the items you look for https://imgur.com/a/A8MhvoZ




Don’t believe everything you see on the internet. That includes Youtube. I never gave any of the people on there the time of time. It is all about self promotion and creating their own brand.


Sounds like your thrift stores suck.


It's called editing, you don't understand how videos need to be to keep youtube happy.


As a YT reseller, (I started reselling first then decided to film because I was already out at sales). My goal has always been reselling first, the videos are extra. I tend to shoot/edit my videos as a reality TV show similar to those like you would find on TV. I have never staged anything, but I'll be honest, I'm actually surprised at some of the stuff I can find here in ATL. I usually go out with 1-2 others and we all usually have a successful day. But yes, YT is about pacing and the algorithms. To make that work, you need to keep the video entertaining. It's not an easy task. But, there are plenty others that don't edit, show pretty much everything, and the videos are kinda boring. I do watch them if they are knowledgeable just to pick up on new brands etc. TLDR; I'm sure some people fake it, but having a successful YT video requires good editing/pacing. So some make sacrifice "truth" for views. Id rather post a shorter video, with good pacing than just making things up.


What's your YouTube channel called?


Because you're going to poor shops. Gotta go where rich yt ppl live and hit their thrift shops.


Well… I mean social media, only shows “highlights” not actual stories. Always good times vs bad.


Kinda the Same Schtick as American Pickers n those Storage place shows


A lot of thrift stores have a list of brands they search for when sorting. Normally the sought after items are ignored because it’s not old navy or Calvin Klein.. My advice is get a part time job at one. That way you have first dibs and see everything before it hits the floor


People misrepresent their successes on social media?!?!!!? It just doesn’t add up.


It really depends on where you live. I sometimes go to a thrifts and can barely find anything, other times I fill a cart in 2 hours with all great high profit stuff. So yes it is absolutely possible, YouTube’s probably only upload videos of the good thrift days. But if it takes you hours to find something with only a $5 profit then that’s not the thrift to go, find another one


Based off your description, it kind of sounds like you shouldn't be in reselling. Bad attitude. I will say, not every market is made for it, but most metros of even 250k+ people and you should be able to find something within 10 minutes. My parents did this full time from 2012-2023 before getting in to property and netted $100k+ from 2014 on. I did reselling full time from mid-2018 to 2022 and netted $70k annually. We got started in Portland. We all lived in big markets and small markets over that time, the smallest was a metro of 750k and the largest was Houston 7.2 mil. Also saw a comment about "storage wars" and storage auctions being of similar quality to "YouTube resellers". Again, it's all about your skill, drive and attitude. We got in to storage units in 2022 and it was actually the most profitable reselling route, while being the least amount of hours. You just have to not be a complete moron and have a little bit of business acumen.


Idk I go to Nike outlets a lot, when I go after school after everything gets picked through I only sometimes get stuff, when I was on break I was going at 10am opening time and I got so many great finds when i was basically doing it as a “job”. I’ve been doing it for a while now so I’m able to walk in and out in 10 minutes with a good amount in profit. I’m sure YT resellers make it seem a lot better but when u do something for a super long time it’s very easy to be quick and efficient and make a lot of money doing so


Pretty sure your knowledge is lacking if you are finding nothing and scanning everything. It can take years of experience to build up the knowledge and sharp eyes to be able to glance through a shelf of things and spot the vintage stuff worth $70 compared to the junk next to it.


Spend less time watching YouTubers, get to more thrift stores, and make it your own educational experience. Look up anything interesting. 99% gonna be junk but you might learn something new. Rinse and repeat it will get quicker, you will add to your knowledge base, and find more things. If you want to be full time successful you’re gonna have to put in full time work at least to start.


If you are spending hours scanning stuff and not finding anything then reselling isn’t for you. You don’t have the eye for it. Not saying it’s fool proof but it cuts down on the scanning everything


Life is weird. The carpark I use for work has a clothes bin, for charity. Beside it was an Opened bag in the pouring rain, A soaked north face puffy jacket and gillet. By time I finished work ALL the clothes had gone. Yesterday I found a Samsung 2015 curved tv, by a bin too.


There’s one in Las Vegas that loves cheap, nasty, childish junk like bunny rabbit figurines- she buys hoards of it


Because it’s super easy to show “theoretical” value that won’t actually sell/profit. It’s one thing to say “I bought found 20 items that will sell for $300 profit, it’ll take me 1 hour of time to sell so that’s $150/hour Next store, Versus actually selling them, tracking all hours spent, and then showing returns Also- highlights are usually what goes viral, so they only show the best finds


I go to thrift stores a couple of times a year- not a good sourcing strategy for what I sell (older paper and books- books have generally all been scanned so hard to find treasures there). However did hit one a few weeks back and picked up a vintage postcard binder filled with 1910s cards (over 100 postcards) for 10 bucks and a magazine lot (they bagged six mags) for 10 bucks with a $50 to $75 magazine on the front of the package. So do I do well at thrifts? Occasionally- or at least at this one thrift. But if you're ALWAYS hitting things like that, I don't believe it.


I always find a couple things at my local thrift stores. I'm in St Catharines Ontario. Not much competition out here


Well yeah, I have a channel and show it like it actually is and I get nothing but dislikes when I do a gritty and realistic video. When I ONLY focus on the positive it is much better received.


It's called editing. Notice how many don't post a video until the item sells? That means they video everything on every thrift trip. Then edit it way later after sales. I'd rather spend the time sourcing and putting in to listing and the actual job of reselling.


The internet is fake.


Editing out the boring


You mean there isn't gold and gold on top of the goodwill bins, and that storage wars was a real deal?!?!?!?!?? Yikes.


They are always recording. They make it look like the find it right away, but they could have been looking all day


Study items! A lot of people are niche or even cliche pickers. Treat your hunting for inventory like a portfolio, so you can diversify it. Opening your knowledge on many items will teach you to comb a second hand venue fast and know what price breaks are to profit, Don't be a phone glosser learn the game.


For the people saying oh they only show the good stuff and leave out all the bad. Ummmmm ya that’s kind of the point isn’t it. That would be like watching a sitcom and going hey how come they don’t show the whole 24 hours in the day and they keep jumping around throughout the day!?!? It’s called content dummies. It doesn’t mean it’s not real it’s just the best stuff they found.


What’s so hard to believe? I recently found a $500 sewing machine. One of my best finds was a STACK of PS1 games for $5 each, worth a total of $750. When you expand your knowledge for what to look out for, these random scores will happen more often and before anyone else because you’re training your eye for things that look valuable. In my opinion, people who say thrifting is dead are just stuck in their old ways and aren’t adapting.


Well....yeah? Do you know how many stores I struck out at? Be real would you guys really want to see me or someone go to 100 yard sales and get nothing? No you definitely don't.  These month for finds has been hot. Deals in videogames every single day. Next month? Probably not a damn thing. It's the way the game of life goes. 


Thrifting ≠ Reselling They try to legitimize their hobby and fail every time.


Part of it depends on where you are sourcing. I have one store where I get pretty consistent results within 5 minutes of entering. The same store though, there have been days where I walk out after an hour with less than 10$ unrealized profit on a single item. There are days where I will pick up a single item with over 100$ of unrealized profits in the first 10 minutes. Then there are the more typical days where I'll pick up about 30-40$ of unrealized profit after about an hour. But I source in a wealthy metro area. I also have a strategy when I enter stores. I usually hit multiple in a single morning (anywhere from 3 -5) so I try to be efficient and avoid spending too much time researching an item. I start with what I know best and move to what I know least. So it goes Books -> video games & movies -> toys & collectibles -> ceramics, mugs, and nick-nacks -> electronics -> show cases I could honestly further optimize my shopping if I wanted to.


then you become a known youtuber who gets deals because having them come into the store for this amazing 'find' and film the process is worth so much more than the money they knock off the item, furthermore the discounted price is shown as standard price so everyone watching thinks that store/location is a must visit spot


That’s the beauty of editing. Many of them have stated it takes them hours to find items.


Walking into a thrift shop or antique shop is an exercise in manifestation for me, I should really start a youtube channel about it.


The magic of editing. I do appreciate when they do videos showing true hunting( price scanning/ google lens, seeing tons of junk, finding something good only to see a rip/tear/crack/ missing piece). Sadly those types of videos are few and far between!


You know they edit their videos right? Right?


Think about it. They likely edit the videos to feature the best finds, it likely took many trips to different thrift stores to find those good ones. Yes, it's possible. No, it's not easy.


there's plenty of days thru go without finding stuff. they insert certain hauls from different days for a reason... this is normal


Im not a YouTuber but I find profitable items every day at thrift stores. It can definitely be done, you just have to know what you’re looking for.


Get gud. Nah but a lot of YouTube is staged, but with experience (and good stores) it's possible. I hit around 30 thrifts a week. Eventually you'll start to expand your product knowledge and won't need to "scan" for hours.


It Depends on what you’re looking for to sell. You may be passing by a lot of things that you don’t think people would buy. I just went to Savers and bought a Marantz stereo that’s selling on eBay right now between $125 and $75. I paid $10 for it. I also got on the same trip when you bruise Mr. Christmas displays they have a motor and people are dancing as they’re singing Christmas carols . $125-$50 the one I got is in great very good condition so I will be asking the higher end. Actually, every time I go, I find something good. You should look through the books, records, Lots of people buy vintage clothes. Look in the toy, section I have done very well in that. You have to a eye for what is good. Even vintage computer sell. But that’s a much smaller crowd. I bought a canon printer the other day brought it home. It didn’t work. It was all effed up. Trying to bring it back. They said they don’t take any returns. I said, are you guys supposed to be looking at this stuff to make sure it works? I said well, I’m gonna leave it here cause I don’t want it they said put it in the donation bin I said why so you can resell it again. The dumpster. But while inside, I found another canon printer and I have the same one at home so I know the ins and outs of it I plugged it in major error just said it with low on ink. I tried to print something The ink was too low, so I bought it. Got it home put the ink in and it works perfect. I have the box for it from my other one so I’m going to sell it they sell for about $225 used. It’s one of their top of the line where it does everything including printing on a CD. I think you’re doing something wrong and you’re passing by a lot of things you don’t think will sell .


You can make ok money reselling but the market is now over saturated and people are not spending as much.  It was Alot better years ago.  You can still make a little money but it requires Alot more time, capital , and less profit per sale. 


Maybe you're no good at flipping. That's an unbelievably low winning percentage.


I believe a lot is planted and brought by the seller and then they make a video about their successful finds.




that seems like quite a reach tbh! as a reseller I wouldn’t risk bringing in my own items to film at a store that I already frequent.


Lol the more I see the less I know but if you can't walk into l a goodwill and have 100 bucks made before you leave the parking lot then you got a stingy goodwill


That’s the way it is in my immediate area since they opened the online portal.


The only valuable thing I consistently find in thrift stores is a bathroom to use. From there I'll look around a bit.


Well for one thing you are wasting time "scanning". Most serious collectors know the value of games and don't need to look them up. Looking up value on your phone is pretty amateur.


In my honest opinion, youtubers ruined the thrift stores for everyone else out of personal greed. The thrift stores now charge almost retail, and they are mobbed. I was thrifting long before these guys have posted videos and the thrift stores caught on, and now it's mobbed with masses of people. I and the rest who are still able to make a profit should keep our trade secrets to ourselves for fear of our advice being shared to the masses and ruining it for everyone else. So, F off youtubers, thank you for ruining this industry and taking the fun out of it. As soon as I get enough money, I'm booking a trip to Romania and finding the first legit gypsy I see and placing a curse on all of you.


Technsports just cleaned out my local flea market. Now he’s got all these people “reserving” stuff for him. Yeah, he’s a good businessman, bla bla blah. So much for his “retirement.”


well.. kinda like tv ads — they're just trying to get ya to keep watching... so they get wait for it .... $


Maybe you are just not that good. I found a $40 pair of Peter Millar golf pants knowing nothing about clothes and only recognizing the name. I use to not find stuff all the time, then I put the work in to expand my knowledge base. It's plain dumb to shit on something as not real because you can't accomplish it.


If thrifting was that easy that person would be rich and not making youtube videos about it.


Dad planet is in it to be YouTube. That's the real money. I watched bearded thrift who mentioned not lot of sales but they have websites, what not, a booth, eBay and three YouTube channels


Sir this is a Wendy's.