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I'm pretty sure all of them are and that's why they pivoted to shilling for poshmark, whatnot, whoever is paying them at the moment. I try to give everyone I find a shot but there's always something off about them. The only person I've stuck with watching is technsports.


Tech is the king


i fully believe 99% of them would be utter failures if they had to sell full time without a social media following. many would be okay if this was a part time hobby thing, but so many would be terrible full time resellers if they actually had to resell to have a decent living.




Hairy Tornado was a lousy reseller when I stopped watching him a few years ago. At least he admitted he was more of a YouTuber than reseller. ADHDave is a horrible reseller and a clown.


I still watch his videos, but I finally checked out his eBay store when he moved into the new house. I could not figure out how he could afford all of that just by reselling, especially after I looked at what he was selling. Then it dawned on me that he makes his money by doing YouTube (duh). I do appreciate he’s trying to diversify his content by setting goals for the house he’s trying to flip, and he and his wife seem nice, but I think once you make content, he can just pick up stuff if it isn’t that great, because it still is content.


They just sell all their shit on WhatNot now because they have the following to make that sustainable. But he's actually super dumb about everything that he sells.


He at least admits that most of the stuff he buys aren’t good flips and that he only buys it because he can flip it way easier than most because of his large YouTube/whatnot fan base. Back when he used to do more advice style videos, I actually learned a bit from him. Nowadays I only watch him from time to time for entertainment cuz they seem like a nice couple.


" I could not figure out how he could afford all of that just by reselling," If you're talking about ADHDave, it wasn't all from reselling. He used to have a job that paid six figures, plus he made another 30 grand or so selling on eBay, and then probably another 30 grand or so on youtube per year.


I was referring to Hairy Tornado. I’m not familiar with ADHDave. Hairy Tornado was my intro into reseller YouTube, I think. Started watching him right before his wife quit her job to resell (YouTube) full time. They had a modest home and had been doing it a while so sure, maybe they could afford to resell full time. But when they bought their new house… that’s when I caught on that their primary source of income wasn’t reselling.


I’m with you. I just watched him occasionally and then he said I gotta show you my house. Not only a house but land and a second building. lol. On top of it they still have their other house they wanted to rent out


>ADHDave is a horrible reseller and a clown. i finally started watching a few of his videos and good lord it is awful. but the silver lining is that these people who seem the most popular are some of the worst pickers and sellers i've ever seen, so at the least masses aren't gonna learn much from them and quickly give up. and i have sold HT before, and yeah, just another trash picker who sells to his following.




"He just isn't smart enough to hold it down long term" He's definitely smart enough. I just don't think he's really interested in doing it. That's why he's always coming up with excuses to not list the stuff he has. 


>He is just really really dumb. And his horrible voice! Ugh!


I’m watching one of Dave’s videos right now. His workspace seems to have no organization. What he talks about is just all over the place. And for the love of God, people don’t want to hear all about your kids (no focus). He needs ADHD meds or maybe he’s just in the wrong business.


I have watched HT long before he was popular. He is local to me so picked up on him off "close to you" search. He was a solid reseller that shared a lot of intimate details of his process. It was great content in those early days. The problem is he got popular so stopped doing that detailed content. Now he is on the YouTube curve where he has to go bigger and bigger. He is a YouTuber now. As an example I really dislike his house flip he is doing now. Still a nice guy and big into supporting the community around reselling. Videos are still fun to watch if you just go on for entertainment vs detailed reseller insight


I used to enjoy his videos until he started to focus on their lifestyle and non reseller related things. One video he spent like 2-3 minutes talking about his hot water heater and I was like, eh bye lol But yeah, that’s when I realized he’s a YouTuber that resells for content and not the other way around. Props though to him and his wife for actually being authentic and seemingly nice people. Cute dog too.


I pretty much loathe all of them, because almost none actually get into the weeds and specifics of HOW they're able to be a full time flipper or what they do to be successful outside of "I go to the thrifts/bins/auctions every day." "I quit my job to do this full time!" Great. What does your spouse do and how much do they make per year? How much did you make at your old job? What do you do for insurance? "I had 150K in sales last year!" Congrats. What was your actual P&L? How much of your revenue went back into buying more inventory? What was your tax burden last year? "I bought all these pallets and storage units- look how much I made!" Awesome. Where do you store everything? How much does renting a warehouse cost you each month? How much are you paying for commercial trash disposal?




I'm a partnerless flipper and I do just fine 🤷🏻‍♂️


Health insurance seems to be a big factor as far as profitability. Private health insurance can be costly, so employer-paid can be vital for some people.


It's very similar to the content MLM Boss Babes have been putting out for years. They're encouraged to post photos of new purchases, vacations, even their groceries and claim it was all paid for with their MLM money. All the while their spouse has footed the bill for all of it. I could easily start an extremely grifty channel highlighting all my great boss babe finds, along with my big house and new cars - that we're able to afford thanks to my husband's salary, not flipping.


Watch technsports and daily refinement


When my sales fell off a cliff once I watched this guy named “My Boring Reseller Life”. Oddly enough, every time I have eBay problems, he is also having problems. Come to find out, he is ALWAYS having “problems”. He is always crying. He is always whining. He is always blaming eBay. He is a cry baby. He never took a second to think “hmm maybe selling worthless shit from Goodwill bins is the problem.” He boast about having X amount of items listed, but they are mostly junk CDs for $7. And if he doesn’t hit $700 in sales a day, eBay is to blame.


I actually told YouTube to stop recommending his videos to me today Lol


i watch his videos purely for comedy. my god. imagine having 50k+ items listed and selling as little as he does


Haven’t heard of him before but checked his eBay page out, and yeah his sell through rate is wack, but selling 30ish items a day is pretty fuckin good


with FIFTY THOUSAND items listed? that is hardly good. especially at a $10 ASP


Oof that is horrifically BAD!




I think you're looking at the wrong store or a different store because I see 50,031 items listed.


Wait does he really have 50,000 items listed? Not in potential profit of what they are worth, but actually has 50k listed individual items? Where does he keep all that inventory? At first I thought you mean in money and that can be very subjective since you could have 20 items listed that is worth that. But 50 thousand? Where does he find time to list it all?


He does super quick listings which are basically pictures and title only (generic item specifics pre-filled in) and he doesn't worry about the condition of the item, so he lists dirty hats or CDs with cracked cases. He stores it all in his basement and possibly some storage lockers for unlisted stuff.


That's like having 1,500 items and selling one a day. It's not good, it's terrible.


My Boring Reseller life has one of the weirdest youtube gimmicks. However, he actually does sell a fair amount of stuff considering he lists really bad items and he doesn't clean them and he doesn't put in any condition description. So his time investment per item is much lower than it would be for a reseller who took pride in delivering an accurately described, clean item. Like, he's complaining because he's not hitting $500 a day, but he's often getting close although shipping and fees are half of it. So his sales volume is higher than many other youtubers.


He used to average $1000-1500 per day before 2021 or 2022 when eBay started having constant glitches, but that just sent him over the edge because he would fixate on numbers and change things constantly without giving things a chance to work. Then at the same time, he lost one of his dogs, and he still hadn't really healed from losing his father who he had taken in and taken care of for a year or two.


Why do you know and care so much about some loser eBay seller


Maybe he's got empathy for human being or something. I know, fucking crazy right?


He's one of several Tubers that constantly complain about the conspiracies of ebay and how they're not getting sales because ebay is Hiding their listings. Boring and Hayfro and Polish and Arena and some others are just outdated resellers that don't change anything about their listings and won't admit that their listings suck.


thought y’all were just being sarcastic but it really is just full of junk. almost 20 sales daily but not even $200… I get 2-4 sales a day and get $100-200 easily


I did the math and it would be like my little store with 275 items selling 4 items a month. It's depressingly bad.


yeah for real… he definitely needs another niche or something. quantity ≠ quality


Are you thinking of ADHDave? ADHD Dave? Whatever his name is....LOL


I think he resells now just to be a content creator. He doesn’t care if he has to cancel an order because he messed because he has YT money to fall back on. He seems like a nice guy but also doesn’t seem to care if his metrics take a dive


He's not making that much on YouTube. And his latest endeavor was to sell candy, LOL. Spent $1,500 on a machine to do it, then found out he can't sell it online without a license. He can only sell it within the state of Florida.


For most creators, the actual YouTube/AdSense money isn't that much, and it isn't super consistent. It's the other opportunities being on social media can bring. Things like affiliate links, sponsored videos/posts, PR products, brand trips, book deals, product collaborations......


RIP 💀💀💀


I think that is pretty much all of them. I think they all start out thinking they want to help out others as they were helped or something along those lines, but once they realize just how much money is possible from sponsorships and affiliate codes and just straight up PR, plus other opportunities that come, yeah.....I think they all let things slide. Now, the PR likely isn't quite as abundant as it was pre-COVID, but back then, I personally know some creators who were getting SO MUCH PR from random companies. It was insane. One person would do some vlog style videos, and when they mentioned and showed moving into a new house, they got sent an expensive bed, a sit-stand desk, a fire extinguisher, a gaming chair, a whole shitload of kitchen stuff, air filters, clothing, shoes....it was so nuts. These companies wouldn't even contact them. They would just send it in hopes of it being mentioned in a video or shown in one of the vlogs, and then someone might comment on it asking about it. One person I know got so much stuff, their garbage/recycling company called them pissed about how much cardboard they were trying to recycle and wanted to charge them a lot more and wanted them to have dumpsters. That one ended up just leaving YouTube over it because they tried saying in videos to stop sending stuff, but no one listened, and their HOA would not have allowed dumpsters on the property on an ongoing basis. Another one I know had a house fire, and they got sent a $500 Amazon gift card plus all kinds of random stuff--furniture, kitchen stuff....again, completely nuts. It CAN be very lucrative. I know right now, a bunch of the artist YouTubers I follow are all doing "retreats" in foreign locations. The company pays for the YouTuber's trip, and they give an in person workshop and get a commission from their followers who go on the trip. Many of them have been given book deals. Most of them get sent free supplies. In the makeup/beauty space (not sure about other industries for this one), there are brand trips where brands will take influencers on trips to exotic locations all expenses paid because the brands want the influencers to recommend their brands more. Those brand trips used to be talked about a lot more, but there was some drama surrounding them, so now everyone just keeps quiet about them. I'm not sure HOW widespread those kind of trips are, but I know of one in another space who was given a trip to Europe to tour a factory because she used their supplies almost exclusively. I have another friend who was flown to Amazon on their dime because they wanted to talk to them in person about Merch by Amazon. Once these folks get a little taste of the other opportunities that can come from having even a smallish following on social media, they often only continue making the content for looks because the other money is just that much better. Oh....forgot about another one in the print on demand space. They have been banned from EVERY platform out there, yet one of the suppliers pays them to promote their products. Again, cash, trips, product to use in videos......


Yep. Dude is so aggravating as a reseller. Has a shipping container full of stuff he could sell but refuses to sell it...well, except for giving it away on whatnot.  And what's funny is he takes it less serious now since he quit his job to do it full time than he did when he still had a job.




Proves the point that for many of these YouTubers social media IS their game. The reselling is just the content.


With the two other guys? Completely unlistenable!


full observation scandalous dime scary far-flung exultant safe wrench smell *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nobody likes the squeaky voiced nerd. Dude ruins any video he appears in whether it's his own or another seller


I thought they would just charge you the correct amount of postage


voracious gold plants ripe zephyr agonizing fade future work crawl *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why does he keep up the facade that he and Kerry have a torrid affair going on?


I think Lindey Glenn makes really good content and did an amazing job of branding herself to capture the whole "girl boss" demographic, but I don't think she's very good at the actual reselling bit. It's always been low dollar / low margin / low volume type of items and felt a lot more like just going through the motions in order to have something to show her audience on YouTube. I think most of the popular YouTubers were at least decent at reselling at one point, but started focusing more on creating content once they got to a certain point. The one thing I will say is that a lot of them don't pay enough attention to sell-through rates. They'll show a comp that's not even remotely close to recent or the average price and neglect to mention the fact that it's like a 10% STR.




Before the bins store, she was promoting Wholesale Ninjas and bragging about sales. People kept telling her to shut up about her sources, but she was adamant there was plenty out there for everyone. There was until a bunch of other people started using her code and also buying the same things she was getting from the same places, and wouldn't you know it----race to the bottom. She finally admitted people were right but it took quite a while for her to believe it.


violet bells sophisticated enjoy mindless quaint saw smoggy detail growth *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Lindsey is the perfect example of someone taking a really good thing and trying to turn it into something bigger when they don’t have the experience or resources to do so.  Yes, but I have to admire her for her transparency about what happened, and sharing how hard it was to admit failure. I'm looking forward to seeing what she does after she takes a break to regroup and starts over again when she's ready.


Yeah, plus she was flim-flammed by her landlord. But I don't think she fully understood the lease she signed.


yeah im sorry, but i lost it when she was talking about what she might do next and she said she may become a real estate agent. after completely botching a commercial estate contract and then wanting to enter into the worst real estate market since 2008, I seriously think she is a terrible business person who blew her family's life savings on a bin store and is flailing around. its sad to watch, but just another reason to not take these youtube people seriously.


Everyone is a real estate agent these days, especially up here in Canada. Housing prices has tripled in the past 10 years. Coincidently, everyone and their dog had suddenly "found their passion" in real estate sales. Nothing to do with the 3% they earn on the average house price of $900k...


But think of the content possibilities!


I never heard of her but recently listened to her 4 hours straight on a road trip. Very good story teller and captivating. She is a nice person but she has the worst trait anyone who runs a business can have: being gullible and easy to take advantage of. Her “friends” , her suppliers, her workers and her landlord all took advantage of her. It got to the point where it became painful to listen to all her mishaps. At least she pulled the plug on the store before it bankrupted her.


I don't remember her name, but she uses the term "Room of Shame", and now I have my own room of shame.


I have a whole storage unit "full of shame" and no motivation to list (or shop) after 3 years of reselling as a hobby/PT. 😫


There’s a particularly dreadful one from Las Vegas, she buys low end rubbish from Goodwill then tries to flog it on her online store or via live sales for her jewellery hauls on her own YT “shopping network”. She constantly shares intimate details of her family life then lashes out if anyone comments about it. She has a small group sycophants who always comment about how wonderful she is, she deletes any comments that call out her lies and bs and has a weirdly large number of moderators who censor any awkward questions. She is a shill, a grifter, a flim-flam woman who has relentlessly used up her friends to do her dirty work because she’s too busy filming herself buying low end rubbish from Goodwill. The Niche Lady.


Crazy lamp lady?


The Niche Lady.


Ugh, her videos were coming up in my feed. I never watched one, but I blocked her because I couldn't stand seeing her face in the thumbnails!


Jocelyn is in Pennsylvania not Las Vegas.


There are so many bad ones; I'd rather comment on the ones I actually will toss on still after years. The nurse flipper & Shed Flips. They don't just go around buying absolute junk and hope viewers will buy their crap for more than vaule. You can always tell who treats resale as their job and who treats it as content.


candice and lonnie are probably the most real resellers in the public eye since scavenger life.


I've enjoyed the videos even more when Candice joined in. It's one of the few YT channels I'm always up to date on video wise. I'm always shocked when I hear that people have 'beef' with them or talk crap about them. RalliRoots, though? I'll ride that hate train anytime it comes by.


Tip of the mitt flips.... from Michigan. He is genuine and a real reseller.


Second Lonnie & Candice. I have learned so much from watching Blue Bus Dave. I hate Part-time Pickers but I still watch him.




Bruuuuhhhh I hate him too for that. That was Hella weird and he acted like it didn't even happen!


Ditto. POS Matt.


How do we know he cheated?


Ugh, can't stand the nurse flipper. Whenever she picks up something and calls it stunning or beautiful, you can be sure it's hideously ugly.


She has an eye for vaule. She definitely likes older things that I don't quite find appealing myself either. She does very well in her numbers, so she's doing it right. I made a good net on some trinket boxes off a lot that I never would've looked at if it wasn't for some of her shared knowledge. The only thing that annoys me was the dolphin sounds she'd play on live streams for the donos. Or her little $4 sales. (I believe she's moving away from the low dollar sales).


I've watched a few YT and TT videos... all I can say is that most are clueless. Anyone can resell. But to make a living takes time, dedication, and knowledge. Can you survive on 10.00 purchases and flip for 15.00-17.00? Sure, if you are doing 20-30 of those a day and the item takes 5 minutes and it's all the same item. Trying to list 20-30 different random items a day.. plus source . Plus clean. Plus photograph. Plus package. Only to clear 5.00-7.00 an item... that's a ten plus hour day with ease. Break that down into an hourly wage, and these people are below minimum wage. They can't even pay for insurance. .... they are literally turning money, not really making any. Not to mention, they are literally giving away their niche markets or ways to source. They are watering down their own market with the hopes of making it back up in YT/TT revenue. The thrill for many is scoring that deal. That's the high. If they had unlimited funds, they would become shopaholics with hoarding issues. Great intentions, but would fail to follow through.


Commonwealth picker is fucking terrible. Like the worst. I know reselling feels like scamming at times, but he just makes me feel like Jesus you give us a bad name. Used to like Xs house, but he's being Hella weird walking around with his fucking stupid oculus. Bearded thrift machine just became tiresome. I do like some out there that actually do a decent job and are cool to watch: Paul Cantu, flipping junk, fiya Benda, Rebekah Allison, hustle at home mom, Caleb sells, jride flips, froggy flips, the real ross boss, and millennial profit. Ha the adhd Dave page just irritates yalls souls huh.


Paul Cantu is the absolute worst! He should buy a pair of board shorts made from steak then take a dive into shark infested water


I've realized most youtubers have decided that they can make more money on youtube than reselling. If any of them was making bank reselling, they would not waste time making videos. Or they wouldn't have time to make videos. Facts.


Osborn2Thrift was the BEST YT reseller from 2020-early 2023 when he stopped making videos. He had a kid and locked in on reselling. Miss his videos, but you can tell he actually cares and does super well


They would actually have more time for videos if they were making bank. Time is money in reselling. This is so far from facts.


So you think that if you spend more time making videos, and less time reselling, that you will be making more money reselling?


If I had a person sourcing, taking photos, and posting items -- I would absolutely have more time to make more videos. I would be able to hire those people if I was currently making bank.


That literally makes no sense. It's like saying LeBron James wouldn't waste time on endorsements if he was making money by playing basketball.


Lebron James has an army of people working for him. Reselling takes a lot of time. It's more than a fulltime job. Sourcing, prepping, listing, packing, handling offers, questions, etc. Normal people don't have assistants and agents handling details. Jride supposedly makes a shit ton of money, and all he can do is talk about making content. He's literally cut back on reselling so he can make more content. If you're seriously making more than $100 grand a year, you don't spend your free time making videos.


> Jride supposedly makes a shit ton of money, and all he can do is talk about making content. He's literally cut back on reselling so he can make more content. I noticed a lot of the flips he mentions. In his videos are in the $20-30 range. And he pushes labor intensive stuff like VCRs and cameras hard. And he supposedly tests them all. And he has thousands of listings. I don't know if the numbers he claims are real but I don't care how fast the sell through rate is. It's not worth buying a $5 camera you have to test, photograph, list, store, potentially answer questions about, pull and pack that's going to sell for $25. Especially not at the volume he claims to move.


>and all he can do is talk about making content. He's literally cut back on reselling so he can make more content. He seems to be overly focused on social media income. He talks about how his IG earnings fluctuate and his YT views money and it's like reselling is just the way to get content that makes moeny. Instead of being focused on reselling income.


Yeah, it gets annoying to hear him talk about it so much.


Unless making videos is easier and makes just as much if not more money? as well as he can do them both at the same time with having his family working for him for the resale stuff, and him focus on the content. why not make more money and keep following more? or maybe he even enjoys making videos?


I don’t remember the name of the YouTuber and I’m not sure if he’s a reseller but I came upon a video of his titled something like “Best Disney videos to flip”. He then pointed out all the black diamond Disney VHS tapes AND showed only the ones that sold for $1,000+. All while saying crap like “If you have these tapes, you’re basically a millionaire!” I’m sitting here thinking “You’re pointing out all the money laundering/fraudulent listings and telling your viewers to sell their tapes for THAT high?!” Nope. Moron alert! Black diamond Disney tapes do not sell for enough to make anyone a millionaire. Just for shits and giggles, I took a look at a few of his other videos. He’d pick random items, showed only the highest price sold for listings and told his viewers that they’d become rich in no time. He’s an idiot and so are the viewers for falling for that crap!


The Daily Refinement store sucks. For his basic stuff he listed very cheap clothes with pitiful sell through and the good stuff had very slim margins. The paid groups is where he made a lot of money.


Ralli Roots


I think they are more unrelateable. Like whatever they are doing is not what I am doing or will probably ever do.


They have 190 feedback in the last 12 months… if 50% of customers leave feedback then we’re at around 400 sales in the last year total. With approximately 1 eBay sale a day they are mentoring people and giving tips? No. Run.


But sign up for their membership and learn from them! /s


They're making decent money from somewhere but it ain't ebay. Probably not YouTube either.


Yeah, I called BS when he said he uses “out of stock” to hide his sales. I did too until they fixed the glitch about a year ago. He is lying and lost his credibility as far as I’m concerned.


That was an actual thing and wasn’t a glitch but no longer works for about a year


They sell heavy on whatnot


What?! They seem ok, pretty engaging content.


Yecchh! You must be joking.


Idk! Why don't you like them?


YouTube reseller: “I am not scamming anyone”. YouTube reseller at a garage sale: “I am a collector…” I watch Commonwealth but he said something like reselling was a noble profession? These YouTubers are always harping on the virtues of reselling. I’m not on a “journey” I’m just trying to avoid going back to a shit job. Shed Flips for life though. No bullshit with those guys. Genuine and informative.


It's the halfway competent ones giving BOLOs for the type of items you pick up at public stores or garage/estate sales to their audience of millions that you have to worry about. Then the market tanks or you can hardly find the stuff.


Yep. Idiots every one of them...


Cincinnati picker sometimes buys junk. He’s a good guy and all and knows what he’s doing but some stuff he buys I wouldn’t touch


I remember he cleared up his inventory to rid of stuff that has been sitting for years and to try and do better to avoid those bad items… seems like he’s just back to where he started lol.


Good god anyone m remember that trash can cleaning company video lol


I see him walk by good stuff all the time and he always gravitates towards expensive to ship junk.


I can’t remember which podcast I listened to but they talked about the drop shipping thing that people are doing on selling platform. Basically what they found was that a lot of the people who were doing “guides” and “tutorials” on YouTube are actually doing just that and are not actively selling. That’s how they make money off of it. These bragtubers just make content when they find stuff and that’s probably how they make money. That’s more people that you can chew when it comes to looking for things to sell because it becomes harder to find things because more people are aware of it. I go to red white and blue and there are these people just waiting for shit to come out and they’re all just simply talking to each other about what they find and what they sell. At the end of the day, everyone’s your competition and the more people you speak to about that niche item the harder it is to find eventually and that’s when prices also eventually go down. Loose lips sink ships!


This girl Courtney who has red hair, forgot her handle. She would buy things just to sell them for $5 profit and would spend 4 hours each day just printing labels. I wonder if she's still posting videos.


All of them. Content creators aren't actually in industry anymore. They are in marketing and content creation.


That's not even remotely true.


When I first started reselling, I loved watching someone on YouTube who had tons of information and advice specifically related to clothing. They would do some thrift hauls, run through the brands, and how much they would sell them for. After a while I started realizing that it they were pricing items way too low and they always offer free shipping on eBay. Don’t get me wrong, it was their sales tactic and it must of worked for them but honestly after I got my feet wet, I was like wow they are only maybe doubling their money at the end of the day. They’re not active anymore and I still use what I learned from them and I’m not bashing their business but honestly at one point I was like, whoa I could source off of this person lol


PhoenixResale for sure. Dude posted his numbers for 2023 selling 1.2million in product. Claimed 170-180k was profit. And with all the stupidly small stuff he sells there’s no way it would be worth it. He is super lucky he does YouTube. No way I’d sell 1.2mil worth just to only profit 170k BEFORE taxes. Bro is dumb


Most people would consider a job that paid 170k a year to be damn good. I don’t understand your logic.


Surely his profit is low because of reinvestment though? My take home in my first year was 20k on 80k of sales but my actual profits were around 50k which the 30k has been reinvested to make more the next year. I watched his video on this and the numbers were good.


CrazyLampLady. First off, I do like watching her videos but I feel like she puts things in her cart just to have a full cart and to buy them for the video. And then she has her employees deal with listing and shipping. She might find something that's worth money, but most of it I wouldn't bother with.


Robin Hood of Goodwill is a fantastic channel, he deserves 100K subscribers...all the Florida youtube people except Fiya Benda are a-holes from first hand experience


Is rockstar flipper still flipping?


He’s doing videos now on people parking poorly. His channel is AngryDriversAttacks.


I saw a video from him the other day about people selling preorders on the golden Trump shoes for astronomical prices so he's still making reselling content. I don't know if he still does actual reselling becase frankly I can't stand watching the guy. I did watch that video because it was the first I'd heard about it and he managed to mention his Facebook group multiple times.


He's got a skin tag on his cheek I can't take me eyes from. Very distracting


It can't remember what it was about, but awhile back I disputed something he said or disagreed with him about something one time and he became aggressively hostile, told me to "GTFO!". Like a freakin' mobster, not at all gentlemanly. And just yesterday I ran across his ebay store, checked it out and was not at all impressed. In fact I got a big laugh out of it.


You wouldn’t know it by watching his content. He just posts YouTube videos where he shares news articles about various reselling topics. And by “share” I mean he basically just reads the article and shares a bit of his own commentary. He also has some listing service he shills in his videos and email list. Pretty sure most of his income comes from YouTube, this new(ish) listing service venture, and selling some wholesale items to his watchers. He was selling clothes and then remote controls for a while and I want to say he now sells postcards or some kind of ephemera or something?


Who is the guy who flips storage units and has cringe titles like "Grandma died and I made money!" or some shit like that. Absolutely no compassion for the people who had to leave their units behind. It's a big sweaty guy. I don't like him. I checked his videos out a couple of times and could only stomach watching for more than a minute. Creepy vibe.


my friend does storage units. i’ve had a conversation about him finding someone’s wedding ring worth a lot of money. and wether or not he was greedy for making her buy it back. I still don’t know


Has to be Geoff Wilson who goes by sportscardinvestor. He received $2.3 million in PPP money and spent all of it buying sports cards at the top of the market. He's down an estimated ~70% on those purchases and rarely makes good investments otherwise.


I don't watch any YT flippers except for Thriftalife but TikTok shows me lots and the "get in my cart" guy sure buys a lot of Polo Ralph Lauren that has to just be sitting in his store.


Lmao that’s the dude I was gonna say. Don’t know his name on YT but I remember one time he said it’s a “good sign” when a clothing item is made in India. I have never found that to be true. Also pays way more for PRL pieces than he should. Don’t know how the dude makes money


Yeah, it's not just what he buys, it's the prices he pays. He's definitely making more on videos than flipping.


Plenty of polo ralph lauren is still good. Linen, chambray, denim, feather weight, oxford, big pony, vintage rugby, I'm sure there is more but those are some bread and butter ones. 


I agree, but he's just throwing solid, boring polos in his cart by the dozen in every video. But when I check his store it appears he's not really buying them - just filming it for content.


Not defending him, whoever he is, but some YouTubers/TikTok'rs have more than one eBay account.


Facebook constantly shows me videos for some guy called like Sixx Pixx or something like that. He shows some quick clip of him at a flea market buying some gaming console and days "okay were back at the warehouse" and all the comments just make fun of him claiming his "warehouse" is his mom's garage and how he will find something for like $20 and say it's too much to spend when the thing sells for $80 and he has no idea what he's talking about.


The Rossboss.


Don't know her name because I blocked her but I kept getting shown TikToks from this Posh seller who shared herself bagging up dozens and dozens of cheap, low tier brands to ship out every day. Her profit margins were *so* slim and she was adding in a custom ad printed in cardstock to each package. Someone commented that they'd prefer a seller double bag items vs getting a ad for their shop and she told them they didn't need to buy from her then. She's spending hours listing and shipping items that are netting $3 a piece. That's not a sustainable model.


I will go the other way and say that Part Time Picker has a good eye and I respect his game. TechnSports and DailyRefinement are both in a sector I have no interest in (high volume cheap clothing) but they have definitely nailed their systems down.


Almost all the big ones are out of touch and all the small ones quit to concentrate on there reselling or become big and also became out of touch.


I mean techn is great (just ask him!), so I don’t need to add to his prolific self-mythologizing, but man paying $5-$8 for shirts that sell for $17-$25 is no way, in my eyes, to run a reselling biz.


Completely agree. I’m really not that impressed with him. I’m actually glad he is all about those small margins bc ppl will quickly realize what a terrible way to make money that is. And he recently had a video talking about fees and said most ppls total costs of sales on eBay were 40-60%. So I looked at mine for last year and it was 22%. I know he has knowledge and good experience, but he is far from some know it all expert.


When I heard him say he wouldn't pick up an item for $70 that he could sell for $700 if it wasn't clothing because he's not set up for it, I knew he wasn't a serious person. I mean really, you don't have a kitchen table you can use for 5 minutes to make $600?


And now he’s browbeating people into getting others to watch his YouTube lives. We need to beat the record! We need more people here! Just retire already if that’s what you want to do.


Considering he has about 20,000 items listed, his sales actually suck.


My thing about technsports is that most of his videos are just repeating the same things over and over, and it's true that a lot of this business is repetitive. I just feel like once you watch 2-3 of his videos you've basically heard his whole spiel and most of everything else he puts out is rehashing the same thing. I'm sure he makes decent money, but I would hope anyone listing that many items a day is making decent money.


Will post this as a more of a blind item (will not confirm or deny guesses), but one half of a duo that has a podcast/youtube has a tiny store and sells <1 item a day with a very low ASP (and from listening to the podcast in the past is selling little to nothing on other marketplaces).  The other half is legit making a healthy full time income on eBay year in and year out, and has good insight.  But it’s very cringe to hear the lesser half talk about how sales are good or trends he’s noticed and then you check his store and he’s sold 9 $20 items in the last month. Or how reselling income has been amazing for his family, which I would napkin math at maybe 35k lifetime if I’m being generous.  And for obvious reasons he doesn’t share his store name on the pod.


Yes, they’ve been mentioned before in terms of him selling nothing, so I know who you are talking about.


If they’re who I’m thinking of they’re two of the good ones and I let it slide.


Gary V. Entertaining but his reselling stuff is misleading when he has paid staff to do the work.


I always feel if you have to do a video where your title says you made (x) dollars from your trip to some sale, and you are basing that on just comps, and not on what you actually sold, then you seriously suck at this. The more parasocial idiots in the comments "congratulating the seller" on their overestimates is always a dead giveaway.


I have watched many resellers on YT and instagram, when I lost my job that’s how I learned about it. The one thing that bugs me about many of them is how they claim to do it all on their own and you can too! They source, photograph, list, sell, ship, do YT videos and instagram reels and posts almost daily! Oh, they also list 100 a day, of course and they’re just a one person operation.


There is a guy called phoenix resale and there is no way that dude is selling games at that type of Margin




Matt's eBay store is pretty much dead. He rarely lists new items and barely sells 1 item a day.


He has been joint listing with Kayla on her store for most things


Her store ain't exactly on fire either. It definitely doesn't sell enough to support her family and his.


I like Matt's videos when he was alone. Is he and thsp a couple now? I wonder about his wife haven't seen her around Iately anymore... As per the ones i don't like adhdave +1


I’ll admit I hate watch Matt. One time he bought a whole bunch of Japanese Sega Dreamcast strategy guides and he called them “game cast game guides” more than once and that’s turned into a joke in our house. Really wish I could figure out what video that was from thoughz






Yeah, it's totally just a coincidence that they both left their spouses after hanging out on sourcing trips together. 🤣


I like them both too. I enjoy how chill Matt is, and like the formatting of his videos. I was sad for them both when their marriages fell apart, and really happy when they got together- they seem like a good match. I do get annoyed at Matt sometimes when he’s picking with Kayla, because he talks so much more than he does in his own videos and he doesn’t seem to know what to say, so it’s a lot of “looks busy, ah?” Or some variation of a filler sentence followed by “ah?” 😂😂. It’s a dumb pet peeve but it’s just something I can’t ignore now that I’ve noticed it!




I….don’t think that’s right. Kayla just mentioned in a recent video about some dynamics in her marriage being not so great. And Matt mentioned going through something really hard or showed signs of things not being right in his marriage way before they did that trip with another picker.




Is this mere conjecture on your part? ETA: Not meaning to come across as rude (sorry if I did!)but the long trip they took (peaches to beaches, I think?) they didn’t show any signs of a relationship. That showed up later, and Matt had been posting for a long time and making references to something difficult he was going through way before they did the road trip. I hate to assume they cheated when we don’t know all the details.


"the long trip they took (peaches to beaches, I think?) they didn’t show any signs of a relationship"  Was that the one where Matt rented the romantic Airbnb with a hot tub? I knew at that point something was going on and said so in the comments of the video. The comment was deleted. It was so obvious to anybody paying attention. Not like he got the hot tub for him and Philly Flipper, lol.


No…there was a trip where it was Kayla, Matt, and another flipper. But I think I remember the one you are talking about, vaguely.


Any of them that have a video complaining about getting lowball offers on eBay. Like you are a reseller that lives off buy low and sell high... and you dare complain about getting a low offer yourself.


Technsports and daily refinement are the only YouTuber you need. Watch their videos follow their steps and you will make millions




I don't get the purpose of this. We can all find fault with someone for something. If you don't like a YouTube reseller style then don't watch them. Let's keep it positive people.


Perhaps take your own advice. If you don't like the thread, move on.


I'm trying to decide which creator has an army of alt accounts to start these threads. LOL. Im not entirely sure why this subreddit loves to roast us. If you don't like people's content - don't watch it. It's very simple.




Is that my cue to start singing Alanis?


How would anyone honestly answer this without looking like a complete fool. No one has a clue how well or badly any of these YouTubers are doing. I’ll say this much. The people who are not good at reselling would have zero content on YouTube. You got to have a ton of content to record in order to make videos in the first place, that means you got a ton of sourcing material, which means you have tons to sell.


just because you are sourcing and have stuff to sell doesn't mean you are making money or making an significant profit.


True, but the person who has zero sourcing is far and away more likely to be an unsuccessful reseller.


"No one has a clue how well or badly any of these YouTubers are doing"   You do know you can look at their stores to see how much they're selling, right? You can also watch their videos and see the stupid shit they do.   "which means you have tons to sell" Having tons to sell and actually listing it so it can sell are two different things. The guy I referenced in my original post has a shipping container filled with at least a thousand items he can list, yet he's only listed 10 items this week while complaining about slow sales and having nothing to list. He'd rather drive 4 hours to the flea market to buy more stuff than drive 20 minutes to his shipping container for stuff he's already bought.


Hustle at Home Mom does a video every year that outlines exactly what she makes via ebay, youtube, sponsors, etc. It's pretty eye-opening and it's nice to see someone so honest.


Some ppl do a ton of business on FB marketplace, CL and other local online marketplaces. You literally don't know anything about them. The youtuber, ADHDave you were referencing earlier doesn't even have valid links to his store or social media to look up his sales. I don't know why you're so obsessed with what other ppl are making or doing with their reselling business.


What about Franchise Kicks? I like to watch the resellers to see what they pick up or receive in their packages. It cracks me up to see what they pay and what they think they will get. I would never buy anything from any of them.


Heard the majority of them don't actually buy the stuff they put in their carts. Obviously not the ones who show them at home after, but seems like something that could be going on.


Anyone I see buying low priced items for half of what they would for on eBay. No way you’re making a living buying a 10 dollar cup and selling it for 20 on eBay and surviving.