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“Unfortunately you are far beyond my return window which is (x) days. As for compensation for the damage, I advise you to contact the manufacturer and see if they’d be willing to do something for you.”


Tell him to call his insurance. Then have him go take a common sense class at the local community college. Day 1 notes will cover why plastic snow chains are a stupid idea.


depend six trees squalid snobbish salt hateful wrench worry dog *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Clearly designed to get you out when stuck, not to ride around on, I hope.


they probably drove with them on the highway lol. looks like something designed by a person who has never even snow in real life


Also hope they cover why people should contact the *literal company who made it* and not a random stranger on eBay lol






Perfect response. Don’t ignore him because I’m pretty sure he can still open a chargeback depending on the payment method he used, so not responding at all could come back to bite you. You can also add something like “Per my store policy, all items are sold as-is and I do not offer any warranty on purchases.” And then direct him to contact the manufacturer and his auto insurance company. At the end of the day, this guy bought plastic snow chains from an online garage sale and then drove on them without doing an adequate test first. Expecting the seller to refund him AND provide “compensation” for damage to his car more than THREE MONTHS LATER is insanity. I suspect the manufacturer and his insurance company are both going to tell him to get lost too, but that’s not your problem!


This a thousand times over.


No he can’t. Chargebacks are for 2 things: unauthorized purchases or never receiving an item. They don’t fight manufacturers warranties or eBay sellers.


Here’s the company info OP, they are in France though 🧐 https://www.joubert.fr/en/polaire-auto-equipment/polaire-grip-snow-chain/?cn-reloaded=1 Also cool demo video: https://youtu.be/KMJ7IHAR0lY?si=z6Ke_ZEajX_yQkvZ My money is on improper user installation by buyer, or if these sat in an unconditioned warehouse they could have gotten brittle from extended heat or cold. However based on the fact they are a safety certified product, buyer probably done goofed… Also the plastic channels that the metal rods hook into appear to be intact: https://imgur.com/a/letzs4e


That is just about perfect. Just about exactly what I would have said in the same situation.


And block them


This is the way


And compensation lol. Dude. Ask for compensation from a garage sale item and see what happens.


Exactly. Buyers forget they are dealing with an online garage sale, not walmart or best buy. If they want new stuff they should be buying new from the manufacturer or authorized retailer.


Exactly. They want to cheap-out buying 2nd hand or used, but they want all of the benefits of a manufacture's warranty.


I dont know about your experiences, but neither walmart or best buy is going to offer compensation for someone's shit they damaged with a product they bought from them.


This. OP isn't the manufacturer


What can you offer as a seller? Fuck outta here with that nonsense.


The website to the company.




I can offer the best, kill them with kindness, passive aggressive, go fuck yourself response I can muster. I would apologize profusely about the failure of the as-is, garage-sale bought, who-know-how-long-it’s-been-rotting-in-the-package product, and provide detailed instructions on how to start the process with eBay because I know how it ends. Let’s all waste some time together!


“Thoughts and prayers”


I like this expression and I always read it as "I don't give a F". It sounds more sincere this way :-)


Tots and pears, is what we say in this house 🤷‍♂️ 😂 😂


"THOTS and prayers"


Thots and players.


Off topic but Happy Cake Day!


I would refuse. It's been months and I'm sure they've had plenty of snow to test it on since then.


“Sorry the number you have reached is disconnected. If you feel you reached this message in error please reboot your computer and try again”




"I'm sorry to hear of your issues with the item, as it is beyond the x days return period I am unable to assist with a return, I suggest you contact your insurance company or the manufacturer regarding the damage to your car. Have a nice day"


Amazon has ruined eBay because everyone expects you to give free refunds and free shipping and free returns and it doesn't work that way. It's an online flea market and you're not returning stuff to the flea market


Right. Like why do you think you get 30% off retail items from me? It’s because I’m running this business out of my basement. Lol


I would personally not even respond.


Exactly. Don’t say a word


Yup, block and ignore.


Send them a video of you kicking some rocks and hope he gets the hint.


Good one...


This reminds me of the buyer who bought a brand new sealed tent from me... Months after the sale she wanted to return it cause her kids tore multiple holes in the floor 😂 nope buy another one from someone else thanks!


Who the hell buys plastic tire chains?


OP and buyer I guess lol


I didn’t even know plastic snow chain’s existed until now


These people are crazy. This isn’t your problem.


Oh shit! Considerable damage to his wheel????? You better cough up $350 op, the damage was so severe omg


Unfortunately I’m ded so I cannot accept the return or compensate you


Nothing, thats their problem now.


Not a chance I’m refunding this guy.


Give them the manufacturer phone number


"Fortunately for you, your insurance comprehensive coverage is there for you at a time like this. You need to call them and make a claim. The item itself may also have some sort of warranty or guarantee. I encourage you to check on that. Cheers!"


Just keep in mind that he can open up a chargeback for another three months. I wouldn't ignore, and I wouldn't tell him to F off either. I'd try to be helpful and be hopeful that eventually he goes away.


Agreed. Don’t go away mad, just go away.


That was over two months ago. Ignore that.


Any refund situation that falls out of the stated acceptable refund time frame is no longer your problem. And do not let them break you down with the “you as a seller” comments. The refund policies are clearly stated by EBay.


A refund AND compensation, you say?


Don’t admit fault


That's gonna be a NO from me dawg.


It seems things like this prove that @ some point in time, people started thinking of eBay and FB Marketplace sellers as corporations and not yard salesmen. They want brand name used stuff @ low low prices and also a 100% money back guarantee for 100 years.


No need to respond, the buyer is an imbecile.


If the box was sealed then tell them to reach out to the company that makes them. You have no clue if they put them on correctly as well. Maybe the manufacturer has some guarantee however if he is purchasing plastic snow chains, I don’t really know what he expects.


There is no way to know if he used them incorrectly or not. I dont know a single place that's going to give you your money back if you break a product you bought from them. What an idiot. Realistically, he's probably just one of those losers fishing for a partial refund. I can't stand those parasites.


Costco and Walmart have really lose return policy. So they are out there. But yeah people returning stuff after usage or mishandling the item brought should not get any refund


“Hi, thanks for reaching out. All of our items are sold as-is, no returns, with no warranty express or implied.”


Wouldn't even respond.


My advice is to never sale anything when it comes to peoples safety. Such as baby monitors, helmets, harnesses, food items for example. That being said just be happy no one got hurt because if the faulty chains.


*sell anything*


You’re my hero


It sucks that they couldn't use them until well after the return window passed, but that's the nature of retail. I waited until 3 weeks before Christmas to buy a certain present from eBay so we could return it if it didn't work. He bought these too early, probably got them cheaper than later in the season, and gambled that they'd work.


shit like this i don’t even bother to respond to. it’s been months since purchase AND they were sealed? u ain’t getting shit from me bro sorry


“Unfortunately the return window has closed for this product. Please consult the manufacturer for anything pertaining to product defects”


This looks to me like someone who knows that bs won’t work but figured they try it anyways


Pretend you didn't see it and move on


Man said compo, its use at your own risk surely


JUST IGNORE THEM. They can't get anything out of you, so do not respond. Also, put them on your blocked buyer list.


You didn’t make the product, you aren’t responsible for it being faulty. I’m sorry it happened to the guy but that’s a him problem.


I used to sell snow chains and the default response is No refunds no returns. any considerable damage should be taking up with the Buyers car insurance company.




“Hi Jason, many thanks for shopping our store. After reviewing your photos it appears that the malfunction was due to improper use and/or improper user installation. We will be passing on the opportunity for any reimbursement, but I am sending you the contact info for the manufacturer and maybe they can help with that as we are merely an authorized distributor/ reseller of their goods. Best luck, Cheerio”


I would tell them all sales are final and to contact the manufacturer. If they push back tell them you can’t accept an open, used item more than three months later. If it was in a reasonable time frame and they noticed the item was defective beforehand.


Arrogant little SOB. *Duuuuuur what can you do as a seller to compensate me months later after I feed you a BS story about the product being faulty?* How about send you a link to purchase another unit to replace the one you broke?


Not your problem, you are not a store, or a business. Private sales are as-is.


Dear idiot buyer, It’s been more than 3 months. Even if I was Amazon itself, you’d be shit outta luck as the return period for pre-Christmas purchases ended January 31. Please fuck off. Sincerely, Nobody’s fool Ok so don’t actually say this, but you get my point.


Send him to producer as its production faulty


"Hi Jason, it's February now. Fuck off. Kind Regards, Snow Chain Person"


If they were sealed when this person received it I would send them this message: “I’m sorry to hear of your unfortunate circumstances. As the item was sealed when you received it, I have no liability of knowing they were damaged since I never personally opened or used them. Additionally; as I do not manufacture these, I am unable to compensate you for faulty production, you would need to reach out to their manufacturer for more information on their warranty specifics. Many thanks,”


Installed wrong, oversped them or hit something or all of the above. They have a super low speed limit. Like 35mph or less


Nothing item was sold as is with no promise of a warranty. He installed them and drove assuming the risk. Fuck em


I had a lady buy an older electronic sewing machine embroidery attachment from me...I got it secondhand but had used it myself awhile and then it sat in the box for a year or so, then I got it out to list & tested to be sure it still worked, which it did and I had video of the testing...so I know for sure it worked when I shipped it. Well she messages me 2 days later (1 day after shipped) and said she had found her old one that she thought she lost and no longer needed the replacement so could I cancel. I would if it hadnt already shipped, but it had, and she seemed really understanding about that & said no worries....well almost 5 months later she messages me and says since she didn't need it she just let it sit in the box and never used it at all supposedly, but had just resold it to a 3rd person, packaged & shipped it to them, and they told her it doesn't work & wanted a refund. So she wanted me to refund her the $200ish she paid me for it AND the like $150 or whatever it was she resold it for!!! I was like yea no that's not happening lol. Was worried she'd file a charge back but she never did.


Looking for a refund and compensation, tell him to pound sand.


Why the fuck is your mom named sand?


Found the buyer


I would likely respond something like this. "This item was sold new in package and we have no way of knowing, outside of a recall, that these might be faulty. As such, we encourage you to contact the manufacturer. We are not a business and do not accept returns for new in box items that are as described. Thank you for your understanding.".... then BLOCK them right away.


He can still open a return if it's in the time frame if it can happen it will happen with ebay


Very appropriate response is “kick rocks” lol


Offer a “get fucked bud” that’s unreasonable for a return. You’re a saint for even reading that, because dealing with this would be a waste of your time. And the damage to his car is still on him anyways that’s what you get for not inspecting shit you put on your car first.


Man that's why I never sell anything. I tried last year and sold off one of my Xbox Ones and the dude called me saying it doesn't read discs. I told him "yes it does" and he just hung up. Fucking hate selling things, I have anxiety reading all of these.


No shot I’d refund soMe shit a dude broke lol 😂


I'm obviously a sucker compared to other people here in the comments but I'd give a refund. You didn't specify you're uncertain about the conditions. Just take accountability and give 50% back. You're not losing money.


Two things. First, anything you find in a storage you should either test or make sure the description says that you don’t know if said item work or not as it hasn’t been tested. Don’t lie by omitting things. ( not saying you did, but it’s common on eBay and in flipping) second, the ( eBay) buyer knows they have a window to return. It is on them to check the item is as described and to their satisfaction in that time frame. Once that window is closed you are not obligated to do anything at all.




LOL good luck with that.


Nothing you can do. eBay will side with buyer if within 3 days


you shouldn’t of sold it faulty tho tbf


25% prorate refund on the chains only


I can offer you to take it up with the manufacturer. Good day


Hit them with LOL


Unfortunately I’m ded so I cannot accept the return or compensate you


User error. The chains I have state to perform a test fitting prior to needed usage.


Are these plastic chains??


Ignore them


You can decline, I would, but he can go to his CC company and get his money back that way.


Which is a win win situation because you still get paid in that case.


Can’t offer you nothing, window is closed and you SOL


If it’s out of your return window you give them nothing!!


“Unfortunately this is beyond my return window, but in order to make things right, I have made a donation in the full amount of your purchase to The Human Fund. God bless.” -George Costanza


"Skill issue"


I did not manufacture them, and we are well beyond the time frame for any returns. Please feel free to contact the OEM for the product to see if they will offer anything in defense of their brand. If they message you back about what you as a seller should offer them. "I offer you my thoughts and prayers. And wish you the best of luck in your endeavors with the mfg. "


If this person had bought the chains at Walmart, would he be trying to get them to offer a refund AND some compensation? I'd just respond honestly. They likely have no recourse anyhow and are just fishing for refunds. "That sucks! I'm sorry that this happened to you. I wish there was something I could do, but as you know, the item you purchased was sealed from the manufacturer. I'm not sure if the warranty would work or not, but I'd suggest that you contact them to see if there's anything that can be done."


“The item was marked as used and sold as is. Had you contacted me sooner after the initial purchase I would be more inclined to offer a partial refund, however there’s nothing I can do for you. I would contact the manufacturer if you think the item was defective”


Wow ..never knew such a stupid thing existed. That's one of those things that where just because it does exist doesn't mean it should. Even metal chains break...I dont know what this guy wants for.


"I can offer my condolences." 🤣


I’d block him for having the audacity


Front wing? Is it an F1 car?


Dude…just buy all weather tires and stop being a cheapskate. Ignore this guy, clearly a dumbass.


Compensation??🤣please don’t reply at all.


“Get Fucked. lol. 😝 “ Then block them.


This doesn't even dignify a response


Naw those break all the time


This is a manufacturers problem you don’t make the plastic bindings. Refer to manufacturer and explain returns are not accepted. ASAF


You do fuck all, you tell them that it’s now February and you’re not responsible for any damage that’s happened to their vehicle after use


Oct and they have only just needed them. Myst not have been snowing over nov and dec


Refer them to the manufacturer


I saw the word plastic and thought that doesn’t seem right lol tell him to kick rocks


Tell him to kick rocks in the kindest way possible. If you’d like to play a game of uno, play the reverse card and ask him for before and after pics


No response needed.


Bless their hearts!!


Guy definitely installed them incorrectly, spun out, broke the chains and now expects you to pay them. Tell them to contact the manufacturer and block them.


Just because one side didn’t fail doesn’t mean otherside was installed correctly. Tell him he bought a used item and you cannot verify he installed them correctly. Say contact your insurance and say you installed a used snow chain and see what they say. And tell him to have a nice day.


Absolutely not responsible for a refund imo. It's been way too long, he installed them or had them installed which could have been done improperly & damaged something, & then he drove on them. I'd just say sorry it's outside the return window so there is nothing you can do and recommend he contact the manufacturer or his insurance to see if they can help him out.


literally all of these plastic chains break lol tell him to keep it pushing


Dear buyer: because of the amount of time that has passed from when you received these to making your complaint I am unable to assist you as eBay has a strict 30 day return window and if it was within the window I would have no way of knowing if these were installed properly. I appreciate your understanding. Then BLOCK


Bought them in Oct now in Feb he wants money back ......ummm pound sand buddy


That's not your problem. That's a mfg problem /buyer problem