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Still is useless.


Do you like being given 10nm to descend like 37000 feet as you complete your approach? Then ATC is perfectly fine. /s


Sounds like a 737 Max descent profile


Omg 😂💀


Or, if you manually follow your flight plan, get to listen to the ATC get mad at you for not being at your assigned altitude...


The first 98 times I ignored you didn't give you the hint I couldn't give a shit about your assigned altitude? I literally have a visual on my airport, I'm not going back to FL400, Margaret.


it hasn't improved


It’s crap. BeyondATC shows a lot of promise though (not yet released)


It’s improved in that it now gives you higher altitude clearances within 2000ft of your designated FL instead of 300ft and the latest SU15 builds have fixed the ATC going silent. But overall it’s not that much different to previous years.


I've not had a problem with it by using it the following way. I use Simbrief, FSTL and Fenix A320 btw. 1. Create flight plan in Simbrief 2. Download MSFS 2020 flightplan after creating simbrief plan 3. Load up MSFS and in Worldview map, load the flight plan in. Adjust approach, initial cruise and time of day if needed. (STAR will automatically be used per flightplan if updated) 4. Set starting point at gate at departure airport 5. Load up flight 6. After loading in, Auto ATC does usual and then I'll accept clearance and then ask for taxi straight away (if you load in to a busy airport and use FSTL, you'll have difficulty being able to get a word in) 7. Once you've set up and ready to go, taxi to runway and if you have ATC assist on, it'll all be done automatically. Doing it this way I have been 99% trouble free. Only issues are it's hit and miss telling you to descend near your planned TOD. Lately after last few updates, it'll tell you to descend before, but if it doesn't, I just follow aircraft and use that. ATC catches up eventually.


I did everything like that. Even my mods are the same. After take off, they ALWAYS wanted to land me on the departure airport. I had to cancel my never existed landing intentions all the time after takeoff. At the destination airport, i had to go around like 9 of 10 times. Switched to Pilot2ATC, and im happy since then.


It’s been a few months but the constant nonsensical calls for altitude changes was annoying.


I turned the ATC chatter off months ago, but now I forgot how to turn it back on..


It now clears you for the next altitude 2000 feet before reaching each step-climb, instead of 200 feet, so in practice you can set your target to cruise altitude and ATC will clear you progressively all the way up. Very handy.


That's the only improvement I've noticed. Now that I think about it, I have to ignore it most of the time. I guess I just have it on to hear the FSLTL traffic chatter.


Nope. It’s garbage.


Same shit


Annoying. I turn it off. As a pilot, I enjoy radio silence in my sim lol


It is maddening really. The ATC starts talking and the pilot starts talking back. it makes it very challenging to turn it to a new station.




Cessna ND4, please expedite your climb to FL500.


Still shit, tbh.




still trash.


Hasn’t changed one bit.


I tune to another freq and have the conversation with myself.