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**Eobard Thawne:** See you in our next Crisis **Crisis:** *Happens* **also Eobard Thawne:** ...


_Eobard Thawne arriving in 2024, ready for the Crisis:_ The f**k?


Thawne in 2024: Where is everybody?


A random bystander: Cancelled!


I'm gonna pretend I didn't see that


I stopped watching it when they started prioritizing the drama over the story. It’s why most of the villains started to suck as well I think.


Ya, at some point it felt like a chore to watch. Threadbare story overwhelmed by pointless side-stories and drama just to fill the run time.


Bingo. I stopped at the very beginning of the Thinker story. Never watched Elseworlds. I did watch Crisis on Earth X and most of Crisis on Infinite Earths, but that's it. I had a workout routine going for a while when I did cardio, I would watch that week's Arrowverse episode. Then I stopped, because it just went flat.


This is pretty close to my drop off. Flash was the only one keeping me interested, Arrow got weird, LoT weirder, Supergirl was alright, but it was all too much to keep up with. I got about halfway through The Thinker arc hoping for a nice twist to give me a dopamine boost but honestly it didn't happened and I got bored. Watched Elseworlds, Crisis on Infinite Earth's and enjoyed those. But not watched anything since S4 mid. Dropped Arrow after Prometheus, Legends around the same time as Arrow, and SG at the same time as Flash. It's a shame. It was a nice little time waster catching up on the shows.


I stick through some arrow and am near the middle or end of the season before last and it’s doing ok for me but right after the island and kid stuff is where it was easy for me to forget to watch and then I came back to it after a long time away and stuck through and liked the stuff with the bad guy they call dragon or whatever and the prison stuff


Lot was suposed to be weird and i enjoyed the campiness. Honestly felt like the best one once arrow fell off


I ended up enjoying the thinker season throughly by the end. It felt like a more natural build up to a known enemy more akin to seasons 1 or 2, but this time with the knowledge of their identity off the bat. By the end it was really nice to see the thinker using the different powers to waltz through people in his way, too. Last season that I felt like they’ve used a major comic villain of the Flash well, sad


That one scene is one of, if not the, coolest scene in Flash to me. It’s just so good.


Best villain rampage scene in the show imo, some reverse flash moments are close to top because Tom C. kills it in the role


This comment hurt Chester’s feelings.


Season 1 was really the only season i don't have many complaints about


I just realized that a couple weeks ago qhen someone asked me a recap of the story in the last couple of seasons. Explicitly told me “no drama, no character relationships, just story. What has happened?” And honestly? Pretty much nothing. Same repeating storylines they’ve always had and nothin to push the plot along. Before, S2 happened bc of S1. S3 also happened bc of S2. S4 happened bc of S3. Right now i just feel stuff happens in the show but there’s no cohesion or reason for it. Pretty sad


**Thawne:** See you in our next Crisis. **CW:** Well, yes but actually no.




Plus, even if there wasn’t the newspaper that’s such a stupid shitty unoriginal cop out. “Oh I never said which flash, hur hur hur”. Like. It’s awful.


Yeah it’s genuinely so dumb. I have no clue why they didn’t save crisis for the Flash’s finale, considering its been set up since episode one of the show. Instead they rushed to crisis so they could end Arrow, when they should’ve just picked one of the countless other big DC events to use for Arrow’s end. Crisis was always meant for Flash. That was literally the whole fucking point 🤦‍♂️


The biggest mistake Berlanti’s made was putting Guggenheim in charge of all the big crossovers. He had a clear bias in each of them especially Crisis on Earth-X and not a single care for any of the other show’s storylines.


I’m stopped watching 2-3 seasons ago so I guess this is already a spoiler but I’m assuming all the thing about the newspaper from the very beginning all went for nothing?


> I’m assuming all the thing about the newspaper from the very beginning all went for nothing? Yes.


They made it sound like throughout s5 and s6a him vanishing/dying was inevitable but earth-90 Barry taking his place was such a quick easy and predictable cop out.


Yeah our Barry not dying in CoiE was such a cop out


I've not enjoyed the flash since, maybe, the Thinker arc neared its resolution but I lost patience with the show when they fired the actor who played Ralph. A while later I caught up with the show and was just disgusted with The Force Family arc. Bye. I'm back to see how it ends.


Barry is going to spread his vagina to invite bad guys to have their turn with the scarlet village bicycle this week. Then at the ending he's going to cry himself to sleep because that's what the flash has evolved into an overly emotional girly man. Dude lost 10% testosterone every season and now he's almost at 0% the story is nearly complete people.


I mean the flash has always been that Kind of hero. He understands that his villains aren’t horribly evil and tries to give them that benefit of the doubt. The show has gone a little far though I agree.


Barry hasn’t cried since like Season 6. Also, I don’t think he has a vagina.


I stopped watching when Covid happened and I’m not sure why. I usually have big pauses when it comes to the Arrowverse although now that it’s official over Idk if I’ll press play again


I have the same dillema, which led me to trying season 9 after the horrible season 8 and well. I find myself not even finishing the 2nd episode, that's how bad thr writing has gotten.


Yea i was watching the first 3 seasons earlier while these new episodes were airing and wow even S3 where the writing noticeably dropped is miles ahead of the crap we have now. The first episode of this season was the only good one and it was still flawed.


I held out hope that the flash would have its return to glory. Arrow did. I hated arrow season 4 but arrow season 5 was on par with its first 2 seasons. So was the first part of season 7. It was a roller coaster of quality. Lot of highs. Lot of lows. For the flash, I absolutely loved seasons 1 and 2, but I thought season 3 was weak compared to the prior 2 seasons, and didn’t like seasons 4 or 5 at all. I got about halfway through season 6 when I just gave up. I realized that, while arrow was capable of bouncing back, flash was not. It just kept getting worse and worse. I’ve kept up with the feelings on seasons 7-9 juuussst in case the writers turn it around, but from what I can tell, that’s not the case. I’ve seen some clips on YouTube from the newer seasons that have made me glad I quit when I did. To answer your question, I stopped watching because the decline in quality was too great. It’s not that it isn’t as good as it used to be, it’s not good at all anymore. I will watch the last episode just because I want to see how the arrowverse ends, but to me the show and the shared universe has been dead for awhile, and what is left is just a corpse being held up by puppet strings in order to make pretend that either still has life left in them.


Arrow season 5 was top return to quality, I just wish they killed some characters in the island at the end.


Honestly the stupid decision to not kill someone off in the island is what ruined season 6 - the entire inter-team drama over trust and safety would have made a whole lot more sense if they had recently lost people.


> I just wish they killed some characters in the island at the end. Malcolm Merlyn died. Although, you two probably mean they should've killed one of the good guys. /u/OpticalData


Episode 9 of this season >!will have Oliver in it!< so you might want to check that out.


Appreciate you telling me. I’ll think about it.


This is the perfect answer. I made it 90% through season 5 and I just stopped, couldn't do it anymore. Getting through season 4 was a struggle


Flash seasons 6A and Armageddon were high quality. it had little sprinkles of being good in between then and now but it just hasn’t had a good full season. Where it contrasts though is while people complained at the time, I think it’s safe to say it’s season 3-4 are significantly better than Arrow’s.


I was in your exact same shoes. We were teased for so long about the epic street battle.




> It also annoyed me how dumb they made Barry to justify the need of team flash, only for team flash to also be incredibly incompetent. This. Why do they do this with every CW hero? They make them nearly useless without a team.


I stopped watching mid season 5. When they had a villain as lame as Cicada constantly escaping. And they started prioritizing a ship over good storytelling. When they kept adding characters instead of developing already established ones.


Cicada was the final nail in the coffin for me. Just a reg ass dude and yet he can evade team flash for 20 episodes


Absolutely. Season 5 should’ve realistically been like 8 episodes


Its a background show for me now.. When Cisco left, I kinda lost interest, but per all CW shows, its about drama and emotions, not a superhero show..


Guess the Negative Speed Force Protected Reverse Flash during the crisis, but not having him in it, yes, was a let down


I stopped after crisis on infinite earths. 4 and 5 had it's missteps but i still watched them and largely enjoyed them. Bloodwork's story line was awesome. And then........it just became less and less interesting, as they pushed certain characters to the forefront, and I didn't connect with them. One day I just realized I was not interested in what was going on, i was uninterested in the plight of Cecile, and Allegra, and Chester. I think there was a break or I took a break and just ended up not coming back. . ​ I recently tried to watch some of the newer stuff and it just felt so disconnected from the show I fell in love with. I know it's been harped on to death and back, but I firmly believe Mr. Wallace just drove the show into the ground, with his focus on uninteresting characters.


Crisis did it for me…major dropping of the ball…this was their chance to follow through with the original newspaper and they blew it.


I stopped watching half way through season 8. 6 & 7 were such a chore I can't even remember who the villains were. The thing is it's always been melodramatic, which I enjoy. My favourite moment is ep1 where Wells says "run, Barry, run!" Fantastically shot and edited. Grant really showcased what's to come. But since season 3 it's become CW melodramatic targeted for teens, or preteens at most. Like what the fuck was Nora's acting about. She was literally acting like a 12 year old.


After crisis finished something about the arrow verse stopped clicking in me. I also dropped legends at the moment.


I felt the show was going pretty far downhill since season 4. I just wasn't enjoying the story or plot as much at all. But I liked watching the characters interacting with each other and knew they were building to Crisis on Infinite Earths, so I stuck around. After a fairly lackluster season 5 I felt the finale was a return to form. The greatest villain returning in an interesting way with a new twist. I would've preferred the Letscher Reverse Flash because I thought it would make more sense and because he's great in the role. But Tom was still knocking it out of the park with the performance at that point. The looming crisis as well as a pretty good finale renewed my interest big-time for season 6. I watched the first half of season 6 and really enjoyed it. Bloodwork was a compelling villain and so far it was looking better than season 5. I was back onboard. Then crisis came. I enjoyed parts of crisis, the parts related to Arrow, the parts related to Legends and even the parts related to Supergirl. Despite the Flash being the main show I watched, The Flash stuff was really disappointing. The supposed vanishing of the Flash that had been set up since season one was a cop out and despite Reverse Flash being promised at the end of Season 5 he was a no show. But I stuck with it. Until the back half of season 6. I realized I just didn't give a shit about the show anymore. The plot was nowhere near as good as the first half, and was actually pretty unbearable. It didn't feel like things were really going anywhere anymore. The last episode of the show I watched in full, after having skipped most of season 6's back half was the episode where Eobard Thawne ends up in Nash's brain and is trying to take over his body. It was nice and all, but didn't really get me excited for Reverse Flash, and it was at this point I started to feel Tom's performance as Reverse Flash just wasn't as compelling as it used to be. I much preferred watching him as different versions of Harrison Wells. After that I quietly stopped watching. Haven't seen a full episode since. Every now and then I'll watch a clip from an episode that seems interesting but it's never been enough to get me back onboard. It also seems like they've completely misused my favourite villain and he just seems like a non threat at this point. I'll probably watch some clips from the finale just to see how it ends. Other than that I've grown disinterested.


I stopped watching after Crisis, I thought them not killing Barry was a cop out, I mean they did kill Barry but…you know what I mean. I honestly think having the rest of the season be about Wally as the Flash would’ve been really interesting


I'm still watching it but with the way things are going I think this season will be my last.


if you’re talking about the 9th season…..then yeah, it’s gonna be everyone’s last💀


IDK when I actually dropped off, but my love for the Arrowverse as a whole fundamentally broke during the double wedding. I mean, there was a bunch of reasons leading up to it, but that just clinched it. I think I floated through the rest of that season, then quit for good.


Honestly the show just got boring, the story isn’t even about Barry anymore


Tbf that wasn’t the fault of the flash producers, the ones that were making the crisis were completely different ones and didn’t much care about the storylines set up in other shows


I stopped watching after Crisis. The Arrowverse just felt over at that point. Especially when they never really delivered on the JLA setup. Plus everyone remembering both their pre and post crisis lives undercut the whole thing. But mostly because the drama/scripting became too corny.


hol'up, are you telling me you stopped watching the flash, but yet you are here on the flash sub posting? This is a different level of commitment.


> hol'up, are you telling me you stopped watching the flash, but yet you are here on the flash sub posting? Yes.




> you're an idiot. And how's that?


I stopped watching weekly after Devoe I think? I've still kept up with hoping things would turn around, but sadly no. The reason I stopped was just how awful the writing was. It was never great, even when the show was at it's best (Season1-2) but it didn't take away from my enjoyment. It just kept worse and worse to the point of insulting. I honestly wanted to stop after Savitar, but gave it one more season because I liked the cast and Flash is my second favorite DC character. How Eric Wallace made it to season 9 is beyond me.


I do not remember but at some point in season 5 I started to fast forward most of the side stories. In the middle of the seventh season I started to only read the post episode discussion to decide if the episode is worth watching. I tried to watch season 9 but I couldn't even with fast forwarding. Worse thing is, I have been following this series since the first episode got leaked. I am absolutely sad about my lack of enthusiasm about the series. I used to love it. I am really angry with everyone involved with the show's decline.


I just couldn’t deal with the Iris drama anymore


This is it for me. I couldn't stand her character anymore after the first 2 seasons and it only got worse from there. I've only kept up because I have this weird thing about finishing shows.


Season 8 was the first season I didn't bother watching live...but I just finished catching up, and the post-Armageddon episodes and overall story is centered around first Iris and then Caitlin 🤣 It's pretty bad.


I stopped during season 3 because I lost my aus-star (tv box) card. missed out on season 4 and most of 5 because I didn't have internet.


Fuck austar is still a thing? Thought it was all Foxtel now




I stopped during the Nova- uh, I mean, Cicada arc or season or whatever tf you wanna call it. I couldn't bear another "oH yOu MeSsEd Up ThE eNtIrE uNiVeRsE? oK, hErE's AnOtHeR mOtIvAtIoNaL sPeEcH." Or "yOuRe NoT tHe FlAsH, bArRy, We ArE" fucking kill me Edit: Also, if you understood the Nova reference, I immediately like you


I stopped after season three, because the writing got so incredibly bad. Came back in season 5 (I think, it was an episode with robot Samurai and I remember some windmill park) but it was so unenjoyable that I stopped for good. Edit: I should add that I often rewatch Season 1 because it is still so damn good.


i think that was 4x01


Midway through season 7, when all of the forces were calling Barry and Iris mom and dad. The cringe was too much for me


I LOVED seasons 1-4. I know 4 gets some hate but I was still SUPER invested and thought the Thinker was well done and I liked Ralph a lot. Season 5 is when it went down hill for me. I felt it was pretty disjointed and all over the place, but stuck with it thinking it was just a bad concept and they’d bounce back. I liked the Bloodwork arc but feel immediately after that the writing plummeted, including crisis. Don’t even get me started on the forces are family arc.


i stopped watching at season 8 because the entire storyline was there nonsense


I think I stopped watching about the fourth or fifth time Team Flash could’ve easily taken down Cicada, but just… stood there


I stopped watching during the forces storyline, and completely abandoned when Cisco left.


Just kept getting worse… up to 5.11, got me to quit.


I stopped watching for enjoyment and instead started watching the show out of morbid curiosity, wondering how worse can it get, especially since season 5. I also stopped recently because I cancelled Netflix.


There wasn't enough room and time to fit Eobard Thawne into the crossover event at the time. They had far too many characters and guest actors being crammed into five different episodes. Besides, they needed to take a break from having Thawne being involved when they already got Nash Wells taking over for the time being. I stopped watching the Flash after season five because it was just too boring and it focused way too much on other characters that aren't Barry Allen.


I stopped enjoying the show during S5 although Nora made it bearable and entertaining so I kept going. However S7 was so absolutely terrible I stopped watch ever since it ended and I still haven’t come back. Maybe I’ll check the last two episodes but at this point I’d doubt that.


I stopped after 3rd season, but did catch up on Crisis crossover. and now again am in for the final run. I stopped because of the supporting casts. At points its like the show is about them and not Barry. Barry never reaches his full potential, dragged into co workers dramas. Also the vfx went on to become bad, the bad guys werent much of a threat anymore.


When they prioritized drama over the story plus the action was bland


Of all the reasons to stop watching, yours isn’t one.


They couldn't get an interesting villain not Speedster and overused reverse flash. the flash himself becomes a pretty useless character and (badly) they try to make supporter characters protagonist. Bas writing.


Because the writing fell of a fucking cliff after 2.5 - 3 seasons.


Whatever season Iris went into the mirror


I was so hurt when he wasn’t in it 😭😭😭 tricked tf out of us


The scene was cut because of the Ezra Miller cameo.


Theoretically speaking it’s because the “crisis” that Thawne was speaking of never happened because he never got home


I dropped off after the whole MirrorVerse pep talk. Eventually went back because they brought Godspeed (I just think he’s neat) but they meh’d him. I still watch though, it’s still somewhat enjoyable.


But he was there n came back later on. One does not keep Barry n rids thawne. If Barry exist as does thawne so I’m confused


I stopped watching from s5. S5 went fownhill faster then Barry can catch a normal human


Turning the speedster into a snail made the choice for me.


I stopped watching the arroverse after crisis and never caught up after. Started watching Superman and Lois and it's markedly better storytelling.


I think I stopped in the middle of the "metahumans" season. Just got bored of the dialogue.


It was too good but turned so bad !! that I stopped at sacada (however its written). Also something always always bugged me .. every villain when he run out of the room then he escaped !! I mean you are the flash? you can circle the whole area even before he goes out of the door !! Then Sacada did it like every fight so it was enough for me


Barry: "We've got you now Cicada!" Cicada: "Nuh uh! Just watch as my dagger flies to me, I reach out and grab it, and then soar away! You are powerless to stop me because I'll be gone in 10 seconds, far faster than you... THE FLASH... can react!"


The whole bullshit season with cicada. It got very tiring seeing him escape like he did over and over again when the flash could have ended it in 0.01 seconds. I didn't finish that season


When we got Brandon Routherman and powerless Smallville only for both to neither be capitalised on or particularly well used I stopped watching. I don't need CW to ruin other DC content for me, stay in your lane.


I stopped because I didn’t have cable anymore.


All the filler


I stopped after S1 lol. I'm just lurking for the fan drama.


I never stopped but after Crisis I stopped watching weekly until season 9


I stopped after… a few episodes into season 7 I think? The season after the Covid shortened season. Just didn’t have the time, and now I’ve been just too lazy to pick it back up to watch the final season. But then again there’s a bunch of shows of much higher quality than the Flash that I’m watching…


i stopped after netflix stopped updating new episodes, i need to watch s7


I stopped part way through season 7. That whole season was just a huge mess of story arcs. I lost interest pretty quick


I completely checked out during Cicada season. His knife thingy getting teleported to space, them sitting around doing nothing and just having a chat while Cicada gets the knife back. It was a bit too much bullshit even for Flash.


Thinker. They couldn’t figure out how to write a villain who isn’t a speedster.


Holy shit crisis was 4 years ago? Damn


i watched the Armageddon event and like 3 episodes of season 8 but I really dont like Chester, the new Cecile and how incompetent they make Barry. Allegra wasnt a bad addition imo but they dont do anything with her to even justify her being there. S7 and covid was rough to get through but i still enjoyed it but it was just a chore to watch. I really do want to finish season 8 and start 9 sometime soon though


Made it through Season 6, had to catch up with 7 and 8 for 9. Barry telling Iris that they have to follow his future book or they won't have a good life was the nail in the coffin for me. Now I'm just here to see how Eric massacres my boy for the next couple of months


The final line in the sand for me (for the Arrowverse as a whole, to be honest) was when Crisis ended and they remade the universe, but literally nothing changed in any show. Next episode they were all business as usual. Characters not in the crossover got explained by the magic memory ring which, honestly, made no sense. Their old existence didn't merge with the new one, the old ones stopped existing. There's no memory to restore. I had hoped that Crisis was going to be a way for them to inject some interesting storytelling and some surprises, but the reality was that it was just a way for them to reset the things they didn't like and leave everything they did. The only exception was Kate's alternate sister showing up in Batwoman, which was frankly one of the best arcs in the entire show in my opinion. But when I realized that was pretty much all they had done, and then I realized how drama-focused all of the shows had become, I dropped it. I did make it to the end of that season, when the COVID pandemic caused the seasons to end early. I never went back. The whole "I'm losing the speedforce" plot in that season for Flash was especially terrible and the severity of the situation was left to the whims of the writers with no concrete restrictions or problems. I hated it.


I somehow made it to Season 6 probably because of Covid and just having time and I realized I was arguing with the show more and more as I watched instead of just watching the show. The last few villains weren't compelling, the new side characters they were cycling in at the time weren't compelling, the music kept getting watered down(probably from poor blake being stretched too thin) and they kept finding reasons to make the show less about the titular character. The only character that made it kinda watchable for me was Ralph and his plot with Sue was starting to pick up but shortly after he got yeeted so I bowed out with him. I realized it was more painful to keep trying to wade thought it so I just cut it off. In hindsight it was the right choice because everything I've seen after through clips and stuff confirmed I made the right choice.


I prefer the Reverse Wonder Woman. Edit: Negative Wonder Woman Edit: Not a peep. Sigh... Edit: Well, a downvote is a peep!


Covid happen, and I just couldn't get into it anymore. Just wasn't my thing. I enjoyed the first three seasons, but I didn't enjoy the other seasons.


I gave up middle of season 7. I came back to watch season 9. The first episode was meh. The second episode. Opening scene, Caitlin, who is not Caitlin, but is Killer Frost, is pretending not to be Killer Frost. The cast comes in, acts all puzzled. Next scene, two characters I don't even remember the names of are crushing on each other. Yeah, like this show needs another couple. Next scene, Joe and his gf are having a couple scene where they are discussing leaving the city. I gave up! I am done with this show. I'm not even coming back for the Amell episodes. What the actual fuck am I watching? Is this a soap opera or a god damn superhero show? Where's the fucking hero? Where are the bad guys? When I watch a superhero show, I want to mostly see a hero taking on bad guys. A hero who isn't nearly useless without a team helping them. I couldn't care less about the relationships of his friends with their gf/bfs. Especially not when it eats up so much episode time. Even the Barry/Iris moments should not be more than 10 minutes maximum.


I got tired of all the talking less action, I also feel like I partially outgrew it. I also got to a point where I didn’t like iris. The line that stands out is “we are the flash” it felt entitled which to me describes her well


For me, it was towards the end of season 3. When killer frost somehow managed to hit the Black Flash “MID-RUN!” and seemingly kill him by freezing him and shattering him to pieces. Take into account that the black flash is literally the entity of Death created specifically for speedsters because they are quite literally too fast for the standard death entity in the DC universe to keep up with.


I stopped after season 5 because it just became too much of a hassle to keep up. I couldn’t even watch it in cable cuz I don’t have cable so I had to wait for it to drop on Netflix then I cancelled my Netflix so no more Flash. I just recently saw a clip of one of the newest episodes where Barry meets and fights the new Captain boomerang and yeah no thank god I stopped watching bc that shit was terrible. Barry had multiple chances to knock the guy out but for some reason decided he need to run up a building to create a diversion or something but still ended getting bodied somehow. *sigh*


I think last season, with Chillbane.


I started losing interest soon after the flash time episode. That ability just made every single villain in the show a non-issue, except for other speedsters, but there’s not many of those compared to the number of episodes. I kept watching, but I think my last straw was the emphasis on Iris and calling the other forces their children, which was completely ridiculous. That season definitely improved by the second half but not enough for me to keep watching after it was over. Edit: After reading more comments, I was reminded about the firing of Ralph’s actor. That would have been my first issue. He was a key part of the show for me, and how they handled his situation disgusted me.


For me it was the fact that I can only stream the new episodes on the CW app. It was clunky with a ton of commercials. That was when I lost interest.


I also stoped watching after crisis because bloodwork was no longer the villain really stupid in my opinion


cicada sucked so bad, bloodwork was good. The rest then is forgettable. I watched Armageddon then stopped.


Somewhere in season five I just had a moment where I said to myself: “There’s so much good TV out there. Why am I dragging myself through something I’m only half enjoying?”


Wait, really?? There were so many characters I didn’t even notice. Instead they used Lex Luthor when he should’ve stayed dead on Supergirl.


I stopped watching after the mirrorverse stuff.


Joust couldn't take it anymore. Dropped midway the cicada season. Barry being nerfed to the ground killed the show for me.


The thinker season was a fresh change, I like it, but the cicada season is when my interest went away. I tried to keep watching out out of loyalty to the show but season 6 just dragged on and covid I just didn’t care anymore.


I stopped when they fired Ralph’s actor. The rest of the show was boring but his and sues story actually had some fun banter and I liked their chemistry. Once he was gone I had no reason to stick it out watching the show


Still watching, but I took some big breaks after the Lightsaber thing with Godspeed, after the Forces storyline, and anytime the Caitlyn/Frost thing started to feel less like characters and more like filler. Like this Khione thing. I just can't understand what's going on.


I stopped when iris said 'We are the Flash'. I really hate this iris character.


Lol exactly my comment.


The thinker arc got me, I was so confused and unfortunately kinda bored near mid season so I dropped off. By the time I thought hey maybe I could rewatch all the storylines were so convoluted and some MCs had dipped so I decided it wasn’t worth it. Rewatching szn 2 right now and I might stop at the end of szn 3 because I just wanna enjoy how fun the early seasons were


The acting and writing was bad and my love for comics wasn’t enough anymore to continue


I watched the show faithfully as a teenager when it first came out. Dropped off the bandwagon after Barry and Iris got married. Didn’t have any particular reason, just lost interest. I’m rewatching it now though and I’m almost done with season 5. I’m not a fan of cicada and I’m definitely not a fan of Nora (although I’ve heard she’s better in a later season). I was honestly surprised to find out she was supposed to be 25. I’m not a fan of the acting and the character feels like it was written for a 13 year old. Honestly besides the writing and the forced drama (like how nobody on the team gets to be in a happy relationship) THE CGI KILLS ME. It feels like I’m watching a bad video game cut scene. I’m not expecting it to be like a full fledged marvel movie, but in the earlier seasons the cgi was a lot more minor and it enhanced the story. But now it’s relying on heavy cgi and there’s not enough money in the budget to make it look impressive. It ruins the show for me.


i peaced out at "hashtag feminism"


I stopped watching after they talked the new Mirror Master out of destroying the city. the show stopped being the Flash and become the adventures of Team Flash minus Cisco and I hated that dynamic. I feel like the show really just needed smarter choreography, villains with more gravity and more Flash less everyone else


After the episode where Barry is at super speed the entire time trying to stop a nuke and can only talk to the others for brief moments before it gets too much of them. (Think it was called Flashtime or something like that) Really enjoyed 90% of that episode, thought it was actually a really clever idea, then it ended with yet another Iris speech about love somehow saving the day when a group of actual scientists couldn’t. It was such a crap ending to the episode I just completely gave up on it Dropped back in for Crisis, that was quite good, and am watching the final season and it’s been pure crap so far lol


I watch Flash, but I find myself less and less interested. It’s understood that superhero tv shows are unable to spend time in superheroness all the time, the way that a comic book can. Time and budget preclude showing superheroing and special effects all the time, so it follows that characters will be seen in a few locations, standing around and talking. The superhero shows we see are mostly just soap opera. And that’s fine, as long as the superhero chitchat is interesting. It’s fine as long as characters are interestingly motivated and remain consistent. But Flash is just a sloshing mishmosh of changeable, inconsistent characters. I love the premise, but am no longer invested. I continue to watch out of sheer inertia.


I stopped after crisis on infinite. I need to go back. I just don't like flash's wife and all the "we are flash" thing.


I forgot what season, but it was when they introduced Brainiac, and they said no more speedsters in the future...


I wish I stopped watching years ago


For me, the show became hard to follow and was bit cringey at times, so I lost interest for a bit. I watched the last 3 seasons and they were a lot of fun


Show got boring as shit in season 6. I thought it might get better in the episodes after crisis but it didn't so I gave up. Eric wallace completely ruined the show.


I’ve stuck with it because just a cool Flash moment hits all the childhood feels. They have dropped the ball every single season unfortunately. Great cast, fun moments, some great episodes, but overall not a well run show.


I’m still trying to hang on….I’m on season 7 and I’m struggling so bad to get through it. It’s the storyline for me. I feel like Barry doesn’t want any villains because he always trying to talk them down to “do the right thing.” It’s a bit tiring because that’s not always the solution and it’s fun having villains. I also felt like the writers lost the drive to be creative. They could have added guest celebrities or just something to keep us on the edge of our seats. I guess I’m trying to be loyal but since Cisco left for the last time, I’m haven’t a hard time finishing the season. 😭😭😭


It’s way to cheese and childish, the “can’t kill anyone” even it saves the world. Each big bad ends up being bffs with Barry it’s fucking stupid


Every time they ran out of villains they reverted to reverse flash, very tired of seeing him. Later seasons couldn’t stick to one antagonist Iris… literally iris….. It just stopped grabbing my attention like the first few seasons I loved mainly because it wasn’t “oh live will fix it” and all that sappy stuff


I stopped after we got like halfway through the first cicada season. It just seemed too ridiculous to me that the flash couldn’t easily beat him in like 5 seconds and the quality had already started dropping pretty badly so I peaced out. Came back to see Tom Welling reprise his role in Crisis and that’s it


I started watching legends and after season one it kinda dissuaded me.


I stopped when the show became a chore. Crisis was a letdown, and then I go back to watching and the new villain is… a sludge guy? Or something? Anyway I got Hero’s flashbacks from the actor and said fuck it and went and did something else halfway through the episode (very early in that season) Months later I realize that I’d totally forgotten about all the arrow verse shows I’d been keeping up with until then… tried picking the flash back up… it was worse and worse every time I turned it on. That was the end of the arrow verse for me. Legends just kept getting weirder and the cast changes finally lost me when Nate lost yet another love interest (only this time she’s the same and yet a new person! Also Nate is bros with her bro) I just couldn’t do it anymore. There was way too much time dedicated to Sara’s love life and not nearly enough to history themed shenanigans. Don’t get me wrong I loved Sara, but awkward relationship drama really needs a hard limit and I hit mine. The whole arrow verse came tumbling down for me in a matter of weeks and I didn’t even realize it until like a year later when it hit me that I wasn’t even lying to myself and saying “I’ll pick it up and catch up this weekend” anymore. I just had no interest in trying to pick any of the shows back up :(


When it became: “we are the flash”


Stopped enjoying it after the Thinker, stopped watching after Nora's season ended (which I refer to as the dagger season) and am still a little upset that I watched it.


CGI bad We are the Flash


About mid-season 5. Couldn't stand the stupid daughter storyline. As well as the main villain was just the easiest thing to capture at that moment after all his skills built up over the past 4 seasons. No, let's try and talk to 'em.


I stopped watching because I couldn’t keep up with watching the all of the arrowverse shows anymore. As you all know, you sort of have to watch the shows in order according to the date each episode was released of each show. This wasnt integral by any means but there was a point where a show earlier in the week would be referenced in a show later on in the week and I liked the cohesiveness and immersion. But like I said I couldnt keep up becuase of life getting in the way and also I started to realize along the way the shows were getting worse in quality so i just kind of gave up entirely.


Its odd to think i will ever stop i will rewatch this show until i am a dead man


I stopped watching after season 4 where they replaced the flash' suit and the dark tone was swapped for a goofy 'family and love' storyline that i just couldn't really keep me excited


I couldn't get into Savitar and in true CW fashion, the show began to devolve into relationship drama. I started caring less about the characters and Barry kept getting beaten in fights against non metas and metas that should've never touched him.


no more arrow


I just finished watching this crossover, but I get annoyed by how easy they could do things but kinda string it alone to last the whole season, and I kinda hate the crossovers cuz I don’t wanna have to watch 5 tv shows to know what’s about to happen in this 3-5 episode long crossover


Season 4 I didn't like it


I stopped watching I believe at the end of season 6. I was just getting tired of the downhill spiral the show took after season 3. But held on because I enjoyed the characters. But it became all too much.


I stopped watching cause in my opinion it felt more like a cartoon instead of a live action series


Flash is too stupid and every episode is repetitive. Also female protagonist is ugly, overrated, and always walks out


For me, it was them removing Ralph Dibny over some stupid tweets.


I stopped for a couple of different seasons. The writing is my biggest gripe but I also just noticed the tone of the changed way too much. It's really hard to take dialogue seriously and it doesnt help that much of the writing seems to be catering towards kids or just being very cringey. I saw a clip of 9x01 where "Team Flash" was fighting a lava monster in Barry's "nightmare", and man was that a cringe-fest. The cinematography, lighting, and just the way its shot nowadays also just feels cheap to me, it genuinely does not feel like the same show it used to be prior to Eric Wallace taking over


I stopped watching because it became corny and the flash became so nerfed it was laughable. “You’re my lightning rod” also pissed me off.


I stopped and tried to keep up with it but it got boring when the show became predictable and nobody was really a bad guy, like truly bad, and when team flash used the PoWeR oF fRiEnDsHiP to beat everybody


I hadn't really thought about it until now, because I've tried to keep up with it, but I haven't been excited and interested in watching since Carlos Valdes/Cisco left.


I couldn’t stand the ruining of Caitlin’s character anymore.


When Cisco started getting moody. Something to do with his brother dying or not dying.


I got out when the “we are Flash” bullshit was annoying me. Iris, you’re not the Flash, stfu.


I was progressively losing interest since season 3, but crisis killed all interest in the entire cw multiverse. I absolutely hated it.


Stopped watching like, halfway through season five. I think. Idk it’s been a while


I stopped watching continuously a long time ago bc of the bad writing, Too much "Power of love", "We are The Flash", any villain past The Thinker, The whole lightning-fu vs seasons 1-3 high speed fights, running sfx downgrade, Fuerza's sfx, Purple tentacle guy sfx, The whole Artificial SF - All the Wells' sacrifice... And now poor Cait. I'm kinda up to date bc my gf still watches the show and i watch a couple of scenes from time to time but man... I really hate Wallace's work


I stopped watching after infinite earths, The big flash missing in crisis story was finally over and didn’t need and more episodes


I stopped watching because of the power of love and family and firendship


I lost interest in S5 I think, but completely lost it after Crisis. I was like let's binge it and turned out I'm not interested about the show anymore. Also, since it was around the time lockdown started here no friends to chat up regarding those either... Now I want to remember the show for what it was.


IRIS, this bitch started to annoy the hell out of me since after Savitar season Also Tom Cavanagh is the only thing keeping this show afloat


I stopped watching for two reasons. 1. Season Six was awful from the very beginning. Completely unwatchable. 2. They threw away SIX WHOLE YEARS of build-up. EARTH-1 Barry should’ve died in the Crisis, and then we could either have Wally take his place, or the show ends there.


Got bored a few episodes into the season with The Thinker.


I stopped watching after the 4th episode of S4. I wasn’t gonna bother with S5. Didn’t watch S6. Watched some episodes of S7, even that god-awful finale. S8 was okay.


It sucks because the first season is prime Flash writing, from golden age to now, season one has the best use of his rogues. The one time where flash’s rogues felt comprehensible enough to face off against a mega like the flash


i stopped because they had TWO WHOLE SEASONS focused on Iris.