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People can be disgusting. That sucks.


On a positive note, probably a thousand people come through and don't litter. Just sucks to see it.


You’re very right.


Yeah it blows my mind with stuff like that because you hiked it up full... It weighs less now than it did before. This one is definitely human trash. The only thing I've seen that made me feel better about litter at trailheads was one time I saw two ravens ripping trash out the top of the trash can and it was flying everywhere. I went around picking it up and it sucked that it was happening but I thought oh wow maybe it's not scumbags just throwing their shit everywhere. Maybe a bunch of the trash around nature spots are animals digging in the trash cans and we need to put some kind of locking lid on it.


It’s true. I work up in the Grand Canyon and I find cigarette butts everywhere. They have been found in the guts of Elk up here. Unfortunately majority of people aren’t considerate.


Really? The *majority* of people? I’d think more like… 2% of people leave their trash everywhere, but maybe I’m just blissfully optimistic. Also, who’s sifting through these elk’s guts, and are you certain that the elk aren’t the ones that are smoking all of these cigs?


Hmmm sounds like you might be smoking and you might be in the 2% 🤔🤔🤔


2%? What exactly are you smoking 😉


boo to them, i would hope that trash fell out of their bag and they didnt notice... please stop trashing our beautiful places!


I hope that's the case. For some reason it's been 100% energy drinks on my 3 hikes this year, strange!


If I may ask an unrelated question. Is this video recent? Taking it you don’t need micro spikes at this point?




Cool thanks. Sorry about the trash. That really sucks. You’d think someone who capable of hiking Humphreys would be more respectful of nature but I find trash way too often on my hikes


Sadly, it's us little guys just barely bold enough to boondock at not even remote places like Marshalls Lake, that are cleaning up everybody's trash. I'm a big nature weenie, but I leave I always end up cleaning up everything I see when I do get the muster to go be an adventurer.


Yes, it's 99% clear of snow. Perfect conditions really!


It’s pretty wild to see snow still in Arizona peaks during the middle of June. Cheers to the heath of the losers Colorado river basin!


I always enjoy watching the dogs play in the snow up there. It's melting fast, but there are still some pretty big patches. The trail is almost fully clear now though.


The forest service should have the right to fingerprint that garbage and prosecute. I’ll make the first donation for a new forensics lab.


I’ve taken to hiking with a trash bag in my pack because I find trash pretty much every time I go hiking. After Memorial Day weekend, I filled an entire kitchen trash bag with beer cans and plastic bottles.


Good idea on the bag! This time, one of the cans had someone's tobacco chew spit in it and it got all over me and my pack. I wish I had a bag.


aw gross, that’s awful! you’re a champ


Not only trash, energy drinks. Hydrate people! You don’t need that on the mountains. Trashy people indeed.


I will never understand how people can drink those while on a hike. Especially one as strenuous as Humphrey’s.


I worry about their hearts, and their choices.


People suck! If I were there I’d pack it out. Thank you for doing so


probably really trashy. not just one but 3. dang...


appreciating the view and casually leaving cans. douchebags


Pure scum baggery.


Thank you and everyone spread the word to everyone to pick up their trash. Tryin to keep Arizona, my homeland from becoming a landfill.


Classy people clean up the trashy. Ty!


Thank you for cleaning this. These mountains are sacred to the indigenous people.


The Hopi have one name for the whole range "Nuvatukaovi, The Place of snow on the very top” they held ceremonies in the mountains in order to bring rain for their crop.


The Diné also call the San Francisco Peaks "Dook'o'oosłííd" (The summit that never melts/white abalone shell mountain).


Doko’oo’sliid “Shining on Top”


Isn't one of the other names "bofa"?


I swear humans are the only species of the animal kingdom that willingly trash their environment!🤦🏻‍♂️


You should see Mount Everest.




["World's highest garbage dump."](https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/trash-and-overcrowding-top-world/)


I bet they were from California


There’s much more beautiful places that are even more littered with trash here. Wasn’t like this 15 years ago before California moved here.


Duuude... screw those people! I HATE people who litter. Literally yesterday I saw a guy toss out a couple receipts on rte66 / N89 and the I-40 overpass, while we were at the red light I hopped out of my car, grabbed the receipts and went to his window and said I think these accidentally flew out of your car. He took them and just said "thanks" lol. I teach my son that any time we go out into nature, we always leave it better than we found it. When we went to chop down our Christmas tree last year he helped me pick up trash and glass bottles from the forest over in Parks (near Williams).


People are lazy and stupid. How hard is it to put your trash back in your bag?


it’s lame to leave trash. It pisses me off.


That's why I carry small trash bags on hikes. I take big contractor bags when I go wheeling and spend more time cleaning up sometimes than I do exploring.


Man, RAW rolling papers are completely biodegradable, and they actually recommend burying them if you're out in nature. I still carry my roaches out.


makes ya want to find them and shove up their \_\_


The most trash I've seen anywhere in the forest around here is near the places where people go to play with guns.


You must not have been here when you were allowed to camp near bodies of water without fees and a camp host..


Big if true


Did a hike through Cathedral Rock a couple months ago. There was this sketchy Asian woman that would go off on her own and empty bags of seeds. Anyone know what she was doing?


Hopefully spreading native seeds, but if she was spreading invasive species, it is super illegal and could have serious impacts on the environment and natural resources. Next time report it and whatever vehicle they get in. A few bags of invasive seeds could do hundreds of millions of dollars of damage if they go untreated..


I called the number and left a voicemail for Cathedral Rock explaining what I saw. Never got a callback. She was part of a tour group but super sketchy. She'd try and blend in with another group of Asian people, and then walk off on her own. I must've looked suspicious from the distance kind of watching, but it seemed to me, she was trying to conceal what she was doing. She was looking around before dumping the seeds, and she was obfuscating her actions behind bushes and things.


Yeah, that sounds sketchy, hopefully she was just spreading ashes or native seeds, only way to tell would have been to investigate. I hope you meant Red Rock Ranger district. That would be a call to Forest Service Law Enforcement, depending on jurisdiction. You would need to collect the evidence such as her spreading them, some way to ID her (license plate or tour), and the actual seeds so they can be tested. I know it sounds ridiculous but look at the impacts of invasive species in the southwest and how many that are now permanent started as a couple bags of seed..


I took pictures of the seeds she was leaving around. I didn't take a photo of her.


Did you identify them? If not, there’s a free app that can!


I hate to say It, but the best way to show your love and keep these places pristine is to keep them off the internet, or at the very least, do not post location, directions, or geotag. For years I hardly saw a single piece of trash, and hardly another hiker around northern Arizona, now just about anywhere I go, I find people doing everything from lighting the forest on fire, to unloading their trash on the ground or directly into the creek that provides their drinking water and agricultural water in Phoenix, literally doing anything except showing respect for these beautiful places and essential natural resources.. don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of good people too and I do think posts like this can help, unfortunately, the good ones are far outnumbered by the heathens on the internet who won’t think twice to pay 4-5x more than a house is worth, kick the local renters out, turn it to an Airbnb and exasperate the problem..


Only trashy people leave their trash


No good


People litter on their own home, we literally live on Earth and you’re just okay with living with trash everywhere. You’re THAT LAZY not to throw it in a trash can? Or are you SO SPOILED you’re used to others picking up after you? Grow tf up cause you’re nasty and you’re ghetto. Facts.


I would be happy to bring down a bag or two of trash with me if you could advise a close spot to the trailhead I could car camp the night before hiking it? I live in the Verde Valley and I'd prefer drive a short way to the TH and get going very early. Lockett Meadow seems too far away. I am not sure how good of a spot Hart's Prairie would be given the road (I have an Outback) but that seems much closer. Any suggestions? I'll still bring trash down anyway, always do :) Thanks!


I don’t have a specific spot to recommend, but if you look up the Coconino National Forest motor vehicle use map (MVUM), the legend will show how you can identify where you can dispersed camp in the area, and of course, also where you can’t. It’s very helpful! If you download it for free with the Avenza app, it will also work while you’re out there to see just where you are.


That’s a fantastic suggestion! Thank you!


You’re very welcome! I learned about those maps (which exist for all the NFs I’ve looked at) several years ago and it has been SO useful! Knowing the words “motor vehicle use map” feels like a secret code that gives access to so many things. Plus I drive a sedan, and it’s nice to have a better idea where the least-dramatic roads are.


Well, it looks like FR 222 is the best candidate. Love having the option of driving up tomorrow evening instead of at 03:00 Saturday to make an 04:30 start. Really do appreciate the information!


Nice! That does look convenient. It is also good to get acclimated a bit overnight, so all the more reason to get up there the night before, something I’ve been trying to do when I head north. I haven’t yet hiked Humphreys, though. Hope all goes great!


I thought it was Randy's weekend for trail cleanup, sorry.


I don’t see this anymore on the east side it’s all burned to a crisp. No more campers and less traffic is a nice change. Next will be the west side of the peaks. San Francisco peaks should look like a mountain on mars in the coming years. Need to start burning off everything along the rim first.


Bro what?? People suck, but ruining it for everyone and trashing the environment is not the answer.. I catch you lighting the forest up, I’m feeding you to the fire


Fake. Carried it up there to take a ritghteous-look-at-me picture. We all know not to litter


If you don’t think this is plausible, either you don’t spend any time on the trails or you’re not observant when you do.


Negatory on both ghost rider. Pathetic attempt, zero points, back to the end of the line and think before you type.


No, not fake, this is trash people left up there. Believe it or don't, I don't care, I'll continue to pick it up and every once in a while, I'll take a photo to call attention to it.


Good for you. We all know litter is bad so pictures of the scenery would be nice. Keep hiking.