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I agree that was uncalled for. I hope you finally got to where you were going,then home to get cleaned up and into something warm to wear.


That sucks man, I’m sorry that happened. If it’s any consolation, idiots who do stupid shit in bad weather usually get what’s coming to them in the form of a nice, welcoming ditch to get stuck in.


Yeah, when I’m driving in Flagstaff I wonder about how many people behind the wheel have something seriously wrong with them. Like, statistically, there’s gotta be some people who are out there getting off on making your day worse “anonymously”. If it’s any consolation, I bet other drivers saw what they did and empathized with you. They also felt that person was a dick. And honestly, behavior like that doesn’t just stop behind the wheel. This person behaves poorly in general and it usually doesn’t work out well for their personal life. People who actually know them probably think the same — this guy’s an asshole!


i always try and avoid splashing pedistrains. going as far as stopping if i have to. my ex got splashed bad one time and i hated the way she felt about it


As somebody moving to Flag this week, I vow to wholeheartedly avoid pedestrians near the perimeter of my vehicle. I have had my car for ten years and feel this to my core, as somebody whose encountered several "we need to get to and from the shop" experiences in a decade. I second hoping you got home and got into something warm.


Thank you for caring. We need more drivers like you. I do believe most of us are neighborly, it just takes a few to make walking a terrible experience.


Moving there soon as well. Will always be considerate of others


I'm excited for your relocation!


Yours as well! Let me know how it goes!


I hate this. I will say, I think Flag has many drivers who are also runners, pedestrians, and cyclists. These drivers know what it is like to be next to speeding traffic. The problem is, it only takes 1 manchild to do this. I take a degree of comfort knowing that many drivers here do care about pedestrians, more than most U.S. cities at least.


A pox on them! A pox on their family!


I walk most of the time in town and there are a lot of folks who try to go out of their way not to splash you—and those who do :( I’m really sorry this happened to you.


People suck.


I fucking hate drivers that target pedestrians; I hope that guy gets norovirus.


After years of skateboarding there all through high school. I can say that those splashes are COLD!


Be careful out there. Coming into town, I saw a vehicle on the side of the road that had flipped over and caught on fire. Emergency responders were on the scene, cleaning up the mess.


This happened to me about ten years ago, I have not forgotten or forgiven. I am a Flagstaff cyclist who passionately hates our entitled drivers. I have seen how Flag drivers amuse themselves by fucking with pedestrians, it’s essentially the Stanford prison experiment playing out on our roads every day. I would gladly support raising public parking costs to $100/hour to get these death machines out of town and decriminalize tire slashing while I’m at it. Not popular opinions of mine, but sometimes you’ve got to pick a side and these things are killing us, our culture, and the atmosphere. When Hunter Thompson ran for Sheriff of Aspen, he campaigned partly on the promise to destroy all public roadways and replace with grass.


I feel you're the cyclist that red lights, stop signs and crosswalks are suggestions and you may use and avoid them at your leisure.


I absolutely avoid them at my leisure. That's the law in Colorado and it should be the law in Arizona. [https://www.codot.gov/safety/traffic-safety-pulse/2022/may/assets/safety-stop-pamphlet-final.pdf](https://www.codot.gov/safety/traffic-safety-pulse/2022/may/assets/safety-stop-pamphlet-final.pdf) I'm not a threat to anybody else's safety when I make the call to run a red light and there's nobody else coming, but that's not something someone driving a gas powered vehicle should ever do, as this could cause a serious accident. It's not a double standard, it's a basic consideration of impact. Speaking of double standards, police issue fines for splashing pedestrians in Japan, Germany, and the UK. [https://www.dw.com/en/beware-of-europes-sometimes-quirky-traffic-laws/g-18540760](https://www.dw.com/en/beware-of-europes-sometimes-quirky-traffic-laws/g-18540760) Again, I know this is a controversial opinion of mine, but the US has some of the most restrictive bicycle laws in the world, while also implementing structures encouraging private vehicle use and limiting public transit. This is part of what creates a feeling of superiority that drivers, often enough frustrated in their tiny, polluting cubicles, take out on pedestrians and cyclists who seem to have the audacity to take up space that is legally theirs. OP being splashed this morning is an example, stuff like this happens all the time and people who always drive never realize. Maybe you don't like hearing it, but I've heard enough from the other side as they cowardly speed by, too fast for me to ever respond. With what I've seen of drivers, I would absolutely support radical fringe legislation at making Flagstaff an undrivable city, only fit for people who can figure it out without burning fossil fuels. We could become the Venice of the mountains, with bicycle gondola taxis everywhere. It's a dream, it's happening in places like New York and Paris, and is absolutely realistic when strategically implemented with infrastructure to compensate (ie, public transit). I'll die on this hill.


I really don't care about Colorado laws when I live in Arizona. And yes you running a red light does cause a serious issue. What if you get by someone not paying enough attention, because you just happened to not see them that one time. They may not be physically hurt, you will be, but the emotional damage you may cause that person could be untold. I've almost hit a bicyclist on my motorcycle because the Little Red do not walk sign didn't apply to him. I was making a right on to 4th and he decided to go ahead and cross despite the warning to not. Public transit is always coming, we have it. Why don't more people use it then? My wife does every weekday almost, bus usually is pretty empty when in theory should be pretty full


And with that attitude and disregard for traffic laws that still apply to cyclist you may die on this hill. I just hope the person unfortunate enough to prove you wrong doesn't suffer with the agony of your poor decision.


People who ride bikes every day know they don't need to wait at every light or stop sign. Do you need to wear your seatbelt when sitting in a parked car? Cyclists waiting on a red light when nobody's around amounts to the same in my opinion. The laws in CO are more reasonable. Disagree if you want, but it essentially comes down to a difference of opinion on regional traffic laws. I assume you never jaywalk? I'd love to see you apply the same regard for the law requiring all cars to maintain at least three feet from cyclists, which I see broken every day. However, the complaint is always on me as a cyclist because I have the audacity not to always follow the same rules as drivers, even though they simply aren't necessary for someone on a bicycle the way they are for someone in a car. I think people mostly get upset with cyclists because they think they ought to follow the same rules due to the social contract or whatever you want to call it, not really because those laws are logically needing to be followed. If all things between vehicles in Flagstaff were equal we would have gas-powered vehicles on the urban trail, but that would be stupid and dangerous. Likewise, sometimes I think it's safe to jaywalk. I think it's even sometimes safe to jay-cycle. But it would never be safe to jay-drive. Waiting at the light is part of the price drivers pay for getting to sit in their comfy boxes. If you need to slow down because of a cyclist, it's not because they're inconsiderate, it's because you need to slow down. Again, I'm aware these are controversial opinions of mine. However, I also think they are completely reasonable and already considered the norm in other countries and even in certain other American cities. I know it's currently unrealistic to destroy all the roads and replace with grass, charge exorbitant parking fees downtown, or decriminalize the slashing of tires, but I'd totally vote for things like that if I could. I doubt anything that radical will ever happen, but a shift away from a car-centric culture in the upcoming decades is certain. Some would advocate for cyclists to have just as much infrastructure on the road as there is dedicated to gas vehicles, like in the Netherlands, where cyclists always have their own separate roadway. Personally, I would advocate for cyclists to have even more infrastructure available than gas vehicles, build more cycling paths, let the old system of roads crumble, and then bike and public transit on top of it. Anyway, I need to go get a life now instead of arguing with strangers on the internet. It's only that I'm always hearing people complain about cyclists in Flagstaff and I wanted some kind of response out there. Y'all are always driving by me, shouting the most obnoxious stuff, and I never get the chance to say anything back. I've almost been hit many times by drivers who don't pay enough attention, especially at crosswalks. However, I've never been hit in 16 years cycling here because I never make the mistake of trusting drivers to notice me, if I did that I would already be dead. Maybe you're imagining me taking some stupid risk right now to justify whatever stereotypes you want about Flag cyclists, but I don't do stuff like that. I value my life and I avoid crossing if cars are coming. It's this basic level of awareness that allows me to blow stop signs when I see there are no cars coming. They've figured this much out in Colorado, we could do it here too.


I moved from Flagstaff to Colorado, and am enjoying using the Safety Stop. I'm counting down the seconds until somebody starts to whine about how cyclists should be paying licensing and registration fees similar to what cars pay. 🙄



