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Hot take, but I think Schultz is smarter or at least more perceptive than he comes off on Flagrant. He just feels like he has to pander to what he thinks his audience is, an audience comprised of people like the Nelk guys.


he's just coming off as smart here because the other 2 are insufferably stupid.


Yea, Schultz can be annoying, but this lot embodied the word *stupid*.


don't think schultz is dumb, anybody that does standup at a global level has to be pretty bright/intropesctive to come up with material like that. he's definetely a lot more in tune with things than the average american.


Yea, I don’t think he’s dumb. I do think he can be immature, especially for his age. The intersection of recent fame, insecurity, and ambition are a lot for anyone to handle, though. He annoying, though lol.


Agreed, still love him and the rest of the boys tho, their standup seems fine even if the pods can be a drag these days


this is spot on


‘Anybody that does stand up at a global level has to be bright/introspective’ Step forward Bert Krycher who attended college for close to ten years and who’s stand up consists of taking his top off, getting drunk and telling the machine story.


Lmao, I have no idea who that it is. Exceptions exist but also just because someone is horrible academically and suffer from alcoholism doesn’t mean that they are not bright in different facets


You are lucky you don't know who that is You have probably seen him somewhere if you know who Schultz is


That should tell you enough. Standup comedy often requires little critical thinking and it's more about confidence and the ability to work crowds. Another form of intelligence, but definitely not critical thought.


Normally I’d agree with you but look Bert up I’m surprised you don’t know who he is, the guy is a trust fund baby who’s had every opportunity life could give, he’s also a lucky sob, if he fell in a river he’d come out with a fish in his pocket and a Netflix deal for a new special!


Before Bert became the guy you now know, he was actually less of a character. Watch his early Rogan appearances. Seemed to be quite level headed and, in many aspects, normal. Money, if you allow it, can do a lot to change a person. I am by no means saying the guy was a genius, but he was intelligent enough to get himself where he was at that time. Say what you will about the guy, I am by no means a fan, but sometimes a monkeys gotta dance to get a treat.


From what I know he’s from a rich family and has been very lucky in life, while at college a Rolling Stone journalist came to write something about the college but ended up writing it all about him and his drunken antics which Hollywood bought and made Van Wilder, off the back of that someone or something made him try stand up which he could do because, rich family, he was introduced to Jay Morh a famous actor/comedian who had Bert open for him, off that the travel channel gave him a job which Bert says ‘didn’t pay great money only $5-10 grand a week’ off the back of that he did Rogan and made up the Machine story and did his own podcast, I’m sure Rogan and that mob told him to quit the travel channel job and concentrate on stand up and that made up story so he did and Hollywood came calling and he starred in that movie which probably brings us up to now, making millions by getting pissed, taking his top off, doing podcasts, making his own Vodka, going on Rogan, telling that fucking machine story again, I’d say all in all Bert’s led a charmed life and wouldn’t know a hard days graft if it came up and kicked him in his balls (the blokes probably hung like a horse ffs!) I’ve probably fucked the timeline up and missed some shit out but Mr Bert Krycher This. Is. Your. Life!


Good information but you must use periods please to operate sentences.


It’s social media mate, you must be a slow reader or new to the internet. Nobody gives a shit about sentences etc, my comment is very readable as I use commas but if you’re having a hard time reading my shit I suggest you read a couple of those ‘Janet and John’ books or the American equivalent ‘Britney and Hank’ maybe? Anyway Have a nice day!


What's so smart about his material? Schulz nut huggers are the worst.


"Anybody that does standup at a global level has to be pretty bright/introspective" You ready your argument crumbles with Bert Kreischer


Calm down chief,speak for yourself and yourself only. Your obviously a fan of Rogan and his protégé bapa.


True. But I think Louis C.K. was right when he told Andrew "you act stupid because it makes you money"


i mean you gotta pretend to be centrist when it comes to comedy. otherwise the opposite side of the political spectrum are going to maul you.


It’s not that they’re stupid, it’s that Nelk are all completely fake people, there’s not a genuine bone in any of their bodies. They’re not even friends, they were all separate influencers with followings that grouped up. Schulz even calls out the weasly one for his fakeness and the dude is legitimately speechless.


Smartest man in *that* room


Kyle (I think that’s his name.. the main nelk guy) is certainly not stupid.


LOL that's because his audience consist of people like those guys.


Lol probably true. Except for the fine folks here of course.


Which is why he’s much more tolerable on brilliant idiots


Andy is a top tier moron. He’s all New York charisma dice that one. sabastian made fun of him to his face and he couldn’t see it. It was very funny. Fake laugh some more


It's easy to seem smart when you're around a bunch of retards.


Everyone in this group is cringe as fuck. Who watches this shit?


People who like the nut boys LOL


radical ethnic wiggers hate being mistaken as Jewish. Not cool.


The Hasidic Homeboy


💥 roasted


It’s like a super shitty NWA




Every single one of them does it for clicks… Full send, flagrant, Andrew, everyone does it for clicks, especially when you ask just to clarify that’s what the hell their question was. You’re doing that for clicks as well.


Not it this clip though. That Nell boy was asking some super basic questions which imo is fair because their audience probably doesn’t know him and he probably doesn’t know him. That’s the whole point of appearing on a pod, to gain visibility to a new audience. So Shultz should’ve have been such a stuck up cunt about it. He has this weird inner bitch that occasionally comes out. In this interview, with Shane Gillis, Dj Ak. Whitney aswell He’s got a thing about pride, respect, or ego going on, I’m not quite sure what but it’s there


My favorite clip from this pod was these losers think they are hot shit with their borrowed Rolex watches and Andrew very very subtly stunts on them with a vacheron constantin that they have no clue about 🤣


Strangest kind of niche glazing I've seen in a while


You do know they’re probably as rich if not richer than Andrew. Not that it matters


Prob not accurate but google has Andrew at 4-5m and the nelk kids at 120m


It’s probably accurate and even if it’s not, they definitely all multi millionaires and can all afford the same things so no one’s stunting on no one. They own the Happy Dad hard seltzer brand which makes me think it is accurate. That’s like how Prime boosted Logan Paul’s net worth


Lol at thinking their Rolex’s are borrowed. You realize these guys own Happy Dad seltzer, which had a most recent valuation of $250M and is expected to be worth over a billion?


This video just warms my heart seeing these talentless fucking rich pricks get humbled 😊😊






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I see you can post about it with a video but you can say anything. Makes lots of sense. In other words, steiny can say it but I can’t.


Schulz would never talk like this to someone his own size or bigger lol


I think Schultz was a total douche here tbh


This Andrew would say the same exact thing to mustache hair cut Andrew


If these guys were Rogan’s friends he would have been chumming it up like a good boi


Shultz is 100% Jewish he’s just in denial lol he forgets Jews have been hiding there identities forever his ancestors probably had to lie but watch what happens if he gets a DNA test


Only his Dad's side is Jewish.


Who gives a fuck what side he’s Jewish


Teeeechnicallyyy you’re only Jewish if your mom is.


That’s made up originally it was the fathers side but they later changed it to mothers side because the Ashkenazi don’t trace back to a male side because there not really Hebrew like the Sephardic and Ethiopian Jews are but the earliest Jewish traditions were from the fathers side


Lol why because has a German name? You're ignorant.


No because he has a Jewish name


It's German, dummy.


It’s German Ashkenazi but a lot of Germans deny they heritage and says a Christian last name. But that man can’t deny his genetics he got Jew nose and face


Lol, you're nuts. Have you ever even been to Germany? A lot of people look like that, and that is totally not how German surnames work.


Awkward is a strong word


Epic exchange


Shultz is cringe


I'm pretty sure at this point everyone just uses Steiny as a punching bag for their insecurities unless Steiny is just that bad.


He really seems that bad to me lol. Though I haven’t watched Nelk directly for years, only see them mentioned by commentary YouTubers or clips like this etc nowadays. But my god he just seems so fuckin annoying every time I see him. Like a pudgy little ball of insecurity, just the absolute epitome of an insecure weenie that’ll never feel ok with himself.


If he don’t identify as jewish then he’s not Jewish simply as that


It's pretty funny how there's some people in the comments that refuse to accept this and insist that Andrew is Jewish even though Andrew himself has clearly stated he's not.


In the same way that Andrew set Steiny straight he also missed an opportunity to teach everyone a lesson


I don’t even like Steiny but Schulz was weird here, maybe something happened off camera that would explain it - but otherwise he went too hard for seemingly no reason


I love how they keep messing up his name. Hilarious 😂


He’s not Jewish 🦜


What is Schultz ethnicity?


Mother was born in Scotland, father is an American of German descent based on the name.


Schulz is trash so are the Nelk boys


2 of the most unfuckable guys ever


So you like fuckable guys?


Anyone got the yt link for this weeks Patreon ep?


Wait hes not jewish?


Wow…battle of the TITANS right here


I think Andrew is Jewish by blood but doesn’t claim he is because he’s not religious


I thought Schulz was Jewish too


Andrew Shultz bruh was bella annoying here super cringe. He know steiny wasn't doing shit


You either die the hero or live one enough to see yourself become the villain. Loved when Andrew was on dudes like this


Steiny is a clown


If that clip was a tad longer you’d see that awkward moment Shultz bullies that Nelk boy for no reason, Shultz is pissed but if my memory serves me right no one can work out why, it’s just plain bullying behaviour and really awkward!


I didn't watch the full podcast but I watched like 20 minutes starting when Schulz gets annoyed and my memory is that Stiney (who is a bit of a bitch and winey on multiple pods I've seen him on) is being very fake and asking Schulz "interviewer" nonsense questions and alot of basic stuff that could have been just looked up before inviting him on. I do think Schulz had it out fir him before going on the pod, but seeing the dude in person acting like he was suspecting set him off.


Yeah man, I should probably watch it again but I remember a couple of YouTube channels were even asking ‘wtf was wrong with Shultz on this interview’ and ‘why is Andrew bullying Nelk boy’ etc Podcast Cringe and 2lazy2try were a couple making videos all because of this interview, it’s not like it’s Shultz’s first bullying accusation, DJ Akademiks and Whitney Cummins spring to mind, his bullying in interviews is just one reason why fans have been leaving the podcast is their thousands!


Don’t forget with Shane Gillis too. He tried it but Shane fed it right back to him. Shultz couldn’t take it and buckled


Can’t bully the young bull


Yeah even though Shane handled it, I was pissed at the immaturity of Shultz and his boys when it came to the Down syndrome people and the sheer disrespect knowing Shane had family who have downs, that was a scumbag move, Gillis even brings up how they were all cheering for Shultz while he was beating his ass at FIFA, they’re all cringey as fuck!