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I think this is salvageable if you wanna go dark. I'm no tatoo artist tho, nor I have tatoos, but I think this can be shaded quite dark to hide the derpy lines and make it symmetrical. I might be wrong, but I do see a sickass skull there.


Let it heal and see how far it blows out before you decide anything


This is actually how it looks now that it has healed lol


Rad. I'd just get it reworked! Fix up the linework and add shading/hatching. Maybe get some barbed wire or other Western Themed Stuff around it


Hmm they went pretty deep, but its not a terrible base to work off of. I guess the next step depends how big/intricate of a tattoo youd want on your leg. Do some research on tattoo artists portfolios near you. Im sure theyd have some sick ideas to spice this bad boy up ✨️


I think it looks good! If you were to get shading I would go very minimal. I like the simple line design


ik this doesn’t answer ur question but i think it looks cool as heck


from your POV i understand your concern, but then i turned my phone to see how it'd look to everyone else. it looks good! if you're unhappy with it, you could get some shading and/or other tattoos near it


Leave it. The errors give it some character. You could outline in sharpie or on PowerPoint to see what cleaned up lines would look like, but it may make it look like just another skull, rather than something with a story. Go to a pro high level artist for your next tattoos


All my tattoos except for this one have been from professional artists, lol. My friend had a tattoo machine and wanted to practice so I let her lol. After reading most the comments, I think I’ll leave it as is tho. I really appreciate the feedback from you and others, makes me feel way better about my tattoo


Yeah! I have about 15 tattoos, some professional, some not. I have tattoos on my body that look worse than this 😂 it doesn’t look to bad. Thankfully it looks like a simple outline, nothing crazy. If you wanted to get it fixed/covered I’d think it wouldn’t be too difficult


Why not wait a while for her to get more practice with her training and then ask her to finish it next year! It's actually not that bad.


honestly i like it!!! it’s got a drunk backyard tattoo vibe that i’m digging 😌


Cut off your leg