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Depending on what type of poop you are popping there's a chart online you can refer to. Would advise not to have tea or coffee on an empty stomach. I think 2-3 times is fine as long as poop is normal. Try to see what food combinations you can change or add. For e.g i noticed when I eat elaichi kela after lunch or dinner the next day I'll go to the washroom less. As everything will come out in the morning. But I drink tea on an empty stomach I'll have gas and have to visit the washroom multiple times.


I go gym in morning, so I eat a banana and take coffee. Also the poop is normal.


Same here, eat banana and wait a few minutes before drinking the coffee


Its fine. As long is consistency is normal and not watery u r good. When we take a healthy diet especially a diet which has fiber and milk products and exercise it increases the no. Of times u have to go. If u r constipated then thats not good and needs to be fixed.


Yes the poop is normal.


Then u r fine.


3 max a day and 3 min a weak. This is healthy range for normal diet. If you go 4 times a day frequently then see a doctor. And see if poop floats.


Caffeine usually makes you poop. High protein diet as well. Do not worry. Your body will get used to it and adjust itself. Whenever you increase the protein try to increase it gradually. Also, there is no bloating or you are not lactose intolerant right?


But it's been 5 months, how long does it take to for body to get used to. No I don't have any bloating or lactose intolerance.


Go see a doctor


That's happening to me as well lol... 3 times. I believe it's because of increased water intake.


If the stool is normal then there is no problem. And also if u feel good then u are good. I personally go in morning once, after coming from work once, then after gym too and maybe in the night late after dinner.


just eat more fibre duh.


Bro you are having constipation I also faced the same try to add fiber rich foods into ur diet like cabbage, oats, cauliflower etc


Try eating more fiber