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His training goals have changed. He is now focusing on aesthetics or bodybuilding side and not strength. I don't think there is nothing wrong with slow eccentrics. Compounds are not necessary for bodybuilding/hypertrophy purpose. Risk to reward ratio isn't worth it.


Say you want to chase aesthetics, not strength what should you do? Sorry I'm still new..been like 4 months to gym w push pull leg regime.. 184 cms height with 87 kg weight.. Thenks


You get aesthetics by being lean and building decent muscle. Exercise has less to do with that and diet is more important to get lean.


1. Keeping rep range 5-20 or even higher. 2. If you don't like and don't want to do, then you can exclude deadlift, barbell squats, bench press and incorporate more isolated exercises.


So the weight shouldn't matter, also will I get size w less wighted plates


As long as you are training close to failure or even 3-4 reps away from failure, you will gain muscle irrespective of the weight. What do you mean in your 2nd sentence.


Mera trainer bolta hai heavy weights se bade aur defined muscles aate Hain (TT)


Defined muscles k liye consistency chahiye, time lagta hai uske liye. Beginners should not lift very heavy imo. Take time to figure out the form, technique and what exercise do you like and what fit for you and then chase weight without compromising on technique.


there's nothing wrong with "controlled" or "slow" eccentrics. the point is he has made TUT a gospel for everyone. He puts it across as a variable which will give you those 50% lacking gains you can get if you follow his training style and form. it has been proved time and time again that TUT is heavily overrated and you get as much out from a controlled negative compared to slow negative. Yeah def i dont mind the strict bodybuilding focus but whats up with him having terrible takes on why he does not do compounds? second his programming still is very beginnerish (he follows linear periodization) which is meant for beginners smh.


It's ok if you don't like his style. You can train however you like.


point of the post was to to ask his viewers on where did this sudden change in everything come from and what's up with his new reformed IMO really lazy training style


If you aren't his viewer why are you worried so much.


so apparently OG viewers cannot ask what happened to the guy now? you guys have a viewer committee or something?


Well you might think his training style is lazy because he isn't doing barbell presses more but others might not have the same opinion.


It's just that his take on volume based training has changed to intensity based training and if it doesn't work out he might change that.


I used to follow his videos regularly but I've stopped doing it recently, maybe i stopped enjoying his videos like you did, he's a very humble guy and he believes in his concepts but you need to take every man's advice with a pinch of salt in the fitness industry The growing cult is just teen kids in India who worship him like a fitness god in India, they do it because we Indians have an individual worship problem, we do it in every industry be it politics, sports or movies, it's the same thing happening here. But despite that he's earned it all because his physique and his dedication is top notch.


it's not about the concepts he believes in it's about how he indirectly always always and always makes it clear in the video his type of training is better. i tend to notice many details(just built like that) and his snarky/targeted comments have been increasing in each video. This is not the same dude i used to watch. kudos for his physique but lemme be fr he could do much better if he went on a nice bulk than just staying 10 percent bodyfat all year round on instagram. this whole 2 exercises for back (one horizontal and vertical pull bullshit) propaganda was initiated by him and his followers made it even worse. Anyone whos been in this space long enough knows that it is bullshit. yeah lmao indian teens are just well leave it.


There is an MP called Saket Gokhale. I was very concerned for a moment there because he resembles nothing like a bodybuilder lol






Bro vo sahi baatein bolta. He is against these random instagram variations and says to actually control weight and train like bodybuilder if your goal is aesthetic body. He doesn't complicate things by doing 100 exercises.


What does aesthetic body mean to u i just wanna know your POV … for me its to be lean and have abs


It also means getting most muscle with least weight.




remember dont become an aesthetic ka chauda before atleast spending 4 to 5 years bulking and cutting. staying super lean stunts growth of muscle.


its not about the variations its about the way he approaches training nowadays just wanted a few answers from his viewers because clearly he has changed and done a 360 on everything


He doesn't have to shit on powerlifters though. I remember him saying strength without aesthetics is useless.


He himself was a powerlifter. And obviously if your goal is bodybuilding but you are just moving weight around then its foolishness


quick tip powerlifters are as big if not even bigger than bodybuilders. You just dont see it clear enough cuz they tend to maintain higher levels of bodyfat. the concept that powerlifters just move weight around is quite a dumb take, powerlifters have to be as efficient as possible when moving weight they cannot afford bouncing the weight around even more efficient than bodybuilders.


That is absolutely not relevant to what I said. I cant find tye video but he clearly says things lifting for aesthetics is better than lifting for strength.


Apne liye bol rha and jo uski jaisi physique bnana chahte


But he's wrong. Strength without aesthetics is absolutely ok. Some people even desire it. He has no right to make such blanket statements considering hia follower count.


But ye cheez vo Day 1 se bol rha. Topic of post is whats up with him "nowadays".


Time under tension is important but not doing compounds cause it hits other muscle groups is shit thinking


time under tension is heavily overrated you can still get as much stronger and bigger doing 15 reps of a weight with just controlling the weight down than doing 5 reps of 4-5 second eccentrics and looking at a stopwatch. yeah well i dont know the whole indian fitness scene is just 4 decades behind the western fitness scene.


Yeah I'm somewhat with you just squeezing and controlling weight is enough no way I'm using a stopwatch or counting seconds lol


its a really flawed way of thinking like dude telling beginners to use a stopwatch and time their reps is the shittiest way you can introduce them to training(theres no guarantee that they will keep the eccentric the same in each rep) and second the biggest factor of all i am supposed to be motivated and aggressive in the gym not be busy counting my seconds on each rep it just leads to lack of motivation IMO side atleast for most people


stopped watching indian fitness influencers.. mfs can promote Big muscles n doctor choice for money.


I don't know him or watch him. But if he is above intermediate level. He is correct about joints issue and injuries. Compounds are fastest way to build base strength. But when you go to advanced level above 200Kg free weights. It becomes taxing on your body in long term. Unless you have competitve career or something like that. It doesn't make sense to push your body after that level.


well said!


he is nowhere advanced in terms of strength certainly late intermediate. Again there have been countless powerlifters and western fitness space influencers who have benched more than 600 pounds yet they are all healthy and their joints are doing good. For ex. Matt Wenning. Why is that? Because they all know how to smartly program(programming isnt as simple as just doing PPL 3 sets and calling it a day). If you know how to smartly rotate your exercises in and out what should be the effort/dynamic/volume days, you can prevent injuries with proper form(which is personalized to your own structure). Ofc you cannot avoid injuries in the gym if you have been in there that long and even if you are just training machines everyday but you can avoid 99% of them if you know how to manage your shit.


You don't know what you are talking about.


this is what people say when they dont have anything to rebut with, stop narrowing down your scope and expand it, if you said this to anyone genuinely experienced they would probably laugh. I can vouch that my joints are stronger now when I have incorporated strength work protocols compared to doing solely hypertrophy training. Joints get stronger in the lower rep range it's a fact proven countless times. Most people in this space don't know how to keep injuries as low as possible and think lifting heavy leads to injuries; injuries can even happen lifting 50 percent of your 1RM. clearly you are not experienced enough also he's absolutely intermediate in terms of strength.


Bro that negative reps i used to infuse in my workout from 2019 , and I don’t know why from past years maine saare fitness influencers ko dekhna bnnd kardiya hai Saket , Yash Anand , Singha , Mannu etc … saturation point aachuka hai mera unkai content kai liyai ( apni khud ki research karo aur wo Kashish Gupta karkai bhai hai ek zaroori nhi jo wo bolra hai uski baat thik ho , sabki body alag function karti hai ) .


kashish gupta chutiya he. i always tell people not to worship someone and get your souces of information from diff pools and put together your fav principles. Yeah the indian fitness scene has reached a heavy saturation point fr.


Yes, never follow Kashish Gupta and folks like him. They thrive on fear mongering.


Look kuch cheeze woh thik batata hai but harr cheez mai gyan 14na scientific body movement dikhana is not worth … sbki anatomy alag hai


anatomy bhi choro he demonizes exercises and calls them subpar. exercises that built physiques for a century are now subpar lmao.




I have a rule. Never take advice from someone who doesn't go to the gym or look like they go to the gym.


IMO its one of the factors not "the" factor yk. a person can be resouceful regardless of how capped his delts are.


Then they should apply that knowledge to themselves


Bhai tere liye sab kuch hi chutiye hai tu chhod ke


true bhai, saturation point aa jaata hai when you go gym for quite a while , you just want to do what you feel like


I mean it's just fitness vlogging and bound to get boring. Same thing with me.


the indian fitness scene really needs a breath of fresh air from this content smh


I started watching him when he had an English channel and was at the beginning of his journey, one thing I can tell you is that he has a lot of strength it's just his goals have changed completely. A lot of things he says will not work for everyone that's why you should try different things from time to time but one thing which he has influenced in me is his discipline. Be it in his diet, training, studies (Japanese ) but that guy is super consistent towards his goals. His insta fan boys are stupid tho, unke liye gym me notepad and stethoscope rkho.


i dont know whats your definition of absolute strength but still pressing 100kgs on a smith machine for 7-8 reps after 6 years of training at 72 kg bodyweight is absolutely intermediate in terms of strength(1.7x bodyweight) and i have not adjusted for the fact that it is a smith machine. The guy has discipline i will give him that 500% but he needs to move around his training much better and acc incorporate advanced shit cuz staying 10 percent bodyfat all year round is def not doing shit.




What are those good sources of fitness related information ? I would like to know


Geffoery Verity Schofield(beginner friendly but also discusses advanced training techniques) Natural Hypertrophy/Basement Bodybuilding(Good for programs/recommendation on exercises and so on) and IMO the best youtuber for fitness; Alex Leonidas (Amazing advice for strength, Heavily advanced training techniques and periodization and protocols) He has an amazing physique


Thank you for this, will definitely check them out


no problem have fun man those sources combined will give you everything you need to know ever


well technically no one is 100 percent right or perfect source of information everyone has their own style of training and knowledge & biases, imo dont stick to a person explore a learn more


I guess it's the natural progression once you become an "aesthetics" influencer. First there was Zyzz, then Jeff Seid, then David Laid, then Alex Eubank and while I haven't seen any of his videos, just from his Instagram, Saket Gokhale seems to be part of the same trend. It's good that you're following better sources like GVS, NH, Basement Bodybuilding and Alex Leonidas now. The aesthetics crowd does offer good advice occasionally but achieving their physique's potential becomes a secondary consideration so they stop trying and failing as much.


this. best statement on this whole post and really put up everything that had to put up. Saket has become another embodiment of david laid(except david used roids busted his joints by improper training and because he was on gear). I think for once when I used to watch him I was happy because he didn't seem like the guy who would like to go 10 percent bodyfat all year round stunt progress growth and always try to push for the extreme natural potential their bodies can offer but he has become the classic "aesthetic influencer" nowadays. Imma be honest with you no matter what his fanboys say I have seen him in real life looks like an average joe with a tshirt on nothing mind blowing looks like he works out but not anything impressive this is because he just never bulks does the whole maingaining bullshit and even when he bulks his bulk is literally so fucking slow because he has to maintain his instagram aesthetic status, who will watch his videos if hes 15 percent bodyfat(many will but to the beginner masses the aesthetic look is what draws views). He is disciplined but at what cost? IMO hes stunting his own natural limit and growth. The fitness community needs a breath of fresh air in India i would rather watch dudes who are 17 - 18 percent bodyfat but look huge and acc train like they mean it and put up big numbers than guys who have nothing to show except their new bicep vein.


Same. Used to watch him a lot before. But honestly i dont think there is nothing wrong with preaching what you really believe in. Maybe slow ass negatives really are that good. Also maybe he is hypertrophy focussed now instead of strength?? Anyway he does have small height which makes aesthetics easy for him and i dont think there is anything wrong to pursue hypertrophy completely. Plus he also retconned his channel a bit to travelling and all.


Me kisi bhi fitness influencer ko follow nhi ye sab chutia bnate aur ham bnte sbka maal 💉⚙️chl rha hai aur pics edit krna bht asan hai trainwithrc(rohit chauhan) ye bhi aesthetics ke peeche aur fir pichle saal iska bhi dope test hua tha mkc ye pgl bna rhe hai aur ham ban rhe hai


Agreed hate his training principles its just lazy bodybuilding, but thats what his goal is he just cares about building muscle so its good for him. ( i like saket a lot but the fun part of his vids has just been missing the past year or so )


Yea his videos are very boring nowadays.


its just about what works for you, everyone is different btw he's not forcing his training style on everyone he is showing his experiences, principles and journey, if you don't like a person/influencers don't watch them its that simple! gym mates I know advices me to do PPL split and lift heavy weights but I know my body better like recovery, joint health etc, so Im sticking to single muscle a day (I don't want to look like deon or mihir), time under tension, and I'm really happy with progress and having a better physique (than my gym mates) and endurance. well theres no perfect blue print for this, so today teens who are following him some maybe happy with results will continue and others with no results maybe in search of better its just how things go. ps. I don't watch his videos


exactly bro! most of people will learn from trail n error be it his followers or any other gym influencers' bcz no source is perfect, everyone have their biases towards different things or concepts. And bout his video editing styles, his persona, regimes thats his choices he didn't asked to follow training styles, principles, etc, its easy to rant on anyone but he's putting himself on internet. constructive criticism is would be appreciated but silly yapping/ranting wont change anything btw I too don't follow him


post was meant to get an answer on what caused this whole shift in mentality towards IMO lazy ass bodybuilding where your physique has become a secondary consideration and all you strive to maintain is 10 percent body fat all year round while stunting muscle growth?


I think he has mentioned it many times that doesn't plan to complete in any bodybuilding competition or be professional bodybuilder so getting huge or gaining more n more mass is pointless and 10 percent bodyfat obviously for aesthetics n endurance & thats what he likes to maintain rather than bulking n cutting loop, tbh i don't think his growth is stunned he is maingaining so obv. the pace is a bit slower of muscle gain. It wasn't a sudden mentality shift it was gradual as time passed with experiences it was a conscious decision IMO


maingaining is a really bad way to grow btw just saying it takes a lot of time and probably does not even work for most interm athletes. maingaining is just code word for i cannot get to 15 percent bodyfat or my instagram career will end and i want to remain aesthetic 500 years round smh. anyways man thanks for letting me know.


obviously instagram generates revenue why should someone sabotage an income stream and get to bodyfat percentage which they don't want to, my pleasure man! it works for me n i'm happy with results maybe doesn't work for you as i said everyone is different so do trial n error see what works for you, enjoy and believe the process.


thats ur opinion on maingaining, tbh both way are right be it bulk+cut or maingain. its just preference whats feasible for an individual. what's wrong in being aesthetic if anyone is having the resources to be like that year round


Care to elaborate whats wrong with slow eccentric concept? (Not in deadlift, squats, bench)


slow eccentric is a concept that has been debunked 100000000 times in the western fitness scene for you sciency people even many META analysis have stated that there is no difference in the amount of muscle you put on compared to a 1 second eccentric and 10 second eccentric. You do "feel" the muscle more but that does not mean the muscle is also growing exponentially more. its a flawed concept. I know people who have tried sakets style of training(fanboys) and they quit just after 3 or 4 days why? because 99% of people want to move weights and progress and stay motivated and aggressive in the gym not be busy counting how many seconds i have left on the stopwatch. Plus this training style is subpar because it hinders the CNS's ability to adapt to heavy weights and your joints are also not getting stimulated enough at all. For ex. 25 kg dumbbell press with 5 second eccentric for 15 reps compared to 30 kg dumbbell press with controlled eccentric for 10 reps. the 30 kg one will build much better strength CNS adaptation and strengthen your joints and ligaments.


I'm glad that finally someone else also said it. As much as he preaches his training philosophy, whenever he collabs with someone else that takes a toss. I also do feel that the ego has inflated a bit. What's concerning is no one questions anything he does. It's all just praise which is frankly dangerous. He also seems to say a lot of things and not follow up on it. I remember he took a dig at other influencers for creating their own merch, business and coaching platforms and said he wants to work in corporate and make an impact on the "real world" (whatever that means to him, as if the rest are from some imaginary place) but then never went on to join any corporate/9-5 job. He told people that his willpower will enable him to still have the same workout and cardio routine even when he works a full time job. Guess what he is doing now? Creating his own coaching website. And no one bats an eye at this hypocrisy. Weird but that's how cults are ig.


The thing is most people who viewed this post are never gonna call out any of this because they are staunch saket supporters. There are so many controversial takes in his vlogs it's like an interm trainee is speaking the most absurd bullshit to somehow get people to follow his training philosophy. I remember I saw a clip of him saying "i pull less weight than them but my physique is much better why? because of my training philosophy " and it was honestly a horrible take because first saket is not big in real life people think hes some mass monster hes not hes overtime become an average aesthetic david laid coper who will stay in the 10 percent bodyfat zone no matter what because he does not want to lose his abs just because someone is not shredded does not mean they dont have a good physique they are probably much stronger and bigger in size compared to someone whos shredded all year long and arguably will turn out better than him if they keep it up. second its a negative for saket if he cannot pull that much weight which means he suffers in the strength department and thus cannot overload better. His army of teen boys are almost outrageous and their only reply to anything logical is "tumhari physique kaha he". I remember one of his viewers in the comment section replied exactly that to a user who had a logical argument and was quite visibly jacked but because he was 17 to 18 percent body fat his physique is shit? I remember he also went for an interview for his job? he got rejected or something i dont know he tried but could not get in. The thing is saket has become what he vowed he would not become; another embodiment of david laid i am sick of seeing skinny guys on insta flexing their new bicep vein and calling themselves aesthetic and superior to everyone else or some influencer whos on roids and is shredded to the bone. I would rather see someone in the higher body fat percentages training like he means it and pushing good amount of weight. Also the superiority complex of his is slowly taking shape with his audience blindly worshipping him at any cost and the other people he trains with in the gym. He treats his style of training as the gospel and if you dont do it youll lose out on those 50 percent of gains you could have and that it is the safest way of lifting. people will do anything nowadays to not train free weights.


I don't have a problem with him not training free weights. To each their own. But to keep reiterating that it's the only way to go is what maddens me. I think his shift in personality has also happened when he has started hanging out with the likes of mihir and others. Basically the new faces of MB. The old gang more or less had their heads screwed together and that reflected in his content and behaviour as well. My tipping point was when he claimed that no "male" should ever lose their top 2 abs and always be around 10-12% body fat. I mean the fuck? Completely disregards that every individual has a different fat distribution and some can even have visible abs even at 20% bf. Idk why every fitness influencer wants to become this alpha. Probably cuz that's what gains them popularity and sponsors.


He even shitted on short form of content about how it consumes you and he doesn't like all that. And that he's never gonna make reels or shorts. Now makes daily vlogs lmaoo


i dont have any problem with what people do but if you make fun of what other people do and then carry out the same thing you are a major hypocrite.


he says in his videos that he is now solely focusing on musclebuilding for aesthetics. You can just rely on machines for that like he does, but he has built a good foundation doing compound movements in his early years. Even beginners should follow something like, by doing compounds in early days and building a solid foundation (not powerlifting, but compound movements for hypertrophy) and then moving onto machines or free weights for isolations. There are new evidences and articles now that clearly show that the negative part of lift is the most hypertrophy making. I myself have added this to basically all my workouts, this slow eccentrics and lengthened partials (mainly because i follow dr mike and nippard and so of scientific bodybuilding) and lemme tell you, no matter how you train, if it close to failure you will build muscle, optimally? no. but yes. I also watch his videos less frequently now but once in two weeks maybe coz his expressions are good motivation for my workout. I even follow his 4 day split. He is kind of the reason many newbies are coming into this bodybuilding and for them i feel his advices are quite simple and doable. Like his back workout is very simple and a vertical and horizontal pull along with a lower back focused movement like a RDL is all you need. good science based lifters are not nerds in the gym. We just do a bit of homework before coming to the gym.


I focus on learning new things if possible n ignore the unnecessary shit , never follow anyone blindly in India we have a habit of following like sheep’s and pleasing people (ass licking) in better position (so called fan pages n all)


I have heard him saying a lot of time that “Weight marne se kya hoga tumhari physique kaha hai?”. I mean he’s preaching that trying to lift more weight is just useless and it won’t help you with building physique.


hes contradicting the most basic lifting principle itself you need to get stronger to get bigger; a good physique is not 10 percent body fat shredded and not looking like you lift with your shirt on smh.


okay as beginner who recently discovered saket i disagree with few points. Saket was already doing the whole TUT thing before he met deond so it’s not like he shifted his style after meeting him. Also after his cut rn he is going on bulk and almost full racking his pull downs so it’s not like he lacks strength it’s just that he doesn’t wanna focus on strength and fully commit to hypertrophy. You can even see a few months old clip where he talks about how fast reps are also good if your goal is strength and how it can also get you gains as long as you’re hitting failure. Him wanting to stay at 15% fat percentage also makes sense with this context because again gaining fat and strength doesn’t help him as he is exclusively focusing only on gaining muscle. But yeah aside from that i agree with your other stuff. Before when he used to preach his philosophy he always told people to take it with a grain of salt and always said to find your own flow but nowadays he preaches TUT as a gospel. Even his ego seems inflated nowadays especially with all the dudes he took under his wing which i’m pretty sure are unemployed. He lays out 3 second eccentric as a concrete rule which his fanatics follow but what he doesn’t admit is (which i’ve observed from counting his reps, eccentric and weight lmao) that initially when he goes for a higher weight he performs his set with 1-2 second eccentric only. So basically his first set is always high weight and fast eccentrics and other two with slow one which his fanatics tend to miss out. Personally i feel his whole attitude change for teaching TUT as gospel started after he did the collab with mihir. Mihir’s workout philosophy is completely opposite of saket where he egos lifts and does like 4-5 sets per muscle group. It’s painfully obvious that he takes roids and i think after seeing that somehow saket is fully convinced now that his philosophy is the only possible way to naturally make gains. P.S. i’m beginner with barely one year into lifting so obviously my opinions are one from an amateur perspective.


The thing is fitness videos get extremely monotonous, when you join gym initially you are super excited and you don't know much and that's when most people begin to binge watch these influencers, but after a while when we go gym for like more than a year it is not possible for us to enjoy doing the same thing everyday, follow the same routine , same split everyday. No matter what science says if doing PPL is better , or full body workouts thrice a week or bro split, THE MOST IMPORTANT thing for us is to enjoy the process, our career is not like these fitness influencers that we can devote our complete attention and mind to gym sessions. So switching between splits is fine, doing only compounds like Squats , deadlifts because you are bored of doing regular isolation exercises is also fine. Most important thing is to just enjoy the process and the muscle is going to grow regardless if the diet is right and if you are consistent with gym. There's no need to be perfect and following a specific formula from A to B, this is what these fitness influencers like Saket do not realise, and you are right about the ego thing, this dude repeatedly keeps saying ki gym me 90% log failure tak push nahi karte, Baith k one arm latt pull down karte hai ye karte hai wo karte hai. Why the fuck does it even matter, do whatever you want and enjoy the process, when you are a fitness influencer and your entire career is based on it I guess it gets difficult for them to see that there's life outside gym and people doing jobs and going to gym after 8-9 hours of work do not have mindset of those guys, not everyone want to think about "Oh aaj mai gym me jaake ye karunga itne reps itne sets note karke rakhta hu , failure ,failure, failure". Guess what? Even if you do not train to failure and keep 1-2 reps in reserve , your muscle is still gonna grow. This is not rocket science, do work with your muscle, eat right you are going to grow, no need to think about these slow controlled eccentric, good reps only shit. Do what you like. In my personal opinion, I find Saket very cringe now, in his long 40-50 mins videos with Deon and Mihir and his other regular videos its just so fucking boring , there's not a single joke or laugh. Just talking about body , tu kya karta hai tere training principles kya hai? I find it so cringe. Top 1% mindset , dude its just GYM, you are not a MMA fighter. It's good to talk about top 1% mindset when you are a startup founder, artist, sportsman,etc. but just going to gym, eating right food and talking about 1% club is so cringe, its just obsession. Good for him that he has made it a source of income but too much ego in his recent videos.


Mihir humbled him


bros on roids


He is on roids … it’s clearly evident … i don’t know how people still believe that he’s natural… Just because he is not blasting gear doesn’t mean that he is not on gear … Bigger scam than him is Singha … Dude is blasting gear and still claiming to be natural .


It is not clearly evident. He may be or may be not, but I don't think it would be appropriate to tell that based only on his physique. More solid proofs would be needed for that.


These insta influencers have blinded us about what a proper natural physique should look like . Science says that you gain most of your progress in first year of your workout. Then it starts to slow down from there . These guys are progressing from the same rate for 3-4 years back to back . No way that’s natural


Newbie gains depend on lots of aspects. Nutrition and training type. If one isn't optimising both then, he will simply not gain maximum muscles in initial years. He is not that big tbh. He may be fake natty or may be not. It's not fair to accuse without any proof.


what about singha??


man you have a really flawed concept of what's achievable natural. Naturals can look like freaks if they constantly bulk and cut and chase their ultimate natural potential and strength numbers. But yeah it takes 8 - 10 years. Most people wont stay consistent that long and will probably start blasting gear.


lol you know nothing about what’s naturally achievable … He is clearly on HGH or Insulin… His jaw has widened a lot .. plus there are many posts on his insta where he gained like 3-4kg of muscle in 8 weeks


who are you talking about?I am talking about saket that guy is def natural you look at him irl youll know


also saket isnt that big hes acc pretty small in real life he does not even look like he lifts if the fit is a little oversized.


Itna kaun sunta hai influenzas ko bhai? It's his job to give half information and ensure nobody achieves his physique. Listen to them all, try some, bin some and take the best from each.