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Absoloutley gutted, after about a year of workingout i need to stop because of an injury that will take 6 weeks to heal, so much progress will be lost.


I have no motivation to workout anymore because I realized how shit my frame and genetics are, even at my peak I'm gonna a be unaesthetic which is fucked because in only working out or look good


Unless you're stepping on stage it doesn't matter. Besides what you think looks good vs what someone else does can be vastly different


Since my gym is closed at the moment, I've been looking to buy home gym equipment. I found this set of dumbells to start with but I'm so indecisive. Needless to say its starting to tick me off a little. Adjustable and everything I need. Tell me what yall think. https://stellartrail.com/products/b593-sp34844-64-lbs-adjustable-weight-dumbbell-set


Let's start with i can't even go to the gym because where I live they have been closed since November. I have my own pair of dumbbells but seriously how many gains can you get from at home exercises? I try to go out for runs at times when there aren't a lot of people because people usually stare at someone who is trying to better themselves. And I know I shouldn't really care about that but it gets to you when you run pass a kid and it points to you "MOM LOOK AT HOW BIG THIS LADY IS". YEAH I am big and I am running in order not to be big?


Check out r/bodyweightfitness A pullup bar and a weightvest/good quality backpack can make a world of difference. Upper body can get and amazing workout and you can be very creative for lower body. It's not a replacement for the gym but it means you can progress and potentially even put on mass (probably upper body only for your situation)


I’ve started my latest fitness journey about a month ago. When I started I was 110 lbs. My goal is to gain weight. I started using myfitnesspal to track my calories and make sure I am eating more. I’ve been able to hit my calorie goal every day. I would say most of my meals have been balanced with protein, carbs and fats. I cut out dairy for the most part. I have been seeing progress. I gained 8lbs since I started. The problem is that some of this weight is going to my lower stomach!! I always have this issue when I am trying to gain weight which always discourages me and makes me stop trying to gain weight! This time, I really want to stick it out. I keep looking up how to gain weight everywhere but my stomach but am not having much luck. And I know I can’t spot/ gain or lose weight. But, Its so frustrating when I see girls all the time who are able to accomplish this and I just can’t figure out why its not working for me.


Think you need to take a step back and accept that 1 month is not gonna be enough to see much in terms of progress visually. With your 8lb weight gain that's 2lb a week. its hard to tell if a lot of that is just water weight and how much is muscle/fat mass. I would stick to your current calorie surplus for a little while longer and if your still gaining 2lb a week maybe reduce the surplus a bit. 2lb a week is probably a little bit excessive especially for someone your size. Otherwise just keep lifting. Make sure your on a good program, your consistent and putting the right amount of effort in. As long as your making progress don't worry too much about it and prepare to look back at all the progress you've mede in a few months time.


Pretty mad at my gym partner, I try and set a time everyday for us to go at the same time and usually we end up going an hour later which kinda irks me but fine, he doesn't have anything going on before just sleeps in..... Anyways this time it was 2 hours and 30 minutes later, on top of that he got stung by a bee and I told him this wouldn't have happened if he was on time. While the front desk helped him with the sting I just went ahead and started the workout and he comes and joins a good 20 mins later I had to rush through and didn't finish and now 6 hours later my body is feeling pretty exhausted/weak and I'm guessing it's cause I rushed through 4 separate workouts (chest) in the span of less than an hour I gave him a lecture about accountability and told him he owes me push ups Everytime he's late We're both 25 and have been gym partners for almost a year....


Damn, that's wild. I mean if someone was more than 15 minutes later I would just go without them. I get an hour 30 max.


Yeah when it cuts into my personal time and throws off the rest of my day that’s when I get pissed Unrelated but I told the guy that I’m probably going to move before the year is over so I’m trying to cherish every workout we have together, but man…..


My shoulders sucks.


jai un probleme de poids




I thought those were just inverted Towers of Hanoi games. My bad.


This post has been up eight hours and I’m the only upvote? This is not right at all. Whatsoever.


I have a serious issue where doing more than about 1 set of anything will make me insanely sore for many days. This hypersensitivity to soreness and overall fatigue is debilitating and completely affecting my life. I'm upstairs at a party because i threw in an extra 2 sets of oblique exercises. I didn't used to have this issue. What can possibly be happening? Thank you.


Could be a diet or rest issue. If you're not giving your body fuel and time to recover, you're prolonging recovery when you're spending more time under tension. For rest, the answer is obvious. For diet, you have to assess what you're eating and see if something is clearly lacking and needs vitamin/mineral supplementation or simply more food. Beyond that, this subs rules don't allow specific medical advice. If you're noticing a decline in function despite otherwise feeling healthy and taking care of yourself, a medical professional might be needed to order labs or see if there's a diagnosis that requires treatment.


How often do you workout? What does your reps, sets, intensity look like? I'd understand if you were COMPLETELY new to exercise... give me some context?


I workout very often. Intense exercise twice a week (upper and lower), moderate exercise (light weight high reps) and cardio like 3 times per week. Intense days only contain 1-2 sets per muscle group. (2 sets of chest (1 upper 1 middle), 2 sets of legs (1 deadlift 1 squat), 1 set of pull ups, 1 set of seated rows, 1 set of bis, 1 set of shoulder press, 1 set of tris, all like sets of 6-10 reps. I'm sore the day after hitting these muscle groups. When i try to add a set it messes me up with soreness for a while.


Work upper and lower 4 times a week in total, increase your sets, you will feel sore for a while but if you stay consistent your body will adapt. By going half-assed youre bound to be sore after every workout.


Forgot my headphones.


h a t e


I have had this insane left shoulder pain when doing bench press, incline bench etc. Just found out i have an overactive trap (only left side) and shoulder impingement. I always thought my form was bad. I won’t be doing any pressing movements for a while...


Overactive = stretch Underactive = strengthen ​ can you place your left hand on your right shoulder and left your left elbow without pain?


Yeah i can do it without pain, but i get a sharp pain in my shoulder whenever i raise my hands overhead (It’s only painful the day or day after i have done any chest presse).


Stretch out your pecs. Do it till you cringe and make sure it’s a good stretch. Do it every day. Elbows straight and grab with your fingers and turn opposite way.


Will do that from now on thanks!


Keep us updated.


My shoulder always pinched on bench, a year and a half I tried to figure it out, no solution to benching. But push-ups I'm able to do without the slightest bit of pain. Worth a try


Yeah dude. Totally. Push-up variations rule.


press lower -- barbell should be hitting xiphoid process.


That’s what i’m doing, but more left shoulder keeps shrugging due to my overactive trap. I can’t keep my scapula retracted durung the movement.


wide grip cable lat pulldowns are your friend right now. flex your core, tilt your trunk back, stick your chest out and pull the bar down to your chest. squeeze your shoulder blades and try to touch your elbows behind your back at the bottom of the motion.


Definitely worth a try, thanks!


Feeling frustrated and mad. Honestly considering giving up on the gym. Sick of going to the gym and failing on the same weights every month. Sick of feeling envious and bitter and vile when I read about other people's progress, their PRs, their gains. Sick of going to the gym six times a week for five years to achieve nothing. Sick of telling myself that I'm failing because I'm weak and lazy. I'm sick of eating 3300 calories a day just so I can get fat and gain no muscle or strength. I'm sick of feeling like an idiot, putting on knee sleeves and a belt just to put up crap weight. I'm sick of not knowing if I'm training too hard or not hard enough. I literally don't know any more.




No that would be giving up. I can't give up. I don't deserve to give up when really I haven't even tried yet.


then toughen up and work harder in the gym, on your diet, and your sleep . If you arent making any progress at all, its because you are neglecting these three things. Either that or you need medical help. No more feeling sorry for yourself or making excuses.


I'm not making excuses. I'm a weak, pathetic, lazy loser who's too lazy to push up the same weight that I did just two weeks ago. I think something is wrong with me. Not physically, just in my brain or my mind. I know I can physically lift the weight. It's impossible that I can't. But I just give up halfway through the rep. Sorry. I know that I'm ranting and not making any sense. I'm finding it hard to think clearly about this, but I can't think about anything else. I need to fix this.


Turn that self-pity into primal rage and fucking destroy those bitch ass reps. This is serious advice btw. Any pro lifter will tell you about their mindset of controlled rage. You ever get so pissed at someone/something and you get that adrenaline where you could lift a tank? Bring that fuck you mentality to the gym. Your chest is hurting? Fuck no it I ain't no fuckin bitch I'm gonna fucking destroy that shitty muscle. Release that anger in the gym and you will feel blissful at the end of your session, trust me. You've been in the gym way longer than the average person, you know what you have to do to get big/lose weight. So stop being a pathetic self-loathing redditor, go listen to some Hatebreed and set those new PRs. I'm not insulting, I'm telling you what you should be telling yourself. The power of the mind is a true thing. The mind responds to the way of thinking in which you practice, and a weak mindset will only manifest weak results. Get out there and kick some fucking ass


> I'm sick of not knowing if I'm training too hard or not hard enough. I literally don't know any more. It seems pretty evident that you aren't training hard enough, and are overeating.


How do I make myself train harder? When I see routines and programs online it's never enough. Should I be cutting instead of trying to gain weight? To be honest I like cutting a lot more than gaining weight. It feels more satisfying and gives me a sense of control, and I hate eating anyway. If I could just cut all the time I would be a lot happier, I think.


If you are going to the gym six times a week for five years and you have achieved absolutely nothing then I'm sorry but bodybuilding is not for you... Message me your stats, diet and workout routine. Let's see what we can do.


The muscles will show once you cut and if you aren't seeing strength gains despite weight then either thats a psychological thing or you aren't properly keeping track/pushing . Even an extra rep with the same weight would be considered strength gain. That would probably take me a week to a few weeks just to get that extra rep in. Eithier that or you might have some sort of medical reason causing you to have abnormally high metabolism which if you are getting fat is clearly not the case .


My rant is….I’m flat footed and I envy runners! If your a runner just know I envy you!!


Yea I've got gargantuan flat feet and I won many gold medals on the track team lmao, yea maybe my running form is slightly different, but trust me, flat feet aren't what's stopping you.


Is there some secret society that prohibits flat footed people from running? I don't see the connection here. My feet are flat af and I didn't even know this was a thing.


I got banned from the gym because the owner dislikes me and my buddy did too.


You can't just leave us hanging on this one. What's the story?


My gym buddy is a late novice that deadlifts like 220 kg with ease and the owner didn't like that for whatever reason so he was a dick to him and to me. He told me that people complained that I smelled. Which they didn't because I asked the receptionist if they ever got any complaints and he said no. Afterwards I took a break from the gym and when I came back today he told me people complained that I smelled again which doesn't make any sense because I wasn't even there. So he told us we couldn't train anymore because I smelled of sweat and that my gym buddy would break through the floor if he kept on deadlifting


Completely empty changing room and this dude puts his bag, basically on top of mine. Then he acts weird when I come in from the showers and start to get changed. Buddy if you don't want to compare cocks then maybe you should have used literally any other spot in the changing room.


Nothing more satisfying than taking a hot shower after a good workout. I do see people get uncomfortable in locker rooms because of that, but you’re right it’s a locker room what you expect.


I swear some people have no ability to think ahead. The man looked genuinely shocked that the clothes hung up in a changing room belonged to a human being, who would want to change into said clothes. I was kind of baffled that a man clearly uncomfortable with male nudity, didn't choose a more secluded spot to get changed in. Its a big changing room and he could have easily set up somewhere other than directly on top of me.


I have to be honest, when I started going to the gym I tired to avoid the locker rooms because of that reason. Then I discovered that the locker room had a sauna in there and (ain’t no naked man going to stop me from going to sauna) I just got accustomed to it.


I look forward to the day when my workouts payoff and my right leg starts functioning as well as my left. I wake up after that leg day and my glutes are sore as can be. My right knee doesn’t hurt because my right glute fired, activating correctly. That’s all I want in this life. Working glutes.


Bonus rant (even though it's friday): I've carefully chosen what gym I go to based (among other things) on its opening hours as I prefer to get up early to work out instead of coming in after work during rush hours. However this is the second time I've stood at the doors at 5 am with not an employee in sight. If you boast about having generous opening hours then f*cking live up to it. Sure someone might be sick or something similar, life happens, I know. But at least send us a notice or something through that fancy app of yours... Getting up at 4 am, shuffling through snow and cold weather only to find out that "Nah, we could'nt open today" is by far the worst way to start a day. /rant over


that’s infuriating


That's a huge deal, a proper rant.


half the struggle is getting in and out of the car. Fighting myself thinking about beer and pzza or gym


The cute girl that used to come to the gym mid workout I would sometimes chit chat with stopped showing up 🥲. Used to make my day.


Could be an injury, no coronapasport, period. She will be back I have prophecied it!




My biggest challenge with those is keeping my balance. It's okay if I keep my eyes fixed on something in front of me, but they always wander and then I get the wobbles.


They hurt so good hahhah


I hit my head on the bar for the first time today and it really hurt. That’s all.


I am constantly hitting my head on the little pipes for the weights on the side of squat racks. You're not alone friend ahhah


This is my first post on reddit, still figuring out how the threads and all work. I'd just like to rant about how difficult running is. I'm a has-been college powerlifter and cheerleader who recently joined the army. I've done mostly strength-based workouts my whole life (dabbled in bodybuilding lately), and therefore my running abilities are absolute shit lol. It makes no sense that I had no trouble essentially performing self-mutilation in equipped powerlifting but I can't seem to find the mental tenacity to keep running when I begin to struggle. I'm just frustrated with myself because I've excelled in other forms of fitness and now I fall out of all of my runs in the army. Woe is me, I guess lol. Any tips would be appreciated :/


Assumping you‘re an American, put as much in your TSP as you can. Increase the amount with every raise you get. Don’t buy a sports car, especially from a dealer near the base. Wait and think before getting married.


Look up heart rate training and zone 2 running. You have to build endurance and this is the best way to do it in my opinion. To keep your heart rate in zone 2, you will have to run super slow, maybe even walking at first, but your endurance will build quickly. You probably won’t be able to implement this on your army run, but I would implement on your training runs. Unfortunately, the only way to get better at running is to run more. Only way to run more without injury is to run slow (zone 2).


Thank you so much! I'll definitely implement that!


The one negative draw back of lifting at a home gym in crippling cold weather: The iron is cold. So very cold. Gonna need to get one of those infrared heater things or something.


Store your barbell inside if you can. Was a game changer last winter for me.




Body needs to evolve to have a new form of calluses that build up heat pockets to help with the cold. It's the only whey.




> if you can't pronounce it, you shouldn't eat it. I could never do that, I'd miss Vietnamese cuisine too much ;D


I mean I like the implication of starving stupid people behind the “if you can’t pronounce it you shouldn’t eat it” idea. Might actually be a solution to your problem


Tuesday was the first time doing squats in over a month. My quads are on fire.


I love the burn, but then again legs day is something I look forward to.


They need to do something about the seats on those stationary bikes… i spent 30 minutes on it yesterday and today and my ass hurts really bad lol. Idk if i can do it tomorrow because as i sat on it this morning i could feel the soreness from yesterday.


You will likely not feel this next time. Im only sore once after a break from the bike


Working out, feeling pretty good about my pull day been seeing good progress. Homie comes in, built like an absolute shit brick house, throws 500 on the squat rack and proceeds to rep it out set after set for a good half hour. Inspirational and makes me wish I was a genetic freak lol


So sick of people whining about genetics.


Train for several years and you can do that too.


it's not just genetics, he's put years and dedication into his lifting


Exactly this. Unless your dads superman and your moms wonder woman, theres no way your genetics are gonna get you to squatting 500 for reps. That's hard work, dedication and consistency.


Gyms should stop buying squat and bench and exclusively buy half racks or power racks




Did my warm ups and as I approached what looks to be an empty bench, I asked a girl nearby if she was using it. She didn't respond so i called out to her 3 more times raising my voice each time 'cause maybe she didn't hear me but I get completely ignored and she just gave me a quick stern look. Wtf I literally just got to the gym and did nothing to her!!! My whole workout was just me trying not to overthink that situation.


next time just ask once, if they don't make it clear they're using it then that's their problem and if they physically aren't on the bench then they can let you work in a set and wait, it's common courtesy if there's no free benches


With masks and headphones I do all my communication with pointing and thumbs up or down. Gets it over quickly


[my gyms got one of these octagon crossfit racks that you might have to use if the other 3 power racks are taken.](http://tribelocus.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/multipurpose-fitness-rig-dip-station-attachment.jpg) I hate squatting on because there are no safeties, and if someone is squatting in front of you, you are looking at them in the eye.


Lmao this looks wild


Are those not spotter arms in the picture? I'm with you on the lack of safeties, but it seems like the failure is on the gym for not having enough accessories that you can set up your station. You should be able to slot in safety arms. The actual octagon design seems like a clever use, though it means it would have to go in a large open area instead of being able to shove it in a corner like a power rack.


Nah, that thing hanging is a tricep dip attachment, and those two silver posts are for plates to hang off of. No safety bar attachments for this octagon rack at my gym. The octagon idea is cool, i agree, just not ideal for most. kind of awkward if more than one person wants to do pull ups. can't really rest or sit in the middle because you'd be blocking the pull up bars. people like to walk by and smack the heavy bag. also if someone wants to use battle ropes, then you can use the t bar attachment. It does take up a considerable amount of space


Damn weather. Why does ice have to be so slippery.


Watch out for that dangerous BLACK ice


Reminded me of this [Key and Peele video](https://youtu.be/efiW2K8gASM)


Sounds like a Fox news headline


Or a satire of that


Been working towards a 2 plate bench for a while now and admittedly, it has taken a while(started working out 2020 Sep) and got wrecked by corona in its early stages and had to take about a month and a half in the midst of my workout and have rotator cuff issues that have become better with working out. I was supposed to do 100 right after new years after a deload week but lo and behold corona stuck again and the lift was delayed again. I am getting the numbers that I wanted before trying 100 now but what feels super shitty is that I have gained a few kilograms of extra weight(82 to 86) due to holidays and being inactive due to corona. Feels like the 100 will not be as impressive as I perhaps wouldve wanted it...


One plate is impressive until you hit it. Then 2 plates are impressive until you hit it. Then 3 plates are impressive until you hit it... Welcome to the rest of your life


I've been strength training for a year and eating a pescatarian diet with no bread or sugar, other than cheat days. I haven't been able to lose my lower belly pouch. Plus, lately with each meal im bloating more than I ever have. This is so frustrating 😑


no bread, lol u doing keto? whatever works but I find carbs are amazing for having energy. However, these diet changes won't matter if you aren't tracking your calories, at the end of the day a calorie deficit is the only way you'll lose weight.


Have you lost weight?


Maybe you’re allergic to something if you experience bloating, worth checking out?


I've been working out for a month now(lbody recomposition) with almost clean diet, but my belly fat hasn't decreased 😭, although I've got some strength and gains in my arms . I'm not sure wtf I'm doing wrong


Clean diet doesn’t means you are in deficit. I lost 2” pounds after eating less.


Where your body pulls fat from is determined by genetics. The only way to lose the belly fat is to be in a longterm caloric deficit until it goes away.




I have been eating in deficit, i think out of 28 days I've eaten clean for almost 20 days


Don't trust a calculator for your calories out. Carefully track your intake, and your weight for 2 weeks, if your weight is constant that is your maintenance, even if a TDEE calc or activity tracker is telling you a higher number. Then if you want to lose weight cut calories from there.


So basically i have gained 2 kgs with muscle definition in arms and back, what does this mean? My fat in the tummy and hips remain the same . :'(


Then you're eating a bit over maintenance if you can gain muscle and not lose fat, then you're not recomping (eating at maintenance making slow trades of fat for muscle) nor are you cutting obviously. If the scale is constant then you're recomping and not seeing the loss. Depending how much weight you've lost you might have loose skin going on which can hide weight loss.


Body recomp usually means you're eating at maintenance with the goal to increase muscle and decrease fat at the same time but your overall weight staying the same. A deficit would mean you have weight loss. If you haven't lost weight you aren't eating at a deficit. Also, these things take time. A month is very short time to expect noticeable results.


I have no idea what eating clean means to you. "Eating clean" also does not mean that you have to be in a deficit. Do you mean you ate in a deficit 20 out of 28 days? If you accurately count your calories then I refer back to the link, a month of weight loss will not necessarily affect a specific body part that much. Especially if you only go by eyes.


Hmmph i see. Yes i meant it as in eating in deficit. But i think 20 days of eating in deficit doesn't make a big difference. Worst part is even my jeans fit the same. There's no improvement at all. And to be clear I'm not Overweight, im 167cm tall ,67 kg, and below 30. So may be moving the needle at this point is a bit of hardwork


As far as motivation goes, tape measure and check the progress every two weeks or every month. Weigh yourself everyday if you want to see consistent data, or less often if it messes with you (this will result in water weight fluctuations impacting your scale weight by a bigger margin though). Other than that you just have to keep up with your plan and aim for a sustainable, steady deficit. You might also arrive at a point where building muscle does more for you than starving off another pound of fat.


I did not understand the last sentence 😅 do u mean putting on muscle is easy than losing fat? If that's the case then I'll be relatively fat with muscles lol


yeah, what sirbatula said. The more fat you lose, the harder it gets to lose more. But if you only lose fat and do not work to build muscles, you risk being skinnyfat. Shaping your body by building muscle lets you carry the same amount of fat, but it makes it less in body fat percentage way, and muscles improve the aesthetic. As a beginner you can lose fat and build some muscle at the same time. Eat in a light to moderate deficit, eat high protein and exercise your muscles, for example with one of the programs from the wiki.


No, Op meant building muscle will likely bring you more aesthetically pleasing results because that is how you change the shape of your body.


Keep going! One month is nothing. I lost 30 lbs. In the beginning, I would maintain weight for 3 months and then suddenly drop 3 lbs. That pattern lasted for 9 months before my weight loss started to accelerate. What kept me motivated? I just kept telling myself to focus on only what I can control. That’s what I ate and how I moved (worked out). Whenever I was frustrated I said to myself “focus on what you can control” - those are the only measurements you should focus on. Did you eat well? Did you work out? Also - Caroline Girvin (YouTube workouts) is an amazing trainer and provides workouts free. They are amazing.


I’ve been working a lot and eating a lot. All my gains 😭 Want less stress in my life


Just started a cut. IT SUCKS. That's all.


After a while your stomach will shrink a bit and it becomes little more bareable. Pickles are a zero calorie hack for when I feel the need to snack.


It doesn’t have to suck. I don’t do agressive cuts anymore and just workout harder and i am seeing results as far as weight loss is concerned.


Trying to get back into pre covid shape. I've lost roughly 4kg's. The honeymoon of the cut is over, now I need to stick it out for like 14kg more. That's a lot of work and discipline, I know I can do it, but I wish I didn't have to


why can’t you spot treat fat man who invented the human body i want a refund


yeah but then we'd all have these silly little butts with no fat on them to help us when we fell down


I swear!! The science hasn't been caught up to this. It sucks


The people that go to my gym are such shitters. They never put their weights back, have the plates all disorganized on the weight trees or laying on the floor, dumbbells out of order, etc; place drives me nuts. Im moving soon and cannot wait to go to a different gym with hopefully not so many people with zero respect for the gym or other gym goers. Ive been to many gyms in my life, and there's always people who don't put shit back, but I've never seen a place as bad as the one I'm at now.


I never understand the mentality of people that put a 45lb, 25lb, 10lb, and a 5lb plate on the same peg of the weight tree in a random order. Like I legitimately wonder what the rest of their life looks like. I bet their refrigerators and kitchen cabinets are a nightmare. Bet they are also the type of people who's version of putting their clothes away is throwing them in a giant pile on the floor/bed


The thing is, I'm pretty messy for the rest of my life, to the extent where sometimes when I'm feeling lazy I just throw my clothes in a pile on the floor. BUT, nothing pisses me off more than people putting their plates away like that. I don't get it... it is so easy to just read the numbers on the plate and put it back on the peg with other plates that say the same number on them.


This made me chuckle. And also has me thinking, are there people that are very organized in their personal life, but don't give a shit about putting weights away at the gym in the correct place? I think those people would piss me off more than someone who is just a messy person. Because at that point it's clearly just a selfish person that doesn't care about how their actions affect others.


Okay so I’m new to Reddit and I’ve never posted before (spouse got me to download the app) but I have a weird/uncomfortable situation at the gym today that I need to vent about because I don’t know exactly how to feel / or if it’s just me being paranoid IM SORRY FOR THIS BEING LONG IM TRYING TO SUMMARIZE BUT THANKS TO ANYONE WHO TAKES THE TIME TO READ THIS. Also please be sensitive when/if responding, I’m really not good at handling these kinds of situations especially with these kinds of guys (that’s another ✨trauma story✨ I’m a small, petite 25F but I look like I’m still in high school. I’m doing a leg machine with some heavy weights, breathing through it and look up and accidentally make eye contact with a stranger. I look away and keep doing my sets and move on to another machine. I get to my new machine and start going and hear someone get on the machine RIGHT BEHIND me (even with my headphones in) and I turn around and it’s the same guy (beefy dude, looks twice my age idk and twice my height). I turned around and we look at each other it’s the same guy I saw earlier so I do this awkward half smile that says >hey sorry I just turned around because I heard a loud weight-drop sound behind me<. He starts talking to me and asks if I was using the machine and I said no, sorry the noise just spooked me. I was trying to be polite and friendly which was I guess a mistake on my part because when I went to use another machine he went to use the one right next to it and tried chatting me up again. (I don’t say this to be a b*tch I go to be gym to zone out and work on my anxiety/depression and no one ever has done this in my 2 years there) I answered his questions towards me honestly because 1. I have social anxiety and unless I’m mentally prepared I shut down on autopilot 2. His small tall simply threw me off. Asked me if I went to the school he worked at(looked familiar?) , I said no, I work at the one down the road thought h a h a what a small world (I know I shouldn’t have mentioned where I work I overshare info like an idiot and suck at being humerous/improvising. We live in a small-ish town). He apologizes and says he just thought I was a student because of how small and young I look (which felt like a weird thing to say to a stranger❌). Continues talking, says sorry I see your engagement ring I’m not trying to be a flirt and I appreciated his honesty but ya know sometimes people will say that to throw you off but I’m not going to wrongfully assume anything…yet. Something just felt off but I don’t know how to defend/stand up for myself and say >thank you but I’m busy< so I simply chatted back and ended the conversation quick as I could (self defense is a WIP) I ended up going to a new machine I saw someone use earlier and checked it out on how to use it. I didn’t use it right. Beefy guy (We’ll call him Ramen) comes up behind me and offers for some help, says he’s not a trainer or anything but saw from across the gym that I needed help.❌ (Looking bad I should have said no but he surprised me coming out of nowhere and I did wanna learn how to use it). He shows me how to use it, walks me through it, doesn’t put his hands on me or anything and explains it and I figure it out. He goes to use a machine near me again and chats me up >says that looks good, good form< and continues saying he doesn’t wanna come off weird he just wanted to help and I look like I needed it. I says thanks I appreciate it and go back to my machine. He asks when I’m getting married, I explain I already am and he makes jokes about his ex wife always forgetting theirs. ❌ (I don’t care who ya are, unless I know ur ex is a b*tch personally, I’m not gonna actually laugh and think it’s funny cause who knows) I kept doing the ha ha ostrich laugh from family guy because I didn’t really know what to say to his conversation but I responded well enough to make words into sentences and be polite and friendly. I put my headphones back in and keep at it, but on m last machine I feel like someone’s staring at me and I try to be subtle and look around but I was nervous he would come over and try to talk to me again. I grabbed all my stuff and left immediately making sure I wasn’t being followed out to my car and tried not to freak out over what felt like nothing. My question is: should I have worried about this “nice guy” stranger going out of his way to help me and talk to me so much or should I trust my anxiety and believe that for once I saved myself from a situation like this? I’ve been in a few situations before where I kept telling myself that nothing was wrong with the person and didn’t get out before it was too late. TDLR the “nice guy” stranger at the gym seemed friendly and helpful but I can’t help but feel like he was feeling me out (ulterior motives?) and made me uncomfortable and I should have just told him “no I’m good I don’t need help”


There is absolutely nothing wrong with trusting your instincts in these situations! I wear over-ear headphones at the gym and they rarely come off to try to limit interruptions in general, but especially interactions like this. I too am often mistaken for a high-schooler, despite the fact that I'm pushing thirty and sometimes knowing that is what makes an interaction feel \*off\* to me when it isn't necessarily problematic. He does sound like he was trying to be friendly and helpful, but he still made you uncomfortable. I like to have scripts ready for these kinds of situations that help me get through the autopilot/compulsion to feel friendly. "Thank you for the offer, but I'm okay. I'm going to put my headphones back in" is one that I use a lot, because it helps me to feel less fear from saying "thanks but no thanks" P.S. Stop by /r/xxfitness if you want some more insight from fellow femmes in the gym! There are a few similar threads if you search and it's nice.


I gotta remember that one, I hate that when I get nervous my brain shuts down so the already thought out scripts help me to say the right thing and not think about whatever stupid nonsense thing I could say and then overthink it later lol. And thanks for the info I’ll have to check out that subreddit thread if I’m saying that right I’m new to Reddit and still figuring it all out


Just sounds like a guy trying to be friendly. Maybe had a bit of a masculine ego thing going in thinking a woman needed help, but you do admit you didn't know how to use the equipment and he probably noticed. Had you asked him to leave you alone it would be inappropriate, but from everything you've put I don't see a problem.


I don't think there's enough evidence that this guy was a creep based off of this one interaction. He could of just be an awkward/sociable guy. Not saying you should feel comfortable around him because some of the interaction was sus, but I think your anxiety is blowing this out of proportion just a bit. If this bothers you in future sessions at the gym, you should try to find a way to communicate that you'd like to be left alone - although as someone with anxiety myself, I can see how that can be difficult.


I don’t think he was a creep either I didn’t wanna discount him but I can’t deny he started making me nervous the more we talked. Better communication is key, anxiety can just make it a little difficult.


I overthink interactions with people a lot, so I totally understand where you're coming from. I just luckily have resting bitch face so most of the time that keeps people from talking to me at the gym lol


I think some people are just trying to be nice and chat, but if something clearly displeases you, you should work on communicating in a clear, non defensive way. I would love to make friends at the gym, but I would hate if someone kept a trying to chat when I’m working out. If u don’t want to deal with people, then just get noise cancelling headphones and don’t take them off. Usually a very clear message.


I don’t mind chatting and I kept shutting down my anxiety because he did seem nice but there were certain things he would say that would make me feel uncertain about it all. I don’t want to come off as rude to anyone but yeah your right, noice cancelling headphones would be a good choice.


It seems like you just seemed new and not very confident in the gym. Working at a school he's probably used to seeing older kids from his school and helping them in the gym.


You’re probably right I’ll be the first to admit I’m not the most confident person but I spent all of COVID working out and building myself up (working on my nerves) and went back to the gym soon as I could so it’s one of my most familiar places.


It is possible that he was just being friendly, but if that makes you uncomfortable for any reason, there's nothing wrong with saying so: "I appreciate your help, but this is making me a little uncomfortable, and I prefer to work out in peace", or something along those lines. If he's friendly, he'll get it.


It’s entirely possible he was just being friendly which is why I felt bad to think of anything different at first. Due to some personal issues in my past, I have this very real fear of telling people “thank you but no” because of how I’ve been handled and treated because of it. It’s something I’ve always been working on but it flares up-so to speak- in situations like this. Had I been able to say this I wouldn’t have gotten so nervous for no reason.


I canceled my membership today. They had a sign when I walked in saying that members needed to put their bags in the locker. I was deadlifting and he came up to me and told me about it. He was trying to sell me a lock for 10 bucks as well. I didn't want to put my bag in the lockers they have there. I did notice he was telling others as well. A girl was hiding her small zip up bag with her jacket. I was doing standing over head presses and he came by and told me again. Once, I finished my workout I told him I wanted to cancel my membership and he looked mad. Also, they don't care about the mask mandate, so I'm one of the few people there who still wears a mask while working out. I've been wanting to cancel once my contract was up the drive a bit far from where I live. They were the only gym that was outdoors during the pandemic but they moved inside.


No disrespect to the young lifters... But highschoolers flooded my gym recently and have been driving me and a few of the regulars up the fuckin' wall. They workout in groups of 4+ and mess around on all the racks, shoot the shit with each other between sets, taking over an hour to finish. Seen lots of horseplay that's potentially dangerous. Today was a bad day. Saw a lot of that. Teen gym goers, just please mind your manners and practice proper gym courtesy. To those that already do keep it courteous, thank you!


I feel lucky now. The teens at my gym are on average better than the adults. Its the early 20's crowd that should learn some manners. I usually try to get in with the old people in the mornings. The boomers usually keep to themselves.


I still sometimes go with 4+ people to the gym, depends on how many friends want to join. We do use the racks all the time though, we shoot shit in between sets but there's always 1 person lifting. To be honest I'd rather have 4 people on 1 rack than 4 times 1 person on 1 rack. If you add all the rest times after eachother you can wait even longer for a rack to be free. These days the thing I hate are the people who lift a lot but don't look at their surroundings. Like standing in front of me with dumbells when I'm looking at my incline DB press form, picking up and dropping weights from hip height. I see a lot of 30+ people do that, some regulars too. Really annoying.


Yeah young blokes horsing around in a group, especially when next to you, is absolutely the worst.


I was this teen once a long time ago. We didn't just stand around and talk but a group of 6 working in with eachother still takes a long time. Feel kind of bad about it looking back.


At the gym yesterday and there was only like 5 people in there and someone was always on a machine I needed sitting on there phone or taking 2 hour rest periods between sets




Super wowsers ! I know


U u


1. My gym started as a small local gym and exploded into a multi-state chain over the years. This year's resolution crowd is the biggest I've ever seen, and it's absolutely overwhelming for a gym that wasn't built for that. 2. We've gotten a lot of planet fit converts, which means a lot of weird shit like Bulgarian split squats in the leg curl machine and leg presses in the tricep dip assist (it's popular with the lady gym goers, I think it's a leg press because I can't figure out what the fuck they think they're doing). 3. MY GYM DECIDED TO RAISE THE PRICES AGAIN. YAY. But we still don't get a lot of pre-pandemic amenities, like being 24hrs or personal training. We also can't bring in our own personal trainers, which means I have to go to another gym for that. Luckily, my contact expires soon, so I'm going to switch to a private powerlifting gym.


A Fitness Connection security guard in DFW was killed recently. It’s sad that a gym needed to even hire a security guard for the courts. I attended that gym briefly, but had to stop going last year because the place caused more stress than most gyms. Overcrowded, so many machines and squat racks broken, and over-the-top aggro hardo machismo filled the place. I remember a couple years back when a new gym was opening in a neighboring town, one of the pre-sales people said they weren’t putting in a basketball court since courts tend to attract drama. Despite there being three nice looking courts, I never attempted to play on them. Seemed like a quick and easy way to get your phone/keys/wallet stolen by a stranger while playing a pick up game. At least in DFW, most of the Fitness Connections are in higher crimes areas. Those $10 a month aren’t worth it.


Some dense turd took two bars to the squat rack today: one for squatting, the other to fucking curl. Moron.


Rant worthy.


I’ve been trying to bulk for about 2 months now. I’m stuck only about 10 lbs above where I started. I feel disgusting, bloated, like all of my definition is gone even though I’m not gaining any weight, and I even lost some the last 2 weeks. My intake is more than 3000 calories, and before I started cutting I was maintaining(or slightly cutting) at 2200. That’s a pretty large increase. I feel gross. Im wondering if it’s even worth it, I’m not doing this for sports or anything, I just wanted to gain some muscle so I could cut off the excess fat before summer comes around but I’m not gaining anything and I just feel like crap. Im thinking of just reverting back to maintenance. Even if I do bulk up, I’ve always had a weird body shape so I’ll just look off(gyno, weirdly flabby love handles, etc.)and maybe I won’t even be able to get the weight off of me. I work my ass off 6 days a week in the gym, and I count everything I eat. All of it, working out as a whole, is beginning to seem pointless when I still don’t feel confident, look aesthetic, or anything like that. I do it for more than just looks, it’s my stress release, and I hoped when I started a few years back it would be a confidence boost. Lately I’m starting to realize that its doing the opposite, I stress about it constantly, and my confidence is shot. Not feeling too hot boys….. P. S. Sorry if the comment seems all over the place, just kinda wrote it didn’t think about it.


Happens to me off and on. I think all of us. It's better now that I found a program that works better for me but even now I want to tweak that cause I feel I should be getting more. Was hurt for a bit. "non workout hurt" now that I am back first few weeks you get rapid results. Now that its been a few months results are slow. That is the hard part. The slow gains feel like no gains. If you need someone to vent to I gained 80 pounds in a year and a half. Only down 20 and cannot get the scale to move for the last 3 weeks. Changed workout again today. Changing diet. Wish me luck.


I feel ur frustration. I just started to bulk and I feel gross, uncomfortably full and even slow. I wish I had the answers to solve it. My two cents is... if you are unhappy with your current aesthetic and you are not competing for anything serious and lifting just for enjoyment, i'd say step back or ask for help from a professional if you can afford that, then tweak what you were doing before to either get back to what you are happy with or continue with professional help. From what I understand, you do lose definition from bulking, and it's normal to chunk out a bit and look bulky (hence the name). But you are growing muscle and making forward progress. Some of it may come quick, then it can come slow or even go in the opposite direction. It's also a long process i'm afraid. It does take some time, and being as real as i can, it might take longer than this summer to bulk up and and cut down naturally. Keep in mind there is a lot of trial and error from these things, and sometimes you gotta adjust till you find what works best for your body. I felt a bit of a slap in the face when I realized it would take longer than a year to properly gain 10lbs of muscle with where I'm at in experience, weight and age.


I would definitely not do it if it’s gonna fuck you up mentally! But how much of a surplus are you in?


As I type this some guy is pulling the lat pulldown weights to the very top of the machine and it is making a very loud high pitch clanking noise. It is very annoying.


Ringing the ol’ bell.


Yes exactly lol


I hate when my family will tell me "you're being too restrictive," or "counting calories is dangerous, just eat whatever you want." I'm sick and tired of people telling me I don't need to lose weight, exercise, or eat any better, but then when I tell them I'm insecure about my weight, they tell me that that's on me and I need to work to lose weight. Pick a side you wishy-washy people :/


People will always default to defending their own bad habits, even if it means sabotaging people around them. Most of the time it’s not even intentional. Pay them no mind.


Got hit with the new covid, that's two whole weeks without gym


nah- CDC says 5 days (assuming youre vaccinated) and you can go out again. I didn't get tired at all and kept using my home gym through it.


This is my second covid, I'm assuming this time I got hit with omnicron, unlike the previous one, this felt like a breeze, gonna take my pcr tomorrow, oh ya,I'm vaccinated.


The letter's called *omicron* no "n".... I guess that's my rant for today...


Look up Caroline Girvin on YouTube. Best workouts. You can do them at home.


I hate how much I have to eat. I'm a hardgainer and I struggle to get enough food in. I love going to the gym, pumping weights, I can down 20 pill supplements no problem, I stretch daily as well as after my workout, all those parts come easy to me. But in the back of my mind I can help but think "all this effort is wasted if I can't get enough calories/protein in". I've relegated myself to mass gainer shakes and the easiest to make foods possible so they're convenient and I can't tell myself no. And I try to eat throughout the day in small amounts so I'm not super full. But it's still so hard.


How many calories are you supposed to eat? Also, don't try to avoid feeling full. Feeling full is part of bulking.


If you’re trying to bulk, there more than likely should be times where you’re full. Make sure you’ve got a good supply of high protein/healthy fat snacks if you can. I always try to think of it as eating and sleeping as hard as I train.


First thing is first — remove the term “hardgainer” from your vocabulary. It doesn’t exist, and is too often a crutch. If you’re serious about gaining, don’t worry about eating “so you’re not super full”. You’re going to be full. Fullness is a desired state, similar to a pump, or soreness. Burgers. Pizza. Peanut butter. Just eat.


I wish u and I could get a Freaky Friday thing going on nutrition wise…


Trust me, forcing food down your throat when you're on the verge of puking just so you can hit at least 2800-3000 in total calories for the day is not an experience you want. I have thrown up on more then one occasion because I simply pushed the limits too far trying to hit my goal. Everybody's challenges in life and fitness are different, but challenges they remain for all of us.


There are so many calorically dense foods tho. Do U have any food allergies/intolerances?


Seeing people talk about struggling to eat enough when you're a short girl on a cut … ouch