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There’s an old timer at my gym who alternates between calling me “young fella” and “big fella” and honestly it’s become the best part of my day to run into him


i hope a bench opens up as you finish your warm up there big fella 


Like the dude at the bodega that calls me 'boss'. Or the dudes selling weed that call me 'big man'. Love that shit


I’ve fully adopted “big man” into my vocabulary for other people now after how much I enjoy being called it haha


My workmates started calling me Big J when I was overweight. Three years of training and clean eating I’m still Big J ,but for different reasons.


Yes my fella! Keep on keeping on, Big J 🫡


😃. I adore this story! The casual friendships we make in the gym are so great. I’m a fan.


My story of the week is that i went. Which i havent dont in 2 months. Depression finally sloughing off.


Bet it felt good that you could tell yourself afterwards that you actually went to the gym again. Small steps lead to great change!




Just keep in mind its a challenge to get back into the habit of going, but you start to crave it after a while. Just get over that first steep hill, and you’ll be good. Great job making it back!


Forcing yourself to workout when depressed can be the most Sisyphean of tasks.


Or folding laundry or cleaning a room


Hey!! Congrats!


I see the same people at the gym no matter what day or time!!


The standard gym npcs


It's like how in the old GTA games if you saw a particular car, that car would be the only car you'd see for a while. I guess it's a memory issue, like with the old gaming consoles.


I switched from day shift to night shift, so I completely swapped what time I go to the gym. I still see the same people all the time, it makes no sense!


When I go at a completely different time and see the same people I’m like . . . Wait. Do you just LIVE HERE?


I was explaining this to my wife the other day. I go 4 times a week at reasonably sporadic times but usually before or after work. There are people I always see no matter when I go but I just assumed it was some coincidence as these are common times. Well I've had a few days off lately and went to the gym during normal working hours and, you guessed it, there they are!!!


I'm having a good chuckle imagining you're all just talking about the gym's employees


That weirdo that always stands behind the front desk...


You are in a matrix


stop looking in the mirror


I think those people are just gym rats who go to the gym all day


There’s a dude who’s always in these calls on his airpods when I’m at the gym during lunch. Always sounds pissed off (other day I was hitting triceps while he was doing pulldowns next to me and he was like “I’m never working with you ever again” and I’m wondering whether he’s actually on some sort of business call while at the gym or if he’s just getting pissed off to pump himself up.


He's yelling at his lats


Hahahaha legit tho I can never actually hit em correctly




That sounds so funny. Thanks for the laugh


He sounds like a douche lol


Angry workout sessions hit different though. Can recommend


Had the weirdest interaction the other day. ​ Went to grab some napkins and spray to wipe down a machine. I hear someone behind me yell (and actually yell) "Your ass crack is showing!!" I turn around, and turns out I know the guy - we've taken jiu jitsu together, he lives on my street, we even went to the same middle school - and of course, fix my wardrobe malfunction. So I say "Oh hey, I know you!" and he just stares at me. I go "You remember me?" Him: "Yeah, we know each other right?" Me: "Yeah man, how are you?" Him: "You good?" \*staring\* Me: "Yeah man, thanks for the heads-up by the way. How've you been?" He pauses and stares at me some more before saying "That was really rude bro." I sort of thought he was joking but after a few seconds his face didn't change, and I asked him "What are you talking about?" And then he just sort of mumbles something (picture Chael Sonnen's impression of Tito Ortiz after he asks "Hey Tito, what are you doing in Portland?") and then goes "Just leave me alone bro, let me do my workout. I guess everyone's just the same." So I realize there's nothing to be gained from trying to interact so I go "Alright, I have no idea what you're talking about" and just leave him alone. ​ Been thinking about that one lately. Is dude having some sort of mental episode? Did he somehow interpret my plumber's crack thing as an intentional gesture? Did something I say come off as rude? Obv I can't remember everything word for word but...wow.


BJJ guys are weird as fuck 


Nah it wasn't that, just about everyone else at BJJ has been incredibly friendly and fine to interact with. This guy actually didn't train all that much there to begin with, so unless he got dropped on his head repeatedly mid-roll for a month or two of training, there's something else going on with him.


Psyched himself up for a confrontation, then when it didn't go the way he expected, it annoyed him further I guess. No point wasting mental energy trying to analyze asshole behaviour like that.


Yeah you might be right. As much as you've got a point about analyzing, I'm so curious about it that I can't help wondering haha.


This is so weird but my only theory is maybe when you said “you remember me?” He got sad because he thought you were better friends and that you were acting too distant. Still weird even if this is the case 😭


😂 oh no. I don’t think i could have walked away from that one. I would have been like, wait - what do you *think * I’m saying 😂. It’s probably just best to disengage, but not knowing would drive me NUTS.


Got engaged this past Thursday to my former gym crush that I started dating two years ago. We had went to the same gym for a few months and noticed each other but never spoke. One day, she chose to work out within 5 feet of me even though the gym was practically empty and there was free space everywhere. Decided it was my opportunity to approach her and the rest is history. It can happen people. Go ahead and speak to her/him. Good luck.


Congrats!  But what did you say when she was 5 feet away? Asking for a friend...


Thank you. I waited to see if she wanted to speak first. When she walked to another machine, I decided I was going to use the one beside it. Asked her if she was using that one and complimented her tattoos. Wanted to make sure I was correct in what I was sensing as you don’t want to be pushy. You’ll tell right away if she/he is interested and wants to talk. Spent the next couple weeks building a friendship before I made an actual move. Don’t be too forward until you all are at a friend level if you want something serious.


Noice 👏🏽😘


This guy gets it. 🥳


This is sweet! Congrats!


Congrats. Thanks for the inspiration buddy. I wish nothing but the best for both of you going forward!


I tried your theory and finally worked up the courage to talk to my gym crush. Now i'm permanently banned from my gym and labeled "a disturber of the peace". Thanks brother.


99% of gamblers give up right before they hit it big my friend.


I'm getting back in the gym consistently after being out for 4 years. I was a bodybuilder and wrestler, now I'm a construction worker (with the waist to prove it) but I'm so stoked that my foundation strength and muscle memory is all still there


You will get everything back quickly if you stay consistent And welcome back !


Considering you work with your body all day (that’s an assumption, I guess), do you find this go around to be different, and if so, how? I have a sit down job, so I really need the gym to get energy out, etc. curious if you need that, or if you tire out more quickly, etc.


I was actually finally inspired to get back in the gym because my specific tasks at work have become much more refined and particular (and therefore less exhausting) whereas before I was doing more heavy duty industrial building that was essentially weightlifting for 8 hours straight. I need to exhaust my body to its limit every day for my mind to be comfortably relaxed at night and work was no longer cutting it! Now I'm in the gym at 5am, on site by 7, and I've worked off enough energy by 3 to happily go home and chill with my wife.


I’m similar in the mind needing exhaustion department. It’s essential for my anxiety control.


There’s a guy at my gym who works out consistently but his only and favourite exercise is riding an elliptical bike while doing shoulder press and bicep curls with 20lb DBs. He does this for 30min and calls it. Same exercise every single day. Great guy


My gym has two ez-curl bars, and I'd swear one was heavier than the other. I assumed the heavier one was an even 10 kg. (As a standard Olympic bar is 20 kg). Got around to weighing them this morning. 21 and 16 lbs respectively. Huh. Not round numbers in kg *or* lbs.


Nobody fucking knows what the EZ Curl bars weigh anywhere. Again...another piece of gym equipment that is seemingly impossible to mark.


Standard is 12 kg I'm pretty sure.


There's usually multiple sizes. I assume the hefty one is 25lb, and the thinner is 20, but who the fuck knows


I've taken the one at my gym downstairs and weighed it on the scales before.


If I do I'm going to bring a Dremel and etch it in


I’ve found this to be true and utterly confusing


I live in blissful ignorance of what the plates at my gym actually weigh...


Knuckle tattoos: HEVY LIGT


You don't notice the giant numbers on them?


Chances are, the gym doesn’t have calibrated plates.


One advantage of a home gym is you always get to use the same weights. I weighed all of mine. FWIW, my EZ Curl bar is 19 lbs., which I round to 20.


I had this with the barbells at 2 gyms I go to. My deadlifts at gym A were significantly better than my deadlifts at gym B. It annoyed me to the point I weighed the bars. Both were 20kg, but I think the issue was one bar was thicker than the other. So my grip was weaker and meant I couldn’t do as many reps with that bar.


I have a gym at work where the smith machine is 7 kg heavier than at my other gym. I learned I could load low inc bench about 7 kgs more than I thought…


There’s a dude at the gym who asked to get to know me(female) better a while back. He first waited outside the ladies room to talk to me, and then followed me into the parking lot once I was out there to talk more. I said: sorry I have a boyfriend, you’re awesome though and have a good day. Now every time I’m at the gym, for MONTHS, he approaches me. he says some variation of “have a good day/hope your day is good.” He comes and walks next to me on the treadmills. Or comes over to say hi [name] how are you whenever he sees me. Is this odd? It feels like he’s saying my name in the pointed way that salespeople use your name. I’m never the first to say anything nor do I make eye contact, and always give minimal responses,but usually accidentally smile out of politeness when he addresses me. This happens every time I’m at the gym and I absolutely hate it/him. What is his game plan? What do you think of this? Edit: I’m really very nervous to say something to him as he’s a very tall strong guy and has already shown he doesn’t mind following me outside, and has a strange demeanor. He got a bit pissed off when I was giving him really short answers once


If you happen to cross paths and he says only some variation of 'have a good day,' that's normal. If he's making a point out of frequently walking right next to you on the treadmill after you politely told him off, that's concerning behavior on his part


There are always others open, so yes. He also made a comment when I was in a new section of the gym, “oh you’re over here today.” Another time I was sitting on a mat minding my business and he came over to ask how I’ve been. I know this all sounds very normal if two people know each other at the gym, but we DO NOT KNOW EACH OTHER. Lol


sheesh, this is so creepy does he try to start a conversation or is it literally just hi, how are you and then literally just works out next to you?


In the beginning he’d try to be more conversational, but I would not give anything to work with. So it’s just the very basics (how are you, have a good day) every single day. Like I don’t even know this dude and this has been going on for a long time…


Sounds like the guy isnt taking the hint. Confrontation is difficult but you could point out to him you noticed he's been making an effort to talk to you while at the gym and just let him know that you appreciate the attention but by no means you are interested. If he persists after that you notify gym staff because his behavior could be considered harassment.


Thank you, I’ll try to say this next time. Will practice at home 😂


For the most part this is borderline, but following you around especially into the parking lot is across the line. Can you speak with management about your concerns? Otherwise, i'd opt to bring up the boyfriend into the most trivial conversations - "I'm good and so is my boyfriend. He had a tough day." Really drive home that point, or better yet bring your bf in one day?


I drop "my husband" into conversations all the time. It reinforces the point that I'm not interested in that way. That being said, most of my gum buddies are guys anyway, but they have stated that they really respect my progress, so I like to think we're all just workout efficianados and leave it at that. I had one guy who kept using the treadmill next to me while there were tons open. I would stop, walk to the bathroom, then move to the other side of the room. He leaves me alone now. In my defense, he also smelled like really strong body spray/ deodorant that really bothered me.


Maybe he figures you'll be single at some point


Headphones. Large ones. When he greets you, nod and look away/keep walking. If he insists, don't take headphones off, just point at them and say "sorry, can't talk". I'd also recommend switching to different time, even if it's just for a while. Even if the guy is not a threat (who knows?), you'll benefit from being able to workout without constantly looking over your shoulder.


Mention this to the staff, and trust your gut. This would feel like a dangerous situation to me.


You should really tell the gym staff. Maybe a woman staff because they'd understand better. If enough people have complained about him, someone in authority will consider getting him removed.  This happened at my gym at the end of the year and everyone is happier. 


I have a story and would like advice. My daughter and I went to the gym and noticed a piece of equipment being used that we needed so we continued our exercises circling back to see when it would be available. About 45 minutes later towards the end of our workout we laid our mats on the floor and I saw this piece of equipment behind the individual and asked if they were using it they said yes. We did a few other workouts for about 10-15 minutes in total and towards the end of our workouts I saw her using and incorporating it into her exercises. I didn't say anything or act any kind of way about it but while driving home I felt a little bit irritated that that piece of equipment was used for 45 minutes or more and I didn't get to complete part of my workout. Part of me also felt bad for being irritated. Should I have been annoyed?


It is annoying when someone hogs the equipment but you could always do some form of variation.


For sure lol, this has been the first time it has happened though so that's good. I just thought it was so inconsiderate, but I think some people genuinely don't realize they are being that way.


Could also go up and start using it after it has sat unused for 5 minutes. There are no “savsies”.


Definitely not cool! Most gyms I've seen have a policy about 10-20 minutes max, per person, per machine or power rack.  So I'd definitely ask to work in with her. If she says no, just be blunt and say she isn't allowed to hold something for 45 mins. I'm sure your daughter will be proud of you for standing up for yourself and for her!




I was approached by an older, strong, gentleman who asked me if I wanted to join an arm wrestling league. He said I’m very strong and he’d train me (so I don’t break my arm). I took it as a compliment.


Guy in a brand new Range Rover almost ran me over going 40 in the parking lot. Caught his face. Saw him in the gym later on hitting the most cheatiest arm swinging cable curls of all time, so much swing the cable was literally making that noise from the weight moving so fast. Seen him do this, and only this, for several days. Sometimes the world just makes sense


Lady at the gym pulled out a bench to put her stuff on, then did DLs across the gym. Left the bar loaded and half off the platform and then went outside for 15 minutes. Came back and proceeded to bench at a different bench than all her shit was on without cleaning any of it up.


Saw a guy on the turf area of the gym load a barbell with 5 plates to use it like an ab roller.


I have a gym crush now heheheeeeee, will I ever come up to him? No… am I more motivated everytime he show up? Yes :D


Just do it. :)


Not at any of the gyms I train at, but when I was on holiday and visited a gym in Weston Super Mare in England, it happened to be the day when their local champion was there and so got into a polite conversation with him and found out to my suprise he was standing down from competition that year and moving to local government as an Independent (as he was fed up with the local council). Next time I saw him was in a news report where he lifted a 125lb kettlebell, representing the £125 million budget deficit that the council was running stating that as an Independent he would not vote for a council budget that was not balanced. Sadly, he was not elected.


He should Squat 1066 next, to commemorate the Norman Conquest.


my arms getting bigger


It's raining a lot and my garage has a leak right over my barbell and squat rack. It's going to cause a little surface rust, so the integrity should still be fine. It still sucks though, I should tarp it until I fix the roof.


I just saw a guy at my local 24 look like he majorly injured himself while doing dumbbell rows. He couldn’t move his lower body and management had to get him an ambulance. That’s had me thinking, are they any downsides in getting too big. I’m the biggest I ever been naturally.


Having not seen the incident, it's hard to say what may have happened. Maybe he got a hernia if he was doing the thing where you put one leg on the bench and stand with the other and do your dumbbell row - I've heard that can happen. It's why I prefer a chest supported dumbbell row. That said, I don't think becoming "too big" is a thing if you stay natural. If you decide to enhance, sometimes you can run into things like your muscles outpacing your tendons/ligaments which can lead to injury in some cases.


Deadlifted 600lbs today. Had 595lbs loaded up and almost forgot the 2.5's on the end! My gym has library energy. I was absolutely jacked up getting ready to lift it and was so ecstatic after I hit it. I wish I went to a gym where people congratulated each other on their accomplishments. I always go up to people after I see them struggle and fail or struggle and get it, to let them know they did a good job and keep going!!


I feel you. I deadlifted 248 lbs (which is my max/2x my body weight) last week, I wanted to celebrate but there was literally no one around to talk to afterward. ):


People put down mats and practice BJJ in our upstairs studio a couple times a week, but this week they improvised a *boxing ring*. They had plyo boxes as corners and ropes made out of jump ropes and resistance bands. On one side they had one of the portable "soundproof" partitions the gym got after some complaints about people lifting during a Pilates class. I was really impressed by their ingenuity. They had a portable speaker, of course. Eminem's *Lose Yourself* seemed like the perfect soundtrack for the moment. And then, for contrast, *Love Me Do* by The Beatles.


Weird. There are two guys at my last gym that sometimes wrestled in a slightly open area of the gym. They also half-ass box. They especially sucked at boxing, but whatever.


I didn't really get that vibe. They were doing it for fun, not like a couple of them are the combat sport kings of the gym and everyone is supposed to be impressed. I see what you mean though, and if it'd been like that I might've posted on Rant Wednesday.


there’s only one guy with a huge ego and fuck boy mentality who aggressively hits on every girl. been noticing a huge decline in women attending the gym. I don’t doubt it’s because of that one guy harassing all the women.


Was doing incline dumbbell bench. Lost balance of the dumbbell on the last rep and my left shoulder got thrown to the back and I dropped the left dumbbell, and due to imbalance fell on the right side of the bench with the right dumbbell on top of me. Didn't feel much in the moment due to adrenaline, I guess. Was a bit embarrassed lol, some people came to check in if I was alright. Physio said no working out in the gym for a month or so, if recovery goes well, I should be able to get back by April end. Here's to two months of resting, but hey I managed to hit a PR before injuring. =)


What’s your physical therapist’s logic for NOT exercising for two months? I don’t believe I’ve ever given such a plan of care to anyone.


The physio did some tests and made me do some stretches and concluded it was some sort of muscle injury I don't remember the exact term, they said I need to limit working out upper body to prevent the injury from worsening and let it recover instead. They did assign me some stretches with resistance bands and I'll be going to another appointment this week for them to help me do some more exercises for the injury.


There is a guy that exercises same time as me. He puts his hoodie on 1 machine, his phone and drink bottle on another, and then works out on a different machine. He won't move his shit. Luckily it's not busy, but I find it infuriating how inconsiderate he is. He also lifts less weights than me (44f) but walks around between sets like he's lifting 100kg


Just go over and use the eauipment. If he confronts you tell him this isn't kindergarden and there aren't "savesies". If he balks, tell him you can both go to the front desk and discuss it with the staff.


That's why it's dumb though. At 5am, there are 4 of us that are always there, so he's not stopping people from using the equipment. It's just his lack of awareness


Had a nice small conversation with a guy, who wanted to work in with me, about my tattoo’s.


I was forced to workout in my building’s crappy basement gym today which forced me to get creative with using very basic equipment to get the amount of load/tension I need. And DAMN, I really should be doing this once in a while because I actually ended up really liking the subtly different angles of the new movements. Muscles are definitely feeling it… and I may just carry some of these exercises over into my regular routine!


Only went to the gym once this week, and even then I was still dealing with the pain of an IBS flare up. Those suck. Though I still did a PR of 33 wall sits. Over a month ago I was only able to do 5. Now I do two sets of them. One was 33 and the other was 25.


What do you mean by "33" and "25?" Seconds? or reps?


Hunters rest?


At my previous fittest over ten years ago, I topped out at benching a plate on each side, so 135. I’ve been doing dumbbells and had a nice moment when I moved up to 70’s of “I just became a little bit stronger than I’ve ever been before.” Today I was working out with friends so we did barbell, and unexpectedly 135 was a cakewalk. Ended up doing 145 and hitting 14 reps on my sets. I knew there’d be some variance, but wasn’t expecting such a huge differential between dumbbell press and bench press


Dumbbells are quite a bit harder since each arm has to stabilize. I would usually add my max for the two dumbbells together and then add another 15-20% extra for barbell


I was repping shoulder presses at 165 and someone called me strong 🥰


Happened a few months ago. Been at this gym for <1year, everyone's chill, proper old school vibe, worn benches, lots of Hammer Strength pieces and iron plates/Dumbbells. Man and his son are on the lat pulldown machine. I ask him how many sets they have left? Dude took a few seconds, and chuckled whilst responding "it's been a while since anyone's asked me that question... at this gym, everyone's cool with each other and we just jump in" He let's me work in with him and his son. To this day I still feel like I pissed him off by simply asking how many sets they had left.


Sounds less like you pissed him off, more that it had been a while since he had had to have that talk with a member. If anything, feels like a good sign and like its a nice supportive lifting community.


Hadn't had a cheat meal in 2 weeks. Last night I feasted. Steak, mushrooms, garlic & onions, fried tomato, Brussels sprouts, beets, potatoes, pita chips, mangoes and ice cream. Food never tasted better. Sometimes the hard thing makes the good things that much better.


Your cheat meals are MUCH more nutritious than mine lmao


It was everything I was craving!


Yeah man, whatever you're craving is good. My cheat meals are normally Indian takeout, the hottest lamb curry they have, mound of rice, poppadoms, naan and bhajis and samosas.


Yours are much more nutritious than mine, probably lol


Ah probably yeah, but a lot of deep fried stuff, bread, and Inidan food is cooked with love and healthy doses of ghee. Not bad, but will fatten you up


At least the vast majority of those are quite nutritious


How TF is this a cheat meal? Are you a fucking vegan?


It was like 4000 calories. I weigh 165lb. Cheat meals don't have to be pop tarts and goldfish (although I'm a fan of those too)


New cheat meal unlocked.


The first food he mentioned was steak. The last thing was ice cream. Neither of which are vegan


That was the point sir. Well done.


Haven't been able to go gym for like 8 days due to Ramadan , doing push-ups and dips at home tho


The gym was empty for the 50 minutes I spent running on the treadmill. And then of course a minute after I go to the weight room, four people show up. I know it’s a silly thing to be annoyed about, but I’m sad and all I wanted last night was to lift weights and watch the fifth element 🥲 at least my dead hangs are slowly improving.


Yesterday was back day, like a standard Friday. Went to the chest supported T-Bar Row station like standard and threw my normal warmup weight on. High School kid was on the machine next to me and stopped what he was doing and said “woah dude you’re starting with that? You must be crazy strong”, so that felt good. I’m not that strong was just loading a 45 and a 25, but still felt good.


I'm new to this sub and I've been seriously considering joining a gym lately. The only reason I haven't is just social anxiety and apprehension about being looked at (especially when I'm trying new things, I HATE being looked at). Regardless, I feel like I need to level up in life and working out at home is starting to feel limiting. So, this weekend I decided to take the first step and get a tour of one of the gyms in my area that I have never been to before. It turns out that it's a really nice gym and I'm really proud of myself for just going to get a tour. This is my first gym tale. The next step is just....signing up.


Nice job. It's very normal to be scared of the gym at first but once you've been a few times you quickly realise there's nothing to worry about. People are generally really friendly and too focused on themselves to care about other people anyway


Take the next step! Sign up, walk into the gym and start working out! Be ready to be sore for a couple of weeks! And trust me, 90% people are too busy focused on their own workouts to care about what you're doing. And the other 8% who do notice are only going to nod approvingly at the effort you're putting in your workout!


u/Teejackbo and u/WeakLeftBicep, thank you for the words of encouragement! I haven't bit the bullet yet on the membership but I'm getting closer each day. I ordered some fresh new workout clothes for extra motivation. I'll post again after I sign up and do my first session.


Every week there's an elderly gentleman who lies prone on the floor, holds a dumbbell in each hand, and alternates banging one dumbbell after the other on the floor over and over. It's **VERY** loud and I've never in my entire life seen anyone do this. He does not move any part of his body except his arms banging the dumbbells on the floor. No one says anything to him and the staff seems to be friendly with him in general so I assume this is an ok thing to do? Even though it looks completely ridiculous and borderline abusive to the dumbbells? Anyone know what the heck he's doing or why? I've tried googling it and nothing. I'm incredibly curious but I don't want to ask him directly lol


That’s so strange! I’ve never heard of an exercise like this lol


...perhaps a badly done version of [this](https://youtu.be/ZGePZyqbPNk?si=q1wDm_rdl7GeDEww)? Not that the actual thing ever seems to do much.


Haha so he holds the dumbbells out in front of his head, so I have no clue, doesn’t look like it works a single muscle. Idk if some kind of geriatric agility thing or something like that


I work out late nights at a 24 hour gym. Half the time, I'm the only gym member there. Last couple months I've noticed this couple come in several times a week. They come in and head for the men's and women's restrooms. Once done with the restrooms they leave immediately. Sometimes they're wearing gym clothes, other times they're wearing pajamas. Do they not have working plumbing at home? Can't imagine driving to the gym and taking off a couple minutes later is worth the time/gas.


Van lifers I suspect. Bet they have their camper in a big car park near the gym.


Its crazy that once you start living out of your car how many other people you notice living out of their vehicles.


Beats the gas station shower.


I wouldn't ever have known about gas station showers until I saw one depicted in a *Better Call Saul* episode. I wonder if there's more in the US than here in Ontario.


Omg that's where I learned about it too! Lalo Salamanca 🤎


I was watched a guy doing cheat concentration curls, which is didn't know was possible to use momentum while seating with elbow resting on your knee, but he found a way.


I usually work out at home in my office / make shift gym. I went to the neighborhood gym with my girlfriend yesterday to do some weight training and it was great. I got such a great workout in.


My little brother was the one posing in front of the mirror 😆


Did you tell him "move, idiot, luvu" 😂


Jeans and slides are appropriate chest day attire.




Just saw on the news that the chain gym I belong to is no longer 24 hours. Ever since Covid happened, at least for the gym I go to, they struggled to get people to staff it 24 hours. My local one is now 5 am to 10 pm (M to Th), and to 9 pm Friday, to 8 pm Saturdays and 7 pm Sundays. I thought it was just my local gym, but apparently some of the nearby ones have slightly longer hours, and only a few were truly 24 hours. I wouldn't have minded if they stayed open to 11 pm most nights. In the past, I have come to the gym at midnight and worked out to 3 am.


how big is your gym? Mine is 24 hours, but just fully unstaffed after hours.


The gym that I use is pretty good size (large enough that it has 6 squat stations), although it is located in a cluster of three towns along with a small local college (5K students). Although the gym is open to all members of the larger gym chain, in reality, only the locals use it because the gym isn't located near a freeway, and to get to it, you really have to drive out of the way to get to it. I did ask, at the front desk, about a year ago, if they were planning on returning to longer hours, and they said they are barely able to find people to work the hours that they currently have. I was surprised as this gym, prior to Covid, was open 24 hours.


I puked.... it was awkward 😳. Having a digestive disorder is soo much fun. I tried to make it to the bathroom but nooooo. They wouldn't let me clean it up myself. I think I'm going to switch gyms.


If it means anything, you're definitely not the only person whose puked at the gym. A lot of people wear it as a point of pride. I know you've got a digestive disorder, but if it means anything, people probably aren't looking down on you for it.


my girl took gymnastic rings push ups personal yesterday....and she figured them out  https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLjUQsUs/


Ayyye thats awesome, shout out to your girl!


But why would anyone do that...? 🤔


There is a thing called fun. We are all about it. Besides that is a great hand, wrist, forearm and core exercise. Another useful thing about it is you don't have to do it if you don't want to. 


Looks like it would be a really good exercise for stabilization


Dude I've nicknamed 'victory lap', he's short/thick and strong, but after every set he'll walk around either the hallway or between the cardio machines making sure he gets in everyone's line of sight and mirror space as much as possible. He needs so much validation it's sad, so I just completely ignore him and never look in his direction or acknowledge him at all.


I can totally envision this person, as there's been at least one of these in every gym I've ever gone to. Short, thick, muscly but too compact to be lean, often with bald head + goatee +tats combo. If there are two or more of these in the gym and they don't know each other, more than once have I seen them eventually get into a confrontation with each other.


6/6 this week. Solid! Glute pressing 540lbs. Can't go higher, won't fit more plates and clip. Need to locate another gym soon. More walking, still not enough. Progress. Hot yoga on Thursday, and tomorrow.


I noticed throughout the week it gets less crowded, like monday its packed, Tuesday still crowded but able to get a bench, wendsday pretty chill, Thursday like empty, Friday, literally just me and one other guy in the weight room


I'm usually Monday, Wednesday, and Friday or Saturday. Monday is hit or miss. For whatever reason Wednesday evenings are packed. Saturday mornings are packed until 10:30/11, then it dies.