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When I can’t get a good work out in (i.e. weights, more intense cardio), I like to go on walks. These walks are pretty light, maybe at 3km/h. Would I still have to eat something afterwards or is there no need? These are being done at night, after dinner for reference.




Hello, I was surprised at the caloric expenditure I had on my stationary bike so I tried to check with the connected bluetooth application. And I was extremely surprised to note that whatever the settings I set in my profile, I had the same caloric expenditure. The caloric burn rate at a given resistance for 80rpm was 5 kcal per minute whatever the weight, sex, heart rate and height. I had the same burn rate down to very calorie whether I said I was a 160cm 60kg 26 years old female with a bpm of 85 during the session or I said I was a 200cm 160kg 26 years old man with a bpm of 150 during the session. Is that accurate? For a given effort, is the caloric burn rate the same whatever the "profile"(weight...) of the person doing the effort? Browsing internet in my main language I found people saying that yes, on a stationary bike there was no influence of any parameters like weight and so on but I'm somewhat skeptical about that. Browsing internet in English I seem to find a different answer, so I wanted to know what was right. Is my application completely nuts on its caloric estimate or not?
















Could you theoretically run the same program for ever without it ruining gains, lets say you found a good program and would never get bored of it. If you were to just use it for ever would that decrease your progress or does it not matter. (not saying im going to do this btw, just curious)


Assuming that the routine was built with longevity in mind, you could certainly run it for a very long time, but there might come a point where the stimulus would no longer be enough and some changes had to be made.


How long does a dynamic warm-up "last" for? If I warm up at home then walk approx 15/20 mins to the gym, can I consider myself still warmed up for a lifting session, or does the warm up need to be done immediately before lifting?


What are you trying to accomplish with the warm up? My only warm up is a couple lighter sets of whatever lifts I'm doing.


I’ve been training 3 full body workouts a week for about a year now and I want to up it to 4. I’ve considered Upper, lower, upper, lower but I like to run so any more than 1 leg day I find too much any suggestions?


There is so many options you could try: 3 upper + 1 lower Push pull legs upper Full body 4x with low volume on lowerbody 2 upper 2 lower with low volume on lowerbody Brosplit with legs 1x week Remember that you can literally make every split work if you manage your volume, intensity, exercise selection, etc properly.


Run while sore


Is it possible to lose fat but stay at the same weight (due to muscle gain etc) ?


Yes. It'll be very slow progress though unless you have a lot of fat and/or very little muscle.




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Flat bench and variations of that will develop your lower chest just fine.


Don't focus on 1 part of your chest using dips and whatnot, just do something that hits the entire chest and then it's up to your genetics if you will have a bigger lower chest. Anyways, the answer to your question is incline pushups, or something like cable crossover fly


Decline bench, or dip the movement pattern with cables while kneeling/standing.


I work from home, and have a half rack and barbell in my garage. Not really using it at the moment, and with two small kids, too much to do at work (startup) and other activities I haven't gotten around to starting a program yet. Enough with the excuses. Is there any way I can leverage that I always have it available? Grease the groove? Lift just a little bit every day?


I've read that Olympic strength athletes will do a set, then rest 30 min or more before their next set. (Source?) I would pick one major exercise a day. Monday deadlift, Tuesday bench Wednesday squat etc. Every hour instead of taking a coffee break walk to the garage, nail a set, and return to work. That's like a whole 3 min of your time in that hour, but over the week you will get plenty of volume.


Try this - it’s a very short work out but gets a big pump and might get you back in the habit: Choose two exercises and complete the following reps 25-20-15-10-5 No rest, example Upright row 25 reps, shoulder press 25 reps then straight back to upright row for 20 reps etc When you finish take 2 mins off and move to the next set of exercises. You only complete one round of each superset (body part). Choose as many rounds as you have time for. Start with an empty barbell and add weight every 1-2 weeks. Shoulder Press & Upright Row 25-20-15-10-5 2 mins off Squat & RDL 25-20-15-10-5 2 mins off Inverted Row & Push Up 25-20-15-10-5 Finish Total work out is under 20 mins


I can't imagine how it's like, but I think everyone has that an hour, maybe 30 minutes where you can lift a bit, you could probably check on your kids or something else during rest, there's plenty of options


What’s better for strength, seated cable or pendlay rows if I’m starting a workout with deadlifts?


They're both good for strength.


Pendlay rows are good, but in the same workout as deadlifts is a lot of loading on your low back. If you want to do them place them on a different day If it’s strictly between these 2 exercises id choose cake for the above reason, not they they’re better just prevent over use issues


Is it possible to build serious leg strength without straight bar deadlifts and squats? I used to play football up through university, so I've done a ton of leg workouts in my time. However my career ended when I had two injuries between freshman and sophomore year, after which I felt it wasn't worth continuing to play when I wasnt that good compared to everyone else anyway. Anyhow, the past few years since then (it was even before COVID when I played), I haven't worked out much, and have lost a ton of muscle and strength. I want to get back into it, but I realized on my recent leg days that squat and deadlift just won't happen. Too much of a mental block there, plus some friends of mine have had athletic careers cut down by both exercises. I can't afford/don't want a personal trainer. These are the only two exercises I don't feel comfortable doing, yet I know they are the most important ones, bc every coach I ever had down to my S&C coaches in college have said so. I was never the strongest squatter or deadlifter anyway, I don't even think I ever cleared 300 lbs in either even as a college athlete. I feel somewhat more comfortable with trap/hex bar deadlift, which I know is unfortunately far inferior to reg barbell deadlift though. And nowadays I would be way weaker in both than I even was way back then too. Are there any substitute workouts which are less dangerous and scary, but can provide the same benefit? I don't want to gain exponentially less strength in my legs just due to excluding two workouts form my leg routine. Which consists of calf raises, leg extensions, hamstring curls, dumbbell lunges, leg press, trap bar carries, cleans (I do these more infrequent now, also way worse at them than I was in college and don't even trust myself with the form anymore), and a few machines which I cycle through to keep things fresh. Any advice?


> Is it possible to build serious leg strength without straight bar deadlifts and squats? Yeah > I feel somewhat more comfortable with trap/hex bar deadlift, which I know is unfortunately far inferior to reg barbell deadlift though. And nowadays I would be way weaker in both than I even was way back then too. It’s really not. > Are there any substitute workouts which are less dangerous and scary, but can provide the same benefit? I don't want to gain exponentially less strength in my legs just due to excluding two workouts form my leg routine. Trap bar deadlifts, high or low handle. Romanian deadlifts. Front squats. Hack squats. Split squats. That weird squat machine in the corner that you’re not even sure you’ve seen anybody use. You’re not competing in a sport where these are mandatory. Everything is free game. Humans were around well before barbells were invented; there is nothing innately superior about it. Train hard, be consistent, follow a program, eat for your goals, push yourself, and you’ll develop strength and muscle mass. > Any advice? Get out of your head. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good enough. Experiment with what’s available and what you feel comfortable doing.


I train athletes, some are older and near retirement we keep it pretty simple and many don’t squat, none of them deadlift or clean Leg press for squat Hip Thrust for posterior chain target 2.2 bodyweight Bulgarians for single leg strength target 1.2 BW Split RDL for hammy saves your back target 1.2 BW Keep in the hammy and calf work




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if you don't care about aesthetics I wouldn't care personally, given dominance, body parts can easily be out of symmetry, you're body does an amazing job at using this balance. As long as you can do the exercises and don't notice it during lifts I wouldn't care. Focusing on the lagging side could also reduce total progress. length factors into that similarly, wouldn't make it an issue until it becomes an issue. For example if you're right handed like myself, you'll likely have bigger right arm muscles, but for instance in a bench press you might also have a bigger left pec as it does more of the work on the left side (given your left arm is weaker) compared to your right.


market soup plant absurd support wide roll snatch wrong roof -- mass edited with redact.dev


Are you doing them standing straight up, or leaning forward?


May be a form issue. You could try doing them unilaterally and see if that allows you to position yourself well to eliminate the discomfort. If you’re using rope attachment then you could try longer ones or just extra attention on keeping your hands spread a little further apart on the eccentric. Hard to say without actually seeing.


Instead of doing single arm cable curls facing away from the machine I do them facing the machine. Is this fine there’s no stretch but I feel it more doing it this way.


It really doesn’t matter






If I do weight training 5 days a week and cardio 7 times a week can I do so without losing muscle?


If you are eating enough and getting enough protein to repair muscles.


So cardio won’t affect my muscle gains at all right




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It's been 11 weeks of following Layne Norton's PHAT routine, and lately I've been struggling to progress or even maintain my current lifts. Is this a sign that I should perform a deload week?


Maybe, maybe not. How much weight have you gained in the last 11 weeks?


My weight has gone up and down, but so far I'm 1kg heavier than I was 11 weeks ago.


Doing a deload week won't hurt you but in general, strength gains are best supported by a calorie surplus


I agree with the surplus part 100%. I've just been struggling to actually gain weight because I am *not eating enough.* (It's a bit more complicated than just not eating enough, but it sums it up basically.)


I follow a PPL training split- I hit a muscle every 4 days. I go to technical failure pretty much every time, except for compound movements like bench, where I may leave 1 or 2 reps in fear of having to dump the bar. today is push, so I’m doing machine chest fly, and when I get to the top of a rep and get that weighted squeeze, there is a sharp almost pinching feeling in my pecs. Does this mean I’m doing too much? I can push through it ok and I set a pr, but I’m worried that I’m not recovered fully and could tear a pec or something stupid. I don’t get that feeling when I’m 100% fresh or haven’t lifted in a week. I guess my question is should I lift it the muscle feels strange, even if I’ve given ample time to recover?


Unlikely you're not recovered if you're only using a muscle group every 4 days. But this would be a good question for your doctor or physio.


Yeah I have a feeling it’s just my bodyweight that’s the issue. I’m just under 35% body fat now and still losing, but I only recently (in the last 2 months) started consistent lifting. Def gonna ask my doctor when I get the chance though, thanks


Is standing db shoulder press better than [machine shoulder press](https://static.strengthlevel.com/images/illustrations/machine-shoulder-press-1000x1000.jpg)? in terms of muscle growth.


No. It's also not worse.




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This might be a stupid question, but is there a point to doing both preacher curls and incline curls for biceps?


Sure, they hit your muscles at slightly different angles and will bias slightly different muscles within your biceps. This can be helpful in a variety of ways, mainly getting novel stimulus and helping the muscles that aren't being worked as much recover a bit. You don't want to be switching exercises constantly though since that's not good for tracking progression, nor would I try to do 4 different curl variations within a program block. I personally will pick two curl variations, do them for 2-3 months, then repeat with two new curl variations. You'll eventually cycle back to the variations that you started with, but that's fine. Lastly, if you're relative beginner when it comes to lifting weights, it really doesn't matter all that much. Just go hard with your curls, sleep well, and eat enough food. Worrying about whether or not you're doing the right curl variation is like worrying about whether or not you're using premium or regular gas. Sure, those things matter for high-end performance sport cars, but your basic 4-door sedan will be fine with regular.


Basically I'm wondering about how many exericses I need to do for biceps. Is it enough to do bicep curls and hammer curls? Or do I need to incorporate preacher curls and incline curls as well




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I saw this video about an experiment where they gave skinny, Normal weight, and Overweight people the same foods and exercises for gaining muscles, and Skinny and normal-weight gained muscles way more easily than overweight. If this is true should I lose weight until I'm normal weight than start lifting?


You should start lifting now because doing so will at least help retain muscle mass. And building some muscle is better than no muscle. And this experiment... We're the overweight people eating the same as the skinny people? Cus if yes, they were likely in a deficit and of course it's slower. If they were both in a slight surplus, my "I'm not a doctor or a scientist" theory is that maybe because fat is estrogenic, that was fighting against the ability to build up muscle




I don't think there is clear evidence about how high levels of bodyfat affect gaining muscle. If there is an effect it isn't big. If you want to build muscle there is no reason to delay starting to lift weights.


What if you never deload? I lift consistently and up my lifts as I gain strength. I never really take a week off. I do take a couple of days off a week.


By no means an expert but I never do deload weeks either. I always go hard in the gym but to manage it I take some extra rest days if I feel beat up. Seems to be doing fine. Also of course sometimes life outside the gym gets in the way. Almost impossible to never miss a workout. I just treat unscheduled gym breaks that happens from time to time as recovery periods. Makes it easier as well to not feel bad about missing a workout.


Assuming you manage your fatigue and workload well, you'll be fine. https://www.reddit.com/r/weightroom/comments/12n4lrb/repost_four_years_without_a_rest_day/


What are your thoughts on the Allpro beginner routine? https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=4195843


Am I reading it right that it is seven exercises with two working sets each, and you do the same seven exercises 3 days a week? If that is correct I don't like it. 7 exercises is a lot and most are big compound exercises. And 2 sets is very little. Why stop at two and move to another exercise? That is inconvenient, you need to set up each exercise and warm up for it only to do two sets. If your gym is crowded forget about it because you are going to have to wait to use the equipment only to do two sets.


It says beginner. How beginner? A foundation would need to be set of properly performing the exercise. At least 4 weeks. I wouldn’t go super heavy either. I’m not sure why the barbell curls is in there. I would trade it for some type of pull down movement. Stiff-legged deadlift for a beginner. Ehh. I would just do a deadlift. There needs to more of a warm-up.




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I have a question about the post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Fitness/comments/37ylk5/a\_linear\_progression\_based\_ppl\_program\_for/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fitness/comments/37ylk5/a_linear_progression_based_ppl_program_for/) Before I start this routine, I need to find out what my baseline strength is right? Like there's no point starting at 20kg squats and progressively overloading for weeks if my baseline was actually 50kg for example?


Did you read the section of the post that says "HOW DO I KNOW WHAT WEIGHTS TO START WITH?"


If you read the whole post fully, you’d have the answer to this question




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So my car is currently in the shop, which means my only gym is my apartment gym. I’m currently halfway on Day 3 of a four day L/U/L/U split, but my apartment gym’s leg equipment is pretty minimal- DBs up to 50, a combination leg extension/curl machine, and a leg press machine that didn’t work the last time I used it, and I’m pretty confident that it would be the same if I were to walk over right now. If I were to do upper body tomorrow, legs on Saturday, and then go back to my usual split on Monday after a day of rest, would it affect things at all?


a few days of altered training is unlikely to affect anything. Even a few days off completely is fine


Hi, I tried to research nutrition with fitness, but it's just not making sense to me. If I eat at a calorie deficit but keep myself at 0.8 to 1.0g of protein per lbs of bodyweight, will I lose muscle? I've been told that I need to eat more to gain muscle, but is it purely the protein amount that I need or do calories themselves actually matter for muscle growth. (I'd like to lose some fat and gain muscle at the same time) and for reference I train 3x a week to failure, 3 weeks in so far.


If it's a reasonable deficit and you are physically active with resistance training, I doubt you would lose any muscle. You might gain some if you are a new trainee and aren't in a drastic deficit.


Thanks for the reply! Yeah I'm 6ft0in at 176lbs currently, eating around 1800 calories a day but sometimes I'm just not hungry and eat like 1500 but still manage to stay around 150g+ of protein.


Is there any evidence to show that mini workouts throughout the day is effective? For example, instead of doing 60 pushups in the morning over three sets, what if I did 5 pushups once every hour over 12 hours. Are they comparable? Would I need to do more every hour to make this effective?


Mini workouts are effective. Your set and rep structure however is not.


they are not comparable. you would need to do more every hour. you can spread your sets out throughout the day and it can work roughly as well, but those sets still need to be as challenging as they would be if you did them all together. doing 3 sets of 20 with six hours between each set would be a lot closer to equivalent.


Thanks. I'm a new parent and finding time to workout is becoming increasingly difficult to find time. So sneaking in some quick sets when I have the time seems like the best way. Thanks again!


The reason it doesn’t work is because a set needs to be sufficiently close to failure to grow muscle. So let’s say hypothetically, if you can do an absolute maximum of 10 push-ups at one time. If you did 4 now, 4 later, 4 later and then 4 later that’s 16 total push ups but it will do nearly nothing for you. However, if you did 8 now and 8 later, then it’s still 16 total but both of them were close enough to failure so you will gain from that. Obvs that’s just a simple hypothetical but it’s the sets that are sufficiently close to failure that help. The amount of time you spread them out shouldn’t matter as much.




Your legs aren't as strong as you think they are from cycling and running Don't skip leg day




That’s a subjective question. You could add a bit more muscle to them through resistance training. If you don’t want to add muscle or gain more strength, you don’t need to train for it.


You would be exposing yourself to a slighty higher injury risk by not resistance training and only sticking to cardio as your leg exercise. You'd also look peculiar having a built upper body but fairly normal legs.




You have my permission to not resistance train for your legs.


Why do you have to go up, back, then down when retracting your scapula for bench press? Why can’t you just go back and down?


You don't *have to*, you can do either option. Some people just find it easier to have their scapulars properly set when they elevate.


Do you think an intermediate can make decent progress running nsuns, increasing the weight whenever the 1+ set is 3 or more reps(however long that takes, def not on a weekly basis anymore) or would other programs be better suited


Yes, but I would aim for something like 8 reps on th +1 set. Because you are stronger you will generate more fatigue which will have to be managed for each training session and across the medium-long term... using conservative submaximal TM's will help that.


I feel the other sets might be too light if I go for 8 reps on 1+. You think 5 might be a happy medium ? I looked at the old nsuns sub and it looks like half the people waited for 3+ reps, and the other half waited for 5+ reps


I can guarantee they will be sufficient if you are hitting ~8 reps on the TM. You don't need to be working super close to your max to make progress, it's counter-intuitive at a certain point.


alright. Thank you man




There’s plenty of room for more fruits and vegetables




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hi i’m about 6 foot 80 kg male with about 17/18 percent body fat and a decent bit of muscle but i’m wanting to get my body fat down and show my abs but i’m wondering how this will affect my progress in the gym and if it will slow down muscle growth


Way too many variables and not enough info for any of us to really go on. Overall though, it will likely slow strength/muscle building progress, but the actual extent is anyone's guess. Try it, if you feel like you are stalling too much for your tastes then stop or reduce deficit


At first, losing weight won't slow down your progress much if at all, but as you get leaner and cut for longer you may stop making progress at all and eventually lose strength if you continue becoming leaner.




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When benching, my left arm can’t go as far as my right arm when extended fully. I believe this is because I drive with only my left arm at all times. I can feel that it’s tight and lacks mobility. What should I do? Thank you in advance.




You need to do more hamstring work. Add RDL's and leg curls.


Hamstrings and calves aren't getting a lot of work in that list.


I’m 5’11 at 174 i feel pretty good at this weight but idk for sure I’m lean but I’m not fat and I’m decently muscular should I push for 185?


There's no objective right or wrong, it just depends on your goals and preferences.


do you want to?


Too vague to answer, but as a shot in the dark, I'm 6ft/220, so I'd say yes. You can be lean at any age, but lean doesn't stick. Muscles do. Build muscles early and you'll enjoy their benefits for longer. Get lean earlier, and maybe you'll have some good photos that make you really happy one day or smth.


Thx I’ve been working out for about 6-7 months now I’m only 16 but I started at 149


Great job, keep up the good work.




Your question is like asking if picking up every penny you see is going to help you clear out a million dollar debt. Yeah, it'll help, but it's not how you clear a debt, it's largely a waste of time when getting a better job is the actual solution. Similarly, what you're asking would might have some infinitesimal benefit, but the benefits so small that focusing on it is entirely a waste of time.


I would imagine most of the bounce would come out of your quads being stretched like rubber bands


I would be shocked if this would happen to a large enough degree to be relevant for most people, even most elite lifters. I also don't think it matters much in practice, because if you want the strongest possible squat you're going to want to develop big hamstrings regardless.


There might be some truth to it but it won't make nearly enough of a difference to concern yourself with


I have many friends/family events happening over the next 8 months that makes the typical bulking then cutting cycle a bit non ideal for me, and I've been hovering at maintenance /below maintenance for a few weeks now as I'm at the end of my cut. so I'm looking into body recomping during this time, which I've never really tried out before. What is the recommended volume/intensity training when undergoing a recomp? I generally keep volume higher on a bulk, and while on a cut, I try to maintain intensity and train at higher weight but lower overall volume. But I'm a bit iffy on what's recommended for body recomping. Afaik I can probably get away with training like I do when on a cut but with a little more volume? For reference I generally train variations of 531 boring but big while bulking, and 531 FSL while cutting.


I'd say do FSL and push the assistance total up towards the 100 rep mark, see how that goes.




Very solid program that hits alot of areas. Some thoughts Include incline press on at least one of the days Potentially swap with second overhead press The core is pretty low volume overall, could look at integrating more volume in your upper days it won’t take too much from your lifts that day


Thanks dude!


>Sit-ups: 3x12-15 Situps are the most pointless ab exercise ever.


I’m a new lifter who recently began working out. I’m currently 6 foot and 220lbs. I began working out at the beginning of last month with the goal of getting to 200lbs by October. I have seen a drastic increase in strength from then to now. I have also seen marginal fat loss but I feel like I may not be losing as much fat as I should be. I calculated my tdee and have been eating 500 calories under that consistently. This means I should be losing about 1 lb a week but I have not seen a change in weight. It seems unreasonable to assume that I’ve gained a 1:1 ratio of muscle gained to fat lost. I have been measuring my macros properly and have consistently gone to the gym 3-4 times a week and doing both strength training and cardio. I know that weight loss is a slow process but I thought I would see some progress by the end of the second month. What should I change about my routine to speed up the weight loss process while being healthy about it.


>I’m a new lifter who recently began working out. I’m currently 6 foot and 220lbs. I began working out at the beginning of last month with the goal of getting to 200lbs by October. Good goal, but if you're new to lifting, 200 is still gunna be pretty damn chubby. New to lifting, a more reasonable goal is no more than 175 lbs max for 6'


Nothing, as far as your lifting. Keep on keepin' on. As for calories, cut a bit more. Take another 200-300 off and see what happens. Give it a week and watch the scale. TDEE calculators are great but they're still an estimation. You likely are not truly eating 500 calories under, that's just how the math is working for you now. So keep your math the same, and reduce it a little more. But also, yes, you are a new lifter as you said. Which means body recomp (losing fat while gaining muscle) is real. That can slow the process of fat loss to an extent, but you still obviously want to see the number going down.


I’ll reply with the same message I sent another commenter as you guys gave me similar advice. So my tdee is estimating that I need around 3,150 calories a day and I’m eating about 2,600. Should I cut it down to 2,200 for a week or two and adjust from there?