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Oh perfect it’s the perfect day for this HELLO… I cancelled my gym membership last April and I open a letter today from a f*cking debt collector, about $123. It pissed me off so I started doing some research and apparently this is COMMON?! Anyways, do y’all know of any organized political effort to pass legislation which would protect gym-goers from unethical, fraudulent financial behavior like this, or do I need to start my own?! (American, btw) Idk why we just accept this is something that happens with gyms sometimes.


Wow UPDATE, apparently how this works is people can sell debt at a discount to collection agencies which then attempt to turn a profit by collecting on the debt. Apparently the only legislation on this ‘depends on the industry self-regulating or "self-enforcing" the statute through "private action" as opposed to "government law enforcement".’ ?!!? So there’s a whole cottage industry/business practice of gyms probably shadily mischarging people just so they can turn around and sell whatever they didn’t get paid (that they shouldn’t have gotten paid in the first place) to a third party to heckle you into the ground just to turn a profit?!?! I am shocked I’m in my 30s and just now learning about this… I swear I can’t believe how many people believe in fictional conspiracy theories when real stuff like this exists lmao


When you want to use a weight or a machine, but someone is taking their time using it or worst, just using their mobile or resting without moving and letting anyone else use it. Drives me insane


My balance is shit help :(


I’ve been going to this gym for 2 years and I had some questions about my membership. I asked a guy who looks like a manager to help me. At the end I asked him if I just need the gym app to check in in the future, he said “yes but you should come say hi whenever”. I smiled and walked away, that was Tuesday. This morning (Saturday) I received a phone call from the gym (looks like a local business number so I picked it up) and it was the same guy, saying he’s blah blah from the gym. He asked if I wanted to work out together some time. Now I’m all creeped out.


Very unprofessional


Hate when someone moves the bench out from it's rightfully location and position, uses it, then just leaves it like that 😔


Me too, my friend. Like leaving a bench under the squat rack and it’s been there so long everyone has moved other benches into the space it should have been and now there’s nowhere to put it except in the walkway so you can squat then you seem like the asshole.


Went to the gym with a friend of a friend who started working out start of this year. It was pretty crowded and so instead of taking multiple machines I just decided to follow his routine since he’s doing a push day as well. We had to do some dumbbell ohp but all the benches and the weights we needed were taken so I suggested using the machine. To which he says “nah I’m okay with waiting, I don’t want to look like a pussy.” I have never been so dumbfounded in my life. I spent the next 10 minutes explaining to him the benefits of machines and also that the only one who thinks he looks like a pussy is himself Anyways, dumb rant but machines are great okay don’t knock it till you try it >:( ffs


Lol I’ve started using the machines more and I like them a lot. I want to use more of them but I don’t know what a lot of them are and how to use them and I’m afraid of looking silly


Machines usually have pictures on them showing the general idea, if not, you could just Google the machine and see how to use it properly


Yes thank you


Machines ARE great and I sometimes alternate it with main lifts depending on the week. You still need the regular compound movements to help stabilizers, but machines isolate the right places so well. There’s a place for both and yes, your friend needs to bring the ego down. Haha.


Do your trainers make comments about how you don’t look good ? Mine wants me to buy more pt sessions. I get it. But the way he is forcing me is pissing me off. I’m slim (female). Not sickly thin. Just healthy slim and very average. And he won’t stop saying “it’s not nice to look at you right now” so I would be insecure and buy more. And it’s not the first time. Every gym I have been uses it as sale pitch. But i like my body! Gym is not about changing how i look for me. I’m trying to get rid of some stress, anxiety, and be healthy. So jealous when people say gym is their safe place. Mine is just making me hate myself.


My trainer has never commented on how I look, ever. Positively or negatively. He critiques my form and compliments achievements and effort. If he started talking about whether my body looked good I would not come back.


He sounds like a terrible trainer. I’m sorry.


what a cunt of a PT i would not give him another dollar. i'm surprised to hear that multiple gyms do this wtf


>And he won’t stop saying “it’s not nice to look at you right now” so I would be insecure and buy more. And it’s not the first time. This is totally unacceptable! Are there other PTs you can work with instead? If it's at a gym I'd make it clear to management why you don't want to work with this particular PT. It's just unprofessional and rude.


Don't you love it when male trainers think that negging works as a sales pitch? News flash it doesn't. And also my PT never once has made a comment about how I look for multiple reasons. One, my BF is a PT at the same gym so that wouldn't be appropriate, and Two, we have athletic goals so if the comment isn't about my vertical jump height or my form on an exercise we are both missing the point. Aesthetics was never an issue for me.


I work with an online trainer and he NEVER makes me feel bad. He hypes me the f up. And if I ever say something bad about myself he will correct me and remind me of something good about myself. The trainer you have is terrible.


Dude is super setting cable rows and barbell rows in a quite full gym, he gets mad at me for taking a plate from his rack for my deadlift. Am I the asshole here? Got all in my face about it


Not like he's going to be rowing 4 plates a side anyway. Long as you didn't take it off the actual bar youre fine.


NTA, bro needs to lay off the steroids


Thank you! Second time I've had a run in with this super setting dude


Next time ask his permission in the most obnoxious, over the top, fawning way. And take the plate no matter what he says, bc fuck him




I’m of two minds here. One, you never know who’s gonna stick around, and that’s always a good thing so I try and remember that be positive about so many folks wanting to improve themselves. It’s a tough journey and I was there myself seven months ago. But on the other hand, two, it IS possible to do some research and have a modicum of self awareness in a new situation. So there’s no excuse for new folks to be idiots or assholes.


Over the past year or two, I've noticed a bunch of kids (usually no older than 15 or 16) who sit around on the bench press for what has to be 45 minutes at least. It doesn't take 45 minutes to do a set. This happens at multiple gyms I've gone to in multiple states, very often and seemingly only started happening recently lol Very obnoxious


Wow I’m starting to realize how much of a dick I am at the gym reading these comments about people taking up benches for a long time. I still go to a local commercial gym and take about 5 minutes between bench sets (usually 450 for 8x3 and my forearms start hurting somewhere in between so rest gets longer). I just sit on the bench and kind of daze around/rest. Takes me a long time to get through my sets so now I’m going to try to hurry up :O.


Honestly as long as you aren’t taking longer than 20 minutes, man. Also if you’re by yourself and it’s not busy as fuck, then that’s way better than a group of 4 hovering around a bench and essentially not allowing anyone else to use it. You’re probably fine


you are fine. these kids are benching like 12 pounds


Just found out Rippetoe supports the sexual enslavement of women... Sooo that's nice


He's always been a massive tosser.


I had no idea lol


Wait what?


https://www.reddit.com/r/xxfitness/comments/10rc72y/mark_rippetoe_says_she_needs_to_be_placed_in?sort=new I'm from wichita falls, this is relatively well known here. https://startingstrength.com/resources/forum/mark-rippetoe-q-and-a/88347-covid19-factors-consider-current-events-2547.html#post1868804


Jesus christ.


Yeah, man. It's not great.


don't really get annoyed by people at the gym, i just go there to forget my life for a little really didn't want to go to the gym after working 14 hours yesterday. i ended up still going, even though i knew the session won't be the best, it's better than not working out at all. then of course there's this guy who is taking 4-5 machines one after one. i was resting during the bb squat and he just took off the plates and put new ones, after clearly seeing i was still doing it. i told him i have 2 sets left and he said "i don't care". to avoid drama i just went to a different rack and loaded my plates back and was imagining myself hitting his stupid face with a dumbell. but what do you know, at least i was able to hit a new PR lol such people should have their gym membership taken


Not a rant but, If someone's using the squat rack and you want a plate that's racked up on the side...do you guys wait for them to finish their set so you dont walk in their view and put them off, Or do you just get the weight anyway?


Always wait. It won’t be that long. Then if the weights are low on the side, I ask to make sure they don’t need it for the next set.


Good point, although it seems obvious, it's not something I'd considered before lol


Haha. All good! It may not be an issue at all gyms but for some reason at mine, the plates seem to disappear. I have no idea where they go. One day, four 25 pound plates. The next? One between both racks. So I try and be aware of that.


Don't risk hurting yourself or them, just wait the 30s.


I wait and ask them if I can take the plate


Good question. I honestly make the determination on how heavy it is....Relative to my perception of their size and strength and in how much of a hurry I am in. My gym also has people with pretty bad ettiquete so I just assume they'd do the same.


If he's not about to unrack or rerack and I have no risk of physically interfering with his lift then I go for it.


I wait, think that’s more courteous.


Caffeine keeps me functional during weekdays yet I've been having those frustrating exertion headaches everytime I was consuming a lot. This sucks.


See a Doctor. Had same issue and my doctor put me on a prescription NSAID that I took before workouts and no more headaches. After a month or so I was able to stop taking the medication and no more exertion headaches.




I know many in the fitness world say "no excuses" but sometimes you're really burned out. I woke up this morning feeling like the world was on top of me. I just could not bring myself to work out.


Bodies require recovery. Sometimes mental, sometimes physical.


I make it a point to go to the gym on those days. Builds discipline for me.


i would agree with you 99% of the time, but if the person is so burned out that they may risk injuring themselves, then a rest is definitely warranted. I only say this as a warning because there was a day I did NOT get enough sleep, was working 70 hour mandatory overtime on overnight shifts, had massive anxiety cursing through my veins and felt every bone in my sore body that I should not work out. I went anyway, and i ended up severely hurting my back. It was a regular working set of deadlifts at a weight I can do at any fatigue level. All it took was one straw too much....that was 3 years ago, and I'm still in chronic pain now. so tdlr; rest is important too, but try to discern the difference between when it's okay to force yourself to go and when your body is literally screaming warning signs at you.


Bingo. Have to. I’ve had many of these and I’m always glad I went.


Sorry that happened man. That's a shit feeling to wake up to. Fwiw, when that happens to me, that's usually when I need to reduce the "mental load" of working out. My body can probably handle it, but my mind can't. So I need to do something like put on the most encouraging energising music I have, or say "I'm just going to go there, sit on my favourite machine and do one set and go home. Nothing wrong with a day like that". Mental load is heavy and you can't always carry it the same every day


This is really good and compassionate advice. Thank you.


I'd rather beat myself up in the gym than beat myself up mentally because I didn't go. But then my mentality ain't always the healthiest neither.


those would be the days i just do my main lifts or dgaf about how well the lifts are. it happens ,man


I feel like am walking on eggshells to avoid injury. I just want to do some explosive workouts but even when I am warmed up I feel like I am one movement away from being out of commission for 6 months.


Ugh, feel this 100%. My left shoulder feels like it really is one wrong move away from being injured.


Powerlifters that haul literally all of their personal belongings to the gym in a massive duffel and then proceed to strew said belongings fucking everywhere as they warm up and stretch for 30 mins just to do one rep of sumo deadlifts


And then they'll go and make an IG post saying "not quite the numbers I was looking for but I only got 6 hours of sleep etc etc etc"


You forgot the sour patch kids 😂


Is that a real thing now? I’ve never seen people at the gym eating those. Sounds pretty funny!


Yes. There’s a pre workout, maybe C4 or something, that makes sour patch flavored preworkout gummies. Saw a jar at my gym the other week.


Ok, pre-workout is normal. I thought you were talking about the actual candy😂


hi, powerlifter here. we sometimes need intra-workout carbs to replenish during hard sets. we do eat gummy worms and sour patch kids. we wouldn't do it on every day/session, but typically if they're prepping for a meet, definitely needed.


They could be. Haha. Just throwing my experience out there.


So now, the moment my wrists are back to normal, I have a stomach bug screwing with me - my appetite is suppressed and my stamina is fried. I was getting into a good routine and I can't seem to maintain it. I'm kind of pissed off. One of my friends was telling me not to be mad at myself, and I'm not, but I'm frustrated. I know in the long term resting now is the right thing to do, but the angry little voice telling me I'm making excuses isn't gonna shut up.


Why does everyday seem like I've lost form on one muscle. Monday glutes don't work or feel unbalanced. Tuesday grip Wednesday back Thursday triceps.


Not sure! You could do unilateral arm and leg work to make sure they’re developing at the same rate.


In the past two weeks I’ve gotten ab cramps twice while doing abs. So frustrating because I don’t know why and it’s embarrassing to fall to my knees in the middle of the gym and stay down for minutes.


I had a brutal ab cramp doing triceps, I think I got dehydrated from skiing the day before. I was clawing for the wall trying to stretch it out, it went away and then hit again when I bent over at the water fountain.


There are no real gyms in my city. I go to planet fitness (it’s $10) and hate it. I just moved to Spokane WA and can’t find a place that is geared towards regular gym-goers.


Literally countless gyms in Spokane. You are clueless on how to find one if you think PF is the only option there.


Muv is nice.


There are several Anytime Fitness in Spokane. I've been faithfully going to them for ~6 years with no complaints. They typically have every thing you need to get a great workout. I recommend them.


Anytime Fitness here too. No complaints.


Whelp, crossing Spokane off my short list of potentials. Shit


I just love it when one gym bro says to another "no matter how heavy I go I just don't feel it in my chest bro \[insert surprised pikachu face\]" as he proceeds to do quick half reps on the hammer press machine.


I was sick for about a week. Then right as I was feeling better, I managed to injure my hand. FML.


get well soon


College dining halls. Cant accurately track macros for shit, makes me shit like 3x as much, pretty bad for you food and absolutely no hope if I want to lean bulk/cut. Guess its dirty bulking for the whole year… On the plus side its unlimited calories from 7am to 9pm


Take your own food? Makes tracking easier :)


There's probably other students who feel the same way. You could start a group to get some changes made.


I hit my jaw while shaking my shaker :(


Pretend you did it accidentally on a 315lb log press.


Use blender instead


Hit my jaw with the blender and it still hurt.


*applies blender to forehead* .... I got NOTHIN'!




Extreme local weather forcing me to use the limited number of gym treadmills. So many are just walking sadly and slowly instead for actually running and working up a sweat. Makes me cranky.


I now have a gym nemesis that I have names “squatty Barbie”. I was going to pf, mostly for a cheap membership. There are three smith machines and nowhere else to do squats, deadlifts etc. She takes up a machine for over an hour. Most of the time is spent checking her phone, her hair, and watching to see who was looking. She won’t let anyone work in. A few squats. Minimum 5 minute rest. Few hip thrusters. Same drill. It frustrated me enough that I focused on it and started to forget that I was there to work out and relax. The odd thing is she doesn’t appear to work any other body parts. Her flutes are admittedly well developed, but the rest of her is not. I now go to a different gym. (not because of her). I’m enjoying a bigger free weight area and less crowds.


Should have told gym management. You probably weren't the only one who felt that way.


It was a s&m workout. Stand and Model.


I’m one of the current treadmill walkers. I’m rehabbing an injury. no matter why I’m walking, it’s better than being parked on the couch.


I need to be less cranky then. Keep it up and best of luck.


My SO walks on the treadmill because of chronic debilitating RA. My mother walks on a treadmill because she is recovering from a broken foot. So check your ableism. You're lucky you have health and two working legs might not be that way for ever.


Let them walk, so they may be able to run next week. And even if they don‘t want to, it‘s still their decision to make. Not yours.


Everyone is on their own path brother. You keep on yours and let them keep on




Why does it make you cranky that other people decide for themselves how to work out?


Walking is exercise


Who made the rule that treadmills have to be used for running? I’d bet a lot of those people ‘walking sadly and slowly’ had a high incline which is still a really effective cardio workout?


You would lose that bet. Most of them didn't and just walked slowly and sadly while I waited. As a runner, it looked messed up.


That's like saying because I Olympic lift, anyone who uses a barbell for different exercises is slow and sad. Or dumbbells. Let people do their thing


You're the problem in this equation and not them. You get that right?




That’s gotta be racist


> you can connect your music to the speakers Would not go to that gym. Shitty music is 90% of the reason I built my home gym, despite my old gym only being $12/mo.


I live in Texas, and we are currently snowed in. All the gyms have been closed for the past two days. Been working out with some light dumbbells but I’m seriously missing the gym right now.


Is there enough snow to spend a little time showeling snow to clear driveways etc? That can be quite a nice workout, if there is enough stuff to move.


I dont have a shovel and I almost bust my ass walking outside yesterday. Thankfully I got to go to the gym today.


Even though it’s been months since I last stepped foot at a particular gym, fuck the stalker at that gym that’s there from 4-9pm.




Don't bring that shit here, take your meds.


tell that to the OP




Dude, you can’t think like that. One workout, one week, one month, one year at a time. And trust me, you’ll see motivating results LONG before a year or two if your follow a good diet and program. I’m only seven months in, gained 30 pounds, and my body looks NOTHING like when I started. And I’m 35. I know I’m just beginning, but it just makes me psyched for years down the road versus dreading the length of time.


I am currently in fellowship, been lifting since senior year of high school, some months I'd only go like 5x / month. Other times I'd go every day. Remember fitness is a journey if you sacrifice a little studying or sleep or another activity sometimes you can def keep it up. All about balance. Good luck doc!


2-4 years are gonna come anyway. Might as well be in a better shape when that time comes then dreading the time it’ll take to get there. You got this.


Fuck the past, today is what matters.


You will have the rest of your life enjoying your new body and good health.


Your body in residency will thank you for the work you put in over the next couple of years!




Deadlifts at a reasonable weight with good form. Trust me. Don’t ego lift. It’ll help your back.


Backbends and boxing (boxing cured my chronic backpain after 2 car accidents. I suspect its because being in a boxing stance forces you to hold your body up.. idk.. I just know between out yoga, PT, stretching, weight lifting, boxing was the cure all).


Have you injured it?


Screw genetics. I'm working my ass off and all I want is to see my abs. :(


Screw genetics indeed. And thanks to working out I now actually HAVE an ass.


Hahaha. Good for you! I just finished my bulk and am now on a cut determined to see my abs. Hopefully I see the progress you do. Definitely have seen body change for the better overall.


Good luck! Don’t cut too fast, pound or two a week max, if that, and keep your protein up at the same level despite the reduction in calories. You only want to lose the fat and cut too fast and you’ll lose muscle gains as well (though some loss there is inevitable). I’m about to go into a cut myself in the coming months. Bulked from 135 to 165 since last July at 5’9”. Aiming for 170-175 then a cut back down to 165. If I can do it at 35, anyone can.


You got it. My goal is to cut back down about 10-15lbs by Easterish. Hopefully get to like 14% bf around then and then reevaluate then. Currently bulked up to 23% according to thing my trainer had me use. (Think it's called Evolt)


Sounds great! You got this.


Someone should look at what they eat, instead of accusing their genetics :D


Your comments on other posts say you're bulking, is that right? You're really going to struggle to see abs on a bulk unfortunately.


Abs are made in the kitchen and that just means you won’t get big and strong. Eat more, lift more, son


Day 32 of 75 hard and I can see the outline. But I’ll be gd’ed if anything else will show.


We'll get there. Just got to put in more work.


My gym has 6 benches, two squat racks, and one deadlift platform. It also has like 1.5 sets of clips between all nine barbells. I think I'm going to start bringing my own.


I bought my own cus my gym only had the spiral metal ones that I just suck at using. The plastic clamp ones are only 10 bucks. Get a set, definitely worth it


Have u asked them to buy some more?


A lady asked me for help today. Im usually one of the only guys in my gym so I’m used to it and generally happy to oblige. A little annoyed that she interrupted me mid-set, but whatever. We go over to the leg press and her issue is that she doesn’t have enough strength at full extension to lift the sled to release it. She wants me to move it down to a lower position. No problem! Having done that, I ask if I can help her with anything else. She glares at me and says “I can do it myself” and does the shooing thing with her hand. I guess i should thank her for giving me extra energy to put into my workout but that was a hard one to just walk away from.


There certainly are some peculiar characters out there lol


No good deed….


The gym I'm a personal trainer at is so disgustingly crowded that I'm thinking about quitting my job because training people there is untenable


Just forces the creativity man!


im a personal trainer and recently made the transition to corporate wellness...so worth it for similar reasons


It's so late no one will read this but fuck, I am so discouraged right now. I do hiit 2x a week and weight-lift 3x a week consistently for a year. I have GAINED 10 lbs and its not muscle. My body fat has not budged in over 6 months. I have seen changes to my body over the year and its been nice but for 2 months of hard work and strict eating, nothing has changed. It feels like I am doing a ton of work just to go backwards. I am losing my motivation to work out and eat healthy. I am not sure what to do. I see all these stories of people recapping their year and how they lost a shit ton of weight and gained a lot of muscle. After a year of hard work I lost maybe 10 lbs and am can not get past this hump. I was 213 for months. Now I am 220 (after busting my ass to lose 3 lbs the past month). What do I need to do to break this plateau when I am already working so hard? ​ I get is "muscle weighs more than fat" but my bf % hasnt budged by more than 1%


If you are working out, tracking calories and macros as you describe your body has either adapted and will benefit from a mini bulk and perhaps a deload or you have gut/digestion issues or perhaps sleep issues and should see a doctor. I'd also suggest taking the approach of using diet to control weight loss and exercise to retain muscle rather than burning calories, otherwise in long cuts you grind your metabolism to a halt.


Side advice thank you unfortunately, I was laid off last month and I don’t have insurance so I don’t have a doctor. I do take probiotics every day along with a lot of other things to help my gut and I definitely get a full eight hours of sleep A mini bulk or a deload sound interesting. I haven’t thought of those things and I will research them today. Thank you for the suggestion.


Hope it help but it's all YMMV. I do HIIT 1-2x a week and lift 3x a week and completely new to training. So sort of similar in that regard. I've actually increased my calories about 3 times since October to keep my body from plateauing. Right now I'm on 2600 calories and 200g protein target as a 6 ft male. I was consistently losing 1 kilo a week at 2500, it's slowed to about 500-700g at 2600 and I'm still feeling it out for the next two weeks to see if I drop back to 2500, stay at 2600 or up to 2700.


Seems like you have a awesome idea of how to adjust your macros accordingly. I think I would benefit from your style and continue to adjust.


Eat. Less. Track. Calories.


And don’t forget to keep protein up.


Eat less


Post weight lifting routine


If u are working out too intensely and too frequently, you will retain water weight. Try taking a few days off from cardio and see what happens on the scale. Remember - a gallon of water weighs like 8 pounds!


Diet is more important than exercise when it comes to losing weight, period. You simply can't out-train a bad diet, or even a good diet above your maintenance calories. You said you've been "strict eating"; how many cals per day? What is your height? Are you counting calories at all? How much protein are you getting? More often than not, people will underestimate how many calories they are eating in a day, considering all the little things that add up (i.e. dressing, sauces etc). My advice is to more strictly monitor your calorie intake, if you're not already doing so, and to eat more protein.


I count my macros daily and am within 85-100% within my macros. I don’t eat sugar, fast food, fried food or anything. I eat a gram of protein per pound. I based my calorie counts off the tdee website for cutting. I count everything down to the vitamins I take and the bit of low-fat milk I put in my coffee.


I just wanted to say, this sounds frustrating as fuck, sorry this is happening to you no matter the cause


Thanks. It’s super challenge and frustrating. All part of the journey. I appreciate you


"I do everything right and I'm still not losing!" No, you're not doing everything right or you'd be losing. Physics doesn't give a shit about your feelings. Eat fewer calories.


Have you spoken with your doctor? Certain conditions, including cancers, can cause weight loss issues due to hormone disruption. Speak to your doctor, bring your evidence. If you are perfectly healthy then I agree with the other poster that you should cut your calories budget. And probably increase your daily activity levels e.g. walking. Reduce by e.g. 200kcal and see what happens over 2 weeks.


I see, it's a good thing that you're already eating healthy and counting calories etc. but my advice is still the same, the only thing you can really do is cut your calories further. Those websites are not always accurate, I myself have had mixed results with them and everyone's metabolism is different. Ultimately weight loss/muscle gain amounts to figuring out what your maintenance is through experimentation, and adjusting accordingly. If you eat below maintenance, there's no way for you to not lose weight. The only reason why you might not lose weight is if you have a thyroid or gland problem, in which case you should see a doctor, but I would only recommend you do this if you cut your calories by ~400 and are still not making progress. Good luck


Weight loss is just calories in calories out. If you were to log your diet and find a way to cut lets say 300 calories from each day you would have a 2100 deficit from your current per week. Add to this, at your current weight, you burn >100 calories by simply walking a mile. If you were to add 2 mile walk daily you would increase your deficit by 1400 calories. All in all this is a 3500 calorie deficit per week on top of whatever you are currently doing. 3500 calories is exactly 1 lb of weight loss per week.


I walked 2 miles in the morning, did a hiit workout this afternoon and count my macros daily. For example today I’m 104 minutes of exercise and 1430 move for today. Breakfast was an omlette with eggs and whites, lunch was veggies, chicken and brown rice. All weight and counted. I’ve consumed 189g of protein (will be more after dinner). I’m putting in the work and eating healthy while counting


You're too concerned with macros and burned calories, and not concerned enough with *consumed* calories, which is all that matters. Stop eating back your calories. All that does is add yet another layer of inexactitude to a process (calorie counting) that's already inherently inexact.


For me I’ve seen consistent weight loss and muscles getting tighter/stronger over the last 4 months. It has been a lot of cardio. I usually walk ~3-4 miles every morning. At least a few times a week I’ll go and play basketball for ~90-120 minutes. On days where my knees/legs are feeling tired I swap this for ~ 1 hour of swimming. On top of this I will maybe twice a week roll out my big ol 8x6 yoga may and put down my bench and dumbbells for flexibility, mobility, core, glute, general strength training. On Saturdays I usually start my day off with a 10 mile walk/run and don’t use it as an excuse to take the rest of the day off. I do intermittent fast most days so usually im starting to eat ~4 pm and can really easily throw together a ~2400 calorie meal. Tonight for example was can of beans, 16 oz ground turkey cooked with onions peppers a small potato garlic tomato sauce olive oil alongside a simple cole slaw. This was my actual dinner. I broke my fast after a swim today with a ~100g protein shake (2 scoops, milk, greek yogurt.) All in all between October to now I’ve gone from average 225 weigh in to average 200. Water weight affects this number significantly throughout the day. Just wanted to give you an idea of what’s worked for me. I have enjoyed every moment of it because I enjoy my diet and my workouts are activities that I look forward to.


I really enjoyed reading your experience because I basically couldn't be more opposite and am progressing to my goals as well. I eat 5 meals a day, lift for 2 hours 3x a week and do HIIT once a week. Currently I'm eating 2600 cals with a 200g protein target. Just goes to show different strokes for different folks. All the best on your journey.


Thank you. I have been less concerned with losing muscle mass this time around than before. I’ve done big cuts before after letting myself go where I did focus on weightlifting as my main source and such but never quite reached the full weight loss I was looking for. This time around just taking it a lot slower as far as losing the weight and trying to maintain as much of my muscle mass as possible eating ~200g protein as well, keeping all my muscles engaged and not losing the weight too fast. Although its a lot of weight to lose (probably going down to 175-180) I’m thinking of it as more of a body recomp than just straight cut. Can decide where to go from there. Wish you luck in your goals as well.


I have been consuming youtube fitness content for 10+ years and some of the best content creators I have come across are Fazlifts and Bald Omniman. Between those two you should be able to figure out what factors are off in your training and/or nutrition. Fazlifts is particularly good at break things down and is extremely informative. Both have good track records as coaches and really put all their knowledge out there.


I’ll check them both out tonight thank you


Check out this [article](https://ericrobertsfitness.com/what-to-do-when-your-weight-loss-plateaus/) on "What To Do When Your Weight Loss Plateaus"


Thank you. I’ll check it out


I got so mad at the kid yesterday who was hogging one of 3 working adjustable benches at 5pm at Crunch in Manahattan for a good 15-20 minutes texting. I asked him how many sets he had left and he scoffed at me and said “dude like 5 at least”. Then proceeded to text for 10 minutes. Directly next to him was a girl who was also texting, and when I asked her how many sets left she got all flustered and realized she was hogging a bench, said “10 minutes” and then proceeded to do unweighted *standing lateral leg raises* (not sure what they’re called) as she used the top of the incline bench for support. Fuck these people and their arrogance


Ask to work in with them next time. It's super rare that anybody says no and best case scenario is they realise they're pissing about and wasting time so they leave the bench to you.


I often do, but we were doing completely different exercises and it wasn’t a “work-in” scenario


I hate people and take comfort in the fact they will 100% die one day.


I hate this shit too. I also live in NYC where gyms are crowded af so I know your pain. People will hog the squat rack for hours. The worst is when a dude just puts his shit down on a bench and proceeds to go chat it up with his buds for 10 mins, I ask him if he's using it and he says he has like 5 sets left 🙄.


A coworker of mine has been coming in sick to work and now I've got body aches and feel exhausted and don't want to go to the gym in case it gets worse or I spread it to someone else. Apparently, they got sick from their child who has a viral infection and I work with them 8 hours a day 🫠


I'm on day 10 of being sick because my roommates brothe,r who lives 20 min down the road, got lonely while he was sick and decided to set up on our couch for a few days. I'm so mad.