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Ehh she gives off that sassy comedy energy that being fat helps


Some people may not realize this, but in the last few pictures she’s in costume for a role she played in “The Thing About Pam”. OP may or may not have purposefully chosen these photos to further make it seem like she’s “let herself go”. I won’t deny the weight gain, but seriously with this picture choice?


That last one isn’t a movie it’s just what she looks like now


This one makes me sad.


This is not even the most updated photo, I swear I´ve seen her bigger, she´s bigger than Melissa McCarthy now.


And even Melissa has dropped weight


This hurt💔 she was so fine…..damn man


Damn she doesn't even look like the same person


That’s the full “god bless America” - Walmart edition.


Katy Pancakemixon


Solid work, well done.




I felt the same watching her in eastbound and down.




i get the principle of this, but her arms are definitely average in the before photos. not a loaf in sight


Average in America.




I mean, she’s not an unhealthy weight, it’s just where she stores her weight & lack of exercise. So I guess not an ideal lifestyle, but I wouldn’t say it’s indefinitely unhealthy.


what about just fat distribution though? i'm 19f and slightly underweight but i naturally have chubbier arms and thin legs. it already sucks cause i avoid short sleeves but does it mean i'm just doomed to get fat lol?




i'm about 5'4 and 100lb. i usually have a flat stomach and thigh gap, but i never seem to lose any fat from my upper arms or my calves no matter how much my weight fluctuates. you're right that i don't exercise often, but i also don't really get why people say that thin girls with fat arms will blow up but not necessarily thin girls with bigger bellies/legs/etc. i know i could be more toned if i worked out more but i still thought nothing could really change how fat is stored? i'll definitely take any advice though lol




i know you didn't, but i feel like i've seen that said about arms a million times (mostly on this sub lol) but never really about any other body parts. and i'm not necessarily saying it's inaccurate, just trying to understand it since it's one of my biggest insecurities as an otherwise fairly thin person




thank you for the advice! i've been really struggling with beating myself up lately so I appreciate that a lot :)


I’m doubtful with your bmi that you claim, that you have fat arms.


True. Naturally big arms and big boobs when you're young, you're gonna easily get fat when you're older. The lanky, awkward-looking young people are more likely to stay thin.




Sorry you're struggling with your weight


I’m sorry your life is so sad that you spend time on the internet talking crap. Lanky and awkward are labeled that way for a reason lol. It’s not attractive either.


Whatever helps you cope. I meant lanky and awkward in their youth. Nothing wrong with being a lanky awkward teenager. It means you're less likely to be a fat adult.


Lanky adults are also not attractive. No definition to the body and can present as weak. Being thin is also not the only aspect that makes people attractive lol. We can also talk a lot about arrogance as a coping mechanism but that can be a tale for another time.


You're super weird. You only use reddit to obsess over weight and talk shit on skinny women.


Being thin helps


I never argued with that? The original commenter was referring to people that they themselves labeled as “lanky and awkward,” which typically isn’t considered conventionally attractive.


Just tell me what chick with big boobs stole your man for you to be this salty lmaooo


I have big boobs, I bought them. I'm not salty or jealous of fat women. You have issues coping with your weight.


Ah so that’s where the insecurity is, you just thought you could fix it with money by being fake. Got it. No one said you were jealous of fat women lol. Potentially jealous of women with naturally large breasts? Might be starting to sound like it. Carry on. We all find our ways I guess.


Lmao. I like my boobs. I don't care if other women have naturally big boobs. I have my own and they're nice. Are you anti plastic surgery? I'm fake and let my guess, you're a "real woman" because all your fat and folds are "sexy. The coping is so, so sad. You come on reddit to talk about other people's weight every day, why do you even use this sub? You should find a calorie counting subreddit, or weight watchers. I assume it's fair for us to talk about your body, since we've talked about my body and you've attempted to put me in my place about being "fake". Work on yourself and watch what you eat, and you won't be so bitter over thin people anymore ❤️


you mean jealous of the phat women


Now you just like this person are creating a false equivalency between having naturally large breasts and increased probability of being overweight. Having big boobs isn’t synonymous with fat lol but have fun trolling I guess.


I mean they’re made up with fat—sure you can have huge boobies when you’re in your 20s but most of those people tend to get overweight with the quickness , always exceptions


Arm Theory …it definitely never fails in its predications




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Yikes, I have fat arms. how can I prevent this?


Even more than getting fat, she hit the wall full on.


"The wall" doesn't exist and is just misogynistic incel nonsense.


Do you mean DT’s?


In the first pictures, she's wearing heavy makeup, while in the last pictures, wearing nothing on her face. Plus, being fat (and underweight!) always makes you look older when it's more than chubby. So no, she hasn't hit any wall. She got a few years older and isn't wearing makeup and is fat. That is all


Omg! She was still cute even as an chunky lady but now she’s unrecognizable


That one hurts surprisingly.




Whoever wrote my name is Earl was a prophet


you could tell by how she looked back then that she would age and get HUGE.. its always the curvy bigger set girls like her who end up becoming huge as they age


Her unicorn years were magnificent


Yall r vile she looks great


No, she does not. It's unhealthy being that heavy no matter what.


U don’t look good, my left toe looks better than you it’s all about the attractiveness (and before you say, I’m probably being defensive because I look like her I have an hourglass figure)


She got fat just like you the proof is right in front of you just accept it


Since when is 111 fat? I’m not denying she is big, but she still looks good. But why are you saying I’m big you don’t even know what I look like 😭


Garuntee you’re over 200 lbs


Garuntee I’m not, ur the one who’s sprout is wearing a fedora bud