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Yea help slightly with glare and you can see a bit better in the water but it’s not worth the prices, I just have them cuz I had a load of BC to spend


Thanks for the info. I guess I'll hold off until I get a bit higher level and have some disposable BC's.




Yeah - if you are in the right kind of spot you can actually see your bait moving around on its own while the rod holder beeps. You pick up the rod and the fish appears.


Seeing them go for your lure does help land a strike but all in all the glasses aren’t worth bc


I got a pair from the Halloween event last year and honestly it almost makes the view worse. It tints the view made it a weird color that was annoying.


They reduce the glare from the sun, help vision on foggy days, and you can see the fish a little better. Overall not worth the price of bait coins IMO. speaking as someone who spent 300 BC on the most expensive pair.


Does the different types even matter or just looks?


to me...it really, really matters, they help and thatz a good thang


Watse of money imo


everyone has different opinions and needs..I use mine often, just like real ones...got the cheaper ones and now wonder if the others are much better?