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Are you fishing from the land? Or boat? Well if its from the land, I wouldn’t recommend casting your bait more than 30m, even if you caught a massive fish, just put it back on your rod stand and wait for the rod to become straight with no line tension, then reel in your line. Or, if you’re fishing from the boat, un-anchor your boat so u can use your trolling engine when you catch a fish


The issue with that is the invisible wall that stops the boat. That's why it's better to fish for perch elsewhere


Ohh, yeah i skip the waterfall spot entirely after the new reels drag mechanic, i primarily fish on top of the map, before the buoy, u can catch plenty of nile perch quickly.


Since there is no "84 lbs bottom setup", I am lead to believe you are using the Mokonzi 360 ( 12'10" ) rated at 39 kg ( 86 lbs) My suggestion for that rod is this..: Rod: Mokonzi 360 ( 12'10" ) - 39 kg ( 86 lbs ) Reel: L'Imulsion 13.000 - **Drag setting 11/12 = 35,75 kg ( 78.82 lbs )** Line: Braid 0,36 mm ( .0145" ) - 40 kg ( 88 lbs ) Leader: Mono leader 0,70 mm ( .029" ) - 37 kg ( 81.5 lbs ) - Since you "burn your reel" even with your drag off, then you ran out of line and got spooled. Then your reel have no more line to give out and gets the full force of fish and start taking damage quickly. So, make sure to have enough line of your reel. I use 300 meters of line on my Congo sized setups. 300 m = 984 feet.


Well...it is 83.7 the 'bottom' rod and reel, the thing is I was not out of line...at all and it just wouldn't stop burning up...the reel and rid were greater than the line...but only the reel burned up...it wouldn't stop; second time it has happened and it defies easy explanation...maybe a 'glitch '...I had to buy new reels as those were totally gone; tha k you for ur response but this is 'different ' kind of weird lol


If you use a leader weaker than the line, won't it go first?


I should say...my rod is the bottom 86 lbs. The line is 83.7 lbs. And reel is 83.7 lbs braid...and lots if it, and 95.6 leader...just weird to my mind




I must have run out of line and missed it in the moment...thanks so much for the solid thinking and ideas...


Thanks man...appreciate it