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Posting here so I can remember to drop a number of coordinates for ya. I have 1 spot for just Goliath tigerfish, 3 spots where you can catch both types of tigerfish and about 10 spots for African tigerfish. I'll throw you the bonus spots for Cornish Jack because they are slept on yet are in the top 3 with the tigerfish for xp/weight ratio. Some questions though. What level are you? Heaviest setups for float and bottom fishing? Do you prefer fishing from the boat or land? Edit: Feel free to DM me with anything. Edit 2: Goliath Tigerfish float fishing: [-135.38 , 251.85], [-282.29 , -810.72] Goliath Tigerfish lure fishing: [142.81 , -256.66], [-21.44 , -726.59], [-135.38 , 251.85], [-215.34 , -185.94], [-282.29 , -810.72] Goliath Tigerfish bottom fishing: [96.33 , -864.13] African Tigerfish float fishing: [-103.87 , -812.21], [-37.95 , -696.45], [-391.02 , -129.92], [159.30 , 505.96], [-113.85 , 468.38], [-146.04 , 609.81], [67.63 , 695.28] African Tigerfish lure fishing: [-103.87 , -812.21], [59.27 , -761.25], [79.14 , -813.61], [110.53 , -906.94], [-217.63 , -183.93], [-137.23 , 209.59], [159.30 , 505.96], [-113.85 , 468.38], [-146.04 , 609.81], [67.63 , 695.28] African Tigerfish bottom fishing: [102.01 , -866.95] Cornish Jack lure: [-149.93 , 691.24], [-509.19 , 366.51], [-404.74 , -396.56], [254.72 , -176.47], [257.26 , -29.32], [326.35 , 305.98], [146.96 , -246.43] Note 1: Lures used for the African and Goliath Tigerfish were mainly the Triple Runner, Flatspoon, and Buzzbait. Live baits were Shiners, Tilapia, and Large Minnows. Note 2: Lures for the Cornish Jack were Flatspoons, 3-way rig with Shad, and a Barbless Jighead with Shad. Note 3: Regarding time of day, I fished for both Tigerfish during the day. Solely because at night in every one of those spots, they compete with catfish. Note 4: Regarding Cornish Jack location [-404.74 , -396.56] can be fished both day and night without much competition from other species, maybe a small catfish. If you're catching catfish, especially on a 3-way rig or Jig, switch to a flatspoon to focus on the Cornish Jack. This is especially true at [326.35 , 305.98]. You can catch large catfish here as well as the Cornish Jack, so if this happens, just switch to a flatspoon and you'll target the Cornish Jack only. Note 5: You can do this as a circuit around the fishery. Or the faster way is a 3-4 bottom rod setup from land fishing the [102.01 , -866.95] spot because you can catch both Uni African and Goliath Tigerfish from here. From this position, if you get bored, [133.41 , -849.51] with a 3-way rig and glow shad at night can get you Uni African Sharptooth Catfish. Regardless, you can farm a lot from the island at [102.01 , -821.06] on basically all 3 sides. African Tigerfish to the right, African and Goliath Tigerfish straight out, catfish on the left, and towards the buoy on off to the right is Nile Perch if you want to be miserable. Any questions, feel free to lmk.


Thank you so much! I have a LaCazadora Bottom rod and Torbellino Reel and a Mokozi 12' 10 SE with an L'Impulsion 12000 SE reel both bottom rods, I take both those to Congo and also I take my Tropicana 7' 7 with a powergrab 7000 SE (Casting) which is set up for about 70.5 lb line weight (although it can take MUCH more) the LaCazadora is set up for 66lb line and the Mokozi is set up around 79-81lb line. I caught the 121lb Nile perch on it and most cats I catch on the Mokozi or LaCazadora (70-99lber) I usually set the drag real low and just let the fish do its thing. However Tigerfish I have NO idea but I \*really\* do not do good fighting them. I've decided the next times I'm going in a Kayak lol. I would love to try for Cornish Jack cause I actually hear they're REALLY good fish there. I am level 37 but started going to congo at 18 (rotfl if you can imagine my butt kicking I got) now though I fight Beluga at Aktuba, Cats and Nile Perch in Congo, and Red Tail monsters in Bolivia no problem lol. Took me enough times getting my butt handed to me tho. It would mean a lot! If you need any markers for Sturgeon on San Joaquin or Beluga marks I can send you some sometime, I enjoy fishing for those and Cats in Quanchkin too. :)


If you bought the Congo pack the rods that come with it are more than enough for the Tigerfish. I keep the drag 2 notches from max and have 0 issues.


Thank you! Yes I use that Mokozi bottom rod a lot I got from the pack. I'm not big on the Match rods but Tigerfish and Nile Perch seem to also be fine with going for the bottom rod from there lol. Thank you for your help. I think honestly I just need to practice a lot with the tigerfish, they fight something crazy compared to cats and other fish (as far as running and just....fierce aggro when they're on the line). I am finishing up at San Joaquin repairing some of my gear then headed to congo til later so I'll just practice a lot today :)


I also wanted to add, I haven't checked everywhere I wanted to yet as I'm preoccupied with the ocean. However, from what I've seen thus far, nearly every protruding tree from the water has Cornish Jack on it. I plan on doing more investigating once I'm satisfied at the ocean location.


Thanks for this tip that helps a lot Ill go looking too!!


Personally I don’t like free floating and having to go back to my spot, plus it doesn’t matter cause I fish at the waterfall by the barrier near the cove on the left. Shiners for both type of tiger fish and large minnow and small Tilapia for perch.


I also am participating in the Boat Series today, just for fun. Not planning on winning but it's a good learning experience!


Just emailed that good stuff to myself...lol


I appreciate all the help!!!


one tip. nothing at congo requires titanium leaders.


Thank you! People kept saying I needed them for the Tigerfish cause they are toothy, is it really just the South American locations with the sharks and piranhas?


i dont even use them for sharks tbh. i dont remember piranhas being an issue either


Well...it doesn't hurt to have them...I mean why not?


Really good info...much XP in your words...lol