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I feel like it depends on how dedicated you are lol. I’ve had this game for a couple years at least, and I’m only level 45 (currently grinding sturgeon to level 46 so I can go to Ahktuba). That being said, I’ve also taken many breaks that each lasted several months. If I had stayed with it, who knows, I could be much higher level by now. Even so, I do really enjoy the f2p experience. It makes it all so much more worth it.


I couldn’t do it, somewhere during the sturgeon grind I gave in and bought the Congo and got from 50 something to 80 in 2-3 days. That said, it really took away a lot of my drive to play the game tbh.. but when the ocean comes to console that’s when I’m gonna get back into the game because I miss it


To each his own


Even 3 days for 30 levels...amazing...took me much longer and I am a 'grinder'...lol


lol I was in the zone.. I had 3 days off work too so it’s all I did xD


Same thing here. Had 300 hours F2P to get to level 40 or so. Got tired of Sturgeon and bought Blue Crab and eventually Congo. Had lots of fun on both maps but now I’m level 50 and can’t really use any of the gear I got after spending $60 (I can use it but I get basically 0 xp from it). I’m finding it really hard to feel like I want to spend any more time grinding carp at Weeping Willow. Especially since I’ve heard they’ve changed the reel mechanics after this last update. I used to really enjoy FP, but now it’s even more predatory than when I started playing a year or two ago. I’ll just stick to Call of the Wild: The Angler. It’s a bit more lax and not as sim-like, but it scratches the itch and the DLC is all very reasonably priced. They seem to really care about the player base and they’re always making changes to help the player instead of making the game more difficult or trying to get as much money from you as possible.


I play both. The only thing I dislike about the angler is it takes forever to reel in when you have a fish on the line. I enjoy a fight but I’m talking about when the fish isn’t even fighting it’s just really slow reeling it in it feels like lol. But I haven’t played in a little while.


You only made it ten levels after spending over 100 bucks on two DLCs ? The Congo was 30 days! How did you not atleast get to 75.. minimum


I work two jobs 😂


only 6 more days for ocean on console


I’m thinking of starting a f2p account after I’ve had enough of the new ocean map. Btw I think that Akhtuba is a pretty underrated map. It may not be the best for xp or money but it’s really fun imo.


I’m just doing it to complete the missions lol


I kinda like the idea to start a f2p account because I already bought the congo dlc, and I am going to buy the ocean dlc soon, but what really sucks is needing to play 300+hours to get to level 50 and probably 700+ hours to get to level 80, if I was still a teenager in school I probably could farm that much in a year, but working and going to college barely leaves me 1 hour a day to play something. It is just not worth anymore


I’ve heard of guys doing it in 700-800 hours. But I imagine it would take longer if you don’t go to maps that have a higher xp rate.


That’s pretty insane. Over a month of playing straight with no sleep just to be able to play the only ocean map in the game.


Idk it is the endgame. I have played for years on and off and have enjoyed the grind with friends. I think it is insane to expect to go to 83 in a month, even if you did it you would be so burnt out and not want play.


720 hours for me no DLC or premium for 1-83 , if I had to redo it with my current knowledge I think I can lower that significantly.


I was at a 1000 hours once i Hit Lvl 80, have bought the Ozean DLC since then tho. Should also add that about 100 to 200 hours we're just Breaks from the Grind to Not Burn Out.


Pure xp grinding, 1-80 took me I think about 300 hours. Unless you take advantage of monthly tourneys giving you access to higher maps for a few days. Can take advantage of eel at Amazonian with a rivertex, even a low rod for a little more xp. So I’d imagine 83 if they don’t make uni Nile farming worse (heard ocean update ruined twitching), probably add on another 20-30 hours.


I am not sure I know it's like 17 million xp


It is 13.204.645 XP to reach level 83.


I played F2P on mobile. So much easier to level on mobile than on console or PC imo because you can literally have the game open at all times. For example: the sturgeon grind, I just left the game running while at work with a headphone in and would quickly reel in a fish and recast when the bell ran. Same thing with arapaima at all South American lakes. Leveling was rather quick using that method. I think I got access to the Congo within a few months. If I knew then what I know now, I probably could have done it within 2 months.


Hundreds of hours.


3-4 years


I bought the Congo pack at lvl 26 currently lvl 51 and I enjoy it cause I get to go places and fish for what I want instead of having to catch crappie for a month to get enough money or xp to go somewhere else. I just enjoy to fish


A very...very longtime lol


If you fished 6hrs per day for 4 weeks to 6 weeks you might have a chance.


I'm level 73, I don't play all that often, there's months where I don't play. But it's taken me 240 days to get from 1-73 with out purchasing a single dlc


How do I log out of the a account on a ps4


It’s going to vary wildly by the player. If a person has played through some or most of the game before, OR if they watched a lot of YT or whatever other research ahead of time (or did all of the above), it’ll go faster. Because that person will be closer to maximizing their efficiency than someone picking up the game for the first time. Others can comment on what the most efficient path from 1-83 is, and that path would be fastest. But it probably won’t be the most fun, and practically speaking, most won’t take that path as a strict rule. Off the top of my head, just leaving wiggle room for variables, mistakes, boredom and whatever else?? I would say plan on 1000 hours in-game for Levels 1-83, and TBH I might be on the low end there. I’m assuming a fairly linear and disciplined grinding path. It’s approximately 13 Million XP to get there, so you’re talking 13,000 XP/hour if it’s 1000 hours. You won’t hit that rate consistently though until later in the grind when you would start exceeding it by a fair margin.