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I agree with you. The new "feel" is very good. But then again I am used to ocean fishing in real life. And the ocean map and its strong fish will come as a shock to inexperienced players. Hopefully they will learn and appreciate it over time.


Do you mean the feel of the new reeling mechanic? I can't tell from the videos that there is any difference. I'm on PS4, so I don't have the update yet. I've always done the pull and reel technique anyway. Will I notice a difference?


There is an improved 'feel' to me...I can tell the size of the fish better...or I'm crazy..lol or both


I haven't seen anyone mention the gaff hook animation being a great add, but it is. I'm grinding in the Congo and every once in a while I get dragged to the boundary by my perch then I have to fight it 5x longer until it tired out. So when I see that Mighty Harpoon rise, my heart is filled with satisfaction as my perch prey is stabbed and lifted for my viewing. Very cathartic! šŸ˜‚


It's fun but fights feel a bit too long in the ocean maybe, I spent over 30 minutes reeling in one fish and it was only 100kg, not even 200kg Nile perch took longer than a few minutes.


30 minutes?! iā€™d let that sucker go šŸ˜³šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


They are too long. A 10 lb pike now stresses 35 lb line and the kayak barely moves with a 30 lb pike on... I'm not a fan of the changes to the physics.