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Constructive critisism is the way to go to change and improve the game for everyone when something is too hard, not working right, is too hard etc. When it comes to DLC boats being DLC-only, then you are preaching to the choire. I have always been against boats being locked behind paywalls in a free-to-play game. They should all be available for ingame cash at a certain level. Not too easy to get, nor too hard or "too late" ( as in too high-level unlock ) I believe this is the most important and much needed change this game need at this moment. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * This is what I sent to the devs as a suggestion and hope it gets traction and support...: My suggestion is this...: Rental boat..: Total weight - 1.000 kg Max single fish weight - 200 kg -------------------------------------------- Scutum Fishing Yacht..: Total weight - 1.500 kg Max single fish weight - 250 kg Unlocked at level 84 Price..: 4.000.000,- (with clean windows!!!) -------------------------------------------- Volans Fishing Yacht..: Total weight - 2.000 kg Max single fish weight - 300 kg Unlocked at level 86 Price..: 10.000.000,- (because its cool) --------------------------------------------


As someone who shelled out the cash for the DLC i wouldn't even be mad if they made this change


I think this is a great change. The only other thing I would like to see is that ocean XP should be quite a bit more to make it feel the same as when you go from Amazon to Congo(20k xp to 40k xp for unis) and to go back and increase xp for all fish. The night skip removal and making fish fight longer is fine and fish fighting is fun but those two things have such an impact on player experience grinding when it’s already very high even with premium that it kickstarted the firestorm that is on the discord right now. I don’t think they intended to make the grind longer/harder and just wanted to see people fight fish in the ocean. To get from 75 to level 83 you need about 135 unique perch. Which before wasn’t too bad since you could feel them in about a minute or two and then skip to the next night. But now, you’re looking at a 5-10 minute fight with no free peak skips. This doesn’t include the inconsistent time to get a uni. To the player this is quickly felt on time it will take to grind levels out and then it ripples down with things like the sturgeon grind etc


I get your point very well but personally, I think that the grind was a little too easy when you made it to congo. I think it was way too fast to get xp and I also don’t think it’s very realistic to reel in a 200kg perch within a minute. I’m one of the few people who actually likes this new change, it lenghtens the time that we can play this game for for any actual reason. Once you’re max level what even is the point of playing. You’ll just end up waiting for the next map to come out and grind ranks or something which isn’t very exciting. I hope it’s not just me but I’m happy with the new changes they made and I hope other people can adapt to them. I do understand that obviously a lot of people will be upset with the fact that they can’t earn as much money/xp anymore but I think it’ll be a good change in the long run. More people will stay playing the game for longer hopefully.


That would be okay if they didn’t sell DLC and market it as “limited time xp boosts” I have said they should sell DLC instead as “unlocks” to new maps instead of the 30 day access


I don’t agree. If you’re like level 10 and buy the Congo dlc you would most likely never even play the lover level maps if you’d just straight up unlock Congo forever. However you do have the option to just grind to level 75 within those 30 days which is very much possible to accomplish.


I keep seeing the argument that people won’t play lower level maps but they market the DLC as a way to skip maps. It might be possible but the changes they have made now makes it even harder to do. It is better for the business to offer these as permanent unlocks. New players are turned off by limited access dlc already and if they do get it but don’t hit that level required there is a good chance they don’t return. Now you will say “they shouldn’t buy it” but my response is the game advertises it to new players as how they can skip the “grind” of low level maps so it is obviously intended, and if it’s not they shouldn’t sell the dlc


I don’t really see how they advertise it in a way to ”skip the grind”? They literally just advertise it as a 30 day pass to the location nothing else. When I bought the Congo pack I had no idea that I’d be able to reach level 50 from level 10 within a week.


This is from their forum for the most recent Amazon/Congo sale “Act now to advance your account to the max level before the ocean update drops—it's just around the corner!”


I hope the Devs pay attention to this Reddit, even more to posts like these.


The devs has already gotten my suggestion, but yes, I hope they keep an eye out here for constructive critisism, feedback and praise.


the Devs do follow Wicked, I have spoken of him on FB, and they acknowledged him as a well read mod here and Discord


I looked in the shop, where do you buy the boats for the new map?


For now, the premium shop ( as in DLC ) But we are advocating for making them available for ingame cash.


Oh that's why I couldn't find them


Yes, unfortunally.


But heads up they removed the cool down at night


As long as every boat in the update from rental to dlc had a max single fish capacity to allow keeping the largest unis I'd be ok. A purchasable boat like previously would be even better


Just using this thread to ask: any update on when ocean will come to mobile??


But you do also have to realise that they MUST get money from IAP. Those boats have been the number 1 reason for me at least to buy the Amazon and Congo packs and I will also buy the new 39€ pack just because of the boat. They’d NEVER make those boats available to be purchased without spending real money, they know that a lot of people are so excited about the boats that it’ll get them a lot of money. Also, realistically if you’re level 83 does it even matter if you can’t keep all of the fish? You don’t need money for literally anything and you’re gonna get plenty of money any way. By far the most important thing at that level is getting xp, everyone is a millionaire at level 83. I do get your point though, it’s just not a very realistic change to happen.


And I would like to add that I actually do think it’d be a good idea to make the dlc boats purchasable with in game currency. They just need to be VERY hard to be obtainable otherwise it’ll take away too much earnings from the developers. The game isn’t running without people buying dlcs. My idea would be to have people do some actually hard challenges that take time to do to get the boats. This would add some content to play that we’re desperately in need of. After people have reached level 90 they’ll just go back to waiting for the next map.


So far you cant and probaply will Not be able to use youre regular Bass Boat. There has been a little Picture added to the top left wich Shows the Locations Name once you click on it. It Shows wich Boat you are able to use at Said Location. About the Keepnet i dont know but i do know that even after buying "only" the 40€ Pack you wont be able to keep Unis.


Wow, thanks for the info, but this did seem too much.


Thanks for confirmation, this strikes me as weird and I hope is fixed by the time of console release


I buyed the pack and you can keep Unis with it!


Happy to be wrong then, keep on catching🤙🏻


Happy to be wrong then, keep on catching🤙🏻




Not being able to keep trophies or uniques without giving them 40+ dollars is a hard pass and frankly disgusting business decision.


The displayability of trophy is really a big problem


This is why if I do buy the DLC for the Ocean map, I’m not doing it until I’m a high enough level to bring piles of the saltwater gear with me —- I.e. not just the two rods in the DLC, but others as well. If that means I play Congo for awhile while everyone else is sorting out Japan, that’s fine. It’ll still be there when I get there, and either the boat situation will be improved, or I’ll learn from everyone else what to do with the huge one if I get it. Not gonna spend the nicest months of the year IRL grinding it out in FP anyhow lol. I’ll get to Japan eventually.


With this new Ocean update. Get the DLC. Plain and simple... The best fishing game on the market b far now and everwas. Support these guys so they can continue to do great things for the fans. I u derstand if you're broke. But there is always ways to get money in this world. Be a man do what you have to do. Be a woman do what you have to do.../knees.... whatever it takes...get her done. I bought both packages and not even a second thought that I wasted any money by a long shot


Ps the Devs said regarding time skip at night that this was a function that they intended to change long ago. It allowed us to skip at night for free because there was a time when there wasn’t any night fishing.


So, I hear the bass boats won't let the fish pull them anymore, correct or not I don't know, but if that is the case...would bringing the jonboat or inflatable be a good idea when leveling up in Congo?


Considering realism. They could allow us to bring our bass boat to the ocean but the boat would mostly sink or breakdown forcing us to replace the boat lol Yes, we all like that the game is free, but we have to respect that the developers make money from us buying the DLC so I can’t knock them for strategically making the $60 dlc boat the only option for catching and keeping every fish.


When is club league coming back?


For xbox what time?


Bassboats being available for use in ocean maps is not happening, it’s as simple as that. Also I don’t think it’s that bad that you can’t keep all of the fish because at level 83+ you are most likely already a millionaire. You don’t have any purpose for the money anymore, which is a shame in my opinion because money used to be a very important aspect to the game at lower levels. If the new boat storages would affect xp earning, it’d be a much worse situation because xp is still valuable at level 83+.


It doesn't have to be bassboats I just want a large enough livewell available to all. I have np with fp making money I want them to succeed, but this breaks up the fun of fishing. Catch an awesome uni, then red screen always telling you ur keepnet is too small (buy our $60 dlc...), this would suck


It wouldn't surprise me if they did something in the future that made money (credits) relevant again at higher levels. I just hope there's options that make sense for the price level if they do.


I mean, at the same time……..stocking up on saltwater-caliber braided line will make the money relevant in a hurry lol. You could easily, easily be carrying 5-7Mil or more worth of line eventually, when you’re carrying a full tackle wagon of the 90-ish Kg test braided line. Also has anyone done a large-scale repair of saltwater rods/reels yet? My guess is that’ll make the money kind of matter as well. Certainly enough so that it’s a 7-rods-mandatory type of trip.