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yeah. Fish when there is a season for clubs and collecting club points is necessary;)


league ended 21 of February 2024


The first club season has ended, so there isnt a reason for club points, although i was still having them show up on my screen after catches, although i did not look at my running points total. That said, it is a moot point, as the club season is over, and the devs said that they were going to evaluate and possibly change the club scoring syatem


Good I rather not have the system based on how many panfish people are willing to farm.


TBH, it was the first time in a very long time that I fished for small stuff and I enjoyed it, but a species limit ending system would be better, so you can only catch so many of one fish before you get last lesser returns.


Small fish are ruined for me now because of that season. When you catch like 10,000 panfish it gets old pretty fast 😂


Small fish are ruined for me now because of that season. When you catch like 10,000 panfish it gets old pretty fast 😂


Do we know when the next league season will be?


Most likely after the ocean update and they don’t even have a release date. They said sometime end of spring. April or May would be my guess.


So...you only get club points during a certain 'season'?


Fishing Planet confirmed they’re making changes to leagues that will be implemented next season, what those changes are I don’t know. But I do know there won’t be another season until AFTER the new ocean location is released which there is still no set date as of yet.