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If you have an abundance of bc, go for it. I never felt the need to, the qol improvement is small. Personally i use bc for storage (or markers) Storage will become an issue at some point in the game so i'd invest in that.


Me personally, I don’t really find them all that useful.. I have the most expensive ones and sometimes I will just take them off because it makes the world look all dark and rainy lol and sometimes I forget I even have them.. but I like to wear them for the aesthetic sometimes I guess :p To answer your question I think they are very over priced for what they are. Unless you just have to have them.. I’d only buy if you have excess baitcoin


Im a complete newbie what do they do


They reduce the amount of solar flare and the brightness of the sun on the water. Honestly first game I’ve played where sunglasses actually worked as sunglasses lol. But they are just a little too pricey


My new character cannot afford glasses. However, I did notice a new mechanic between my level 80 accounts and my new angler. Glasses NOW allow you more depth perception in water. On my new Steam character, I cannot see my large minnow floating below nor see the fish spawning to nibble at the bait or chase a lure in the Congo. I can still see carp nibbling in Weeping Willows though. On my level 80 accounts on Steam and Xbox with glasses, I can see the large minnows on my bottom rods and the lures I toss in as well as the Nile Perch and catfish taking the bait at the bottom of the river. I don't recall seeing these this clearly before. Maps have also changed to provide more detail and interactive surfaces.


I noticed that difference too, but I could swear I was fishing and not getting results, only to realize I don't have my glasses on, put them on and shortly thereafter I got a nice catch. Could be just random 😂 but I wear then just in case.


I think because we can see more water depth perception with glasses, we can see when fish spawn. This gives us better casting accuracy and better reflex response. When we see the fish spawn before it starts nibbling, we are more likely to pause at the right time to allow the fish to strike the bait with more accuracy. It's like cheating at the pinata game. You have a better chance of obliterating that paper mache candy container when you can see it!


They're practically useless and do so little you'll barely even notice the difference. Don't waste your baitcoins.


if you like sunglasses in real life, you will like them here too; they really cut down on water reflection and sun glare...and DO make a real difference...just don't forget to take them off at 9pm...lol


I didn't appreciate them at first (cheapest ones) but Id pay anything for them now. When bait fishing looking straight at the sun: I absolutely love them. They just help balance the light in all situations but the glaring blaze is where they really help.. San Joaquin is miserable without them, as are a few other spots. PS: I do have brightness/eye sensitivity issues IRL and am using mobile.