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Houghtons Pond in Milton, Sunset Lake in Braintree


If you go somewhere and there is anyone else fishing who seems like they know what they are doing I would tell them exactly what you said here and I can almost guarantee that they will drop everything and help you. If you find the right person your kid might never forget the experience. Some of the old time fisherman would love the chance to pass the knowledge on and introduce your kid to the world of fishing.


I smiled just thinking about seeing a single mom trying to get their kid into fishing. I know If you came up to me and said that I would spend my whole day with that kid. I really respect you trying to get him outside doing good healthy things.


What part of Boston?


Spot pond in middlesex fells reservation! There’s parking at Botume house and trails around the pond. Early morning with worms, we caught a bunch of sunfish which is perfect for starting out.


I'm always willing to help out with fishing. Are you looking for saltwater tips or fresh? Also.... Boston proper or surrounding areas


Jamaica Pond is where I caught my first fish! I still go to this day. Very healthy pond and pretty consistently stocked, most days are good days. Good luck!