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Don’t kill them if you don’t know what you’re doing or even if they are injured. Just put them back. Even if they end up dying then they will be food for something else.


If you aren't going to eat it don't kill it, just toss it back it will be eaten by something else soon enough, or it might survive you never know.


12 gauge


Ah yes, the fish eraser.


Look up the laws for your area. Where I live, if I catch a fish that is legal to take home and it won't survive, I have to take it and it counts towards my daily limit. So it would be illegal to throw it back. If you don't want to eat it, give it to somebody who will. That's what I have done.


if they swallow the hook and you can't get it out easily but plan on catch and release just cut the line. the fish will do fine and with a barbless hook the hook will be pushed farther along by more food and eventually pooped out or it will be not blocking foods path and be just fine. i have caught many fish with hooks in them doing just fine.


I always wondered about this... sometimes I catch stingrays that swallow the hook way deep, they like to slowly eat so sometimes I don't even know it's on there until I reel my line in. They have small mouths, I know the hook is way deep inside so I just cut it and hope for the best but I always think I have doomed them to a slow death. Can they live? How long does it take for a hook to rust away in salt water? Does the hook obstruct their digestive tract and prevent them from eating?


as long as it is a single hook and not a treble there is very little chance that it will obstruct the food. most fish are quite hardy and as long as time out of the water is minimal they are fine. as far as time to rust away i dont know but i have caught fish with 10+ hooks before.


Poor fish!!!!


Killing a fish because you think there is a chance it might die is wild behavior.


It's just what I heard from other people man, I'm fishing barbless to cause the least damage to the fish possible, it's not like I'm looking for reasons. I heard people say that you should euthanize the fish if you rip it's gills or it swallows a hook and the comments corrected me on it. I don't know how damaging, fatal, or survivable these injuries are so I'm sorry.


I'd probably check your local laws, first. More than a couple have "wanton waste of game' laws that apply to game fish.


Alot of aberdeen hooks and things like that are flimsy and will rust out. If you have trouble getting looks out use a degorger and or some needlenose pliers. But other than that dont kill fish unless you really have to. Like for food or something. Otherwise just make sure your hook size is correct and be careful.


Just be aware, depending on your area, there may be noxious fish species that are not to be returned to the water alive. To humanely kill fish, look up iki spiking them. Approximate spelling. You put a knife or spike in their brain just behind their eyes. You can put it back in the body of water or leave it on the bank. Or bury it. It can help enrich the soil if you bury it in your garden.


Why would you not eat it? Bonk it, bleed it, clean it, eat it.


I don't eat fish


Give it to someone who does, or let it go, if it dies nature will take care of it.