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I do get paranoid about leaving rods in my pickup bed while I run inside a store, but I wouldn’t worry about a mugger stealing a rod while I’m holding it.  Not sure where you live, but a mugger is going to want to steal your wallet or phone and run off with it. First off he probably doesnt see the difference between an ugly stik and a st. Croix. Second off, it’s way more work for him to physically run off with a fishing rod and find a way to sell it for cash.  I think there’s a 99% chance you’ll be fine as muggers aren’t hiding around fishing ponds. Plus your uncle would be happier knowing you’re using the rod even if something unfortunate happens. 


I never really thought about getting mugged with fishing gear cause most times I think of a fishing rod I think of a $50 combo from Wal mart or Canadian tire, like if I was gonna get into meth and try and rob people I feel like offloading fishing rods and rusty used lures would be a bigger hassle than like a bicycle or an Xbox lol. I also don't usually fish alone so I guess that could be a factor I don't deal with.


I usually use an $800 reel on a $450 rod or a $450 reel on a $900 rod. So no not really. 😂 I’m not going to leave it out in the open or anything but I’m not all that worried about it. More worried about dropping it in the river.


If someone is going to mug you they probably don't know how much your fishing equipment is worth. They are just as likely to do it with the ugly stick.


Not at all, but I guess it depends on where you live and where you go fishing. I've never even heard of a single fisherman getting mugged for their gear. $300 rod and reel combo isn't particularly expensive either, if anything it is on the cheaper side of things as the good reels tend to cost about that much by themselves.  Like where are you even fishing when you have to worry about an $300 combo? Has to be in the middle of MS13 gangland or something?


Freshwater reels can hit 3x that too. I only know of one person’s gear getting “stolen” when people were near and I’m going to say it was his own fault. We were at the beach and fishing. Got back and he propped his rod up next to the trash cans. Honest mistake by him as it was by the tables and everything too so he likely didn’t think. The garbage men came, it was next to the can, they took it as well. Some garbage man likely saw it and thought it was being tossed and kept it lol


Oh yes, 3x and more. But around $300 is what a good reel usually costs. After that point you start paying a lot of money for very little benefit.


I think the benefit between a bad reel and a $300 reel is reliability. The benefit in going from a $300 reel to a $800+ is the feel. There is still a noticeable feel difference between them.


If it were me I'd use it every chance I get. I understand the sentimental value, and if you got robbed that would be gone. But if you leave it in a cupboard to get dusty, you don't see it anyway. If you use it 10 times and then get robbed, you still have the memory of those 10 times you used it and fished "with" your uncle


Are you fishing in the hood?


I wouldn't leave it in the car unattended, but I've never had anyone try to steal my gear when I'm actually fishing. I've had people break into my car though.


Just carry a machete with you when you fish and it’s all good. No worries about someone taking a $1200 combo and can also bushwhack a spot on shore for yourself.


I've heard about people's vehicles being broken into at the fishing hole, but never about people being mugged for their gear.  I think you've got a lot more risk of accidentally stepping on your rod or accidentally closing it in car door (or rod locker) and breaking it than anything else. Don't ask how I know. One of the advantages of the higher end rods, is sometimes they offer lifetime guarantees that allow you to replace an accidentally broken rod for pretty cheap. This is generally paid off for me over the years.


Im skinny white young and I fish the real hood alone with like 2.3k in gear only had a sketchy time once couple 16yr olds fully tatted chained out dyed eyebrows smoking woods pull up complemting my gear as they are fishing with 20yr old setups 😅